Trying to find all Vanaheim collectibles in God of War Ragnarok? Each realm has a checklist of items to locate as you explore them, and it's well worth your time. You'll get more lore on the game's world and characters, earn valuable rewards, and even stumble into some optional bosses.
On this page, we're going to outline where to find all Vanaheim collectibles. If you're looking for collectibles and checklist items in other realms, be sure to find the full list over in our God of War Ragnarok guide.
God of War Ragnarok: All Vanaheim Collectibles
Below, we'll explain how to find all collectibles in Vanaheim.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Across the Realms
Across the Realms is a Favour in which you must track down four ingredients for a special recipe. These are spread across four of the nine realms.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Across the Realms Bantam Melon
Location: The Sinkholes
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy and the Favour named Return of the River. From the Mystic Gateway at Sinkholes Entrance, grapple over the river and take the boat to the right. Follow the river along — you should have already opened up the gate by this point, so continue sailing through until you find a dock. Get out and head left to open the other gate using the chain. Jump across the gap and you'll find the Bantam Melon.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts
Artefacts give off a purple glow in the world. They come in various shapes and sizes, offering more background on certain characters and locations. You need to find all Artefacts to unlock the Trophy named The Curator.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts Upon Pursuing a Place Not Marked on Maps
Location: The Southern Wilds
Found during The Reckoning. After Freya turns into a bird, you'll find an old marketplace. Continue forward until you spot some platforms to your left that you can climb up. Follow it forward and to the left — you'll be able to jump to a higher rooftop. Kick down the barrier, then smash through the floor to find the Artefact.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts Skirnir's Crest
Location: Freyr's Camp
Once you've completed The Reckoning, you'll open a new path and sail down a river to a new Mystic Gateway. On this small beach to the right, this Artefact is laying on the sand.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts Hoenir's Crest
Location: Noatun's Garden
Found after completing The Reckoning. After completing the Favour named Garden for the Dead, head over to the right-hand side of this area. This Artefact is on the ground, next to a wall you can climb.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts Odin's Crest
Location: River Delta
Found after completing The Reckoning. From where you enter River Delta, sail down the left-hand side. Before you reach the broken bridge, take a right and then hug the inner bank until you reach a secluded area you can leave the boat. Get out and just ahead on a mossy rock you'll find this Artefact.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts Freya's Crest
Location: River Delta
Found after completing The Reckoning. From where you enter River Delta, stick to the right-hand side. Continue following the river around and eventually you'll find an alcove with a Mystic Gateway and a Huldra Brothers workshop. You'll find this Artefact behind the Mystic Gateway on the ground.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts Kvasir's Crest
Location: The Veiled Passage
Found after completing The Reckoning. As you scale The Veiled Passage, you'll deal with small groups of enemies. In one area, there are some wooden boards in the left-hand corner. Bust these down and this Artefact is behind them.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts Hylli's Crest
Location: Vanir Shrine
Found after completing The Reckoning. From where you enter Vanir Shrine, over to the right is a drawbridge. You bring it down by burning the red vines with chained runic arrows. After crossing the bridge, fight off the enemies. As you go through to the next area, go straight ahead instead of following the path right. The Artefact is on the ground.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts Brooch
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. You unlock this Artefact by completing the Favour named Casualty of War: The Brooch.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts Scroll
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. This Artefact can be unlocked by completing the Favour named Casualty of War: The Scroll.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts Mead Stein
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. You will unlock this Artefact by completing the Favour named Casualty of War: The Stein.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts An Organisation: In the Future
Location: The Jungle
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. Only accessible at night. From the Mystic Gateway at Western Plains, use the Celestial Altar to change to night. Head down to the left and follow the rocky path to the right. At the end, drop down to the left and cross the rock bridge to find a temple. Go inside and follow the linear path. After climbing over a gap, look to the far right corner of the room to find this Artefact.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts Child's Toy
Location: The Jungle
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy and the Favour named Return of the River. This Artefact is unlocked by completing the Favour named Casualty of War: The Toy.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts Eastern Spectre
Location: The Sinkholes
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. After defeating Crag Jaw, you can find some red vines covering a gap in the wall. Burn them away with a sigil arrow and the Blades. On the other side of the gap, ascend the stairs, and this Artefact will be right ahead of you.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Artefacts Hourglass
Location: The Sinkholes
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. You can unlock this Artefact by completing the Favour named Casualty of War: The Hourglass.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Berserker Gravestones
