Are you looking for everything we know so far about GTA 6? With Rockstar Games having finally announced the much-anticipated sequel, interest in the game is currently sky-high. This GTA 6 guide is designed to document everything we know so far about the game, revealing important details about its release and contents. We will continue to update this guide as Rockstar Games shares more details as we near its launch. Here's everything we know so far about GTA 6.
GTA 6: Everything We Know So Far

Below you'll find everything we know so far about GTA 6 in the form of questions and responses. As further details are revealed, we'll update the guide with new information. Here are some quick confirmed GTA 6 details to get you started:
- Release Date Window — Fall 2025
- Availability — PS5 and Xbox Series X|S
- Setting — Vice City, Leonida
- Main Characters — Lucia and Jason
GTA 6 Release Date, Pre-Orders, and Price — When Is GTA 6 Coming Out and How Much Will It Cost?
This first part of our GTA 6 guide focuses on how you can get the game and all the detailed related to that. We'll cover the GTA 6 release date, pre-orders, and the price of GTA 6.
When Is GTA 6 Coming Out?
GTA 6 will release in 2025, which has now been narrowed down to Fall 2025. This means the game will release at some point between September and November next year.
What Consoles Will GTA 6 Be Available On?
Grand Theft Auto 6 will be available on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S at launch.
Will GTA 6 Be on PS4?
Rockstar Games hasn't announced a version of GTA 6 for PS4, and it's highly unlikely the game will come to the last-gen console.
Will GTA 6 Be on PC?
While a PC version isn't confirmed just yet, developer Rockstar Games has brought its games to PC a few years after the initial console launch. As such, there's a very good chance the new GTA will be on PC a couple of years down the line.

How Much Is GTA 6 Going to Cost?
Rockstar Games hasn't announced a price for GTA 6 yet, and since the developer hasn't released a new game this generation yet, there's no track record to fall back on. However, the game will almost certainly be priced at £70 / $70 for the base version, with special editions costing more.
When Will GTA 6 Pre-Orders Be Available?
GTA 6 will be available to pre-order officially much closer to the release date, when Rockstar Games announces it. On the PlayStation Store, for example, a game can only be pre-ordered digitally when it has a confirmed release date. As such, expect GTA 6 pre-orders to become available closer to launch.
Why Is GTA 6 Taking So Long?
Unfortunately, video game development isn't like it was in the PS2 generation anymore, where games could be made and released inside two to three years. Rising asset size along with the meticulous detail featured in titles made by Rockstar Games means the new GTA is taking longer than ever.

GTA 6 Trailer, News, and Screenshots — When is GTA 6 Trailer 2 Coming Out?
This next section of our GTA 6 guide covers all the media already released for the game, and when we can expect more. This includes the current trailer and the crop of screenshots to go alongside it, as well as speculation surrounding the second trailer.
All GTA 6 Trailers
When Is the Next GTA 6 Trailer Coming Out?
The next GTA 6 update will likely come with the second trailer, but since it's already been a year since the first one was released, it's very difficult to predict when it'll arrive. There's a chance a second trailer will be released before the end of the year, but it's definitely not something set in stone.
When Was GTA 6 Trailer 1 Released?
The first GTA 6 trailer is over a year old at this point, released on 4th December 2023. The trailer was originally leaked by someone outside of the developer, complete with a crypto promotion over the top of the footage. Rockstar Games then uploaded its official version a few hours later, and since amassed more than 220 million views.
GTA 6 News
- GTA 6 PS5 Release Window Narrowed to Fall 2025
- This Time Next Year, You Could Be Playing GTA 6 on Your PS5
- PS5 Pro Probably Won't Run GTA 6 at 4K 60FPS, Tech Expert Claims
- GTA 6 Not Affected by Current Union Strike Over AI Issues
- GTA 6 on PS5 Will Seemingly Include ScHoolboy Q's Music
- Upgraded PS5 Pro Planning to Be the Best Place to Play GTA 6
- GTA 6 Trailer Pulls 90 Million Views in 24 Hours, Sets New World Records
GTA 6 Screenshots
When Will We Get More GTA 6 News?
As 2024 comes to an end and a new year begins — the one GTA 6 is currently slated to release in — it's still not known when the next piece of information or Trailer 2 will release. Given the game is currently set to launch in 2025, the next bit of news can't be too far away.
GTA 6 Map and Characters — What City is GTA 6 Based on? Who Is Lucia in GTA 6? Who is Jason in GTA 6?
