Can you use a PS4 controller on the PS5? Will the DualShock 4 work with the PlayStation 5? Controller compatibility is one of the biggest questions pointed at the PS5 right now – especially with Sony confirming PS5 backwards compatibility. We're going to learn whether you can use a PS4 controller on PS5 as part of our PS5 guide. Alternatively, you may be curious about the following: Can You Use a PS5 Controller on PS4?
Can You Use a PS4 Controller on the PS5?
Sony’s confirmed that you won't be able to use a PS4 controller to play PS5 games, but it makes sense for the PlayStation 5 to support the DualShock 4 when playing games that are backwards compatible with the PlayStation 4. You can find out more about backwards compatibility through here: PS5 Backwards Compatibility: Can You Play PS4 Games on PlayStation 5?
The PS4 controller will work as expected when you’re playing PS4 titles on the PS5. However, new functionality included with the PS5 controller means that your DualShock 4 isn’t compatible with PS5 games. You can learn more about the DualSense controller through here: PS5 Controller: DualSense Features, Price, and Battery Life.
Are you hopeful you'll be able to use your PS4 controller on PS5? Check out our PS5 guide, and then let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 19
Can you do this?
Push Square: We don't know yet!
So why release the guide? lol
I'd rather they didn't. When you buy the console it comes with a controller, and most gamers of today are the antisocial variety who only play online, so they're already covered. Yeah it might be a little problematic for people like myself who have a gaming family, but there's literally no need to have 4+ controllers right at the start of the generation. If your kids are young enough to require a schedule, plan around it. If they're old enough to work, have them buy their own. I myself will be buying 2 consoles since we're a gamesharing family (the proper way) so I'll automatically have 2 controllers and virtually no need for another.
The issue I'm seeing directly correlates to Microsoft and their moves to remain relevant as they transition 3rd party. Making everything for every box, all families compatible, no clear generational difference in software availability, anti-consumer services like Gamepass, etc. People keep praising them for God knows what when they're literally Sega in the Genesis era right now.
Would it be near if the DS4 was compatible? Yeah, much like how you could use it on the PS3, but it's ultimately unnecessary and there doesn't need to be yet another list for developers to check off when ensuring their game will run smoothly.
@GoblinKing86 With all due respect I disagree. It's also about design over function and the investment carrying over from PS4. my original dualshock stopped working and I have two nice dualshock 4's iv'e already put my money into. When my friends come over I don't want to have to buy another dual sense for my PS5 just to be able to play games with them. Not only that, but it's the berry blue Dualshock 4 and the white one version too. They're nice controllers that I don't want to sit gathering dust with my PS4.
Again i totally respect your opinion and whats right for you and for your family, but for me if they don't allow my dualshocks 4's to work it's money right out oy my pocket on new controllers when i'd have controller i love gathering dust on the shelf
@Rhigvili agreed. I also have the nacon Pro 3 and also a one x. And i think xbox do a great job with builds for their systems the xbox controller especially the fusion Pro is great for 80 pounds and I also have four duel shocks two new two old and like I said the new nacon 3 so I'm no longer wanting them to sit and do nothing also.but that said, despite getting the new console I will still play my ps4 regularly due to most friends still having one, not to mention all the the back catalogue of great games. no way will the ps4 still be made redundant due to having 100 million players on them. It will still take the ps5 atleast a few years to build up what people actually want from it and also cheaper games. Because let's face it, the price of next gen games are gonna be well over 70 pounds. And that itself is a huge problem considering. So yeah next gen is great but with all the ***** that's bn going on it will still take years to build up a library of what we all want. My pro I'm still happy with for now and the one x underneath it. Onwhich why do i play xbox also. Because the witcher 3 and tomb raiders all look stunning in true 4k even at 30 fps. I will always be a Sony fan though. But let's all wait and see how things turn out.
@GoblinKing86. Im so happy the controllers will most likely be compatable but even more so about psvr being compatable with ps5.
Why would you do that anyways? Apart from saving some money. Don’t let last gen hold up next gen experience. Plus the DualSense is way better.
