E3 2015 News
Video Watch Us Round Up PlayStation at E3 2015
That's a wrap
We may have bleary eyes and itchy armpits, but this video editor has lived to see another E3. This one was particularly exciting, so in order to tie a big pretty bow around proceedings, we've produced a nice video wrap up for you if you can't arsed with, y'know, words. Sit back and watch while we run you through all of Sony's big...
News Sony: We Like to Have a Balance of Sequels and Risky Concepts in Our First-Party Portfolio
Yoshida explains Japanese giant's approach to exclusives
Shuhei Yoshida, the president of Sony's Worldwide Studios network, is one of the most powerful people in gaming. Not only does he have an enormous Twitter following, but he's also in charge of every first-party project that deploys on a PlayStation platform. That means that he's responsible...
Feature Push Square's E3 2015 Game of the Show - Horizon: Zero Dawn
Bring me the Horizon
There hasn't been this much buzz surrounding Guerrilla Games for a while. The first-party firm last truly dropped jaws with its infamous Killzone 2 demo at E3 2005, a clip that turned out to be staged. A decade later, the Dutch developer has learned a lesson or two – it always shows gameplay where possible for a start...
Poll What Was Your Favourite PlayStation Game of E3 2015?
Playing favourites
Wow, what an incredible E3 it's been. Many of the announcements at this year's sun drenched convention outstripped our wildest imaginations, and while the remainder of this year's lineup has been set in stone for some time, there's an enormous amount to look forward to over the coming years – including Shenmue III and Final...
News Sony: We Aren't Making Vita Games Because of Consumer Expectations
Say what?
Don't hold your breath for any big budget PlayStation Vita games. Sony stopped seriously supporting the handheld long ago, but its executives are getting to a point where they're so blunt it hurts. Speaking to Game Informer, Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida said that the real reason the Vita isn't being supported is because...
E3 2015 Pump Yourself Up with This PlayStation Montage
Games! Games! Games!
E3 2015's now well over, which means that plenty of post-show padding content is being published – not least on this very site. Take this trailer that Sony's plastered all over YouTube; it's filled with games, and we're going to do a spot of free advertising for the platform holder and share it with you all. To be fair, it is...
E3 2015 What Remains of Edith Finch Sounds Utterly Insane
Control animals in the search for scran
Remember how The Unfinished Swan frequently introduced new mechanics – only to toss them out about an hour later? Giant Sparrow's pushing that idea further with What Remains of Edith Finch, a game which is all about the ancestry of an unusual family over time. The demo that the developer's showing at E3 2015...
E3 2015 Mirror's Edge Catalyst Will Be More Accessible, But Will Still Reward Skill
Faith no more
Mirror's Edge on the PlayStation 3 was great, but few of its fans would deny that it had problems. The combat was probably right at the top of the list, but it also had some really frustrating difficulty spikes. In the series' sophomore outing, Mirror's Edge Catalyst on the PlayStation 4, it will be a little more forgiving – but...
Feature 10 of the Best PS4 Videos from E3 2015
Blinded by brilliance
E3 2015 almost had too many great videos to count, but we've somehow managed to cut our seemingly endless list of brilliant clips down to the ten best. Now, by ten best, we mean the very best of the best; these are the videos that we reckon defined this year's E3. That said, if you want to scour through almost every piece of...
E3 2015 Bethesda Says Graphics Were Sacrificed for Gameplay in Fallout 4
The beauty of destruction
"Everything that we do is a balance", Bethesda marketing director Pete Hines told GameSpot. The publisher's upcoming open world role-playing game, Fallout 4, got a big showing at this year's E3, but there's been a lot of conversation regarding the title's visual prowess. "We could make the best looking game possible, but...
Soapbox Was E3 2015 Just a Dream?
Sammy Barker reflects on the greatest of all time
I'm half expecting to stir from my slumber any minute, clammy after a restless night filled with vivid dreams. That can't have been E3 2015, can it – a show in which the impossible became possible all within the span of an hour? I've been covering this event for a good six years now, and I know,...
Video Rewatch Sony's Best Ever E3 Press Conference Right Here
An hour and a half of wonder
Isn't it a great time of the year to be Push Square's resident video person? E3 leaks footage like nothing else in gaming, but the highlights are obviously the publisher press conferences. This year's Los Angeles expo was home to what we have dubbed Sony's best ever presser, and your humble host has embedded it in this...
E3 2015 Bizarre PS4 Exclusive The Tomorrow Children Blasts Off in Autumn
Tomorrow Never Dies
The Tomorrow Children is one of the PlayStation 4's strangest exclusives, and a classic example of how the Japanese giant is committed to supporting totally unique experiences. Unique being the strongly operative word here, though, as we're still not entirely sure what the game is actually about. At any rate, the tantalizing...
