At one point or another, Santa Monica Studio was thinking about spreading Kratos' new saga across three games — a trilogy that would mirror the original adventures of the vengeful god. This is worth bringing up because God of War Ragnarok feels like it could have been split in half and sold as two separate pieces. It absolutely dwarfs 2018's God of War in every possible way, and we dare say that other developers, and indeed publishers, may have pushed for that aforementioned trilogy given the sheer scale of this project.
But no, Santa Monica Studio has delivered a game that makes its already excellent predecessor look like a prologue. So much happens in Ragnarok that by the time the credits roll, it's hard not to feel exhausted — in a good way. It's a truly tireless title in terms of creative vision, and we can only imagine the amount of effort that went into crafting such a beast of a game.

That's not to say Ragnarok is some 200-hour monster, but it will take most players around 50 hours or so to see everything that's stuffed away in its impressively detailed world — and we'd estimate that around 30 of those hours are spent doing main story stuff. Again, though, it's the scope of the game that borders on mind-blowing — it's a title that's constantly one-upping itself. Just when you think you're closing in on some kind of conclusion, it whisks you off to something completely new, and the sense of wonder never really diminishes.
But then this sequel did have a rock solid foundation to build upon. Structurally, it's very similar to Kratos' inaugural Norse excursion: you'll once again be journeying between distinct realms (all nine of them, it should be noted), traversing both linear and more open locations, which are home to a balanced mix of combat encounters and environmental puzzles. Some areas also play host to side quests, and, of course, loads of secrets.
At a glance, you'd be forgiven for thinking that Ragnarok is just more God of War. Honestly, we were thinking the same during the game's opening hours, but it won't be long until your expectations are shattered. As it turns out, Sony has shown only a fraction of what Ragnarok has to offer — which is crazy in hindsight — and as such, we'd recommend going into this as blindly as you possibly can. Once the game's out, the internet will be rife with spoilers of all shapes and sizes — there are just that many surprises in store.

Speaking of spoilers, we obviously won't be ruining anything in this review, but we will say that the main story is one hell of a ride. Set a couple of years after the events of God of War 2018, Kratos and his now teenage son Atreus find themselves in a bit of a rut. Midgard, the realm in which they live, is in the grip of a never-ending winter, and Kratos, all but paralysed with indecision, has Atreus do nothing but "prepare" for the inevitable sh*tstorm that lurks somewhere in their near future.
It's a tense opening that soon explodes into action, and the plot just snowballs from that point on. The pacing is generally fantastic — even with plenty of quieter moments scattered throughout — and that's largely down to the game having a much more involved cast of secondary characters. Indeed, this is no longer just Kratos and Atreus' (and Mimir's) story, with the father-son duo assembling a ragtag group of allies as the plot progresses.
As we've come to expect of a single-player Sony gig, the narrative presentation is of an incredibly high standard. Ragnarok continues with the first game's single-shot style of direction — and even manages to take it to dizzying new heights — while the title's talented motion capture and voice actors put in some superb performances. In particular, many of the interactions between main characters feel impressively organic for what is such a fantastical tale.
Ragnarok is cinematic brilliance at times, but to say it's like a movie would be doing the title's top notch gameplay a severe disservice. As we mentioned earlier, everything is pretty much as returning players will remember it; instead of starting over, the developer has basically branched things out in all directions. Both in and out of combat, Kratos is given a range of new toys to play with, adding meaningful depth across the board. But even if you're unfamiliar with the first game, this sequel does an admirable job of introducing new bits and pieces at a steady, manageable rate.
Combat has a similarly satisfying learning curve, even when taking Kratos' fresh options into account. Fights are still pleasingly visceral, with a bunch of new kill animations and attacks bringing yet more weight to an already punchy system. As was the case in 2018, the camera hangs close to Kratos' right shoulder, and so keeping track of your foes and making sure you aren't surrounded is key.
While combat hasn't seen any significant changes on a fundamental level, increased enemy variety plays a massive part in making Ragnarok feel like a real step forward. New types of creatures are introduced all the time, and although a good chunk of them are repurposed from the previous game, a clear effort has been made to ensure that you're not just brawling with a slightly different group of decrepit draugr every five minutes.
And then there are the boss battles. An overall lack of jaw-dropping bosses was one of the most common criticisms of the previous game, and so Santa Monica Studio has gone above and beyond with the big baddies this time around. There are more unique bosses in Ragnarok's first ten hours than there are in God of War 2018's entire runtime, and every single one of them is a highlight. A colossal improvement.
