What are All Merlin Trials Locations in Hogwarts Legacy and How Do You Solve Them? One type of Collectible in the game is Merlin Trials, which offer a little environmental puzzle in exchange for a gear capacity upgrade. As part of our Hogwarts Legacy guide, we're going to reveal all Merlin Trials locations and how to solve them. Completing them all unlocks the Merlin's Beard! Trophy.
Hogwarts Legacy: How to Unlock Merlin Trials

Before you can start completing Merlin Trials, you need to unlock the ability to actually see them on map. This is tied to Main Quest progression, specifically Trials of Merlin. You will solve the first Merlin Trial as part of this chapter, and then you'll be able to see and complete the rest in the open world.
Hogwarts Legacy: All Merlin Trials Locations and How to Solve Them
There are 95 Merlin Trials in the game, and are highlighted on the map with a black and white icon of a flower. In order to start a Merlin Trial, you'll need Mallowsweet Leaves. If you don't have any, head to The Magic Neep in Hogsmeade and buy some. When you're ready, interact with the symbol on the ground and solve the environmental puzzle. Below you'll find all Merlin Trial locations and how to solve them, divided up into all the regions on the World Map.
North Ford Bog
There are 4 Merlin Trials in North Ford Bog. Below are walkthroughs for finding and solving all of them.
Merlin Trial #1
Climb the rocky staircase to the top.
Merlin Trial #2
Use Confringo on the five green rocks that spawn around the pond.
Merlin Trial #3
Use Flipendo on the three stones that appear once the Merlin Trial is activated.
Merlin Trial #4
Use Incendio on the vines blocking the hole, then use Depulso to push the boulder into place.
Forbidden Forest
There are 3 Merlin Trials in the Forbidden Forest. Below are walkthroughs for finding and solving all of them.
Merlin Trial #5
Shoot the piles of rocks off of each pillar, then climb up onto the one on your right using the wooden box. You must now jump from one pillar to the next in an anti-clockwise fashion without falling off. The Merlin Trial is complete once you land on the final pillar.
Merlin Trial #6
Gather the three sets of butterflies in the area using Lumos and take them to the three green stones on either side of the main Merlin Trial platform.
Merlin Trial #7
Quickly light the three braziers in the nearby area. When looking at the lake, one is northeast of your position, another is directly east, and the last one is southeast.
Hogsmeade Valley
There are 5 Merlin Trials in Hogsmeade Valley. Below are walkthroughs for finding and solving all of them.
Merlin Trial #8
Use Lumos to escort the three sets of butterflies to the special rocks spread around the area.
Merlin Trial #9
Push the boulder down the slope using Depulso.
Merlin Trial #10
Destroy the highlighted rocks in the area using Incendio.
Merlin Trial #11
Light the three braziers above you with Incendio.
Merlin Trial #12
Return the sets of butterflies to the rocks spread across the area.
North Hogwarts Region
There are 5 Merlin Trials in the North Hogwarts Region. Below are walkthroughs for finding and solving all of them.
Merlin Trial #13
Light the three braziers. There's one right in front of the centre platform, one up the hill to your right, and another in the castle ruins.
Merlin Trial #14
Use Reparo to repair the four statues that break when you activate the Merlin Trial.
Merlin Trial #15
Use Flipendo on the three stone pillars with symbols on them.
Merlin Trial #16
Destroy all the circular rocks with Depulso.
Merlin Trial #17
Return the three groups of butterflies to the rocks around the main platform.
South Hogwarts Region
There are 15 Merlin Trials in the South Hogwarts Region. Below are walkthroughs for finding and solving all of them.
Merlin Trial #18
This is the first Merlin Trial you'll be able to complete, unlocked via the Main Quest named Trials of Merlin. Light the three pyres in front of you as quickly as you can using Incendio in any order.
Merlin Trial #19
Use Depulso to destroy the circular rocks.
Merlin Trial #20
Light the three braziers using Confringo.
Merlin Trial #21
Complete the jumping puzzle across the rocks that spawn.
Merlin Trial #22
Use Lumos to bring the three sets of butterflies back to the associated rocks.
Merlin Trial #23
Use Wingardium Leviosa to transport the collections of circular rocks nearby to their platforms on the ground.
Merlin Trial #24
Transport the sets of butterflies to the rocks using Lumos.
Merlin Trial #25
Use Depulso to push the boulder up on the hill to your left into the hole in the water.
Merlin Trial #26
Destroy all the rocks around you with Confringo.
Merlin Trial #27
Use Wingardium Leviosa to bring the balls back to the slots in the ground.
Merlin Trial #28
Use Depulso to push the boulder down into the hole along the shore below.
Merlin Trial #29
Use Confringo to destroy all the highlighted rocks around you.
Merlin Trial #30
Bring the three sets of butterflies back to the green rocks using Lumos.
Merlin Trial #31
Push the boulder on top of the hill down into the hole below using Depulso.
Merlin Trial #32
Guide coming soon.
Hogwarts Valley
There are 16 Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Valley. Below are walkthroughs for finding and solving all of them.
Merlin Trial #33
Return the stone balls to the slots in the platforms using Wingardium Leviosa.
Merlin Trial #34
Place the scattered stone balls in the slots in the platforms using Wingardium Leviosa.
Merlin Trial #35
Use Depulso to destroy all the stone spheres.
Merlin Trial #36
Bring the sets of butterflies back to the green rocks surrounding the main platform with Lumos.
Merlin Trial #37

