Dutch developer Guerrilla seemingly achieved the impossible with Horizon Zero Dawn. After a decade slaving away over first-person shooter series Killzone, the studio effectively retooled itself as a maker of open world RPGs, and sold tens of millions of copies in the process. The intellectual property has since seen the release of a sequel and a PSVR2 spin-off, with a family-friendly LEGO adaptation imminent.
This remaster from Nixxes initially seemed superfluous when it was rumoured, but a $10 upgrade fee and the ability to import save files from the PS4 version has won fans over. And we have to say it’s an outstanding upgrade, bringing the original release closer to its successor Horizon Forbidden West. That means you can now play the two titles back-to-back with very little compromise, a goal Sony was also eager to achieve with its two The Last of Us titles.

Presentation is the key differential between the 2017 title and this PS5 upgrade, as the gameplay remains unchanged. That means you’ll still be controlling flame-haired huntress Aloy through a series of tropical biomes, as she explores a post-apocalyptic sandbox populated by mechanical dinosaurs. The sci-fi story is captivating throughout, tackling topics from two different timelines, as it deals with the politics of the present day and the cataclysmic events that led to the world’s current state.
In some ways, the story in this inaugural entry is far more focused than its follow-up, with the twists much more impactful. It’s a shame a lot of the major beats occur off-screen, as many of the revelations are reserved for audio logs, but it’s riveting stuff – even if it borders on ridiculous at times. The protagonist makes for a fun conduit for everything that occurs too: she’s as baffled and bedazzled as you will be.
Perhaps the weakest part of the game are its side quests, this being Guerrilla’s first foray into the RPG genre after all. These do improve in the Frozen Wilds expansion, included here, but there’s a gulf between the optional content featured in the first game and Forbidden West. Nevertheless, Nixxes has re-recorded over 10 hours of motion capture and completely re-shot some cutscenes, bringing conversations closer to what you see in the sequel.

This is one element that goes above and beyond what you’d expect from the average remaster, and that’s consistent across the entire release. This is a real labour of love that transforms an already handsome title into one of the best looking games on the PS5. For example, foliage has been completely redone to more closely match the plants and scenery seen in the concept art, while the whole game has been meticulously relit to make the lighting more realistic.
More modern Decima tech improvements have been back-ported into this game to improve the overall atmosphere, such as the Anubis Cloud Engine which adds density to the release’s skyboxes. The water – one of the worst visual aspects of the original – has also been redone, and now ripples naturally as Aloy moves through it. These may all seem like small improvements, but they’re quite transformative when taken as a whole.
There are also much better materials and textures in this new version of the game, with certain surfaces deforming as Aloy moves through the environment. The aforementioned foliage famously didn’t react to the heroine’s body in the original, but now it bends and distorts as she pushes through it. Some of these details don’t quite hit the same highs as Forbidden West, but they’re extremely close, and the two titles definitely sit side-by-side.

This is all running at 60fps, of course, with support for the PS5 Pro promised when the supercharged system launches later in the year. The image quality on a standard system is already exceptional, and while there is an option to play in native 4K at 30fps, it’s not worth the frame rate hit, such is the overall quality of the Performance Mode.
Outside of the visuals, the audio mix has been remastered and now takes full advantage of the PS5’s proprietary 3D audio technology, which doesn’t get talked about enough. The sound is absolutely astonishing throughout, as the groan of machines in the far distance are offset by the whoosh of swirling winds and the dusty thud of nearby human footsteps. DualSense support has also been integrated, with Aloy’s bow-and-arrow acting as the perfect complement for the pad’s adaptive triggers.
Our only criticism, and this is true during the review period but may later be patched, is that earned Trophies do not transfer to the remaster. This means if you were hoping to pick up your progress to polish off the Platinum, it’s not currently possible, as you won’t automatically unlock any of the gongs you earned in the PS4 version. Your actual game progress will transfer across, however, making this an irritating oversight for a project that seems so thoughtfully executed in every other department.
Horizon Zero Dawn is very much one of Sony’s standout projects of the past ten years, and this superb remaster by Nixxes puts it among the best looking games on the PS5. While the side-quests and supporting content don’t quite match up to sequel Forbidden West, the more focused story is arguably better than its successor, and it’s presented almost flawlessly in this remastered format.