On the topic of improvements, the first game's somewhat divisive gear and levelling system is better implemented than it was before — but we're still not convinced that it adds anything of true worth to the experience. To quickly recap, this new God of War saga utilises equipment that can be upgraded with materials, with weapon and armour ranks contributing to Kratos' overall power level. A higher level means that you can take on tougher enemies with greater ease.
The gear system is essentially a way of gating optional content. Levelling up gives you a reason to return to previously visited realms, claiming victory in fights that were once insurmountable. Design-wise, you can sort of understand the reasoning behind it, but it's just weird seeing Kratos struggle against a normal undead warrior because its level is higher and its health bar is a different colour. Even if levelled equipment adds a sense of progression, it just doesn't quite gel.

Thankfully, we never once felt like we were locked out of main story progression because Kratos' loincloth wasn't up to snuff. By the game's final stretch, we had more than enough resources to deck Kratos out in high level gear several times over, and even if you avoid every slice of optional content, you're still handed equipment that's capable of getting you through the campaign. You'll obviously have a slightly tougher time of it, but that's just how it goes.
A relatively minor complaint, then, and so here's another one: Ragnarok isn't quite the visual spectacle we wanted. Don't get us wrong, this is an exceedingly pretty game at times, but we'd argue that's mostly down to some sublime art direction, as opposed to the title's technical heft. In other words, you can tell this is a cross-gen release — it's not an immediately noticeable upgrade on 2018's instalment.
That 60 frames-per-second on PS5 is immaculate, though. For us, the game's performance mode is the way to go — the action's just too good to settle for anything less — but there's also a 30fps option at a super crisp 4K resolution if you're willing to take the hit.

The DualSense support is well worth a mention as well. Ragnarok feels fantastic to play on Sony's latest pad, forcing all kinds of haptic feedback based on your actions. It gives combat even more of a crunch, and helps sell Kratos' weighty movements when traversing environments. Meanwhile, cutscenes can be enhanced with a cheeky rumble here and there.
God of War Ragnarok is phenomenal. Even amongst PlayStation Studios' typically stellar output it's a showpiece — a masterfully crafted game that smashes expectations at almost every turn. The sheer, often ridiculous scope of Ragnarok makes 2018's God of War feel like a prologue — and that's perhaps the highest praise we can bestow upon a sequel.
Comments 165
If anyone's got any questions just @ me and I'll try to answer them.
I meant what I wrote in the review, by the way — the spoilers for this game are going to be insane, especially through YouTube thumbnails and the like. I would advise extreme caution if you want to go in blind, because there are a million things you could have spoiled in Ragnarok.
Anyway, what an incredible game. I was already a big fan of the first one, and Ragnarok is basically just better in every conceivable way. It really goes above and beyond expectations. A ridiculous achievement.
Thanks for giving the review a read.
Games like this is why I will always be a PlayStation fan.
All i need is the score lol, thank you for reviewing!!
@ShogunRok did the sequel expand on the enemy, weapon and combat variety of GoW4? While I didn’t feel like it was as lacking as many said it was in 4 I did feel like it wasn’t as expansive as it was in the previous 6 games so I would love to see GoW ragnarok to expand on those topics.
There wasn't any doubt with SSM. Amazing! Wednesday can't come soon enough... actually... who was that retailer that broke street date again?
10 here and 10 on IGN
Can't wait can't wait can't wait can't ***** wait. Few more days bois. We're almost there
Wow! Lets do this!
Sounds amazing. Whilst I didn't feel GoW 2018 was worthy of all the praise bestowed upon it, I get the feeling that this game very much will be deserving of its praise. Bigger, better and improved. Sounds like we have the God of War 3 of the Norse Saga. Can't wait to get stuck in.
I don't really play videogames much anymore, but this game in particular has me more excited than any other has in recent memory. The cliffhanger ending at the end of GoW 2018 had me on tenterhooks and now I can finally play what looks to be one of the most amazing conclusions of all time?! What can I say to that other than WORD UP SON!
The hype is real. Just starting to replay GOW 2018 now, hopefully I can finish it before Wednesday. Can't wait!
@ShogunRok how many hours does it take you to finish main story and do everything ?