This third part of our GTA 6 guide is all about the game's map and the characters that'll populate it. We touch on the real-life comparisons and who the main characters of Lucia and Jason are.
What City Is GTA 6 Set In?
GTA 6 is set in Vice City, in the fictional state of Leonida. This is a returning setting from GTA: Vice City on PS2, but the map will be completely different.
What City Is GTA 6 Based On?
Vice City in the new GTA is meant to represent Miami, as it did in the PS2 instalment.

How Big Is the GTA 6 Map?
Rockstar Games has not shared an official look at the Grand Theft Auto 6 map yet. The map from GTA 5 is currently the series' biggest at more than 80 square kilometres, but GTA 6 is expected to beat it. When revealed, expect this to be the biggest map the franchise has ever had.
Looking at roadsigns featured in the first trailer, the following places have been spotted and could potentially appear in the game: Port Vice City, Keys, Vice Beaches, Hamlet, Waning Sands, Port Gellhorn, Vice City International Airport, Stockyard, and Vice City Downtown. These locations could feature across the two counties of Kelly and Vice Dale.
Who Are the Main Characters in GTA 6?
While they have not been outright confirmed by Rockstar Games, it seems very safe to say Lucia and Jason are the two main characters in Grand Theft Auto 6. Lucia is the focus for much of the game's first trailer, and Jason is her boyfriend, who we see her in bed with towards the end. Right now, it's not known whether there will be more playable characters.
Who Is Lucia in GTA 6?
Based on the first trailer and leaks, it appears Lucia will be the main character of GTA 6. She is of Latin-American descent, and is the series' first female protagonist since its PS1 days. Given what happens in the first trailer, Lucia has spent some time in prison for crimes unknown to us right now, but she appears to be on parole, due to the ankle tag she's wearing in the key art image. Jason is her boyfriend, and leaks have claimed their relationship will play out a lot like Bonnie and Clyde.

Who Is Jason in GTA 6?
Compared to Lucia, even less is known about Jason at the time of writing. He too has spent time in prison and will be playable in the game.
GTA 6 Cast — Who Is Playing Lucia and Jason?
The official cast of GTA 6 voice actors hasn't been confirmed yet, but speculation points to Manni L. Perez playing Lucia. She looks similar to the character, and has previously said she wants to do more voicework. Perez has previously starred in Law & Order. There hasn't been much in the way of rumours linking Jason to any voice actor, but we do know it's not Troy Baker.
Who Is the Bikini Girl in the GTA 6 Trailer?
One of the biggest debates to come out of the first GTA 6 trailer is whether a woman who appears midway through, dressed in a bikini at a highrise apartment, is actually Lucia, the main character. She has a different haircut to other clips of Lucia throughout the trailer, but fans have still been trying to work out whether they're the same person. As of right now, it's still unclear who the bikini girl is.
GTA 6 Modes and Features — Will GTA 6 Be Crossplay and Cross Platform?
This section of our GTA 6 guide covers the modes and features you should expect in the game, like the traditional single player campaign, online mode, and whether friends will be able to play together.
Will There Be a Single Player Campaign in GTA 6?
Yes, Rockstar Games has confirmed GTA 6 will have a single player campaign. Founder Sam Houser said the game will "push the limits of what’s possible in highly immersive, story-driven open-world experiences".

Will GTA 6 Have Online?
Rockstar Games hasn't commented on the existence of a GTA Online mode in Grand Theft Auto 6 yet, but the chances of there not being one are pretty much second to none. Grand Theft Auto Online is what's kept GTA 5 going for so long and has generated a lot of money for the developer, so it'll surely bring the multiplayer mode back with new features and a better look. It may not be available at launch, but it'll arrive eventually.
Will GTA 6 Be Crossplay and Cross Platform?
While it hasn't been confirmed just yet, GTA 6 will almost certainly have crossplay functionality across PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, allowing friends to play together even if they don't own the same console.
Has our guide covering everything we know so far about GTA 6 got you even more excited about the game? What information do you hope is shared next? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 62
I can't wait to get lost in the single player. There is something about just driving around in a GTA world that is special.
So nothing at the moment then. I'm guessing we can look forward to 18 months of this page being updated with more nothing aswell.
There's a chance the release could be much earlier than September/October. GTA 4 released end of April. It is the anamoly rather than the standard, but we can hope can't we.