E3 2015 PS4 First-Person Sandbox RPG Kingdom Come: Deliverance Is Definitey One to Watch
Life is not just a fantasy
Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a role-playing game, but it doesn't feature any fantasy tropes. There's no magic, no dragons - just you, your trusty blade, and maybe a horse. The successful Kickstarter title's in development at Czech studio Warhorse, and it's planning to release a beta for the game - at least on PC - later...
E3 2015 Almost Half PS4 Owners Never Had a PS3
Changing minds
At this point, we can probably all accept that the PlayStation 3 had problems. It was ultimately a great console, don't get us wrong – but Sony really misfired with the architecture and price, prompting it to lose ground against a very aggressive Xbox 360. With the PlayStation 4, however, the Japanese giant's got back to its...
E3 2015 Sony's Been Borrowing Ideas from Oculus, Says Yoshida
Both products will be launching "very, very soon"
Sony's biggest fear for Project Morpheus isn't that it will be outdone by the Oculus Rift; rather, the company is more concerned that virtual reality may never catch on. That's according to Shuhei Yoshida, the president of Sony's Worldwide Studios, who spoke to Polygon earlier today. "We know each...
E3 2015 Deus Ex: Mankind Divided's 25 Minute PS4 Gameplay Demo Tells You All You Need to Know
Adam's back with a vengeance
Adam Jensen's one hell of a capable operative - that much is clear after watching this 25 minute Deus Ex: Mankind Divided demo. The meaty chunk of gameplay shows off everything from stealth and hacking to the new weapons in Jensen's arsenal - and it all looks pretty great. The game's cyberpunk world seems more stylised...
E3 2015 PS4 Exclusive Dreams Is More Flexible Than LittleBigPlanet
Play, create, share
What is Dreams? Media Molecule isn't really telling us a whole lot about the PlayStation 4 exclusive right now, but Shuhei Yoshida has answers. Chatting on a GameSpot stream with the Kinda Funny crew, the Worldwide Studios president delved into a little more detail about the mysterious project – and promised more information...
E3 2015 So, What Is World of Final Fantasy on PS4 and Vita Exactly?
Final Fantasy for a new generation
When it was first unveiled at Sony's E3 2015 press conference, no one was quite sure what to make of the cutesy World of Final Fantasy. From what we could tell, it seemed to be a more traditional role-playing game, complete with a colourful world and cameos from various Final Fantasy characters and creatures from...
Round Up Your Ultimate Guide to All of E3 2015's Biggest News, Trailers, and Announcements
What a week that was
Can you believe it? E3 2015 just about done after almost a solid week of hectic coverage. For us, it's time for a break, but for you, the next couple of weeks are going to seem decidedly drab in comparison - perhaps even boring. Still, this year's Los Angeles-based expo proved to be well worth the fuss, granting us five big...
E3 2015 Nintendo Doesn't Have High Hopes for Project Morpheus
"It's not fun"
Make no mistake, virtual reality is big at this year's E3. Sony may have cunningly glossed over Project Morpheus during its press conference, but it's pushing the headset in its booth in a big way. In fact, with even Microsoft joining the race in various different ways, Nintendo's the only current console maker to not have something...
E3 2015 What's Going on with Gravity Rush 2?
Come, come, kitty, kitty
Gravity Rush is one of this author's favourite new franchises of the past five years. Kat's inaugural outing on the PlayStation Vita may not have been perfect, but it had enough personality and gameplay nuance to make it a property worth investing in. It's a shame, then, that following the announcement of a sequel a few...
E3 2015 Don't Count on Playing Cuphead on the PS4
Gunstar zeroes
You win some, you lose some. And Sony has definitely missed out when it comes to Cuphead, the intriguing 1930s cartoon-inspired run-'n'-gun shooter from Canadian outfit Studio MDHR. You may have spotted during Microsoft's press conference that this was listed as a console exclusive for the Xbox One – and the Redmond firm has...
E3 2015 PS4 Horror RPG Vampyr Gets Its Very First Trailer
Biting back
Vampyr is currently in the works over at Dontnod Entertainment, but all we've seen regarding the game is some very vague concept art. Fortunately, the developer's released something slightly more tangible: the title's very first trailer. Again, it's more of a mood setter than anything, but it's still the most that we've seen of the...
E3 2015 Last Year's Model Is Back in Uncharted 4 By the Way
Elena, here be
Just in case you missed the memo: Elena is back in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Nathan Drake's put upon partner was revealed in a batch of screenshots that Sony released following this week's E3 2015 press conference, but she also apparently features in the extended footage that's being shown to the press. The clip that the platform...