Comments 114
"Trophies don't transfer". This is also a pro for some people.
@naruball true, it is for me. But I think more people will be annoyed than happy with that. I'm looking forward to playing this again. One of my favourite games of last gen
But ultimately is there any point in buying this if you've already played the original game? No new content, it’s just prettier.
Frozen wilds remains one of my fave pieces of dlc I've ever played
Surprised it’s just 8/10? You gave the original a 9/10 and this is basically that but better in every way so?
Sold (good review btw) - the £10 upgrade is the key thing here.
Its going to have to go on the back burner for a bit though, as there are a couple of other games I want to play first on my Pro, including a couple of replays - SM2, Hogwarts - the new Dragon Age game, and maybe a couple of games i didnt buy due to framerate issues (or visuals in Performance mode) on base PS5 if Pro sorts these.
For $10.00 this is a steal. And trophies not transferring isn’t a negative to me. I’ll probably not play this because I’ve played it twice already and have the platinum, but it is a game that should not be missed if you own a PS5.
The £10 up grade is such a W, take notes Until Dawn
Really want to play this on my PS5 Pro, but the disk drive is sold out everywhere (UK) #feelsbadman
The original is a 10/10. This is the same game. It is one if the best games of last gen. I think it is much better than the sequel as the story is much more grapping and it has better characters
Yeah the trophies not transferring thing is fine for me, I intend on platin’ the whole thing again… not auto-poppin it! 😎
@naruball i think for me it depends on the game, example for Horizon I will play it again with no save transfer and get the platinum proper, as its really good and not too long, and the otherside ff7 remake I did import, cause it s long snd some trophies were a pain 🤣
I think it's nice to have the option at least
I've got it installed and ready to go once the timer reaches zero..
@Batesy125s yup. That's why I think it should be neither a pro nor a con.
@Uromastryx haha, I can imagine!
@Rob_230 Gildun from Frozen Wilds is my favourite character from the series.
Did they change the trophies’ names? The original had the most boring ones. The platinum is named “All trophies obtained”.
Appreciate the effort and the new looks.
But something new please, played this game and the dlc 100%. Amazing game.
Yummy, awkwardly framed cutscenes look shinier than ever.
@Yagami Sounds like it's just not for you. The things you listed make up a massive chunk of the game.
trophies not transferring must be a bug every Sony game usually has transferring trophies
Trophies not transferring on a great game that the trophies only extend the experience again is a massive plus in my opinion. I can't stand auto popping trophies between ps4 & 5 versions.
Any tips on choosing the difficulty for the first playthrough (I never finished the game back in the day)? Was thinking of going with hard instead of normal?
Well it is a pretty big open world and ranged bow combat is kinda the bread and butter of the combat system so I'm not confident this is the game for you.
@naruball To be fair, those people could just not import their save.
Honestly expected it to get 9/10, but I also didn't expect a scored review in the first place (as it's a modernized game from few years ago). I'll play it either way.
@Dalejrfanfreak I think it's fair for the reviewer to feel slightly differently about the game nearly 8 years later, and with the benefit of having played the sequel as well as various other open world games since then.
@nessisonett They actually reshot and reframed a lot of the cutscenes, and re-recorded over 10 hours of motion capture. So they're not as awkwardly framed anymore.
@Yagami So….the entire game is not your thing, then?
@get2sammyb don't they auto-pop in most cases? That's what happened to me, if memory serves.
@Czar_Khastik I don't recall it being that much more difficult ramping it up. I think some of the side stuff like the arena battles may be harder to complete but don't recall the story being problematic.
Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Unnecessary Remasters.
The trophies not transferring is not a minus. People who actually like getting trophies see that as a positive, because it gives you another chance to get them for a game you love.
Modern classic is a bit far fetched. If the game wasn't so dull I'd play it again, but not going through that again lol
@naruball yep me! I get to platinum it all over again!! Lol
I never played the game and just watched the video. Every time I thought "wow" was - to my surprise - the PS4 version and not the PS5 remake.
Why is that? Is the original more artistic in it's visual decisions and the PS5 focusing more on realism?
The low score is confusing. Day 1 buy for me (or upgrade i guess)
@naruball definitely for me. I want to pop them as I replay it
Looking forward to this remaster! Only around 60 hours in from my first PS4/5 play through, so might just start again.