Berserker Gravestones can be found in most of the realms, and activating each of them begins a tough, optional boss battle. You'll need to find and complete all of them as part of the Favour named Fit for a King.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Berserker Gravestones Berserker Gravestone #1
Location: Pilgrim's Landing
Boss: Hvitserkr the Bold
Found after completing The Word of Fate. Travel to the Mystic Gateway at River Delta. Get in the boat and follow the river around to the right to find Pilgrim's Landing. The Berserker Gravestone is just on the beach.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Berserker Gravestones Berserker Gravestone #2
Location: The Sinkholes
Boss: Haklangr the Bearded
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the Mystic Gateway at Sinkholes Entrance, grapple over to the boat and sail out to the right. Follow it around until you find a place you can dock the boat. Get out, go up the steps, turn around, and jump over the gap to find this Berserker Gravestone.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Buried Treasure
Buried Treasure can be found by following the clues on Treasure Maps you find throughout the game. It's easy to spot thanks to a pulsing yellow circle above it.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Buried Treasure Buried Treasure #1
Location: Goddess Falls
Found after completing The Reckoning. After climbing up the walls of Goddess Falls, you'll see the Buried Treasure just ahead, right on the cliff edge.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Buried Treasure Buried Treasure #2
Location: River Delta
Found after completing The Reckoning. After picking up the Treasure Map The Giant's Toes, this Buried Treasure can be found behind the Mystic Gateway next to Brok's workshop.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Buried Treasure Buried Treasure #3
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy and the Favour Return of the River. After restoring the water to The Crater, return to The Plains. Head to the east until you see a large, circular stone arch ahead. Drop down and the Buried Treasure is right ahead.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Draugr Holes
Flaming holes in the ground that let through The Hateful, a recurring mini-boss. Find and close all the Draugr Holes to complete the Favour named Born from Fire.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Draugr Holes Draugr Hole #1
Location: The Abandoned Village
Found during The Reckoning. As you approach The Abandoned Village, you'll need to spin a crane around so you can grapple across a gap. When you land in the next hut, instead of continuing down the path, turn left to see a gap in the wall. Turn the crane once more and grapple down. Head over to the left to find a bridge. On the other side is the Draugr Hole.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Draugr Holes Draugr Hole #2
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy and the Favour Return of the River. After restoring the water to The Crater, return to The Plains. From the Mystic Gateway at Eastern Plains, head down to the water and get in the boat. Just up on the right will be a place you can get out. Head up the path to find this Draugr Hole.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Hel Tears
Hel Tears are holes between realms through which Hel Walkers wreak havoc. You'll need to fend off the enemies while your ally takes some time to close the Hel Tear. Find and close all Hel Tears to complete the Favour named Hel to Pay.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Hel Tears Hel Tear #1
Location: The Southern Wilds
Found after completing Reunion. Travel to the Mystic Gateway at The Southern Wilds, and the Hel Tear will be clearly visible just ahead to the right.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Legendary Chests
Golden, glowing chests containing valuable items such as Weapon Attachments, Relics and Runic Attacks, Armour, and more. Find all Legendary Chests in the game to ensure you have all the best gear.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #1
Location: The Southern Wilds
Reward: Light Runic Attack - Wrath of the Frost Ancient
Found during The Reckoning. You'll come to an old marketplace. Tucked away in a left-hand corner is a hole in a wall. Clamber through there and the Legendary Chest is on the other side.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #2
Location: The Abandoned Village
Reward: Shield Attachment - Rond of Restoration
Found during The Reckoning. As you approach The Abandoned Village, you'll need to spin a crane around so you can grapple across a gap. When you land in the next hut, instead of continuing down the path, turn left to see a gap in the wall. Turn the crane once more and grapple down. Head over to the left to find a bridge. Once you cross it, you'll begin another fight with The Hateful. Once the Draugr Hole is dealt with, crawl through the tunnel and, on the other side, jump to the hut where you'll find the chest.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #3
Location: The Abandoned Village
Reward: Shatter Star Shield
Found during The Reckoning. Along the main path, you'll burn some blue vines off a chain to make it drop down. Once you climb up, look to the right. Freeze the plant on the right with your axe so you can access the Legendary Chest on the left.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #4
Location: The Abandoned Village
Reward: Light Runic Attack - Helios Flare
Found during The Reckoning. After defeating Fiske, you'll come to a new area with another crane. Drop down and head forward to find a room with a small chest inside. Over to the left, you can interact with a pillar, pulling it down. Do this, then return to the upper ledge where you started. Spin the crane and grapple over the gap. Run around to the other side of this path, then spin the crane again until you can grapple over to the Legendary Chest.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #5
Location: Noatun's Garden
Reward: Jewel of Yggdrasil
Found after completing The Reckoning. The chest is inside a hall that's inaccessible due to red vines. To reach the chest, you'll first have to leave Noatun's Garden. Sail back out and go under the broken bridge. From here, hug the left-hand bank and keep taking lefts until you reach a place you can land. Climb the steps and you're now on the broken bridge. Jump the gap and use Freya's runic arrows to burn the vines away. While here, throw your axe at the weak point in the chain to break it, allowing you into the hall with the Legendary Chest. To get back across, there's a zip-line rope nearby.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #6