The dual shock 4 is my favorite gaming controller of ALL time, for me personally it's perfect. I do NOT like what I've seen with the dual sense so far, it literally looks like a Xbox controller with PlayStation buttons on it which is a shame because like I said I felt the DS4 was perfect for me personally. As far as compatibility goes, it'd be nice to see the DS4 live on as a legacy controller that works with the 4000 plus PS4 titles that'll be playable on PS4 thanks to backwards compatibility. As for the dual sense controller I'm remaining cautiously optimistic as I have faith in Sony's ability to improve on previous designs. I will need to play multiple games for hours on end before I can make a proper assessment of it being 'better' than the dual shock 4.. happy gaming!
The PS5 DS5 has the same fundamental features as the DS4, so supporting the legacy DS4 controller is not only superfluous, but also extremely dumb. I have no reason to belive playstation would do this, since they obviously want to progress forward, not step backwards. Why would you also want to miss out on the DS5's many improvements? Again, dumb.
Or you could just accept that things improve and progress, and that you need to stop being a whiny sook about the most pathetic/ arbitrary things. It looks nothing like an xbox controller for a fair few obviously reasons and the fact is ergonomics, regardless of opinion, generally points to a similar direction. With that said, I have yet to actually meet anyone who has to stare at their controller while playing games (Wii U not withstanding). The question is what reason do you have to question the fact this is an improvement? That seems like baseless bs for the sake of justifying your opinion. Simply put: let it go. I swear gamers don't like gaming and just want x reason to whine about ***** smh. I mean, you could be given exactly what you want and still complain. Just shut up, get it?
P.s. the battery life, rumble, ergonomics and speaker weren't perfect and there was obviously room improvement that has been fulfilled. Just watch the DS5 hands on and, again, get over it 🤦🏼♂️.
Well, with all due respect, stop being a cheapskate and pony up 50 buck for a new one. I mean, it's not like the consoles comes with one is it? Lmfao. Most would have gotten over the ps4 and traded them in. I mean, with ps5 supporting the ps4 natively, why would you keep a ps4 and ds4 around? You'll spend more money on games anyway and if you are the person so inclined to keep things, then you can still play the same PS4 games with friends, only on a pd5 with a new, improved DS5. Just buy a new damn new controller and stop whining ffs!!! People on push Square are annoying af these days 🙄.
@OhYeahNahYeah naw man you need to get over it, I NEVER said the dual sense was a bad controller NOR did I say I thought the DS4 was a better controller. I believe the new dual sense controller is the perfect upgrade to the controller & is filled with amazing technological improvements! I only said my ONLY concern was the size of the controller which I also said I won't know for sure how it'll effect things until I have it in my hands. So no, YOU are the one who needs to get over 'it' LMAO 😂 you will not sit there and call me whiny while you just wrote a long response 'whining' and misinterpreting what I was saying in the first place. I still believe the DS4 is an amazing controller but I also believe the new dual sense controller will be even BETTER than the DS4 which is why I said I'd like the DS4 to be a legacy controller that can be used for backwards compatibility with PS4 games. SMH calm down buddy ✌️
' it literally looks like a Xbox controller with PlayStation buttons on it which is a shame' which is supposed to mean? I mean, it doesn’t in any way, and in fact, looks like a natural progression with ergonomics at the forefront this time. Bigger =/= xbox. I clearly knew what you were implying. Regardless, DS5 retains the same features, meaning the DS4 support is redundant and you need to move on, as I said before. Don't read into it too much, you know, before making your problem my problem. I don't care what you think is perfect or not, it logically stands to reason that the DS4 wasn't. Move on. I also have no idea what necessitated the doubt. Your options are exactly move on or go 3rd party. Nobody cares about this arbitrary, pal. Lmfao.
The ps4 is dulshock the ps5 is dulsence so probly not (idk how spell)
@OhYeahNahYeah wow dude, wow.
I hope so I've spent a over $300 in scuf different controllers.
Can't really argue with your own words lmfao
And Sony drops the ball yet again. DS4 controllers won't work with PS5 games.
Not only will Xbone controllers work on Series X, but Series X controllers will work on the Xbone!
I have four tykes, and I'm not into games like that anymore, but we had quite a bit of those extra playstation 4 controllers, so it's a shame, but I might just have to buy 3 new ones! But I'll do anything for my kids.
Sadly, to rub a lemon on my wallet's wound, my youngest has gotten a liking to the taste of playstation 4 discs, damaging some of our favorite ones, like crash racing.
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