Bluepoint Games is now officially part of PlayStation Studios following today's announcement of Sony's acquisition, but the developer's next title won't be a remake like it has come to be known for. In fact, Bluepoint Games is now developing a brand new, original title. Talking during a new interview with IGN, president Marco Thrush said: "Our next project, we're working on original content right now. We can't talk about what that is, but that's the next step in the evolution for us."
While Thrush notes that the studio has always considered itself to be making pieces of new content within its remakes of Shadow of the Colossus and Demon's Souls, the developer's next title will be something entirely original. "Our team is a very highly experienced team, the average experience among most people is about 15 years, and all of them come from original development. It's not like we're a bunch of developers that got trained up on making remasters and remakes. We have that original game development mindset in our hearts, and that's what we're now ready, finally ready with the support of Sony to push forward and show what we can do, and show what PlayStation can do."
You shouldn't expect to see the original project any time soon, however. Thrush comments on how the development of a new title compared to a remaster or remake will be much longer. "You're starting out with the blueprint, right? True original development, there's a blueprint, you execute on it, and then it's not fun and you throw it away and you start over. So yes, by definition, my default answer is going to be original development, of course, takes longer. It has to, otherwise, you wouldn't make a good game."
[source ign.com]
Comments 54
Not a remake
People will still convince themselves they're doing an MGS remake for no reason.
Good to hear though, looking forward to seeing what the team is capable of creating something original.
I’m glad they working on a new ip instead of another remake. I’m getting little tried of remakes personally.
MGS 6 confirmed
from herman's tweet it seems demons souls was the decider for them.
Why am I happy and sad about this news at the same time?
Good news. Please make Pro Evolution Soccer.
Great but I think it’s possible that they have a couple of projects running.
Can't wait I've been saying for a while I'd love to see what Bluepoint could do with an original ip I wonder what genre they'll go for? I'm so excited 😁
Looking forward to their new game, Setal Mear Golid.
@AFCC sad because bluepoint have done such a good job with remasters and remakes. Happy because now we can see what they are capable of when starting from scratch.
Even more exciting than a remake!
Thought they might do a Demons Souls DLC for the broken Archstone - 'The Land of the Giants'.
Mind you they deserve a crack at something original so good luck to them and thanks for all the brilliant remakes /remasters!
This is great news.
Fantastic News.
I’m excited to see a brand new game that’s fully developed by them.
Even as a huge MGS fan I'm so happy they aren't remaking MGS1. It still holds up very well on PS1 and really doesn't need a remake. Let's see Blupoint has got!
Very intrigued, I do hope they plan on creating more remakes down the track, but all the experience gained from said remakes, no doubt inspired them, now they can flex the extent of their creativity.
What type of game would everyone like to see from Bluepoint next?
I'd love to see an Open-World RPG in a similar vein to Legend of Dragoon, Dragon Quest & Fable.
Just cause they're working on a new ip doesn't mean they can't do a remake in the future lol. Next gens barely started
Very happy to hear that, they deserve more than just being that remake old games studio although is most probable that they are working on two projects as most studios do.
The teaser they tweeted was not one but two, so I still think they are doing a remake and an original title.
@JustPlainLoco An RPG of some kind would be awesome I'm always begging for more horror but that doesn't seem to be Bluepoint's wheelhouse so yeah I'd say an RPG
Hi there fellow gamers.
As much as I would absolutely love a MGS Remake on PS5, and I still would like that thank you very much, them going for something original is also great.
Let their creativity run free and make the best gaming experience possible, winning even more fans along the way.
But also, that tiny little thing called MGS Remake.......
And Bloodborne....... And Legend of Dragoon.......
And you get the point 😜
Here´s to another awesome and unique IP for Playstation
Cheers, stay safe everyone and happy gaming to us all
It’s probably Bloodboure 2
@Stragen8 - I would collapse of a heart attack if that were true, but I think it's a brand new original IP.
I wonder if its a horror game or a action rpg.or a stealth game.or a third person shooter.im happy for bluepoint.those guys got talents.welcome to the PlayStation family.word up son
Syphon Filter 4. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
@JustPlainLoco haha I agree - but they’d be perfect to do it after getting experience with Demons Souls.
Blast Factor 2 lol.
@Stragen8 with collaboration of FromSoftware I hope otherwise I honestly wouldn't be interested 😅
Enough with the MGS crap. Glad there making something original.
Of course everything is black or white in the comments. Imagine a studio that is working on multiple titles at once, unimaginable! There has been so much talk about a mgs remake that nobody ever considered a remake of the original msx metal gear games would make far more sense. It would basically be an original game besides some plot points anyways. I have the feeling most commenters don't even get the difference between a remake and a remaster.
Think I'd just prefer them to continue to do remakes ...haven't got that much faith in them doing something original....but will have to see
Noo, but they’re so good making remake, I want them to keep making sony 1st party games remake 😅
@AFCC Totally get that conflict.
On the one hand: very sad to say the absolute best in the business at remakes is doing something else.
On the other: it's been known for a while that they wanted to make their own games. With their undoubted talent they deserve that shot.
My HOPE is that over time the studio will expand and they will run two titles at a time. 1 remake and 1 original. Here's hoping!
Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link Confirmed!
They have remade some incredibly influential games, so I'm interested in seeing where they direct that experience to next.
I'm interested to see what they come up with.
Good luck with the original content! I’m sure Nixxes can take the helm for some remasters in the meantime.
Their remakes have been amazing training. Can't wait to see what they come up with
Sony could have easily kept Bluepoint doing remake after remake as a safe bet, but they are letting them stretch their wings, with all the risk and added expense that brings. That's commendable.
This is obviously why it took so long for them to sign the contract.
Sony wanted Knack 1& 2 remakes, but Bluepoint stuck to their guns and finally get to make the game that all Playstation owners want: Tokyo Jungle 2 VR.
@themightyant that would be the perfect scenario! I hope it happens sooner than we think
.. notice they said original content, not original IP.. could mean a sequel of some description.. or continuation of a franchise...
Bloodborne 2 or Metal Gear Solid 6 please! I'd also happily take a Legend of the Dragoon sequel.
Tisk!... And here i was hoping for a proper Bloodborne Remaster or Remake.
@AFCC another thought on this. Sony studios share technology.
Bluepoint were unique, as far as I know, in doing remasters in a different way by running the original engine alongside their bespoke ‘Bluepoint’ engine.
This allowed them to keep all the old game logic so that the game and gameplay FELT exactly the same (you WERE playing this original underneath) but they used the Bluepoint engine to run new graphics, real-time weather and other upgrades over the top.
Now that they are a Sony studio it’s possible this Bluepoint engine could be shared with other PS Studios as well as sharing knowledge. Just an idea.
Good. I take a new IP over a remake any day!
@Judal27 Hey, your profile pic, is that ken kaneki from tokyo ghoul?
@reek yep it is lol
@Judal27 So weird im watching the final season right now
@reek nice, still need to catch up myself, but hope you enjoy
This is good news. I'd much rather see them stretch themselves with new IP rather than more remasters.
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