Geez south park is calling it 🤣 I'm keeping an eye on this I won't buy it il see if it crashes and burns like the latest saints row. Bathesda amd remedy disappointed me . Ah well I've been watching a lot of content from the 90s to 2010 nothing is fun today.
Grand theft auto is going to be amazing thats what i know it will be.and so far that trailer was excellent.word up son
@Mad001 when has anything from Rockstar crashed and burned?
@playstation1995 I really do hope so buddy 😄 you remember state of emergency on the PS2?
@Mad001 Did you even watch the trailer? It's still GTA. It's not "woke" at all. It's just grown men upset that you play as a female.
@Mad001. Definitely.but bully was the game.its a excellent game.word up son
@Splat looks like saints row to me
It's kind of ridiculous how secretive the video game industry is. I mean, we don't even know who the voice actor is that's playing Lucia
@Splat and they’re not even totally white! The horror! I as a grown man cannot abide such wokeness, it’s a gateway drug to communism.
Also looks fun, sure it’ll be fun when it drops, but it’s over a year away so not going to let the hype get to me.
@pyrrhic_victory probably protecting the actors from threats from some of the psychotic fan base
I really can’t get excited about a game that’s potentially 2 years away (and probably more).
Wake me up when we’re 3 months out!
@MasterEMFG Yeah that's true, unfortunately
What’s lame af about the whole thing is that yet again the new GTA game will launch near the end of a console cycle. Meaning we’ll be amazed by the graphics etc for about 5 minutes because the PS6 will launch within 16 months of its release( if it sticks to the 2025 line that is). Personally I’m hoping it doesn’t launch this gen at all so we’ll get a proper next gen Version to enjoy for a full 7 years of a cycle, rather than less than 2. Is that fair?
@Mikey856 which means it'll re-release on ps6, and again on ps7, as gta5 did. More money for take two. They aren't stupid.
@MatthewJP yes but again it’ll be a last gen game just tart’d up won’t it. GTAV was a PS3/360 game bro. I want it native next gen at launch of next gen or as early as possible please
possibility of a psvr2 mode?
@Mikey856 good point . theyre gonna release GTA6 just in time to milk pseudo “next-gen” versions of a last gen port for the ps6
thats disgusting
@LiamCroft True. Articles like this gets people's attention through Google, fair enough. I think I even came here through one of those "Top 10 RPGs" articles, so yeah people need to understand the biz.
You're missing the part where Rockstar merged all of their studios to make RDR2 under why it's taking so long.
@Mikey856 PS6 isn't coming until 2028 though.
@playstation1995 bully was a cracker, my mate played it once his character got knocked out a few mins after getting outside in the game ,I couldn't believe it lol .
@Splat i played tomb raider back in the day, I'm a fan of female characters aliens and long kiss goodnight, female characters today is insufferable. And the guy was made to look weak in the trailer, I just want a good game.
I cant wait to run people over at the beach.
@Mikey856 still waiting for a game that really pushes the PS5 so dont hold our breathe.
@stefan771 it’ll be 27 won’t it? . That’s the 7 year cycle
Documents from Sony and MS say 2028. They were declassified as part of the Microsoft FTC court case.
@stefan771 that’s a first then I think for Sony?
Soundtrack is going to be amazing.
Literally love to just drive around so can’t wait for a huge map with lots of people, traffic and things to see. Also, will we finally have indicators on cars for full immersion?
I also hope the map isn’t too locked up; inevitably it’ll require progress to unlock it all but I hope much of it is useable and what isn’t, doesn’t require too much gameplay to unlock.
Meh. I want some serious innovation. GTA4 and GTA5 really weren't all that different to one another. The problem is, Rockstar knows that this game will sell regardless so why bother trying?
@itsfoz Funnily enough, The Getaway on PS1 had functioning indicators.
@LifeGirl I loved that game - definitely due a remaster!
@LifeGirl PS2
Just curious with all the negativity towards Xbox games running at 30fps, how many will still play GTA6 if it's also 30fps?
Here's what I know so far:
It will have a fairly decent single player story mode with R* promising that there will never be any kind of story expansions ever released.
R* will prioritise online play and make billions from this over the next 25 years.
Storylines and missions from the single player mode will gradually be deleted over the years following the game's launch to allow players to focus on the online mode.
Whilst it will be reasonably playable on this gen of systems, it will only truly shine on PlayStation 7 and the Sega Dreamcast 2.
On the 3 year anniversary of the game releasing on PlayStation 7 and Dreamcast 2, rumours start circulating that R* have started initial talks to possibly consider beginning development on Red Dead Redemption 3.