I wonder; will they patch this trophy thing? I would love to earn them all over again; great game.
Had ''aloy''t of fun with it
@PocketHotDogs Thanks! Because I remember I could brute force my way out of most of the encounters and hard difficulty would potentially force me to play the game better
And accessibility options!
Wait trophies don't transfer?
(sigh) Can it be tomorrow already 😅
I've never had an issue with remasters alot make sense.
My issue and the same with the last of us. They are ps4 games, they work perfectly well on ps4.
The upgrade from ps4 to ps5 is minor, yes its an upgrade but an upgrade from a well polished ps4 pro and ps5 patched game.
My worry is at what end?
Are we just going to go through generations of consoles and touch up the graphics each time we get a new generation?
Ps6 comes out and we get the same games from the ps4 ps5.
Remasters are ment to be games from old for a new generation.
These remasters are of games in which can be played with or without a remaster on the same console.
I'm just hoping this isn't a trend.
@Bez87 even if it is a trend, we can just ignore them if we don't feel like playing a slightly (in most cases) improved version of a game we've already played.
For the same reason Bloodborne fanatics have been port begging for that particular game. Whats the point if its just the same game with prettier graphics but no new content?
@Bez87 It's a bit like the South Park episode with George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. When will remastering ever be enough?
Have they been able to use the power of the PS5 to enhance the dull story and bland gameplay?
@MikeOrator Ι think the issue is that the game is locked at 30fps. A remaster could drastically change the way it feels to play it. For some people, 30fps makes a game "unplayable".
Thanks for the review and the great comparison video. NGL the original looked great but tbh looking at the difference now I guess the remaster is awesome.
Tomato/Tomato. For some graphic fidelity drastically changes the way a game plays and feels.
I'm a bit interested. I didn't play that much of the PS4 original, but what I played didn't convince me.
If I didn't know that this is such a big game, which eats so much valuable time, I would buy it immediately.
@Dalejrfanfreak because it's not new. Lose a point for that. Seems fair.
Besides would the review score really stop you buying it persuade to buy if you weren't already?
@__jamiie remasters selling at premium prices even for gamers who bought the original is a big no from me (looking at you naughty dog) but a remaster of this calibre for £10? Bought and pre-loaded ready to go right from the very beginning and I've just bought the 2nd game and burning shores expansion. All remasters should be like this.
@McTwist in a (Mc)Twist, McTwist leaves a positive comment.
Oh, wait. Nevermind.
Lol, same great game, slightly better looking, brand new price, f off, classic sony pedaling more "remasters" instead of making new games, it's fkn sad
Lmao, sorry. I can agree with being critical, but I wouldn't say pessimistic.
I've played the game and liked it, but not worth a second play through for me
@rusty82 uhhh but it actually is kind of new? They re-recorded motion capture scenes, enhanced the audio, added better dualsense support, and obviously made the graphics a whole lot better, just for a $10 upgrade, and PushSquare thinks this experience is somehow worse than the original when looking at the two scores? This isn't a Silent Hill 2 situation where EVERYTHING needs to be redone, but reading this review I don't see how this game is worse than the first in any way lol. The score just doesn't make sense to me. And yes this will be something I buy as I plan to make this and its sequel the first two games I play on my PS5 Pro.
People still claiming there's nothing new except for graphics must not have read last week's article detailing the significant non-graphical improvements.
Played it on release day and I'm definitely ready to jump back in now.
@Oram77 "take notes Until Dawn" they're both Sony games, Sony priced them both.
Trophies don't transfer
Heh... And that's a bad thing?
It's the best possible reason I have to replay it for the 5th time.
Yeah the melee combat definitely felt kind of like an afterthought.
That is one area the sequel improved on though to be fair so maybe you might click with Horizon 2 a bit more. I also felt like Horizon 2 had a better variety of viable ranged weapons outside of just bows and arrows.
Great. Already played it to 100% completion.
I see no reason to be grifted into Playing a game I have no interest in doing so again, merely under the premise of a modest visual upgrade. One that up until a month ago, everyone agreed was completely unnecessary. It's still unnecessary regardless of it being 10 bones, or even if it were free. It's still a waste of time and yet another double dip from the the modern Sony greed wagon.
It's baffling this even got another review.
@aj21009 Still could of done a £10 up grade, so not sure what your point is....