This game will be the best of the generation again. The only complain I have are the graphics.. the 2018 title still holds up but I was expecting a BANGER and an upgrade in every possible way. F*ck ps4
@darkswabber Yes, massively improved variety in enemy types and especially bosses. Probably the game's biggest improvement, objectively speaking.
Can't say im surprised at all. Honestly impressed how they managed to pull this off twice in a row. And this time during Covid as well.
@MichaelHawj My save was at 46 hours when I wrote this review. I had done everything apart from one or two side quests, one being finding all of Odin's ravens (I have 30-something out of 48).
@4kgk2 my thoughts exactly. No matter what other companies offer, they most certainly don't have games like God of War so as long as they keep making such quality titles, I'll continue to game on playstation consoles.
Oh boy, I'm so excited for this!
Best DLC ever 😉
@MightyDemon82 possibly longest, too, haha.
Sounds fantastic. I finally played the 2018 one last summer for the first time and was really blown away. Can't wait to get my mitts on this one.
Another god of war masterpieces.god of war ragnarok is indeed favorite franchise ever.and grand theft auto.a 10 is legendary.word up son
This game is absolutely insane! Santa Monica Studio has kept SO MUCH SECRET, you really have no idea what you're about to experience.
It's a masterpiece for sure!
@jrt87 Implies we give out 10s like candy, however it's our first of the year. In fact, the only other 10 we've awarded to a PS exclusive on PS5 is Demon's Souls.
The game's just that good.
Absolutely cannot wait! Thanks for the review (and that lovely second opinion bit).
Did we expect anything less.
Just saying that this game makes the 2018 game look like a prologue sold the game for me. I enjoyed the game to a point in didn't want it to end when it did so hearing that this one is way longer is perfect.
@ShogunRok Have you tried the ps4 or ps4 pro versions?
BOOM, there it is!
Who called this DLC? Consider my ticket bought, boy...
I knew this would review well but I didn't think it would review as well as it has. The review roundup is pretty crazy. Can't wait to play this!
@belmont I haven't, but we do plan on trying to PS4 version before launch and writing something up, so keep an eye out!
@naruball definitely, I cannot wait to get my hands on this. All those armies of people who aren't going to play it because it's a cross gen title(or is that just trickydicky1999 😂) will miss out.
Even more hyped now. Wednesday 9th can't come soon enough. Trying my absolute best to avoid spoilers, so far so good
Oh boiiii. Here we go again! Now a week to avoid spoilers like it’s COVID.
I can't wait for Tuesday night <3
I recently got back on the PS5 bandwagon with the EE add to plan thing so got £200 of PSN vouchers, first of all I had to preorder Resident Evil 4 and now reading this review I think God of War has to be my next purchase.
I did enjoy the last one, not quite as much as many seem to though it is a good game, kind of like an old school Zelda with much better combat and I did enjoy the story. I've recently left Twitter so spoilers will be easy for me to avoid and this and the PSVR2 preorder will be my last gaming purchases of the year
Excellent review, now I can finally pre-order the game👌👌👍👍
@ShogunRok which graphic mode did you opt for?
Also, nice review man. Looking forward to this one.
@ShogunRok If you were stranded on a desert island for 5 years with barely any food, would you recommend playing this on the rescue plane flight home? Or would you rather eat until you can’t eat anymore?
Seems good from the review - Pre order was already in and downloaded today.
HFW got a nice review but when I played it for me, it was too much of "more of the same"
This review suggests its again more of the same but with proper bells and whistles it deserves. Looking forward to getting stuck in.
@ShogunRok and, without going into spoilers (obviously), what about weapon variety and action set pieces?
@Weebleman I went with the 60fps performance mode. Rock solid throughout, not sure it ever dropped a frame. Resolution is still quite high as well, so I think the trade-off for 60fps is well worth it considering how action packed the game is.
@SoulChimera Haha, why not? Might as well get some top quality gaming in for free and then stuff yourself with food once you touch down in civilisation.
@darkswabber Loooooads of action set pieces, some really good ones. A lot of the boss battles are unique in that they use the environment in different ways, and things like that. Combat-wise, it's much expanded on GoW 2018 across the board.
Expected 9/10, pleasantly surprised with the review. Can't wait to get my dirty paws on it.
@ShogunRok Did you get a chance to try the unlocked framerate modes, specifically the high quality?
I have read that some got around 70-90 fps with the performance unlocked, which worries me that the High quality unlocked may not even regularly reach 60?
@KundaliniRising333 Sadly not, I don't have a TV that supports HFR. Very interested in seeing how it runs myself, though.
