As this history degree dropout can attest, video games are far more compelling than textbooks. We can also attest that historical video games can lead one down a solitary but deeply rewarding road; Civilization VII's senior historian is hopeful that the upcoming 4X grand strategy (launching day and date on PS5, 11th February) title will be a "gateway drug" for the kids these days, who are allegedly allergic to textbooks.
When not developing the next entry in the legendary franchise, Dr. Andrew Johnson teaches undergraduates about the wonder and magic of history. Sadly, as has always been the case, finding a way to hook students on what can sometimes be a dry subject is no easy task. Speaking to PC Gamer, Johnson lamented the state of today's youth: "I teach undergraduates in my other life, and my God, man, they don't read." Nevertheless, Johnson hopes the personality of (not to mention the hype around) Civ VII will spur players' interests:
"Trying to get them interested in history—if somebody plays Machiavelli, they might get really kind of interested. Machiavelli maybe has enough name recognition already, but like Amina [Queen of Zazzau], or, 'OK, this is the Ming Dynasty, how is that different from the Han Dynasty?' If that can provoke somebody to be interested in history, that is what's important here. This is not the textbook. This is the gateway drug into the textbook. If textbooks were drugs."