How does New Game+ work in Dynasty Warriors: Origins? In this Dynasty Warriors: Origins guide, we're going to go over everything that you need to know about post-game content, and why New Game+ is so important to the game's overall structure.
How Does New Game+ Work in Dynasty Warriors: Origins?

Upon completing Dynasty Warriors: Origins for the first time, you'll be asked to save your game. When you load this save back up, you'll find yourself at an inn, returned to a point just before the final battle takes place.
There's a key difference, however. From now on, you'll be able to select the 'Story' option from the inn menu, and jump backwards to any chapter, event, or battle that you've previously completed.
This means that you can return to the all-important Chapter 3, and choose to join a different kingdom than the one you completed the previous campaign with. Or, you can simply restart the game all the way from the prologue, if you want to relieve the experience in its entirety.
For much more information on the three main factions, check out our Dynasty Warriors: Origins: What Kingdom Should You Choose? guide.