@ShogunRok No worries, thanks for your efforts.
What about any discernible difference in visual fidelity between performance and quality modes (aside from resolution).
I honestly was not even that excited for this but it seems like its going to be astounding. Probably gonna have to be a day 1 for me now the response seems overwhelmingly positive from trusted reviewers
Wow, the God is back! The reasons why I love Sony studios.
As excited as I am for this game, I’m absolutely glad I’ve made the decision to wait until I’m done with The Callisto Protocol and Dead Space. I REALLY want to be able to soak into and thoroughly enjoy both of those games as well as GOW: Ragnarok and since Ragnarok is as (apparently) long as it is there’s just no way I’d be able to fit it in between TCP & DS. Heck, maybe I’ll get lucky enough to catch it on sale by the time I’m ready for it.
I’ll definitely buy after a few price cuts, I’m swimming in backlog! 😉
@KundaliniRising333 I didn't notice a huge difference between performance and quality, but quality is very, very crisp at a native 4K. Really pops.
But it's still not a trade I'd make if it means 30fps. There's so much action in this that I'd always play at 60fps purely for the responsiveness.
@PlayStationGamer3919 Ragnarok has waaaaaaay more boss battles and loads of them are unique. It's a gigantic improvement on the first game.
There are some repeat boss battles, but most are optional.
I'm pre-ordering it tomorrow. For sure it will be a must play, a game for the ages.
Great review! I can't wait to dive into this!
@4kgk2 yeah, just read a comment on youtube review of it, a guy saying ps only had 1 game lol, and xbox is better, good lord...
Sony isn't perfect maybe and some can criticize them on some things but..
Some clueless will say anything.
Sorry, I stopped watching after you said "and such.. we recommend going into this as blindly as you possibly can." See ya November 9th, boy.
I'm glad to be dusting off the PS5 for this. 2nd place console this gen for me but Sony still makes must play games. I'm happy for this to be GoW 1.5 as some are saying. If it matches GoW in game play and polish but built on the story I would have been happy. Seems it does much more than just build on the story so looking forward to next weekend.
Thanks for the great review. I really like the second opinion concept.
Was there any doubt?
Who else was surprised when Kratos pulled out the Sword of Olympus?
@Mauzuri Review embargos are different for every product. Some people believe it's a bad sign if the embargos are really close to the release because it's a possible sign that it's a bad product and that the directors or creators don't want the reviews to affect the sales. So if they lifted the embargo long before the game's released, to me, that means the game developers are confident in their product and want us to get hyped for it.
Great Review... TY
At this point there is no reason top IPs cant be Amazing Games AND Look Stunning.
Sony understands I expect both for my money. And constantly delivers.
Ok then. I am going offline till I get the disk delivered. I do not want any spoilers hitting me from nowhere
@Sergo Good idea! You'll love it!
Not reading the review as i don't need to, never had doubts so hurry up next week.
Put my pre-order in this morning from Best Buy. Already have the Limited Edition Dualsense controller pre-ordered also. Now I just have to wait until Wednesday and avoid spoilers. My backlog will keep me busy until then.
Can't wait for this!!!!! Will no doubt be my GoTY!
Still slowly playing through the first one. Lol Man, this game sounds really good and fun to play. Sadly, I’ll probably wait for a deep discount.
Great review...was it ever seriously in doubt? Time to swing that Leviathan Axe and unwrap those Blades of Chaos!!!
The only PS4 games I liked better than God of War 2018 were Yakuza 0 and Resident Evil 2 remake. Can't wait to play this next week, been avoiding as many gameplay videos as possible. Only reason I read this review is because this place is good about avoiding spoilers.
@ShogunRok Thanks, I will look forward to it. I don't have access to my ps5 due to work travels and ps4 is more easy mo move around and I would like to play the game soon...
Schedule my vacation from work around this game lol. I can't wait!
@eshy76 and hopefully bash some heads in with Mjolnir
Easy buy! Wasn't sure on disc or digital, but £37 via the Turkish store is a no brainer.
Very good review and i'm even more hyped for this to arrive..really good comments section for once as well and i gave almost everyone a like..almost everyone..👍
@ShogunRok Yeah, ER and GOW:R in the same year...It's great! We have a recession to get through, this will help a little bit!
Think I'll wait for the inevitable PC release as 4K at 30FPS doesn't appeal. Congrats to Santa Monica Studio to what looks likes a cracking game though!