The fictional state of Leonida that GTA6 is set in begins to generate so much money that its GDP allows it to officially become it's own sovereign nation.
The only other release from R* during this time is a 1080p port of 'Rockstar Games Presents: Table Tennis' for PS4 which is launched in 2036 to celebrate the game's 30th anniversary.
That's all I know for sure so far.
There is no doubt in my mind this game will be absolutely huge. The trailer was completely off-putting for me though. Big emphasis on social media videos etc., which I don't partake in and I just find annoying. I didn't get any of the social media references throughout the trailer. I recognize I am in the extreme minority here, but I have no interest in this game. For me, Rockstar absolutely peaked with RDR2. Controls were a little clunky, but I got lost in that world and story. GTAVI looks like its going to parody a ton of things and I won't get the references so whats the point.
@__jamiie I realise your post is a few months old but thanks for the chuckle! Sadly this is all a little 'black mirror', sadly scarily close to reality I fear.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
I'm very afraid that they will postpone the release for another couple of years. I can't wait for it to finally come out. After all, it's been more than ten years since the last part
While I’m not gaga over the “bonnie and clyde“ theme, I will never complain about having a new GTA city to drive around in. Gimme!
I'm cautiously optimistic that GTA 6 will still be GTA and have a fun, "I can't stop playing it", single player story and sandbox to play in.
To be honest my hype meter is at zero. I need some trailers and a close hard release date for some hype to register.
Why the hype for smth 1.5 - 2 years away? SO many good games out there now and coming before that. When it comes, it comes.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
Very little is the right answer. Plenty of the information here is speculative.
I'm worried that the game will lack the edge and satire of the previous games. Everything has to be so damn sanitized today, to not offend everyone.
But maybe, when the game is released, the world has finally begun to grow a thicker skin again.
@Steel76 The last thing we want is another Saint's row (reboot) situation...
@Mad001 What alternative timeline do you live in? This is pretty much nailed on to be the biggest entertainment launch in history.
There's more chance of me going to the moon tomorrow than this crashing and burning.
Why was this bumped..?
@BeerMonster indeed.
What GTA 5 launched it was revolutionary and their was nothing else like it. After GTA online was added on several months later this became the Rockstar's focus from then on. I suspect that when GTA 6 does actually launch the focus will be live service rather then single player. I always wonder which will launch first GTA 6 or Star Citizen?
@Oram77 it’s too late for that now. we’re screwed
@MrPeanutbutterz I feel like the pertinent question here is…are you actually an astronaut? Because if you are, it’s going to have a major influence on the comment you made.
I'm into Florida as a setting, but not modern day Florida. That's a drag.
@Steel76 the latest Omen movie has a dead on, flat shot of a demon hand coming out of a vagina. Not an A24 film. The Omen prequel. You can see any thing you want, in the palm of your hand, any time. There's sodomy jokes on prime time Sunday night television. Maybe it's because I don't have social media, but what in the world are you babbling about?
The problem might be that you consume the most popular tat out there. Games aren't niche anymore, so yeah, the most expensive of them are largely going to aim for as wide an audience as possible.
Fistly the hype around this game is growing by the day. We all love GTA V. So GTA VI has huge massive shoes to fill. Secondly with games taking so long to make these days and delays becoming more frequent I can absolutely guarantee this game will not release next year. More like Fall 2026. Most big triple AAA Rockstar games are released October, so I’m going late October 2026 release. If it’s delayed after that I would be surprised cos then we’ll be talking PlayStation 6. So Rockstar what next for us drooling fans? Don’t think much by how you’ve treated us with some of the games released recently 😂.
Why do some think that GTA 6 will run poorly on consoles? From my experience every game I've played of theirs has been great, be it on PS2, PS3, PS4 (and soon PS5 I'm sure). No issues whatsoever.
I don't get it really, I mean it's GTA, it's not Uncharted with cars.
@Ichiban it won't run poorly , well maybe series s , but ps5 , pro and series x will all look stunning
Why was this bumped 🧐
Other things we know.
Despite being called GTAVI, it isn't actually the 6th GTA game
And we're going to see this article bumped and Rockstar fanboys bleat about it at least once a week until it comes out.
Me, I'm off to go play all the other games out now and ignore GTA's existence until we get some interesting news about it, or it's come out
You kind of know nothing yet, let's be honest about this. A very strange bump for very little.
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