How well do you know the Uncharted games? One of Sony's heaviest hitters of the PS3 and PS4 eras, Naughty Dog struck gold with this action adventure series.
Given how important Uncharted has been to PlayStation over the years, the franchise makes for a perfect quiz topic. And so, we've put together 15 multiple choice questions for you to tackle.
If you fancy yourself a veteran treasure hunter (cocky attitude included), then take our quiz and see if you can secure a place on the leaderboard!
Comments 50
Loved this quiz. Easiest 15/15 I've ever achieved. This is my favourite series.
EDIT: Not on the leaderboard
Not well at all. Tried to play the fist game and it just bored me to tears with the constant waves of tedious combat.
Tried the quiz anyway. Got 2/15
9/15 for me, only ran through each game once, but still maybe shoulda done better.
Ugh missed one for what country wasn't in Uncharted 3. So close...
13/15, not bad! Years and dates are always my weak spot and c'mon, who remembers the number of collectibles in each game?
6/15, granted it's been since Lost Legacy's release that I've played an Uncharted so I'm really rusty in a lot of stuff.
this might be my favourite quiz I adore the uncharted franchise
I have never played Uncharted. So I'm pretty proud of a 3/15.
Aaah *****, 10/15. This had to be at least 12/15 😥.
I liked playing the game but it's been years since I played and it shows.
I wish there would be an uncharted 5…. 😟
10/15. Absolutely shocking considering I’m a huge Uncharted fan 😝 just wish my memory was as abundant as my love for the series
11/15, prob the best i've done on one of these
Some day you will get your deserved remake Nathan, I'll wait for you.
Never played an Uncharted game, but recent PS5 owner and will be jumping into the first 3 games once I finish God of War
top 2 on the quiz leaderboard surely googled the answers? 8 and 14 minutes to finish? hahaha
@Dimey Yeah entries over 5 minutes are super suss XD
If you like pulpy adventure movies (a la Indiana Jones, National Treasure, the Mummy (1999) etc.), you're gonna love these games! The first is good, but not great; however, a great introduction to the main characters. 2, 3, 4, and Lost Legacy are all amazing games, in my opinion. Fantastic platforming, script, story, and the shooting gets better with each entry.
EZ 15, something more challenging next time, perchance?
@wildcat_kickz ah excellent, I LOVE all those films
I got 2 wrong.so its all good.word up son
How well do you know uncharted? Not that well apparently lol.
Took me .0002 seconds to nail that multiplayer question.
Naughty Dog screwed over trophy hunting gamers the world over with the horrendous, god awful trophies they forced down our throats for that multiplayer in Uncharted 2. Absurd, stupidly outrageous criteria that I am eminently proud to have boosted with minimal effort. No way I would waste my time slogging through that trash a second longer than I had to. Finished that slop, dropped it and never looked back.
Naughty Dog are masters at crafting a near-perfect single player game and hurling it into an open sewer by bolting on multiplayer crap not everyone wants to deal with, and making trophy criteria as sadistic and selfish as they possibly can. I keep hoping they’ll identify the individual(s) responsible for forcing MP into otherwise perfect games.
11/15. Now I feel like reinstalling the collection.
10/15. Time to replay all UC games again.
@Balaam_ Uncharted 2 and 3 required only the bare minimum of time spent for their multiplayer trophies in order to obtain the platinum, made all the better by the fact that they had some of the best multiplayer on PS3. If you're talking about the DLC trophies - sure, they took some dedication.
The Last of Us was the only game they've made where the platinum required some real level of commitment to the multiplayer portion, made worse by the fact that you could potentially 'fail' and have to restart after hours of gameplay.
Still gutted how they did Nate dirty in 4. Nadine was vile.
14/15...best I've ever got on one of these quizzes! Which is surprising considering I'm mostly a Nintendo gamer and typically do quite bad on the NintendoLife quizzes.
Only missed the multiplayer one as I never played these games when they originally came out on PS3.
Wow,I thought I'd do good at this quiz..5/15..
NOOOOOO. I MISSED TWO BECAUSE I WAS DUMB. I would be number 2 on the leaderboard 😭
It used to be good, now it's woke, that's all I need to know.
@wildcat_kickz nope I'd say the entries that are under five minutes are the suspicious one's because you'd literally need to know the questions beforehand to answer that fast.
8/15. It's nice to get questions about games that I have played. With Uncharted I have played 1, 2, and 3. The first 2 multiple times especially 2 as collecting stuff unlocked stuff, and some online play.
@JustinTimberlake Errr...that's the point of the quiz - to test how much you know. If you're looking up the answers for each question then what's the point?
I answered them all around a minute because I absolutely adore Uncharted and know a lot about it, but it's a unique case for me. Any other quiz on this site has had some tongue-chewing time in for sure.
Not bad considering Uncharted is my least favourite Sony made game.
Those questions are easy 😂😂😂😂
Good enough to know it was inspired by Gears of War cover system. Which is why competition is good and spins great idea’s from dev teams all around the world.
12/15. Happy with that it’s been a while and a few of those were mean… most collectibles?
To all the people who got a 15 go touch grass lmao 🤣
@Reform what's woke about this quiz???
14/15, and apparently currently 11 on the leaderboard! I'll take that. The Italian estate question tripped me up.
I loved the franchise. Platinumed all the games and still play Uncharted 4 multiplayer
Its a long time ago that i played them and i didnt even complete part 4 yet i reallly need to put more time in the triology.
Im a huge uncharted fan it’s my favorite series ever so I feel like I let down the series by missing just one question number 14 lol. For real though the quiz should have been way harder but it was fun all the same
Best series on the PS. Only got 6/15 though.
10/15. Shocked I did so poorly. Played the hell out of this series. But I’m 43 and it’s been awhile lol.
@PuppetMaster lol the game is “woke” because it made 1 game with 2 women who are also racial minorities. Remember, calling something “woke” means nothing more than a straight, white male isn’t the centerpiece lol.
14/15 Best I've ever done. I could have sworn Cutter had a fear of heights as there was that scene were he was hesitant to jump, but I guess that's normal in that situation. Now that I thing about it, he didn't like tight spaces.
@AhmadSumadi Yeah nowadays "woke" lost the meaning and honestly this culture war became more and more obnoxious.
I got 15/15 in like 40 seconds but it's not showing up
10/15, my best result on a Pushsquare quiz 🥳 Definitely knew a couple more though, so could've been 12 correct.
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