Location: Pilgrim's Landing
Reward: Axe Attachment - Grip of the Fallen Alchemist
Found after completing The Reckoning. Upon arrival at Pilgrim's Landing, you'll dispatch some enemies. At the back is a spirit with a Favour — Cure for the Dead. Follow this side quest, lowering the drawbridges and gathering the ingredients needed. At the end of this path lies this Legendary Chest.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #7
Location: Cliffside Ruins
Reward: Heavy Runic Attack - Mists of Helheim
Found after completing The Reckoning. During the course of the Favour Conscience for the Dead, you will emerge from some narrow caves to find a chain down to a lower level. Go down and head forward. This Legendary Chest is down on a lower level once again, but blocked by debris. Lower the drawbridge to your left and cross it. Chain runic arrows so they'll reach the exploding pots and so Kratos can reach them with the Blades of Chaos. Go back over and blow the debris up, allowing you to get down. You'll also need to clear some red vines from the chest.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #8
Location: Vanir Shrine
Reward: Light Runic Attack - Rampage of the Furies
Found after completing The Reckoning. From where you enter Vanir Shrine, over to the right is a drawbridge. You bring it down by burning the red vines with chained runic arrows. After crossing the bridge, the Legendary Chest is in the next room behind a heavy door. Continue up the path and dispatch any enemies. On the right are some blue vines you can burn away with the Blades of Chaos. Do this to reveal a spot you can hit with your axe. Hitting it will open the door in the previous area, so head back down and get your reward.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #9
Location: Freyr's Camp
Reward: Heavy Runic Attack - Leviathan's Roar
Found during Creatures of Prophecy. As you progress, you'll do battle with a Stalker. Continue through and beat the next group of baddies. Over to the left is a wall you can weaken with the spear. Once done, climb it up to the higher platforms. Up here, you can climb over to the right and grab this Legendary Chest.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #10
Location: Freyr's Camp
Reward: 500x Divine Ashes
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the central campfire, head west to where you entered at the start of that chapter. You may notice the Legendary Chest off to the right. Jump across the river to find a rock to break with a spear. Do this and the chest is right in front of you.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #11
Location: The Plains
Reward: Heavy Runic Attack - Honour the Fallen
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the Mystic Gateway at Western Plains, look to the left to see the chest in a lower area. Over on the right, you'll see a rock you can throw a spear into. Do this but don't detonate it yet. Head forward and drop down to the left — you may need to fight some enemies. Continue to the left and you'll come to two more weak points in the rock. Throw spears at these points too, and then detonate all three. You'll then be able to head to the Legendary Chest.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #12
Location: The Jungle
Reward: Light Runic Attack - Whisper of the World
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy and the Favour Return of the River. From the Mystic Gateway at Jungle Entrance, go forward and get in the boat. Sail south down the river until you can take a left — continue this way and dock at the small beach. Head left and up a slope to find some red vines — burn these away using sigil arrows and the Blades. Get back to the boat and go out the way you came. Take a left and shore up at another beach. Go up the steps to the left and use the grapple point to your right. Follow this path along to the right to find a series of grapple points. At one of them, you can choose between two — take the right-hand one to finally reach the Legendary Chest.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Legendary Chests Legendary Chest #13
Location: The Jungle
Reward: Jewel of Yggdrasil
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy and the Favour Return of the River. Only accessible during daylight. From the Mystic Gateway at Jungle Entrance, sail to the east until you find a small dock. Get out and squeeze through the gap. Ahead, you'll be able to grapple across the river. Continue following the path around to the right, over jumps and up to the left. You'll reach a wall on the right with a gap you can squeeze through. Do this, then drop down the hole. Use the axe to escape the cage and walk forward to find the Legendary Chest.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore
Here's where to find all the Lore items in Vanaheim.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers
Lore Markers are the tall stone tablets with runic writings.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #1: Harmony
Location: Western Barri Woods
Found during Creatures of Prophecy. After the brief cutscene in which the time of day changes, this Lore Marker is just ahead to the right.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #2: Golrab of the Ashes and Frost
Location: Noatun's Garden
Found after completing The Reckoning. After arriving at Noatun's Garden and dealing with the enemies, head up and to the right. This Lore Marker is standing against a small building.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #3: Garden's Progress
Location: Noatun's Garden
Found after completing The Reckoning. At the location of Hoenir's Crest, to the right is a wall you can climb up. Do this, and you'll see this Lore Marker over to the left.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #4: Dead on Arrival
Location: Pilgrim's Landing
Found after completing The Reckoning. After arriving at Pilgrim's Landing and dispatching the enemies, you'll be able to begin the Favour Cure for the Dead. Opposite the spirit is a drawbridge you'll need to lower. In the next area, you'll find this Lore Marker (and some baddies to fight).