Use Depulso to push the boulder down the hill to your right.
Merlin Trial #38
Complete the simple jumping puzzle. You'll begin the course from the opposite end the Merlin Trial platform is.
Merlin Trial #39
Destroy the nearby green rocks with Confringo.
Merlin Trial #40
Bring the butterflies back to the green rocks using Lumos.
Merlin Trial #41
Destroy all the rocky balls using Depulso.
Merlin Trial #42
Complete the jumping puzzle.
Merlin Trial #43
Use Reparo on the three broken statues surrounding the main platform.
Merlin Trial #44
Complete the jumping puzzle.
Merlin Trial #45
Use Depulso to push the boulder down the steep hill into the hole.
Merlin Trial #46
Light the three braziers.
Merlin Trial #47
Guide coming soon.
Merlin Trial #48
Guide coming soon.
Feldcroft Region
There are 16 Merlin Trials in the Feldcroft Region. Below are walkthroughs for finding and solving all of them.
Merlin Trial #49
Destroy the green rocks with Confringo.
Merlin Trial #50
Match the symbols on the rocks.
Merlin Trial #51
Complete the jumping puzzle. You must start from the top and work your way down.
Merlin Trial #52
Use Confringo to destroy the three sets of rocks around the area.
Merlin Trial #53
Light the three braziers.
Merlin Trial #54
Complete the jumping puzzle.
Merlin Trial #55
Use Confringo on the rocky spheres in front of the main platform and in the castle ruins to your right.
Merlin Trial #56
Destroy the green rocks nearby with Confringo.
Merlin Trial #57
Use Lumos to bring back the three sets of butterflies in the nearby area to the green rocks around the main platform.
Merlin Trial #58
Use Confringo on the green statues around the camp.
Merlin Trial #59
Light the three braziers nearby.
Merlin Trial #60
Use Confringo on the rocky spheres spread around Irondale.
Merlin Trial #61
Use Depulso to push the boulder down the cliff and into the hole.
Merlin Trial #62
Destroy the green rocks along the coast using Confringo.
Merlin Trial #63
Repair the three nearby statues using Reparo.
Merlin Trial #64
Destroy the green rocks using Confringo.
South Sea Bog
There are 2 Merlin Trials in the South Sea Bog. Below are walkthroughs for finding and solving all of them.
Merlin Trial #65
Use Lumos to bring the three sets of butterflies back to the green rocks surrounding the main platform.
Merlin Trial #66
Use Confringo to destroy the circular rocks spread throughout the camp.
Poidsear Coast
There are 10 Merlin Trials at Poidsear Coast. Below are walkthroughs for finding and solving all of them.
Merlin Trial #67
Complete the jumping puzzle.
Merlin Trial #68
Light the three braziers.
Merlin Trial #69
Bring the sets of butterflies back to the green rocks.
Merlin Trial #70

Shoot the green rocks using Confringo.
Merlin Trial #71
Match up the symbols on the rocks.
Merlin Trial #72
Use Wingardium Leviosa to put the rock balls back into the slots on the platform.
Merlin Trial #73
Use Depulso to push the boulder into the hole to the south.
Merlin Trial #74
Bring the butterflies back to the green rocks using Lumos.
Merlin Trial #75
Use Reparo on the three statues that break nearby.
Merlin Trial #76
Push the boulder into the hole using Depulso. The hole to the east is hidden by wooden planks.
Marunweem Lake
There are 4 Merlin Trials on Marunweem Lake. Below are walkthroughs for finding and solving all of them.
Merlin Trial #77
Bring the butterflies back to the green rocks using Lumos.
Merlin Trial #78
Complete the jumping puzzle. The platform in the water with a barrel on top is part of it, so make sure to destroy the barrel and land on the rock.
Merlin Trial #79
Use Depulso on the switch in the ruins, then use the same Spell to push the boulder into the hole nearby.
Merlin Trial #80
Match the symbols on the rocks.
Manor Cape
There are 5 Merlin Trials in Manor Cape. Below are walkthroughs for finding and solving all of them.
Merlin Trial #81
Light the three braziers.
Merlin Trial #82
Match the symbols on the rocks.
Merlin Trial #83
Get the boulder into the rock up the hill.
Merlin Trial #84
Bring the butterflies back to the three green rocks using Lumos.
Merlin Trial #85
Destroy the green rocks that spawn in the area using Confringo.
There are 5 Merlin Trials in Cragcroftshire. Below are walkthroughs for finding and solving all of them.
Merlin Trial #86

Destroy the green rocks using Confringo.
Merlin Trial #87
Bring the butterflies back to the green rocks.
Merlin Trial #88
Light the three braziers.
Merlin Trial #89
Shoot all the rocky spheres using Confringo.
Merlin Trial #90
Complete the platforming puzzle.
Clagmar Coast
There are 5 Merlin Trials on Clagmar Coast. Below are walkthroughs for finding and solving all of them.
Merlin Trial #91
Use Lumos to bring the butterflies back to the nearby green rocks.
Merlin Trial #92
Use Reparo on the destroyed statues out at sea.
Merlin Trial #93
Destroy the green rocks with Confringo.
Merlin Trial #94
Shoot the circular rocks with Confringo.
Merlin Trial #95
Match the symbols on the rocks.
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