@themightyant Happy new year to you too. Thanks for all the codes.
Yes I hope the new area and story brings things back on track. From the trailer it seems like there's an interesting lore for it so long as that's part of the main story rather than in books or scrolls. If not it looks like WuWa might win the gacha award for the first half of 2025.
@z0d15g0d Glad to hear the WuWa update was good. I'm looking forward to that maybe this weekend, but catching up other more pressing updates with counting down timers first!
I did get Zhezhi on rerun, but then finally lost the 50:50 and missed out on Carlotta. I can't really complain, it's been a great run, the opposite of my HSR luck with few loses and many earlies. I have every character in the game except Carlotta and Encore, and a couple of signatures as F2P. Did you pull for anyone? It also runs like a dream on PS5 (Pro).
@themightyant Yes it was. One of the most fun boss battles I've had in recent memory and an intriguing story to boot. I haven't explored the new area yet as I intend to take my time with that while I grind for mats and await the next update. Plus gotta catch all the new poke..echos.
I've got all the characters except Shore Keeper (Didn't think I needed another healer as I have Verina but regret it now) and 4* Lumi. Carlotte is an absolute blast to play with and you get to use her quite a bit during the story same with Roccia who turns out to be a better version on Encore. I don't have Zhezhi's sig weapon but am more inclined to go for Carlottes. I'm out of jades but there's a whole world of chests and events to explore so I should be fine.
The rng in WuWa is also great for me too I think I've only lost the 50:50 once and that was on a Jiyan rerun I got Calcharo and he's on E3 now and very useable now I've maxed him lol.
@themightyant Yea most of his slashes are vertical and single target so he gets hit a fair bit which is why I didn't use him for a very long time till I had the mats to max him and pair him with Yinlin for some devastating results. Using the shield echo with Verina ups his survival a lot.
@z0d15g0d I don't usually like playing these games co-op as it limits you to using one character ignoring your usual rotations and play. Plus i'm an anti-social ****. But i'll give it some thought. Would be actual character growth
@themightyant Lol it's all good. I mostly meant for specific events. There have been some in the past where you got more points for teaming up with other players. There was a tower defense one with multiple portals around the arena spawning enemies. That was pretty cool co op.
@themightyant Congrats on having a very active 1 year running forum thread. I came to the forums looking for an Infinity Niki thread and HSR was as close as I got. I’d start one but I’m too lazy.😩
Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me
@rjejr it only takes a couple of you to make it worth it. It’s fun to chat games with kindred spirits, so I’d say go for it, create a Nikki thread, the worst that will happen is no one will respond. No big deal.
I kinda want to try Nikki but I absolutely can’t as I’m already juggling 4 live services again. Not worth the risk…
Also only just noticed that Divergent Universe seems to be going away with 3.1. Wonder if they will change how to farm planar ornaments? Or if it’s poorly worded/translated.
@themightyant - Pretty sure it isn't going away but getting a full refresh. The current one is The Human Comedy, that's coming to an end and the rewards and titles it gives will become unavailable.
Played a few hours in Amphoreus and really liking it so far. Got The Herta too which has given my long time benched Argenti a new lease of life! Her skill marks chest locations on the map, worth it for that alone lol.
Just about to start 3.0 but realise I have 1792 of 1800 relics. I’m such a hoarder and am going to have to have a clear out before opening chests. I was hoping they would increase the cap with 3.0 and new sets… damn!
Talking of increasing caps they have raised the trailblaze power cap to 300 (from 240 before and 180 at launch) meaning it completely fills in 30 hours now. Small but nice quality of life feature.
@themightyant - Relic drops from chests will always go into your inventory even when you've hit the max limit. You'll have to delete any excess to enter relic domains though.
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