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #5: Living Masterpiece
Location: River Delta
Found after completing The Reckoning. From the entrance to River Delta, stick to the right-hand side and follow the river around. Eventually, you'll see a beach on the left where you'll find Brok in his workshop and a Mystic Gateway to the left. Over on the right of this area, you'll see this Lore Marker.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #6: Seidr Sacrifice
Location: The Veiled Passage
Found after completing The Reckoning. As you begin exploring The Veiled Passage, you'll see a room with lots of those exploding poison plants. Get rid of them, then climb up the wall. This Lore Marker will be immediately on the right.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #7: Call to Arms
Location: Cliffside Ruins
Found after completing The Reckoning. Take on the Favour Conscience for the Dead. This will lead you through some tunnels and out to a chain. Climb down, then head to the right and you'll find this Lore Marker.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #8: Anything I Can Do
Location: Goddess Falls
Found after completing The Reckoning. After arriving at Goddess Falls, straight ahead is a wall you can climb. Do this, then this Lore Marker will be in a small room on your right.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #9: The Feast
Location: Vanir Shrine
Found after completing The Reckoning. After defeating the Soul Eater, return to where you entered Vanir Shrine. Head over to the right and you'll see this Lore Marker ahead.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #10: The Blessing of Two
Location: Vanir Shrine
Found after completing The Reckoning. After opening the large circular door (using chained runic arrows to light both braziers), defeat the enemies and continue up the steps. You'll find this Lore Marker on the left-hand side.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #11: The Auburn Crown
Location: Vanir Shrine
Found after completing The Reckoning. From where you enter Vanir Shrine, over to the right is a drawbridge. You bring it down by burning the red vines with chained sigil arrows. After crossing the bridge, this Lore Marker is in the next room on the left.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #12: The Ceremony
Location: Vanir Shrine
Found after completing The Reckoning. After the cutscene in which Freya reclaims a ceremonial sword, you'll spot this Lore Marker on the way back out, on the right.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #13: Seidr
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the Mystic Gateway at Eastern Plains, you can see the Lore Marker up and to the left. Just head up the steps to reach it, but clear out the Seidr enemies if you haven't already.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #14: Apology
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the Mystic Gateway at Western Plains, drop down to the left and then follow the path to the left. Drop down at the end and you'll see a Seidr encampment on the right. Throw your axe at the poison to pass through, then deal with the enemies inside if you haven't already. As you go in, head to the left to find this Lore Marker.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #15: Stupidity
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy and the Favour Return of the River. After restoring the water to The Crater, return to The Plains. Sail to the westernmost boat dock, and on the left you should see some grapple points. Ascend these and then zip-line down the rope. You’ll have to battle some Seidr if you haven’t already. At the back of this area to the right, you’ll find this Lore Marker.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #16: Unforgiven
Location: The Jungle
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. During the Favour, Return of the River, you will ascend a large dam in a lift. When you reach the top, hop across the platforms to find this Lore Marker on the right.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Lore Markers Lore Marker #17: Everything Ends
Location: The Sinkholes
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the Mystic Gateway at Crater Entrance, head west and pass through the circular arch. You'll come up to a rope you can zip down. When you land, head through the tunnel to the right, clearing the poison with the axe. Through the other side, the Lore Marker is just on the right.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore The Lost Pages
The Lost Pages depict ancient sword hilts that can be crafted if you have the right resources. You'll need all the Lost Pages in order to get all Relics and Sword Hilts and unlock the Trophy named Collector.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore The Lost Pages The Lost Page #1
Location: The Jungle
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy and the Favour Return of the River. After dealing with the Ogres across the river, return to the door with the chain beside it. Open the door and continue following this path. Eventually you will come to an area called Wishing Well. When you arrive, turn left and grapple up to the upper ledge. On the left will be a hallway with this Lost Page inside.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Rune Reads
Glowing blue etchings found on walls.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Rune Reads Rune Read #1: Vanaheim Lullaby
Location: Freyr's Camp
Found during The Reckoning. From the central campfire, head northwest a short distance. You'll see a pair of woven canoes resting up against a rock. The rune read is between the canoes.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Rune Reads Rune Read #2: Prayer to Freya
Location: The Abandoned Village