@ShogunRok to be honest, I thought the first one was quite dull. I'm open to giving this a go but if gameplay and level design are similar is it going to win anyone over?
Maybe but having 60fps is a must imo.
Or just wait for a PS5 pro and go for more gfx at 60fps for GOW 6.
Nice! Better than Dragon Age Inquisition, though??
@jrt87 I dont want to that guy but it's just not true that every firstparty title gets high ratings and kind of a ridiculous remark.
@jamiestogden Hmmm, that's a tough one. I think if you weren't a fan of the first game, then this probably won't win you over, because structurally and mechanically, it's very, very similar — it's just everything is expanded.
It is packed with improvements over the first game, though. The pacing is better and there are better fights throughout (with way more boss battles).
Hard to recommend if you disliked GoW 2018, I think, but perhaps worth a shot when it drops in price down the line.
Boom boom boom!
But please don't port it to pc so fast, give it at least a couple of years please!
I don't think we expected anything less from Santa Monica, they have an incredible team over there that only push out quality.
I do feel a bit bad for Horizon 2 as is probably not going to win anything with Elden Ring and now this excellent GOW sweeping everything everywhere.
@ShogunRok Are collectibles easier to find this time around?
Excellent review. Got me even more hyped if that's possible.
@Peterchu I would say so, yes. There are still Ravens to find and a few other things, but they're generally harder to miss. You still might need a guide for a few that you don't find, but yeah, easier overall.
Oooh, wasn't going to buy this at launch, as I've got other games on my plate, but this has given me a big decision to make!
Regardless of score, verdict etc, it's a pleasure to read such a gleefully enthusiastic review, about a game which was so clearly enjoyed from start to finish. Cheers for this.
Currently 94 on meta critic and there are a very large number of 100s, more than I ever remember seeing before. ShogunRok was bang on the money with this excellent review.
If anyone wants a spoiler free 30 minute video, I highly recommend skillups YouTube review. That guy is the best wordsmith covering games right now and that review is a shining piece of work.
Obviously, he's the best after pushsquare (phew, dont want to offend!)
Great review, I have dropped some very unsubtle hints for crimbo to anyone who will listen, fingers crossed!!
My main concern would had been combat, in 2018 it was the same tactics for pretty much everything and with the lack of bad guy variety, I wasn't enjoying the combat during end game.
Great there's some new bad guys!
For Sparta!!
It sounds like they improved on my biggest issue with the original which was enemy variety so that is very good to hear! Sounds like the armor system is still kinda meh though unfortunately. I'm also a bit worried about the length being too long but we will see.
Looking forward to playing it next week!
Great review, cant wait to play the game 😍
@ShogunRok are there multiple trophies for each difficulty to complete multiple playthrough ??
3rd game is gonna be the weakest and suffer from the third curse
@MichaelHawj No, I don't think so. My Trophy completion is at 90% and I've done basically everything aside from a couple of side quests — which I assume will give me the last Trophies. It's very much a modern PlayStation Studios Trophy list in that you basically just have to do everything in one playthrough to get the Platinum.
@redd214 10/10 👯♂️
@ShogunRok thank bro
@jrt87 lol salty much smh trying to insinuate it’s only a 10 because it’s a ps exclusive. It’s a 10 because that’s just the quality Sony first party studios consistently deliver that’s why imo their the best in the business
@get2sammyb yeah that was a ridiculous claim by that user although this really should have been the third ps5 exclusive to get a 10 because HFW was that good and easily deserved it but I forgive that transgression
Removed - trolling/baiting
@jrt87 So you think the 10 should be a 9 based on not playing it vs the people who did play it? You haven't played it yet so you can't give it anything.
@ShogunRok i would like to ask, are we going to explore the same areas of the realms we've already been before in gow2018 or is it going to be new areas of those previous realms?
(Im aware there's 3 new realms but just wanted to know about the previous ones)
Thanks for the review! I already have the game pre-ordered, just waiting and hoping that Best Buy delivers it to me by Friday, November 11.
@EquiinoxGII the Turkish store????
@dark_knightmare2 HFW is a snorefeast compared to this game I'm sure. And I platinumed HFW.
@nomither6 Probably won't be a third one, not in this series anyway. Maybe a spinoff or something, who knows.
