Update []: As promised, Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero's big update is available to download now on PS5. It weighs in at 4.8GB.
Just to recap, the patch makes all of the game's stages playable in local versus mode, and makes some significant changes to the core combat system by adding new mechanics and adjusting others. You can find all the details in the original article below.
Original Story: This week, Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero will get its biggest update yet, and it features some highly requested improvements. It drops on the 12th December.
Kicking things off on a very positive note, local versus mode is getting a welcome upgrade: all stages are going to be made available when playing offline with a friend. Previously, only the Hyperbolic Time Chamber stage was playable, supposedly because of technical limitations — so it sounds like the developer has worked something out.
On top of that, significant balance adjustments are being made to combat. Basically, Sparking! Zero has problems when it comes to more advanced play. It was never designed to be a truly competitive fighter — but there are still certain mechanics and tactics that can be abused.
With that in mind, this update is clearly trying to overhaul the flow of battle — while also making some changes to the game's more... problematic characters.
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero December Update Patch Notes
Game Mode Adjustments
All stages are now available in offline P1 vs. P2 battles.
Functionality Adjustments
Battle Setup
• A function allowing you to change a character's display method has been added.
• The "My Sets" function has been added for Team Members.
Ranked Match / Player Match
• You can now skip the intro battle animations (requires both players to input the skip command).
Player Match
• You can now set your team to hidden or revealed to your opponent when editing your team.
Custom Battle Mode
• Text can now be sorted alphabetically.
• You can now set the battle camera distance to be closer.
Battle System Adjustments
High-Speed Dragon Dash (New Action)
• The new quick movement action, "High-Speed Dragon Dash", where you can move quickly towards your opponent, has been added. Perform with R2 and holding X (PS5) or RT and holding A (XSX/S).
Smash Attack
• You will no longer be stunned when being hit by a Rush Ki Blast when charging a Smash Attack.
• When charging a Smash Attack during a Rush Attack, charge time reduction based on hit count has been increased.
Rush Ki Blast
• The time between being able to fire the next Rush Ki Blast after firing the maximum consecutive amount at once (different for each character) has been increased.
Rush Ki Blast Deflection
• You can now move while deflecting Rush Ki Blasts.
• You will now no longer be able to be hit by certain attacks immediately after performing a Step.
• Rush Ki Blast and Smash Ki Blast can now also be evaded.
Z-Burst Dash
• The amount of Ki consumed when activating it has been increased.
Burst Smash
• Ki will no longer be consumed when activating it and will instead consume an amount based on the distance traveled.
• Damage has been increased when using a boost.
• Z-Search will no longer lose track of your opponent when characters are swapped.
• You will now quickly regain sight of your opponent if they enter your line of sight from the front when Z-Search is not locked onto them.
• The input window has been shortened.
• Z-Counter will become more difficult to perform if performed consecutively.
• Ki consumed has been increased when successfully performing a Z-Counter.
• Skill Count increase speed has been reduced when successfully performing a Z-Counter.
Revenge Counter
• Skill Count consumed when using Perception against Revenge Counter has been reduced from 2 to 1.
Rush Attacks during Sparking! Mode
• Gradual damage reduction of consecutive hits has been increased.
• The final attack of Aerial Combos and Aerial Slash Combos will no longer be interrupted by guarding.
Character Switch
• Health recovery rate of Standby characters has been reduced.
Z-Burst Dash (Giant Characters)
• The tackle done by Giant characters during Z-Burst Dashes is now guardable.
Skill Adjustments
Skills that cause instant Sparking! Mode
• Skill Count consumed has been increased.
Skills that increase stats in general
• Skill Count consumed has been decreased.
Afterimage Strike
• Effect duration has been reduced to 10 seconds and will be removed if your opponent uses Perception while you are under the effect.
False Courage
• Skill Count consumed has been increased from 1 to 2.
Technique: All I Need Is Five Seconds!
• Skill Count consumed has been increased from 3 to 2 and status increase upon activation has been increased.
Stardust Barrier
• You can now activate it while receiving melee attacks from the front.
Blast Adjustments
Long-Range Blasts and Ultimate Blasts
• Speed has been reduced.
Super Vegito: Final Kamehameha
• Ki consumed and damage has been increased.
Goku (Mini): Quick Rush
• Trajectory can now be changed while Rushing.
Mr. Satan: Present Bomb
• Increased ending lag after activation.
Character Adjustments
Android 19/ Dr. Gero
• Health/Ki amount absorbed on successful throw has been adjusted.
• Dragon Dash, Quick Ascend, and Quick Descend now consume Ki.
Cell 2nd Form
• You can now escape the throw.
• Amount of Health restored upon transforming has been increased.
Giant Characters
• Increased the time it takes to charge a Smash Attack and reduced its power.
Great Ape Vegeta / Dr. Wheelo
• Maximum health has been reduced.
• We have improved performance and ease of use.
What do you make of this patch? Will you be blasting back into Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero? Watch your power levels soar in the comments section below.
[source en.bandainamcoent.eu]
Comments 8
This game is so disappointing to me in regards to playing with friends. We need more options for versus mode. Like increasing characters health and letting us use as many op characters as we want without that dumb limit.
These changes overall look like they'll make the game less fun playing offline now-.-'
Good changes, not many buffs but it looks pretty good all around. I loved using the All I Need is Five Seconds so that's a cool buff to see.
Easily the best thing here though is more stages in local versus, really changes the game. I'm on PC so I've got a mod for it (and a 32:9 monitor to boot) but it'll be nice to have it natively implemented by the devs.
This is overall great news! I'm hoping the split screen on all stages didn't come at the cost of performance or visual quality in non-split screen modes.
Thank god split screen has all the levels now. Playing vs with my son can be awful in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber because he always does that thing where he makes a character hide. He uses the giant characters a lot of the time too, so it’s double baffling that we run out of time when he does this. At least I can justify it if we’re in a world. Lol
This game needs more content and fixes faster
I just wish they'd make story mode easier (while still allowing the what-ifs). I bought this game at launch and only played it once because it was so horribly unfun. I loved BT1-3, by the way, and never found them particularly difficult, but this was the least fun I've had playing a game in many years. Well, apart from the minigames in Rebirth. Only case of buyer's remorse I've had in probably at least a decade.
@Matroska I've found that entering (and staying in) sparking mode as quick as possible just instantly evens out the playing field on a lot of harder stages- hope that helps, if you hadn't thought to try already!
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