Hahaha RNG the scourge of gaming. Welcome @Shigurui hope you get some decent drops soon. Now I don't even bother breaking down any 5 star relics or ornaments just in case it turns out to be a god roll for an upcoming character.
I'm trying to complete difficulty 4 of G&G but this is some serious BS, all my characters except for sustain keep getting taken out in a couple of shots at the 2nd domain bosses. The damage they dish out is totally broken. They're not even 90+ like in MoC and I have all these curios and blessings and still get smashed like glass.
@themightyant - Yeah mate, playing since day one. As for my team it's definitely not a meta team lol. I got Gepard's cone for my first 5* on standard and it made a huge difference in terms of drawing aggro so I just built MC as a shield bot and put the rest around her, Welt locks everything down and Topaz with Jingliu make it a fun team to use. I don't do MoC yet but that team can auto through Sim Universe at a decent level so I'm happy enough with them.
Hoping to get Kafka next, I'm at 70 pity on a 50/50. I'm expecting to lose though as I've not lost a 50/50 yet so I'm due one. If I lose to a Clara or Bronya I'll consider it a win, anything else will be a big L, I don't whale so I can only hope for the best.
@Shigurui there is no such thing as ‘losing’ to Bronya. I’d take those losses all day long. Lol. But I know what you mean what you have your heart set on a character it can feel like a crushing blow to lose.
Impossible to have a meta team unless you spend big, or get VERY lucky, you get the characters, light cones and relics you get and have to build around that. To be honest I quite like that, every account is different.
I’ve had mostly good luck wishing. I got Bailu first which was amazing at the time, she carried me through the story. But she’s been phased out / power crept as she doesn’t cleanse debuffs. The change in content has moved her from the strongest healer in the game at launch to one of the least useful in late game which is a little frustrating.
Then I got Seele with minutes to go on her re-run banner and she’s carried my team since. I also got Welt on the Standard banner. Lost the 50:50 on HuoHuo’s banner and got Himeko (probably the character I wanted least) but since then it’s been Silver Wolf and now Ruan Mei.
Happy with all that tbh, you can’t win ‘em all but it can all change so quickly. Bad luck is always around the corner.
I’m due another on the standard banner any moment, (76 pity now). I tried doing the gold, and gears lv2 which gives 2 standard wishes but got owned by the boss, so I’ll have to wait a little longer. Fingers firmly crossed for Bronya but the odds are pretty low at 1 in 14. A good light cone would be a win too. Gerard or Clara wouldn’t be bad. But I’ll probably get Bailu or Himeko Eidolons, in Genshin I have C4 Qiqi. lol
@themightyant - Oh I'll be very happy with Bronya or Clara, I have an E1 Bronya on my dupe account, she's awesome. Only want Kafka as my E6 Sampo is gathering dust and they pair well. Just spent 1000 fuel on Jingliu's domain for some boots as her boots and planar set are still purple, good but purple. Anyway I came away with 12 pairs, all with either def or hp main stat. F this game lol.
@Shigurui oof that’s rough! I’m saving my fuel for TB 65 but expect similar. It’s amazing how quickly it drains
@z0d15g0d I’m keeping my (very limited) self modelling resin until after I have farmed to see what I specifically need. (Probably speed boots, correct dmg type on ornament or energy rope etc.)
@z0d15g0d@themightyant - I used 2 resin for her before for 1 spd% and 1 atk% boots but they both came with 4 utterly garbage sub stats. I just want some with crit rate, I have her at 10/10/10 but I need more crit rate. AarghNG lol.
@z0d15g0d - It'd be great if they did but there's slightly less than zero chance of that happening lol.
@themightyant - So I changed my mind on Kafka, I'd been using a Blade support when domain farming earlier and he pairs up really well with Jingliu. I was in pity range and my logic was I have Jingliu built and getting Kafka means building her and Sampo from scratch. So deep breath taken I started single pulling and won my 50/50 on pull 76. Happy days!
Nice! Blade is really good. I don't think I've used Dan Heng since I got him. I hope this isn't a continuous trend throughout the games life cycle. Characters getting power crept and gathering dust.
@z0d15g0d - Thanks mate. He's been my go to support for a lot of stuff and I had his best f2p cone and a near perfect Longevous relic set just sat in my inventory so I took the chance on him. Assuming you mean regular DH then he wasn't really power crept by Blade as he's a 4* vs a 5* so its the norm to be outperformed. Creep is inevitable over time, though Hoyo are pretty good at the balancing act. If Genshin is a template then very few units become fully obsolete.
@Shigurui I guess you're right I'm just butt hurt from all the valuable resources I've used to max out 4 star characters I never use anymore. I got Blade's signature LC the other day. Is his best f2p cone "A secret vow"?
@z0d15g0d - That's understandable but you needed to invest in DH to get to where you are so it wasn't wasted mats (I'm a glass half full person). I mean if you actually maxed him he'll always have a place somewhere. I still bust him out occasionally just to hear him say 'Butter Vision' lol.
Yeah, Blade's best f2p cone is Vow. I only have S1 but it was there and I have excellent stats/sub stats on 3 of his main relics that I got passively farming for the speed set that I can burn a resin for a chest piece and not care about the sub stats.
@z0d15g0d@Shigurui There's always going to be SOME powercreep, especially characters that were available day 1. But typically MiHoYo aren't too bad at this. (some games are awful) I look at something like Genshin and Day 1 characters like Bennett, Xingxiu, Xiangling are all still super powered, top of tier lists, despite being 4 star Day 1 characters. Tingyun and Bronya are probably the equivalent here and there's probably someone who will grow with other characters.
