What are the best weapons in Dynasty Warriors: Origins? In this Dynasty Warriors: Origins guide, we're going to provide a step-by-step guide on how to acquire the game's strongest weapons, so that you can tackle the hardest difficulties and battles with no trouble.

What are the Best Weapons in Dynasty Warriors: Origins?

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Image: Push Square

Simply put, the best weapons in Dynasty Warriors: Origins are the ones that you unlock after beating the game for the first time.

Up until the final battle of your first playthrough, you'll likely have encountered weapons up to Grade 6 rarity. However, once the credits roll and you advance to New Game+, you'll unlock a new rarity tier called Grade 7, which are marked with a golden colour code.

Grade 7 weapons have one of highest base damage stats (326) in the game, and can boast some of the strongest weapon perks.

How Do You Unlock Grade 7 Weapons?

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Image: Push Square

Grade 7 weapons can be bought at weapon shops after you've finished the game — but the shop versions come with just two or three predetermined perks, and if you want to wield the absolute strongest weapons, you can do better.

When you're in New Game+, Grade 7 weapons have a chance of dropping at random from enemy officers. They drop regardless of your current difficulty setting, and regardless of the battle's recommended rank.

However, Grade 7 weapons have a better chance to drop if you're playing on a harder difficulty.

And so, you need to get grinding. Play through the campaign again and you'll collect a bunch of Grade 7 weapons along the way.

Once you've got some Grade 7 weapons, it's time to start the next step...

What Is Weapon Reforging?

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Image: Push Square

Also unlocked once you've beaten the game for the first time, Reforging is available at any city on the map.

Reforging lets you take one of your favourite weapons and sacrifice another weapon of the same type and rarity in order to either boost its attack power, or replace one of its perks. The sacrificed weapon is destroyed in this process.

You'll need to make clever use of Reforging if you wish to create the strongest weapons.

How Do You Reforge the Best Weapons?

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Image: Push Square

In order to craft the best weapons, you'll need to gather a number of Grade 7 weapons and then start Reforging them into one all-powerful example of that weapon type.

This can take a lot of time depending on how lucky you get with your random Grade 7 weapon drops — and there's no way around that.

With how time consuming this process can be, here's a step-by-step walkthrough on how to Reforge the strongest possible weapon:

  1. Find a Grade 7 weapon that has six perk slots. This is incredibly important because the maximum number of perk slots is six, and you cannot add more slots to a weapon that has less. So use this six-slot weapon as the basis for your ultimate armament.
  2. Gather more Grade 7 weapons of that weapon type. Obviously, this is where luck becomes more and more of a factor. Reforging only works with weapons of the same type and rarity, so you need to bank on finding more of the same Grade 7 weapon.
  3. Prioritise perks. Perks are more important than your weapon's base attack stat. If you find a Grade 7 weapon that has a powerful perk, Reforge it and add that perk to you six-slot weapon. Keep in mind that you can only transfer one perk per sacrificed weapon.
  4. No perk? Boost your attack instead. If you find a Grade 7 weapon that doesn't have a perk you're interested in, Reforge it to boost your six-slot weapon's attack power instead.
  5. Buy weapons to further boost your attack. If you have money to burn, spend it on Grade 7 weapons at the shop, and then Reforge those weapons to boost the attack of your main six-slot weapon. Your money caps at 999,999 — so feel free to spend whenever you're nearing the limit.

Follow these steps and you should — eventually — end up with a super-powered Grade 7 weapon. The only other thing to consider is the weapon perks themselves...

What Are the Best Weapon Perks?

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Image: Push Square

Generally speaking, the best weapon perks are going to depend on your style of play, and the weapon type you most like using.

However, there are a handful of weapon perks that are always powerful regardless of those factors — the kind of perks that you should always consider Reforging if you come across them.

Here's a list of the weapon perks that we think are worth looking out for:

Boosts damage to officers by X%

This is as straightforward as perks get. Officers are always your biggest threat, and doing extra damage always helps.

Boosts normal attack strength by X%

Another simple perk that's always useful, and it stacks with the above perk for damage to enemy officers.

Boosts strong attack strength by X%

Again, a flat % increase to damage is always useful.

Boosts damage to Wushu when attacking officers by X%

Wushu refers to the morale or stamina bars of officers. Being able to deplete it faster and open them up to maximum damage is important.

Grants X% chance of not draining the Bravery Gauge when activating a Battle Art

This is a very rare perk, so be sure to keep an eye out for it. Having a chance of not losing any Bravery is a big deal, even if it's low.

Extends the input window for parries

This perk's usefulness will depend on your overall skill level, but it can really come in handy on the game's harder difficulties, where the parry timing is noticeably reduced.

Boosts Bravery gained during parries by X%

This doesn't increase your Bravery generation by a huge amount right off the bat, but it does add up over time, giving you more opportunities to strike back with Battle Arts.

Boosts Bravery gained by X%

This perk is better than the previous perk overall when it comes to generating additional Bravery, but you can also stack them for maximum effect.

Boosts Attack by 30% for a limited time when you successfully perform a perfect evade

A great perk for more skilled players, giving you a hefty attack bonus if you're good at dodging incoming blows.

Reduces the charge time for strong attacks by 33%

This perk only makes sense on weapons that are reliant on powerful charge attacks — like the Podao or Crescent Blade — but it can make a big difference to your damage output.

Keep an eye out for these perks, slap them on your weapon via the Reforge system, and you should be well on your way to owning some of the strongest weapons in Dynasty Warriors: Origins.

Did you find this best weapons in Dynasty Warriors: Origins guide useful? Be sure to check out our Dynasty Warriors: Origins guide for more help with the game, and then forge the strongest weapon the world has ever seen in the comments section below.