Found during The Reckoning. When you first arrive at The Abandoned Village, this Rune Read can be seen straight ahead, inside a small building.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Rune Reads Rune Read #3: Traitor
Location: Vanir Shrine
Found after completing The Reckoning. After opening the large circular door (using chained runic arrows to light both braziers), follow the path and the Rune Read is to your right on the wall.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Rune Reads Rune Read #4: Verdant
Location: Eastern Barri Woods
Found during Creatures of Prophecy. On the main path, you'll reach a barricaded doorway. Once inside, look to the wall on the left to find this Rune Read.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Rune Reads Rune Read #5: City of Possibility
Location: The Jungle
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy and the Favour Return of the River. Only accessible during daylight. From the Mystic Gateway at Jungle Entrance, sail to the east until you find a small dock. Get out and squeeze through the gap. Ahead, you'll be able to grapple across the river. Continue following the path around to the right, over jumps and up to the left. You'll reach a wall on the right with a gap you can squeeze through. Do this, then drop down the hole. Use the axe to escape the cage and walk around to the left to find the Rune Read.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Scrolls
Scrolls are small collectibles that offer some background on the world and its inhabitants.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Scrolls Scroll #1: Freyr's Lament
Location: Freyr's Camp
Found during The Reckoning. From the central campfire, head southwest towards the canopies. In the corner, you'll find this Scroll on the ground.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Scrolls Scroll #2: Chores
Location: The Abandoned Village
Found during The Reckoning. As you approach The Abandoned Village, you'll need to spin a crane around so you can grapple across a gap. When you land in the next hut, instead of continuing down the path, turn left to see a gap in the wall. Turn the crane once more and grapple down. To your right will be this Scroll next to some pots.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Scrolls Scroll #3: Nonviolence
Location: River Delta
Found after completing The Reckoning. From where you enter River Delta, sail down the left-hand side. Before you reach the broken bridge, take a right and then hug the inner bank until you reach a secluded area you can leave the boat. Climb the steps and you'll be on the broken bridge. Hop the gap and the Scroll is in the far right-hand corner.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Scrolls Scroll #4: Abandoned
Location: Vanir Shrine
Found after completing The Reckoning. After Freya creates the big bridge in the central area of Vanir Shrine, cross it and you'll see this Scroll on the floor on the right.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Scrolls Scroll #5: The Aesir Promise
Location: Eastern Barri Woods
Found during Creatures of Prophecy. Along the main path, you will find a fork in the road. Take the left path to find this Scroll on the ground.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Treasure Maps
Treasure Maps are self-explanatory. They give you a sketch and a few lines of text as clues to the location of some treasure.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Treasure Maps Treasure Map #1: Under the Rainbow
Location: Noatun's Garden
Leads To: Buried Treasure #1
Found after completing The Reckoning. Once you dock at Noatun's Garden, you'll need to fend off some enemies. Afterwards, head over to the left and around the building. This Treasure Map is on the ground in the corner.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Treasure Maps Treasure Map #2: The Giant's Toes
Location: Vanir Shrine
Leads To: Buried Treasure #2
Found after completing The Reckoning. After defeating the Soul Eater, return to where you entered Vanir Shrine. Head over to the right and turn right again to find this Treasure Map tucked in the corner.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Lore Treasure Maps Treasure Map #3: A Scar Is Born
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy and the Favour Return of the River. After restoring the water to The Crater, return to The Plains. You can now sail to the location of Yggdrasil Rift #4, which is directly west of the Mystic Gateway at Crater Entrance. On that same patch of rock, you can find this Treasure Map.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Nine Realms in Bloom
Nine Realms in Bloom is a Favour that tasks you with finding a unique flower from each of the nine realms.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Nine Realms in Bloom Starblush
Location: The Sinkholes
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy and the Favour Return of the River. From the Mystic Gateway at Sinkholes Entrance, grapple over the river and take the boat to the right. Follow the river along — you should have already opened up the gate by this point, so continue sailing through until you find a dock. Get out and head to the right, and you'll come across this flower.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Nornir Chests
Nornir Chests are locked by three magic runes. To unlock them, you must find the matching runes nearby in the environment. Open them to find all Idunn Apples and Horns of Blood Mead and unlock the Trophy named Full Belly.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #1
Location: The Southern Wilds
Found during The Reckoning. This Nornir Chest is very easy to spot along the main path. After dealing with a couple of those blue spitting plants, you'll see it just ahead. It rewards you with an Idunn Apple.