Sounds the goods again,no live service cashcow, so good enough for what I'm looking for...& Eurogamer (again),can only manage a recommended rather than the essential they usually give on other formats so must be good!!🙄😂
@ShogunRok is there an equivalent in this game to fighting the valkyrie queen optional boss
I'm glad it turned out well for everyone who's excited, including some of my mates who won't shut up about it haha.
I'm gonna save this for Xmas. I probably would have given in and got this today if Bayonetta 3 hadn't turned out the better game😜
I never would have thought Bayo 3 would've trumped Elden Ring and probably this for my game of the year, but here we are.
@jordan1992 haha yeah mate. It sells for 799lira, about £37/38
Was always worried this couldn't build on the original release. Looks like I didn't need to worry though!
Pre ordered the console game bundle, just wish it was like the US version with black logo plates and controller skin.
i would advise EVERY GAMER to AVOID the internet days before release. There are trolls that won't respect gaming ethics and protocol and SPOIL the game. If you are a real gamer and love your community and brothers and sisters PLEASE don't leak information or footage if you can. lets all GO IN BLIND and enjoy the game. This world is a crazy place, lets relax and go somewhere and forget things for a while..
@gamer_since_83 there is a thing called DLC, which could expand hungry fans. Im not adversed to any of that my friend. But if this game stands on the shoulders of its predecessor, i won't be mad at all..
I'm totally sold. Gonna replay GoW 2018 this wkend
@gamer_since_83 oh I wasn’t comparing them to each other just saying how great HFW was. I never got tired fighting those machines it was always a rush especially against the bigger ones never a snore fest to me
@jrt87 euro gamer has been a joke for awhile now and both their horizon reviews were way off. There was nothing restricting about HFW open world, it had the best sidequests in an open world game since Witcher 3 and it’s story was def not uninteresting far from it. There’s a reason it reviewed extremely well and continues to sell because it’s a great game.
@jrt87 you got called out because your comment is ridiculous and it was asinine to post. It’s not like this was the only site to give it a 10 it’s got like 40 others so are those 40 sites giving it a 10 for the same reason. Games especially sequels don’t have to innovate to get a 10 especially the first sequel to a game who just changed up almost every thing about itself
Oh no, I’m not going through this again.
@Randinator123 You do return to some specific areas, but the coming of Ragnarok has changed them all in some way. For example, recurring areas in Midgard are now covered in snow and ice.
The vast, vast majority of the game takes place in completely new locations, though. No copy and pasting here!
@Ultrasmiles Yes, there are a lot of optional bosses, including ones that are meant to be fought at the end of the game because they're so tough, like the Valkyrie queen in the first game.
@EquiinoxGII wat’s the Turkish store??
@jordan1992 PSN Turkey store.
@jrt87 The issue people have is you're basically saying a game you haven't played yet doesn't deserve a 10. If you played it and thought this way it would be different but you haven't played it so really you don't know what you're scoring it, you could play it and actually feel its a 10 but you could also not even like it and feel its a 4. PushSquare like all the other reviewers have actually played it and completed it so if they feel its a 10 then they feel its a 10.
Also this is the first PS5/PS4 game since DS Remake to score a 10 from PS so your theory of it only getting a 10 because its 1st party holds no weight.
@EquiinoxGII i don’t know wat that is???
@jordan1992 the online store you have on your playstation... But the Turkish version not the UK version.
@jrt87 I'm not saying 9/10 is bad but you're judging a score on a game you haven't played and even applying a score yourself. I don't agree or disagree with the 10/10 because i haven't played it.
@jrt87 By Admission of its reviewers it's a masterpiece and an excellent experience in all aspects.,It's part 2 of a saga and you want them to change the core of the game,when so much has been added already,So much has not been shown.Come on son you cherry pick comments that it's more of the same which is false,but don't acknowledge 40 plus perfect scores. Because of your ignorance you don't deserve to play this game.This game could be released on every console and it would still get a 10,nothing to do with being an exclusive. go back to fortnite for the good of all..
@EquiinoxGII does that work? Would the game not be in Turkish??
@jordan1992 yes mate, bought quite a few games from the store. All in English. If you know of hotdeals UK, you can find loads of info on the site/app about games from the Turkish store.
@Eagly You do have to start over in Ragnarok, but not from scratch. You get access to both of Kratos' weapons very early, and you unlock a lot of the attacks from the last game early as well, through the new skill trees.
So while you are having to retread a lot of ground, it doesn't necessarily feel like you're being made weak again. You feel super strong right from the start here, and that's mostly down to how combat encounters are designed. There's a really nice difficulty curve overall.