For only $10, it's definitely worth the upgrade.
HZD is my favourite game, and I'm super excited for the remaster, and to platinum the game again. Re-doing the trophies is going to be fun, and I am surprised this is a negative in this review.
Loved this game. I bought the DLC but then proceeded to watch my wife finish it! This gives me another reason to jump in, and seeing how I have a pro coming next week, maybe this is the time to replay for me.
I loved no 2 as well and again, only got through half the DLC. I seem to have a DLC problem
One of my favorite series. I usually don’t revisit SP games after completion but I may change my mind on this one.
@Mattock1987 That's for everyone to decide for themselves. Personally I'm excited for my third playthrough.
@Cry_Zero 8 is low?! 9/10 is the best score any game should get so 8/10 is valid. Love Horizon: Zero Dawn but it’s not a 9/10. 8 is deserving.
@Dalejrfanfreak remastered game's or re-releases almost always get lower scores than the original. The improvements are overshadowed by the lack of impact from the initial release.
@AhmadSumadi that's your opinion. Why can't games get 10s? Id understand if it was a percentage system where 100% would imply perfection but review sites word scoring systems to state 10 means outstanding/masterpiece and not that a game is perfect.
I've played lots of 10s in my lifetime
@Aladin_Run well of course people can decide for themselves, but if these kind of remasters become popular it would further erode creativity in the gaming industry. I want this game to flop so other games don’t get prettier but the same versions, and developers work on actual new content. It’s like Disney releasing their movies again in 3D or live action, it’s lazy.
im sorry but of all games you could pretend to remaster this didnt need it. im at the stage now i think all 3 console manufaturers want bail out. at momnent my kids their friends play minecraft fortnight and stumbleguys. and devs keep saying straight men shouldnt play their games so who is going buy games.
Well it's better than the second game overall but I'm to much of a cheapskate to pay for it to look slightly prettier. Pass
@MikeOrator yeah I never understood that. The remake of Demon Souls made a bit more sense but even then it seemed a bit pointless
@Cry_Zero because it’s not a new game. Remasters shouldn’t get 10 because it’s kind of a lazy thing to do
I will buy this and I will platinum this.
Cheap upgrade price works for me. I have DLC to finish anyway.
@rusty82 I guess it’s how you look at it. If a 10 is a “perfect score” and the game is “not perfect” then don’t give it a 10. But again, perspective. Like, The Witcher 3 is my favorite game but it’s a 9/10 for me. And lord knows that thing’s got some bugs. Horizon: Zero Dawn isn’t The Witcher 3. So that’s why I deem it an 8 and not a 9. A 6 or 7 would be… Star Wars: Outlaws.
@Mattock1987 so only new games can get 10s? Doesnt make any sense
@AhmadSumadi it say its a 10. but to each their own
@Cry_Zero a 10 should be, to an extent, groundbreaking and original. Not literally the the same game with extra makeup
Is it a Dead Rising situation, where the game is the same but the graphical assets have been redone? For 10 quid, that’s quite generous.
Got the platinum and finished a second time for the extra difficulty and the expansion, so I didn't hate it; but if it's considered now as a classic, I must be too old for this s***.
This is a case where the price is what matters. If this weren't a $10 upgrade a texture pack and reshade would have been outrageous given that the original already looks great. But for a $10 upgrade as a graphics mod, it seems fair.
@MikeOrator not even close.
@AhmadSumadi if I was to review games 10 would mean games that blew me away at the time, Mario 64, bioshock, uncharted 2 etc, games that I felt were just above and beyond. 9 would be brilliant games that didn't quite get up to them lofty heights. 8 would be excellent. 7 would be good. 6 above average. 5 average, 4 below average, 3 poor 2 abysmal (bubsy 3d) 1 unplayable
I skipped the PS4, so didn't play HZD, but HFW was one of the first games I played when I 'finally' found a PS5 a couple of years ago. Finished the main game, as well as the DLC, and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to playing HZD now.
The originally Horizon: Zero Dawn is what prompted me to buy a PS4 Pro. It was so beautiful on my regular console that I just had to see it on a Pro.
@Czar_Khastik Hard does make the game more fun.
@Flaming_Kaiser reason why Elden Ring is everything I love about video games but I kinda hate it.
@AhmadSumadi Not that kind of maybe I said it wrong it's more challenging nothing close to the Dark Souls difficulty.