The first rune spinner can be found off to the right of the chest. It's covered in blue vines — use the Blades of Chaos to clear them. The second rune spinner is back the way you came, up high on your left. Again, use the Blades to burn the blue vines first. The third rune is back near the chest, up and to the left atop a rock.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #2
Location: The Abandoned Village
Found during The Reckoning. You're able to solve this Nornir Chest before you see it. Along the main path you'll come to a broken bridge you need to cross, and will use the nearby crane to solve the puzzle. As well as a grapple point, the crane has a flaming bucket on a rope. You'll use this to burn the blue vines and cross the bridge, and the chest itself is down to the right once you're over. It rewards you with a Horn of Blood Mead.
The first rune is below your start position for this puzzle. Turn the crane so the bucket is near to you, then pull it towards you with the Blades to ignite the rune. For the next one, grapple over to the left and tug the bucket to the left to light the second rune. The third is just opposite the Nornir Chest and easy to reach.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #3
Location: Cliffside Ruins
Found after completing The Reckoning. Roughly opposite the location of Brok's workshop in River Delta, you'll find Cliffside Ruins. After leaving the boat, head under the archway ahead and you'll see the Nornir Chest ahead over a gap. It rewards you with a Horn of Blood Mead.
From the Nornir Chest, head to the left of the area to find a wall you can climb. Up here, jump across the pillars to the left, where you can see the chain. If you look down, you can see the first rune spinner. The second is to the right of the Nornir Chest on the other side of the wall, covered in red vines. Clear them with chained runic arrows and the Blades. The last rune spinner can be seen from the beach where Brok's workshop is.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #4
Location: The Veiled Passage
Found after completing The Reckoning. As you head towards Goddess Falls, stick to the left and turn when you can. This is The Veiled Passage. On the right will be a beach where you'll find fire bombs. Use one to blow up the gold deposit, and beyond it is the Nornir Chest. It rewards you with an Idunn Apple.
All three runes can be seen across the way from the chest. To hit all three, use a combination of chained runic arrows and a firebomb.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #5
Location: Goddess Falls
Found after completing The Reckoning. After ascending the cliffs, you will see this Nornir Chest at the back of the area, with a couple of jumps to get to it. It rewards you with an Idunn Apple.
The first brazier is to the right of the chest. Use the rocks in the water to chain runic arrows together and light it. Turn around and grapple over to a waterfall on your right. Another brazier is at the top — use the protruding rocks to once again chain runic arrows. From there, turn around and the third brazier is on a rocky outcropping — you'll need runic arrows to have your fire reach it.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #6
Location: Eastern Barri Woods
Found during Creatures of Prophecy. As you follow the main path, you'll reach a fork in the road. Take the left path and follow the steps up to find this Nornir Chest. It rewards you with a Horn of Blood Mead.
Just up and to the left of the chest, you'll find the first rune spinner. Look further to the left and there's a path — you'll need to fight a Wulver first. Afterwards, the second spinner is visible opposite. The third is back on the steps, on the right as you head back down. It's covered in blue vines, so you'll need to get rid of those first.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #7
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the Mystic Gateway at Crater Entrance, drop down to the open area. Head forward and to the right — you may need to fight off some baddies on the way. Keep heading northeast and the Nornir Chest will be sat near a high wall. It rewards you with an Idunn Apple.
The first rune is just up and to the left of the chest. The second is to the right of the chest, across the pond. The third can be found around the other side of the large rock, but it's blocked by blue vines. You will need to go around the structure and access it from the other side to clear them.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #8
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the Mystic Gateway at Western Plains, head forward and drop down to the left. Head through the doorway and follow the path to the left. You may encounter a boss named Vali the Oath Guard — you'll need to defeat him. Next, approach the western edge of this area to see a poisonous lantern. Throw your axe at it and leave it there. Now head back the way you came. Back through the doorway, head right and hop over the low ledge. Drop down and open the door on the right. After fighting off the enemies, the Nornir Chest is just ahead. It rewards you with a Horn of Blood Mead.
The first run is on the far left of this area sitting on a rock. The second is on the right of the area, inside a hollow tree. For the third, throw your axe at the poison lantern just to the right of the Nornir Chest. Head over and turn to the left to find the third rune behind a tree.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #9
Location: The Jungle
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy and the Favour Return of the River. This Nornir Chest is located just to the left of the Mystic Gateway at The Jungle. You can get to it via the river by sailing south from the Mystic Gateway at Jungle Entrance. It rewards you with an Idunn Apple.