If you're familiar with 2018, you'll be able to dive right in here, but it also does a great job of gradually introducing new combat elements for people who might not have played the last one, or haven't played it in years.
Can't speak too much for Give Me God of War — was only briefly able to try the different difficulties because I had to get through the game in a relatively short amount of time.
The harder settings did seem quite brutal (as they were in 2018), but I unfortunately don't know how much they've been reworked.
I will say, though, that the combat balance throughout did feel better. That should hopefully carry through to the harder modes as well.
@solocapers more of the same but better is exactly what a sequel is supposed to be. sequels just might not be for you
@gamer_since_83 you didn't platinum anything stop the cap. horizon is great
@middyone what are you talking about…? I hope this isn’t an insult, Boy!? Oh, and I’m free to think Horizon is boring, both of them actually! Still platted both.
@middyone The problem with HFW is that it wasn't actually any better.
I'd still rate HZD as the better of the two.
@gamer_since_83 take it as you want boy. you obviously enjoyed it...don't lie. otherwise you wouldn't had platinumed it.
@solocapers it was better in every way and it wasn't even close. nostalgia is a hell of a drug
@middyone way to talk, as if you know me. I was in mourning at the time actually. The game (HFW)was boring to me but an easy Platinum, so I went for it since I bought the game. The first one I got free on PS+ and platinumed it sitting at home with a broken ankle at the time.
Try again, smart ass! Or not …
@gamer_since_83 if you're referring to boy then you did it first. so you were mourning while playing a game? no wonder why you didn't like it. also sorry for your loss. so you play games for platinum lol.
I will.
@middyone you are not worth it …
Don’t crucify me for saying this, but I never finished the 2018 version. Grad School, plus my gaming ADD, guaranteed that I would not complete the journey. That being said, do I need to go back and finish that one before I enter into this one?
@gamer_since_83 not worth what?
@placekicker yes
Don't know how necessary it is but even if it wasn't I'd still recommend going back to finish GoW 2018 just because it's a fantastic game.
After this I don't wanna hear anyone doubt playstation sequels as some afterthought DLC
Cant wait to play! Im gonna hold off so my wife has something to buy me on Christmas that i'm legit beyond excited for. hopefully no spoilers till then!
I wanted to comment just ‘hyped’ but pushed square won’t let me
The game sounds amazing, I’ll pick it up after Christmas probably, although I am slightly put off by the idea of more puzzles… -_-
@playstation1995 Totally agree and can't wait for it to drop but c'mon GTA was once great but it's cold product that sells on it's name these days.
@Blackbluto gta is still amazing.i enjoy all the gta games.word up son
@ShogunRok hey tanks for the review !! Just got one question, how is the 3D audio implementation ?? Is it noticable ?? Or at least we have more options then the first game (stereo)
@SilkySmile89 The audio design is really good, great use of sound effects in general, and there's a nice depth to it. I don't have a lot of experience with the 3D audio support in particular, but I've been told it's very well implemented. Not completely amazing, but still effective.
@Wowdustnew I’m the same mate! She said she was buying me Mod Warfare 2, GoW Ragnarok an Calisto Protocol. I went an bought Mod Warfare 2 myself, told her i must have pre ordered it ages ago an forgot! I’ve promised i won’t buy any more games until after Xmas!!
Why is this more expensive on PS5?? Are some haptics and visual modes worth the extra?
My main concern is that it doesn't appear to be a huge step up comparative to 2018, barring the scope. It's not like I can complain about more God of War, especially given that stellar showing in the reboot, but few updates to the combat and apparently only bare improvements with respect to the graphics? Maybe I was just expecting a little too much but this is more what I'd consider common for annual or biannual releases.
Besides this, I'm pretty excited to try it out. Been waiting to see how this saga ends for what feels like a lifetime now.
With Sony touting new game demos on PS Plus Premium, think we’ll see one for this at launch?
Graphics are a bit of a let down for 2022, world textures and geometry details are a bit low, looks like a good PS4 pro game but at higher frame rate. Ps5 is really disappointing in terms of graphics power. And as Time goes on it gets worse and worse, at launch it was acceptable, now it's just shameful IMO
is this game getting any DLC content?
Levelling system is still pants
Its good but its no where near a 10.
I was worried this game was going to be a "samey" sequel, but after 40 hrs in (playing in hardest difficulty), this definitely exceeded all expectations.
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