How does New Game+ work in Dynasty Warriors: Origins? In this Dynasty Warriors: Origins guide, we're going to go over everything that you need to know about post-game content, and why New Game+ is so important to the game's overall structure.

How Does New Game+ Work in Dynasty Warriors: Origins?

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Image: Push Square

Upon completing Dynasty Warriors: Origins for the first time, you'll be asked to save your game. When you load this save back up, you'll find yourself at an inn, returned to a point just before the final battle takes place.

There's a key difference, however. From now on, you'll be able to select the 'Story' option from the inn menu, and jump backwards to any chapter, event, or battle that you've previously completed.

This means that you can return to the all-important Chapter 3, and choose to join a different kingdom than the one you completed the previous campaign with. Or, you can simply restart the game all the way from the prologue, if you want to relieve the experience in its entirety.

For much more information on the three main factions, check out our Dynasty Warriors: Origins: What Kingdom Should You Choose? guide.

What Carries Over to New Game+ in Dynasty Warriors: Origins?

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Image: Push Square

In short, just about everything carries over to New Game+ in Dynasty Warriors: Origins.

Here's a list of what you get to keep if you decide to return to a previous point in the game:

  • Character Rank (level)
  • Character stats
  • Unlocked weapon abilities
  • Weapons
  • Accessories
  • Items
  • Horses
  • Money
  • Skill tree progress
  • Squad strategies and troop numbers
  • Character bond levels (this means that previously unlocked character events won't trigger again)
  • Shops retain their endgame inventories
  • Regions retain their Peace levels
  • Gameplay statistics (total KOs, weapon usage, etc.)
  • Total playtime

The base difficulty of Story battles does not increase in New Game+. This means that the game's early battles will be incredibly easy because of your heightened stats.

Of course, you can choose to increase the difficulty setting to add a little spice, or you can equip weaker weapons to retain some level of challenge.

What Does New Game+ Add in Dynasty Warriors: Origins?

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Image: Push Square

Once you've completed the game, there are numerous additions unlocked in New Game+.

Ultimate Warrior Difficulty

This fourth difficulty setting is by far the hardest of the bunch, cranking enemy aggression up even further.

By playing on Ultimate difficulty, you gain access to new 'Challenges' in each and every story battle. Completing a Challenge rewards you with Old Coins, money, additional troops, unique accessories, weapons, or horses. The reward depends on the battle.

Generally speaking, though, your character will need to be very powerful in order to tackle Ultimate difficulty. You'll need to make use of the other additions that New Game+ brings to the table, detailed below.

Grade 7 Weapons

After completing the game, you'll gain access to Grade 7 weapons. These are basically the strongest weapons in the game, boasting the highest base attack stats.

Grade 7 weapons can be bought at weapon shops, and they can drop at random from any defeated officers. Playing on harder difficulty settings, or playing through harder battles, increases the drop rate of Grade 7 weapons.

Check out our full Dynasty Warriors Origins: Best Weapons and How to Unlock Them guide for more information on Grade 7 weapons.

Weapon Reforging

A new system called Weapon Reforging is unlocked after completing the game. You can access Weapon Reforging at any weapon shop.

Weapon Reforging is your means for creating the game's strongest weapons. You can take two weapons of the same type and rarity, and transfer an ability, or use the weaker weapon to boost the other's attack stat. Doing so destroys the secondary weapon.

Rank / Weapon Mastery Cap Increase

Before completing the game, your hero's Rank (level) is capped at 64, and you can reach this by hitting maximum Mastery with every weapon type.

However, in New Game+, the Rank cap is raised all the way to 101, which means that you can raise your stats even higher.

To make this possible, every weapon's Mastery cap is also increased, from 8 to 11, and the new Mastery levels grant additional stat bonuses. However, these new levels take a lot of grinding to reach.

Altered Fates

Altered Fates aren't necessarily restricted to New Game+, but it's likely that you won't know about them (or be strong enough to see them) until you've completed the game.

Basically, each of the three main factions — Shu, Wei, and Wu — have a battle where you can unlock an alternate timeline by achieving certain conditions during said battle. These conditions can be completed on any difficulty setting.

The 'Story' menu at the inn shows where these timelines begin and end, so you can jump straight to those pivotal battles, if you want.

Did you find this guide on New Game+ In Dynasty Warriors: Origins useful? Be sure to check out our Dynasty Warriors: Origins guide for more help with the game, and then start forging some all-powerful weapons in the comments section below.