The first rune spinner is up and to the right of the chest. Next, go up the steps leading to the Celestial Altar and look to the right to find another spinner covered in red vines. Clear them with sigil arrows and the Blades. For the last one, use the grapple point and then turn around to find it above the Celestial Altar.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #10
Location: The Sinkholes
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the Mystic Gateway at Crater Entrance, head west and pass through the circular arch. You'll come up to a rope you can zip down. When you land, turn around and head west to find the Nornir Chest in a cave. It rewards you with a Horn of Blood Mead.
You'll need to use sigil arrows to light all the rune braziers. The first brazier can be found to the left of the chest, on the rock outside. The second is back out the way you came into the cave, across a pond. For the third, use the nearby grapple point, turn around and look up to see it half-way up the cliff.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Nornir Chests Nornir Chest #11
Location: The Sinkholes
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy and the Favour Return of the River. From the Mystic Gateway at The Sinkholes, go down to the boat and follow the river to the right. Get off on the beach and open the door on the right. Fight through the tunnels and climb up to a new area. Follow the path to see the Nornir Chest on the right. It rewards you with 10x Shattered Rune and an Amulet Enchantment - Midgard's Bravery.
You'll need to use the spear to hit the three runes. Further down the path from the chest, you can see one of them on the left. The next is back the other way, to the right of the cave. From there, turn around and look up at the pillar beside the chain for the third rune.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens
Odin's Ravens are green, shining birds dotted around the game. They normally stand out, but they will also make shimmering sounds when you're nearby. Throw your axe at them to "collect" them. Find and kill all Odin's Ravens to complete the Favour named The Eyes of Odin.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #1
Location: The Southern Wilds
Upon arriving in Vanaheim at the start of The Reckoning, head forward a little until the path splits. To the left you'll see an archway formed by tree roots. Go through here and find this Odin's Raven flying above a small lake.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #2
Location: Freyr's Camp
Found during The Reckoning. After speaking with Freyr and leaving Mimir with him, you'll go through the wooden gate. Walk along the path, and right at the end, you can spot this Odin's Raven across the water.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #3
Location: River Delta
Found during The Reckoning. Upon arriving in River Delta, this Odin's Raven is visible on the right, but you can't throw your axe in the boat. Sail to the right until you can leave the boat — this is Pilgrim's Landing. Follow the Favour Cure for the Dead, lowering the drawbridges until you reach Legendary Chest #6. Off to the left is a gap through which you can hit this Odin's Raven.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #4
Location: River Delta
Found during The Reckoning. To kill this Odin's Raven, take on the Favour Conscience for the Dead. This will lead you through some tunnels and out to a chain. Climb down, then head to the right and you can hit it with your axe.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #5
Location: The Veiled Passage
Found during The Reckoning. When you reach the end of the river in The Veiled Passage, get off the boat and then rotate the camera up and behind you. The Odin's Raven is perched above.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #6
Location: Goddess Falls
Found during The Reckoning. This Odin's Raven is visible as soon as you arrive at Goddess Falls, circling in the sky above. However, it's too high to hit from the ground. Climb up the wall, grapple over the waterfall, and climb up another wall — then you will be able to nab it.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #7
Location: Eastern Barri Woods
Found during Creatures of Prophecy. On the main path, you'll reach a stone you need to destroy using a thrown spear. Do this, and as you pass through the gap, turn the camera behind you and look up. The Odin's Raven is perched in a tree.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #8
Location: The Abandoned Village
Found during Creatures of Prophecy. Continue through the chapter until you use a rope to zip-line down to a new area. After dealing with the Einherjar and approaching the box, you'll begin a pursuit. Head out to the right and you will be able to see the Odin's Raven perched in a tree opposite.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #9
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the Mystic Gateway at Western Plains, take a right and continue down the path. Instead of dropping down to the right, turn the camera behind Kratos and look down over the wall. The Odin's Raven is hopping about on a rock below.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #10
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the Mystic Gateway at Western Plains, drop down to the left and head across towards the frozen lightning bolt. As you approach, you will see this Odin's Raven perching on a rock to the left of the path.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #11
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the Mystic Gateway at Eastern Plains, drop down to the left and follow the path around to Brok's workshop. Just opposite him you'll find this Odin's Raven sat on the cliff edge.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #12
