Game of the Year: #10 - Persona 3 Reload 1
Image: Push Square

High quality remakes of classic games have become quite commonplace over recent years, and for our money, Persona 3 Reload is one of the best around.

This revival of the iconic 2006 PS2 RPG is, in a word, immaculate. From the refined art direction and visuals to the many mechanical improvements under the hood, Reload is both a reminder of how great the original release is, and a near perfect remix of its gameplay formula.

The remake does stick rather rigidly to the overall flow of Persona 3, and so it doesn't sport the same kind of system-level depth and overlap as the outstanding Persona 5 Royal — but there's something to be said for the more streamlined structure that Reload thrives upon.

Reload adds to the existing body of Persona 3 as well. It expands upon party member interactions, giving a greater degree of nuance to its already intriguing cast of characters. It revamps the turn-based combat, pinching various quirks from the aforementioned Persona 5 Royal to create a more involved and tactical system. There are welcome improvements across the board.

And all of this is held together by utterly sublime visuals. Unreal Engine 5 gives Reload an incredibly crisp edge across every facet of its artistic endeavours. It's one of the most visually cohesive and obsessively crafted remakes we've ever seen.

The remixed soundtrack deserves a special mention, too; neatly retuned — and even rewritten in parts — to better suit the remake's moody, blue-coded atmosphere.

Persona 3 Reload is a beautiful recreation of a PS2 classic, and it's quite possibly Atlus' most pristine release to date.

Push Square's Game of the Year top 10 is decided by votes coming from internal staff and regular contributors. Our community Game of the Year poll also factors into the result. Feel free to agree or disagree with our list in the comments section below.

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Do you agree with Persona 3 Reload being our #10 Game of the Year? (730 votes)

  1. Absolutely, it's in the right spot25%
  2. It should be higher on the list43%
  3. It shouldn't even be on the list9%
  4. I don't know / I haven't played it23%