What are all Ancient Magic Hotspots in Hogwarts Legacy? The Ancient Magic Hotspots are a type of collectible that extend your Ancient Magic Meter. Upon interacting with the Ancient Magic Hotspot, you must find traces of Ancient Magic in the nearby area. As part of our Hogwarts Legacy guide, we are going to reveal all Ancient Magic Hotspots locations.
Hogwarts Legacy: All Ancient Magic Hotspots Locations

There are 20 Ancient Magic Hotspots in the game. Below you'll find all Ancient Magic Hotspots locations, working from the most northern region of the World Map down to its southern tip.
Forbidden Forest
There are 2 Ancient Magic Hotspots in the Forbidden Forest.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #1
In amongst the ruins of a castle, with spiders crawling all over the place.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #2
Among the ruins just south of the Floo Flame named West Forbidden Forest.
Hogsmeade Valley
There is 1 Ancient Magic Hotspot in Hogsmeade Valley.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #3
Just east of Hogsmeade itself at the entrance to some castle ruins. It's also slightly southwest of the Floo Flame named East Hogsmeade Valley.
North Hogwarts Region
There is 1 Ancient Magic Hotspot in North Hogwarts Region.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #4
Just west of The Collector's Cave in the valley below, in some ruins. Also just south of the Floo Flame labelled East North Hogwarts Region.
Hogwarts Valley
There are 6 Ancient Magic Hotspots in Hogwarts Valley.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #5
Near the border with South Hogwarts Region on the western side. You'll find this Ancient Magic Hotspot in some castle ruins.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #6
This Ancient Magic Hotspot is east of the river that runs through the middle of the region in some castle ruins. Just southwest of Brocburrow.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #7
Next to the Spider Lair just south of Brocburrow.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #8
Up on the hill in the castle ruins northwest of Keenbridge.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #9
Directly west of Keenbridge in some ruins.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #10
At the base of the castle just southeast of Keenbridge, where all the rivers meet.
Feldcroft Region
There are 4 Ancient Magic Hotspots in the Feldcroft Region.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #11
In the castle turret to the left of the Small Bandit Camp.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #12
North of Feldcroft.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #13
East of Holdcroft in the castle ruins.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #14
At the entrance to the castle ruins just south of Irondale.
Poidsear Coast
There are 2 Ancient Magic Hotspots along Poidsear Coast.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #15
Just outside the wreckage of a house south of the Floo Flame called Phoenix Mountain Cave.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #16
Next to the bridge outside the Floo Flame named South Poidsear Coast.
Marunweem Lake
There are 2 Ancient Magic Hotspots on Marunweem Lake.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #17
On the other side of the bridge where you find the Floo Flame called Marunweem Bridge.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #18
On the other side of the lake to the Floo Flame named Coastal Mine.
Manor Cape
There is 1 Ancient Magic Hotspot in Manor Cape.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #19
Inside the ruined mansion on top of the cliff southwest of the Floo Flame called Bainburgh.
There is 1 Ancient Magic Hotspot in Cragcroftshire.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #20
On the shore of the lake on the western side of the region below two Treasure Vaults.
Did you find our All Ancient Magic Hotspots Locations guide for Hogwarts Legacy useful? Refer to our Hogwarts Legacy guide for more information and share any further tips in the comments below.
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