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. After defeating The Crimson Dread as part of the Favour, For Vanaheim, you can find this Odin's Raven in the northwest corner of the arena. For once, it's lower down than you, sat on a low rock.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #13
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the Mystic Gateway at Western Plains, U-turn to head north. Drop down and head towards the grapple point across the chasm, but don't use it. At the edge, look down and you'll see this sneaky Odin's Raven.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Odin's Ravens Odin's Raven #14
Location: The Jungle
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the Mystic Gateway at Jungle Entrance, head forward and this Odin's Raven can be spotted across the chasm. Unfortunately, you can't access it yet. To reach it, you will need to complete the Favour, Return of the River. Once you have, return to the area to find a boat you can sail. Head to the left and through a tunnel. Dock on the other side, squeeze through the gap, and fight the Ogres. The Odin's Raven will be watching on the left.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Remnants of Asgard
Remnants of Asgard are post-game arena battles found dotted across most of the realms. They appear in the game after completing The Realms at War.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Remnants of Asgard Remnant of Asgard #1
Location: Freyr's Camp
Travel to the Mystic Gateway at Freyr's Camp. As soon as you arrive, you should spot the Remnant of Asgard ahead. Get on the boat and sail forward to find it.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Remnants of Asgard Remnant of Asgard #2
Location: Eastern Barri Woods
Travel to the Mystic Gateway at Freyr's Camp. Make sure it's daytime by using the nearby Celestial Altar. Take the boat and make your way back to Freyr's actual camp, then go through the wooden gateway. Follow the path through until you reach the ruins with all the wooden scaffolding. Go through it to the other side to find this Remnant of Asgard.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Seasonal Stags
Seasonal Stags are special creatures that represent the seasons. All located in Vanaheim, you'll need to locate all four in order to complete the Favour, A Stag for All Seasons.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Seasonal Stags Seasonal Stag #1: Winter
Location: The Plains
You'll find this Seasonal Stag after completing the Favour named For Vanaheim. Use the nearby Mystic Gateway to travel back to Sindri's House and speak to Ratatoskr. Head back to the Mystic Gateway at The Overgrown Tower and approach the Seasonal Stag.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Seasonal Stags Seasonal Stag #2: Spring
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. Travel to the Mystic Gateway at Jungle Entrance. Look to the left and grapple over the river. On the left, open the door with the chain. Go through the tunnel and use a spear to create a way up to the ledge. Continue forward, squeezing through a narrow passage. You'll find yourself at Wishing Well, and the Seasonal Stag will be ahead to the right.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Seasonal Stags Seasonal Stag #3: Summer
Location: The Jungle
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. Only accessible during the daytime. Travel to the Mystic Gateway at Jungle Entrance. Get in the boat and sail to the left, getting off at the dock around the corner. Squeeze through the gap, and head forward. Grapple across the river, and the Seasonal Stag is straight ahead.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Seasonal Stags Seasonal Stag #4: Autumn
Location: The Sinkholes
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. You'll first enter The Sinkholes via a zip-line rope. Once you land, turn to the right and head through the tunnel, using the axe to freeze the poison so you can get past. On the other side will be some enemies, so clear them out. Next, use the grapple point to cross to the other side of the river. On this bank to the left, you'll find this Seasonal Stag.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Yggdrasil Rifts
These hovering rifts glow blue, and when you approach them, they may send out some high-level enemies for you to tackle. Once conquered, interact with it again for a reward.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Yggdrasil Rifts Yggdrasil Rift #1
Location: River Delta
Found during The Reckoning. From where you enter River Delta, sail down the left-hand side. Before you reach the broken bridge, take a right and then hug the inner bank until you reach a secluded area you can leave the boat. Continue up the path and you will see the Yggdrasil Rift ahead.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Yggdrasil Rifts Yggdrasil Rift #2
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. From the Mystic Gateway at Eastern Plains, climb the ledge immediately to the right, then follow the path to the right. The Yggdrasil Rift is just down this way on the cliff edge. It contains one of the Lindwyrms needed for the Favour, The Lost Lindwyrms.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Yggdrasil Rifts Yggdrasil Rift #3
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy. After defeating The Crimson Dread as part of the Favour, For Vanaheim, look to the north of the area. The Yggdrasil Rift is hovering above a puddle. Inside is one of the Lindwyrms needed for the Favour, The Lost Lindwyrms.
All Vanaheim Collectibles Yggdrasil Rifts Yggdrasil Rift #4
Location: The Plains
Found after completing Creatures of Prophecy and the Favour Return of the River. After restoring the water to The Crater, return to The Plains. You can now take a boat and sail across to this Yggdrasil Rift, which sits on a small island west of the Mystic Gateway at Crater Entrance.
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