Trophies don't transfer?! 😤 Does that include new game plus?
@Shinnok789 yeah I was thinking the same, as long as I can carry over my stuff for new game plus I will be ok with it I guess
Trophies don't transfer and you're marking down the score for it? That's literally a benefit 😂
@Andy22385 Didn't mark down the score for that at all, no. Just listed it as a negative.
I'll say what I said earlier in the thread, those who don't want Trophies to transfer can simply not import their save.
@JalapenoSpiceLife You won't unlock any Trophies you've already unlocked when you import your save.
@MindfulGamer Awesome, it's such a great game. I hope you enjoy it!
@DiggleDog More or less, yes. Maybe not quite as dramatic as Dead Rising as that game was on 360 originally, but still a nice upgrade on what we had.
Looks good except that they still haven't fixed the campfire issue. Come back days later in the middle of nowhere and that same campfire is burning and the logs are not crumbling to ash like what would happen for real. Rockstar would have paid attention to that detail by having like NPC's replenishing these fires. Just being nitpicky, otherwise its a good remaster and its good to bring it on par with Forbidden West.
Remaking such a recent open-world game... doubt many people will even end it.
What are you disagreeing with there? I love me some higher frame rates as much as the next person but graphic fidelity can also be very important to immersion and overall enjoyment as well.
I almost bought this, as I platinum'd the PS4 disc version, but just as I was about to pay the £10 upgrade fee, my ps5 helpfully told me I'd already got the free upgrade to the first ps5 version with identical trophies, and that I'd only bothered to do about a third of that play through.
So, given that I clearly couldn't be bothered the second time, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to play it a third time.
Trophies not transferring is not a con for me. Looking forward to getting the plat again for this version.
@naruball It is for me. I want to earn the platinum again.
The only game I am annoyed that didn't transfer trophies is Fallout 4. I was halfway through on PS4 and finished with the PS5 version, but didn't get the PS5 version trophies for the first half of the game and I have no desire to go back and finish them.
Im glad I bought this. Haven't played it since 2017 and it looks superb and runs like a dream.
Id recommend anyone watch the Digital foundry video on it. Get it on performance mode guys
So being a fan of the first HZD, but very mid on HFW, I thought I'd splash out on the remaster. My first impression... it's ok - but I wouldn't say it made a night and day difference. Honestly, after playing a few hours agian (I'd started the PS4 NG+ version again recently and just continued from that point), I can't say I thought it was a game-changer. It may be nicer in many ways, but it also demonstrated to me that I thought the PS4 version (admittedly with the PS5 update to framerate) was perfectly fine.
I will note however, that I had a hard crash when trying to copy across my latest save (just prior to the final boss) to bring that save-point over. The NG+ one worked fine; and the late game one seemingly is a lost cause.
At AUD15, it's good for the price - but I'd also say, there's not enough new that makes me think it's essential. The faster load times are great - but one thing that does annoy me, my fast internal SSD's are hard pushed already for space... it was good to be able to play HZD off the external PS4 SSD - and save a crap-tonne of GB.
Just finished a 100% run and wow what a way to replay one of my favourites. The remaster was sublime it looks absolutely STUNNING, it ran smooth as butter there were some frame drops when turning the valves in the damn in the Frozen Wilds but that was it. The new outfits they included are amazing and look absolutely incredible I particularly love the new Carja set it looks a bit like Samurai Armour Aloy looks so cool in it. Honestly my only issue with this remaster is that I did deal with a couple of crashes they need to fix that but overall this was an absolute treat ^__^
@Mattock1987 it builds uppn what was there and improves it. To me thats a 10( and to me
Horizone on ps4 was already a 10)
@Mattock1987 I guess so, but apparently Nixxes developed some new tools while making it that should help with developing other games so there's that at least.
It's hard to say what would make it a flop, I imagine most new players will be on PC and there won't be many of them, most PS5 players will just buy the upgrade.
New patch (Dec 12 or somewhere around then) added transmog.
It also added a transmog bug - make your outfit look like the Banuk Werak outfit, and get the auto-healing from that outfit no matter what you're actually wearing. My kid (nearly old enough to drink here in the US) discovered that and tried reporting it, but Sony doesn't seem to have a place to report bugs in the Remastered edition.
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