E3 2015 Metal Gear Solid V's Incredible 40 Minute PS4 Gameplay Demo Is an Absolute Must-See
Top dog
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases on the 1st September, and this brilliant 40 minute gameplay demo could very well persuade you to part with your cash just over two months from now. The video, which has been uploaded to YouTube by IGN, showcases just about every gameplay mechanic that the open world game has to offer. From...
E3 2015 20 New Destiny: The Taken King Screenshots Aim to Blow You Away
Return of the king?
Destiny fans are getting pretty hyped about upcoming expansion The Taken King. The meaty add-on, which is set to launch on the 15th September, includes whole new areas, an entirely new storyline, and numerous fresh activities. After two relatively disappointing slices of downloadable content in its lifetime so far, we're hoping...
Feature The Results Are in for Push Square's Community E3 2015 Quiz
Did you beat E3?
Uh oh, it's time to find out whether you lot were spot on or dead wrong with regards to this year's E3. The biggest event in gaming has just about come and gone, and before the Los Angeles event started, we asked you to vote on 20 yes or no questions. In other words, it was up to you, the Push Square community, to predict what would...
Live Watch the E3 2015 PlayStation Experience LiveCast Day Three Stream Right Here
Almost a wrap
Every year, Sony hosts a stream of live developer interviews and gameplay demos straight from its E3 booth. It's keeping up tradition in 2015, promising to put the spotlight on over 50 different studios and games over the coming days. Tune in here for live coverage straight from the show floor.
Poll Which PS4 Exclusives Has E3 2015 Convinced You to Buy?
What are you buying?
This ain't Game of the Show yet folks – though that's coming, don't worry. This is more: we've got a nifty new tool here at Push Square Towers so let's find an excuse to use it. Sony had lots of PlayStation 4 exclusives on display this week, so we figured that we may as well poll you on which ones you're planning to buy –...
E3 2015 Thank Heavens Sony Didn't Change Horizon's Protagonist
"Is it risky to do a female character?"
It's a sad reality that some gamers are close-minded – after all, we've all seen what's happened to our wonderful hobby over the past year. But while we're not here to preach to any one of you on this site, we will say that we're glad that Sony and Guerrilla Games stuck to its guns with Horizon: Zero Dawn's...
E3 2015 This PS4 Footage of Unravel Will Melt Your Heart
An epic yarn
Depending on who you ask, the highlight of EA's slightly lackluster E3 conference this year was adorable puzzle platformer Unravel. Thankfully, the gorgeous game featured on PlayStation's E3 live show, and you can catch the replay down below, which sees its earnest develo
E3 2015 Transformers: Devastation's Vehicle Attacks Are More Than Meets the Eye
Autobots, roll out
Back when Transformers: Devastation first leaked, we pondered how the vehicle transformations in the title would work. There were no screenshots showing off any of the playable Autobots in their transformed state, so we wondered whether developer Platinum Games had ripped that part of the experience out. It turns out that it's...
E3 2015 Shenmue III Expands with Fresh Stretch Goals
We love these
Shenmue III has rocketed past $3 million, meaning that it's time for some new Stretch Goals to be added to the campaign. These focus on Baisha Village, one of the three main hub areas in the game. The additions run from $4 million to $5 million, and include additional quests, mini-games, and battle events. If we had to guess, Yu Suzuki...
E3 2015 Call of Duty: Black Ops III's Beta Comes First to PS4
Plus, campaign co-op footage
Call of Duty: Black Ops III may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's in Sony's court now, so expect to see a lot more of the series on the PlayStation Blog. And just in case you missed the announcement during the Japanese giant's big press conference: the game's beta will launch first on the PlayStation 4, while all...
E3 2015 Uncharted 4 Aiming for 30FPS Single Player, 60FPS Multiplayer
Pushing the pretty
Few would disagree that Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is the best looking game at E3 2015, and that means that it's not going to hit its original 60 frames-per-second target. Speaking on a GameSpot livestream earlier in the week, lead game designer Kurt Margenau revealed that the studio's now targeting 30 frames-per-second for the...
E3 2015 Shadow of the Beast May Be PS4's Bloodiest Game
Gore, blimey
Shadow of the Beast is a beloved brand for many, so there was a mixture of excitement and trepidation when Heavy Spectrum announced that it would be taking the series' reins and rebooting it for the PlayStation 4. This first footage of the new-gen version proves that there was little to worry about, however, as the release is looking...
E3 2015 This Yooka-Laylee Footage Will Make You Feel Like a Child Again
Off-screen but ace
Whisper it, but the old Nintendo 64 collect-a-thons are some of this author's favourite games. Yooka-Laylee is guaranteed to be a real PlayStation 4 treat, then – and it's coming along alarmingly well. Despite only just completing its Kickstarter campaign, this off-screen footage from E3 2015 shows plenty of promise already...
