
Topic: American Sports

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@Genrou yeah it probably is my favorite football game ever. I loved all the mini games u could play, like darts and air hockey(i think). Sports games have become such trash nowadays. Im a huge sports fan, i watch almost every sport, but i dont buy any of them anymore. Really sucks, because i used to buy them all.


PSN: ellsworth004


@ellsworth004 I honestly don't but to many sports games mainly cause I tend to spend my money on other games. I tend to buy a Madden or The Show every couple of years since pretty much they are the same game every year but with roster changes.



@ellsworth004 Chicago Bears. Been my favorite team since I watched them beat the Pats in Super Bowl XX.



@Genrou ive always been a redskin fan 😢

Your bears have a brutal defense this year that for sure. Just need to get better play out of QB.

[Edited by ellsworth004]


PSN: ellsworth004


Watching the World Series makes me want to try The Show. I don’t watch baseball usually but I can see how the game is probably pretty fun. If I can get over my prejudice against sports games, maybe I’ll try it. Of all the annual sports franchise games, The Show seems the least... I dunno, sketchy.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@ellsworth004 Yep that's been our story for most of the time I have watched football. Great defense, not so great offense. Lol



@ellsworth004 ouch skins fan huh?! I grew up in the DC area but also in a Cowboys loving family so that's our team. I've witnessed 1st hand Skins fans suffering for quite a while now, though until Snyder goes it'll probably continue!



@redd214 im 42 yrs old and have been a skins fan as long as i can remember. Its been pretty tough to watch for the last several years. Snyder is horrible.

I think jerry jones has become alot better owner than he used to be. Yall are stacked.

[Edited by ellsworth004]


PSN: ellsworth004


@ellsworth004 yeah im 35 so Ive watched the highs and lows of both teams as well. And yes Jerry has definitely improved over the years which is great. We got a ton of talent, hopefully we can keep it going!

Snyder is a tool. He is literally the personification of a scrooge. A short rich guy with very little compassion and surrounded by enablers and yes men. I have dealt with him on a personal level in the past and he's not my favorite human being let's just say that

[Edited by redd214]



@redd214 wow youve actually met Snyder, he does seem like a absolute douch bag. Sucks, because redskins used to have a great owner in Jack Kent Cooke. Them were good times.


PSN: ellsworth004


@ellsworth004 he used to frequent a restaurant I worked at as a yound adult. Probably waited on him 10 times and boy do I have some stories lol.

One time him and his cronies came in like 5 minutes before closing time, they stayed for almost 3 hours. Ordering food and not even eating it, complaining, being obnoxious etc etc. As they're leaving he takes a wad of cash out of his pocket and throws it in the air, laughing maniacally and says there's your tip. It was $40 in 1 dollar bills, there was 3 of us waiting on them, the bill was in the thousands.....

That should give you an idea of why I say that.

Coach Gibbs used to come in frequently too and man, he was the COMPLETE opposite. Humble, respectful, appreciative. One of the nicest people I've ever interacted with!



@redd214 wow...just so glad u shared this with me, i didnt have a very good opinion of him before, but now i really see. Just acting like hes better than u and ur coworkers, i mean damn how hard is it to just be nice to people when they are working hard for ur benefit. Thank u so much for enlightening me on how he is in real life situations. Peice of total crap, i probably would of lost my job if i was in same situation.

Joe Gibbs always seemed like a really stand up guy, good to hear that it true. Do u live in that area, my brother does, and he like me is a huge redskin fan. He has also had some bad experiences with people involved with redskins. Its really sad when u think about it, we love our teams so much, but when it comes down to it probably most of them dont care.


PSN: ellsworth004


@Arugula they had Darnold mic'ed up they should of never put that on TV. Im sure pats defense make alot of QB's feel that way. I think Darnold can be a good QB.


PSN: ellsworth004


Congrats to the Washington Nationals for an improbable World Series Victory.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@ellsworth004 yeah Im just outside of DC, the skin's practice facility is about 5 minutes from my house, I drive past it probably 20 times a week lol.

And the Nats just brought us another championship!!!! Going to be a lot of hungover folks around here tomorrow!!



@redd214 heck yeah, was a great series. Crazy that every win for both teams was the road. I believe thats the first time that has happened in a 7 game championship series in any sport(mlb, nba, and nhl)!


PSN: ellsworth004


@ellsworth004 yeah I heard that stat on Sportscenter, pretty crazy when you think about it! Let's see what the Caps and Wizards do this season keep the titles rolling in lol!


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