Empire of the Ants is a victim of its own ambition. It burrows into the undergrowth offering a fresh perspective on the lives of critters dwelling on our forest floor and raises some interesting environmental questions during its campaign, but spreads itself too thin trying to be both an RTS and a platformer. Fortunately, the most exciting element is the focus of the competitive multiplayer mode.
You play a lone ant, leading legions of creepy crawlies into battle to defend and expand territory and hunt for vital resources. Being an ant, getting around is time consuming and deliberately restrictive.
You scour the terrain finding nests to conquer and turn into nurseries for your own troops — only one unit per nest. Nests have limited space for upgrades, so you need several to advance through the technology tree to unlock stronger beasties and swarm your opponents.
In the multiplayer, your lack of a bird's-eye view is the toughest challenge to overcome. You must scout ahead while managing core resources of food and wood, returning to nests regularly to buy enhancements.
Powers like improved healing, damage, or the ability to dig underground and emerge at faraway nests all help in battle massively. The 1v1 multiplayer matches are tense, but the combat mostly boils down to a rock-paper-scissors power triangle, with one advanced unit strong against the other three.
Unfortunately, the story mode features too many missions that focus on the game's deliberately tricky movement. These force you to jump to intercept fireflies or search a large area for lost ants before rising water kills them. The documentary-style presentation and emotive music is wonderful, though.
It can't decide if it wants to be an RTS or a platformer, so both areas feel like they're not achieving their full potential. The presentation is gorgeous and it's enjoyable thinking about the smaller creatures in our world differently, but Empire of the Ants tries to be too much at once. The multiplayer is fun for a time, but lacks the depth seasoned strategy players want. A focus on either the story or RTS would have helped a lot.
Comments 19
But hey, at least it's PS5 Pro enhanced!
Looks interesting. Love games with animals.
@KoopaTheGamer This is actually the PS5 Pro enhanced version of SimAnt. Behold the power of the Pro.
Ew, multiplayer?
this is disappointing I was kinda interested because of how good the graphics loo
Looks interesting but are there any spiders in it?
If so given how real it looks it will be a hard no from me unfortunately
This is a shame. I was expecting (hoping for) a pikmin style game. Graphically it looks lovely tho.
Such a strange game to remake but it’s absolutely gorgeous.
Do you want ants? Because this is how you get ants.
I'll get it for the experience, don't care about the score. Not every game needs to be AAA quality tho.
@Mostik there are spiders in it, but there's also an arachnophobia option. I've not tried it, but presume this replaces them with something a little less scary for folk?
Agree with the review, thanks guys! I played the Steam demo and had some fun, but ultimately controlling an ant during an RTS isn't anywhere near as fun or rasy as I'd hoped..! Graphics look great though!
At least it’s got fewer bugs than Cyberpunk 2077
Ants are my favourite creatures so i'm still getting this when i have the money free.
preordered and downloaded yesterday - I like the game. Compared to the expensive NHL, FIFA, MADDEN yearly "update" there is nothing wrong in spending € 39,--.
It's all about moving ants. A strategic game. Great graphics.
Recommended to everyone who ever read Bernard Werner book about ants.
@morrisseymuse Brilliant thank you very much for this reply, I am intrigued by the game so would like to give it a go and now I can but obviously that will have to be in arachnophobia mode 😂
@Matroska I was wondering if anyone else would make a Sim Ant link. I played the hell out of that game in high school
@Mostik there's an arachnophobia option that prevents any spiders from showing up! So you can definitely still play
Ouch, the review seems quite harsh, but, everyone's entitled to its opinion, I guess.
Personally, I bought it to support the studio, to show my appreciation for this kind of beautiful physical edition (the steelbook is gorgeous) AND to threat myself with a good PS5 Pro tech-demo !
@matekomlosi that was a good one xD
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