E3 2015 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 Looks Crap
Epic bail
Many dreams have come true at E3 2015 – but a good Tony Hawk title is a fantasy too far. The first screenshots of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 looked rough, but the debut gameplay footage is even worse. We're not just talking about the graphics either: the level design and physics also look bad. To be fair, the game's still in development,...
E3 2015 Sony Bend's Mysterious PS4 Exclusive Is Looking and Playing Good
Shuhei Yoshida chimes in
Perhaps the best thing about Sony's big E3 2015 press conference this week is that, while the Japanese giant revealed enough to sate its rabid fanbase, it also kept a fair amount in the locker. One such game that remains unannounced is the latest from Uncharted: Golden Abyss developer Sony Bend – and speaking on a GameSpot...
E3 2015 Headmaster Looks Like It'll Give You a Headache
On our 'ead
Here's a novel idea for a Project Morpheus game: heading practice. An exclusive for Sony's virtual reality device, Headmaster whisks you away to a futuristic training ground, where you'll be bombarded with different kinds of balls which you must direct into targets with your tête. It's like a Virtua Tennis minigame – only you play it...
E3 2015 Dreams Is Clearly PS4's Craziest Exclusive Ever
Dream a dream
Dreams is the kind of game that, truthfully, you'd only ever find on a PlayStation platform. The fact that Sony has allowed Media Molecule to spend the past four or so years working on a title that can't even be easily explained is a testament to the creativity that courses through the company as a whole. Still, it would be nice to...
E3 2015 The Last Guardian Explores the Relationship Between People and Animals
Based Ueda
Love it or loathe it, games like The Last Guardian just don't get made. This a blockbuster title in every sense of word, and it clearly has a colossal [Pun intended – Ed] budget behind it. So, in a year where Ubisoft's big reveal was a Ghost Recon reboot that looked almost identical to its still-in-development The Division, it's...
News Sony: Backward Compatibility Is a Requested Feature, But Not Greatly Used
That's one angle
Sony has no plans to add backward compatibility to the PlayStation 4, as it doesn't believe that the feature is particularly greatly used. Speaking with MCV at E3 2015, SCEE gaffer Jim Ryan explained that the Japanese giant has opted to invest its resources into other areas of its console – even though it admits that the Xbox...
E3 2015 Shenmue III Now Has a Guinness World Record
Ain't even sweaty yet
Some salty individuals may want you to stop pledging your money to Shenmue III, but that ain't stopping the project from soaring through its stretch goals. The game's already raised a whopping $3 million at the time of typing – and has just been awarded a Guinness World Record for reaching its $1 milli
Live Watch the E3 2015 PlayStation Experience LiveCast Day Two Stream Right Here
All day long
Every year, Sony hosts a stream of live developer interviews and gameplay demos straight from its E3 booth. It's keeping up tradition in 2015, promising to put the spotlight on over 50 different studios and games over the coming days. Tune in here for live coverage straight from the show floor. E3 2015 PlayStation Experience LiveCast...
E3 2015 Take a Look at Street Fighter V Kicking Butt on the PS4
Insert shoryuken pun here
Street Fighter V had a pretty minuscule presence at Sony's E3 2015 press conference, but that's understandable since it's available elsewhere at the Los Angeles expo. Still, if you're looking for some footage taken directly from the PlayStation 4 version of the game, you've come to the right place. During Sony's live show...
Reaction Sony Proves That PS4's Got a Stranglehold on Consoles at E3 2015
Manufacturer's melted back into market leader role
Sony has the console market in a stranglehold with the PlayStation 4, and E3 2015 reinforced that point. There was a worry after the device's almost immaculate launch that it would rest on its laurels, but it appears that the enormous success of the system has only motivated it more – it's choking...
E3 2015 Sony's Shawn Layden Says 'Less Talk, More Game' Was the E3 Mantra
Sony exec pulled no punches
Shawn Layden pretty much cemented his place in the E3 hall of fame after Sony's ridiculously good E3 2015 press conference. The executive's still relatively new to taking the reigns at the Los Angeles show, but with a snappy script, and some spot-on speaking backed by plenty of utterly mindblowing announcements, the...
E3 2015 Watch Sony Bang on About The Last Guardian After Its E3 Showstopper
The beast returns
Sony seems as excitable as us with regards to the fact that The Last Guardian is, y'know, actually a real game. The PlayStation Blog's Justin Massongill sat down to talk about the long awaited adventure during the company's post-conference E3 live coverage. You can relive the moment that The Last Guardian was re-revealed through...