Helldivers 2 is one of the biggest surprises of 2024. Not one of us here at Push Square could have quite predicted how the game would take off, and even weeks before its launch, the buzz around it all seemed minimal. But once that now iconic, meme-able gameplay started to spread across the web, it was clear that Arrowhead Studios was onto something special.
With teams of four dropping into bug, robot, and now alien infested planets, the premise and basic gameplay loop of Helldivers 2 isn’t really anything special. You transport boxes, capture areas, and input simple commands into terminals, before calling a shuttle and getting the hell out of dodge. But Arrowhead applies that magic sauce to the whole gameplay experience.
Players are bombarded with the most manic waves of enemies, meaning any simple task that must be completed becomes an explosive fight for survival. The ingenious use of directional commands to call down the game-changing stratagems might seem quite simple, but in the heat of battle it's easy to lose your head.
Dialling up the difficulty and throwing enemy after enemy your way is one part of Helldivers' magic, but another is its ability to balance the cinematic with the hilarious. Playing with your other friends, the action can become quite chaotic and frequently you’ll encounter clippable moments where, for example, 500kg bombs obliterate bile titans and send your cape heroically flapping in the wind. But even better is when that same bomb decimates your team and sends you ragdolling across the map.
There’s something special about that balancing act, making you feel equally cool and idiotic. It’s a potent mix that cements Helldivers 2 as some of the best fun you can have with mates on PS5, and one of the greatest co-op experiences to bless gaming.
Push Square's Game of the Year top 10 is decided by votes coming from internal staff and regular contributors. Our community Game of the Year poll also factors into the result. Feel free to agree or disagree with our list in the comments section below.
You can check out all of our Game of the Year coverage by clicking the link.
Do you agree with Helldivers 2 being our #9 Game of the Year? (582 votes)
- Absolutely, it's in the right spot
- It should be higher on the list
- It should be lower on the list
- It shouldn't even be on the list
- I don't know / I haven't played it
Comments 39
This game was a lot of fun!
Almost a whole year later… I still don’t get this one! I thought Concord was more fun!
…don’t shoot!
So surprised that Helldivers landed on #9. I thought it might end up in top 5 or so.
Looking forward to the rest of your picks
9? More like top 5, easily.
Continues to be a blast, to this day! Played over the weekend and the Illuminate are an awesome new enemy type. The city grids are an awesome addition, too. I really hope they start to add those to the bug/robot maps. Mish mash levels where you're fighting more than one race would be amazing, too!
@somnambulance Found the treasonous anti-Super Earth robot-sympathizer! You have been reported, Citizen!
Criminally ignored for the GotY short-list at this years Game Awards.
Best coop multiplayer game for a long time for my personal tastes, making it 3rd person was genius. I just want that PRO update now
This game is responsible for bringing me back to online gaming, I absolutely love it and this time last year I would not have thought I was going to spend months just playing this game alone let alone any online multiplayer game.
It is just so much fun, made up it is in the top 10 but it makes my top 3 for 2024!!
If not for the terrible controls, id agree with 9.
I like it. And, if more than just being a good game comes into play, it deserves a spot on this list.
Got bored of the janky controls, developers who don't understand balancing around "fun", and some of the ultra-toxic sweats you end up in random matches pretty quickly.
I’d have put this way higher. I suspect this game will last a long time and go down as one of the defining games of the generation.
@MrPeanutbutterz had the exact opposite experience personally, but each to their own!
@MrPeanutbutterz I take it you are taking the piss right? Janky controls? One of the greatest games I've played this year and I've enjoyed playing together with members of the pushsquare community. Absolutely hilarious at times when the ***** hits the fan. This game landed at the darkest period of my life when I was at a super low point and through this game and the guys I teamed up with via pushsquare I managed to forget my despair for a few hours here and there and come out the other side. I can never thank those guys enough.
Could be the best game in it's genre and I still won't play it, simply because of genre.
@Dalamar Genre being co-op shooter or funny sci-fi?
@wildcat_kickz multiplayer shooter ofc. Funny sci-fi is the setting.
As someone who is generally resistant to multiplayer focused games, Helldivers 2 made me “get it.”
@Dalamar Both are genres, which is why I was curious for clarity. To each their own though.
Amazing game. It is fun, which is what gaming is supposed to be. Should be higher position in my opinion.
I love shooters, no I am addicted to shooters. One of the best multiplayers ever. Should have been in the top 3.
Janky? You played this game?
I don't do multiplayer as a rule. However HD2 is one of those rare exceptions. I get the feeling because it came out so long ago it's been overlooked in the end if year awards.
@Northern_munkey Definitely not taking the wee-wee. My two standards for any kind of shooters are Titanfall 2 and Vanquish, so I guess everything else feels janky in comparison.
Glad to hear you found such comfort in it and the people you got playing with in it.
That's why I was careful to say that some of the randos you can be teamed with are toxic, not the playerbase in general. But sure enough when stuff hits the fan, instead of laughs you'd get a sweat raging on the mic. Even had one guy chase me down and repeatedly kill me because he walked under my respawn pod. Ugh.
Had a similar experience myself in terms of life low point and I used to have a bit of relief playing TLoU Factions (on PS3!), and yeah, cannot thank those heads enough and the bit of relief playing a few matches online brought.
Hope life is being kinder to you of late.
@Blauwe_Chimay Yes? Why would I comment if I didn't play it? Compared to Vanquish and Titanfall 2 it's janky.
@MrPeanutbutterz thankyou..Have a good Xmas bud 👍
I'm not a fan of MP games but I played the hell out of this when it was first released , everyone was working together , everyone was helping each other , then it got ruined by nobheads , just like everything does eventually.
Bought this for my eldest for Christmas so I'll be trying this out soon enough, if I ever get a go...
I didn’t play it, so I can’t really comment.
Game of the Year #1 you mean
@wildcat_kickz your break time is over!! Back to Erata Prime with you!! For liburTAAAAAAAAAY!!!
probably would've put it higher but a MP game is only as good as its community and HD2 got toxic and unfun fast.
Vanquish, now that's a game that needs a sequel.
I'm glad Helldivers made it to the top 10 but think it deserves to be in the top 5. The action-oriented fun of the game revived in me how fun games can be without a serious tone or being hard on yourself because you can't get pass a certain part.
I’ve rarely had more fun gaming than a session with my squad mates on Helldivers 2. I’ve made some great new online friends playing it, and I’ve rarely played a game that I looked forward to playing as much as this one. It was truly an unexpected surprise this year. One of the best experiences I’ve had in this hobby.
@Mostik agree on all points!
@Northern_munkey You too, hope it's a Helldivers-y one.
@Blauwe_Chimay Yup, probably never happening now that a lot of the main Platinum heads have moved on.
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