DPS are usually powercrept more easily, we've already seen Seele be jumped significantly by DHIL and then Jingliu and even Argenti in some situations e.g. multi-target. Even Dr Ratio looks like he might be able to put out higher numbers than Seele in a single hit. Though of course that doesn't tell the full story, a large part of Seele's kit is trying to finish an enemy off and get a second hit which also helps to refill her Energy for another Ultimate sooner. In the right content she might get 1-3+ hits off to another characters one. Personally I suspect Seele will always be a decent DPS just not at the absolute top tier, but in content when she is unable to finish off weaker enemies in one hit she loses a lot of her usefulness.
Dan Heng and similar characters will probably be left in the dust and almost unusable in things like MoC where getting big numbers quickly is the priority. But that's only one type of content, he'll probably be fine in the main game just not end-game. The trouble is resources are so stingy.
I ALREADY slightly regret increasing Dan Heng (not IL version) to Lv 70 to be honest, pushing up his traces and using up all those resources. But i'm slightly split as he was my first main DPS until I got Seele near the end of the second world. I think to around Lv 50ish but I upgraded him hoping he would help in MoC, but hasn't really. I think I would have been better waiting for a second top tier DPS and not upgrading him more. But live and learn, as we discussed before there are always going to be 'mistakes', part of the process.
@Shigurui You're right. I haven't used DH in so long I forgot he pretty much got me through the early game. I'd still like the option to reassign mats though. Lol totally forgot about "Butter Vision".
Vow seems to be better than the 5* Herta store destruction cone for Blade. Even though it's got Arlans face on it. I think using Arlan is the only time I lost a character trial mission. He got relegated to the "Never Again" pile after that.
@themightyant DHIL has been amazing so far, just waiting on his rerun so I can get his LC. His SP hunger knows no bounds though. That Bronya E1 would have been great.
I think Dr ratio will work great with Pela and SilverWolf as the chance for him to launch a follow up scales with the amount of debuffs on the enemy. There's also a chance this might get nerfed when he launches though. During the story he launched follow ups after every attack as I had SW on the team. His Ult is super weird though as it's single target. Even if there are other enemies in it's path they just disappear.
Seele seems to do really well in G&G if you have the right setup of curios and blessings. I tried doing Hunt and focused entirely on increasing speed. At some point the game started to glitch out as Bronya's speed was faster than the speed she gives with her skill so she was acting twice in a row. And it ended up doubling Seele so she could act 4 times in a row if she killed an enemy. I was so confused at one point I had to pause and figure out what the heck was going on lol.
I regret not getting Jingliu. I thought my Yanqing would be good enough as he is E3 but 1 tap and all his buffs are gone. Like you said "Live and Learn" lol
@z0d15g0d I REALLY wanted DHIL the most for a long while as he was my first DPS and that moment in the story was amazing! It's one of the things I really like about HSR so far that characters can kinda evolve like Pokemon, even if they are almost separate characters, It helps the narrative and stops older characters being entirely forgotten. (Aside I wonder what March 7th will become, and if they will stop there and if the Trailblazers will keep resonating with each Aeon/Path) But DHIL's skill point usage is a bit of a dampner, it limits the teams he can be in and means his actual DPS is not as high as it is on paper, unless you have the perfect team/situation to always keep him fueled.
That's why I want Jingliu more. She's more flexible in more teams and situations and that will likely apply to new characters too.
I assume as you are going for signature lightcones you buy some gem packs right?
G&G is kicking my ass. I have done all three tiers of the first level twice, but it ramps up in difficulty at the bosses, and I've tried 3 times to do the second level but I just can't beat the final boss. I can't kill them quick enough and they keep levelling up until they can one shot me. I think my levels are still underpowered, or at least that is what it keeps telling me. More waiting...
Edit: "I had to pause and figure out what the heck was going on lol." I kinda love that in Simulated Universe. But then I get a bit annoyed that it's a rogue like and I'm not actually that powerful, it's only temporary
@themightyant Yea I'm fully expecting evil March 7th banner once she gets her memories back. How OP do you have to be to survive floating in a block of 6 phased ice(which no one could break if I recall it melted on it's own) in space? I've also heard a rumor that the TB is going to get every class and the next is Harmony (not sure if it's from an authentic source but we will see).
It might be a while till Jingliu gets her rerun but we can only wait.
No, not giving them any more of my hard earned cash. I only buy the BP and express pass. I'm skipping Ruan Mei cause I wanted Blade's LC. Can only do 1 at a time which is why this multiple banner system sucks. At the start it was just 1 now they're making it difficult not to spend. If Luocha's rerun happens with an awesome new character then I'm screwed and they win lol. I intend to play this game long term so It'll ease my ego a bit since the base game is free.
I did not realise the G&G bosses damage scaled each turn, makes sense now why my team keeps dying. And the ridiculous dice seem to be more of a nuisance than in Swarm Disaster. I'm going through all of them on lv2 just so I can get the free gems rewards lol. It was great when they increased the TBP limit from 180 to 240 but that's still not enough. They should remove it for some events or reduce it's cost.
Lol yea my Jingyuan with elation blessings is insanely powerful in SU a few times I've forgotten this and had to check his skills and relics thinking I messed something up.
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