Another game cancelled as part of Sony’s huge layoffs this week is London Studio’s in-development fantasy co-op game. This was announced in late 2022, and was set in an alternate version of the UK’s capital, where dunk-wearing demons would face off against dragons and the like. Co-studio head Stuart Whyte described it as something “a little bit different” when it was revealed.
The game was slated to be part of PlayStation’s live service push, but the platform holder is clearly now having issues getting the initiative off the ground. In the last two years, The Last of Us’ ambitious multiplayer spin-off has also been cancelled, while last night came word of Twisted Metal’s long-rumoured reboot being binned as well.
Guerrilla is allegedly still working on a multiplayer adaption of the Horizon franchise, while titles like Concord and Fairgame$ remain in production. It should also be noted that Helldivers 2 has become an unexpected hit on both PS5 and PC, so it’s not all doom and gloom for the company’s live service ambitions.
In the case of London Studio’s game, though, it’s difficult to be disappointed about the cancellation of a game we only ever saw one piece of artwork for, but clearly the team was passionate about what it was making and it’s sad it’ll never see the light of day.
[source News: 900 PlayStation Employees Laid Off, London Studio Closed]
Comments 48
Like many here I was never chomping at the bit for Sony's big live service push, but somehow it now seems we've lost all the most exciting live service projects (The Last of Us, Twisted Metal, this) and have been left with Fairgame$$$$ and Concord, from which all we've seen is a terrible CGI ubi-style trailer and jiggly burger. What a sad twist of fate.
Cancelling an unknown title that no one had seen is less troubling than cancelling two well know franchises (Twisted Metal and Last of Us Multiplayer).
Last of Us Multiplayer was highly anticipated by the fans, could have been a stand alone game, and would have made money (and likely wasn’t that far off).
Twisted Metal had its own TV show. So it seems baffling these projects have gone.
Is Sony bowing to the shareholders rather than being “For the Players”?
@Kienda Twisted Metal was apparently given to Lucid games first but after the failure of Destruction AllStars went to Firesprite. So that means they basically restarted from scratch two years later. They must've just reached early production by this point. Also, it was never officially announced so it is irrelevant to the public.
Factions was definitely nearly done from what I've read online. I wonder if that one was stopped because the monetisation wasn't working out or if they felt ND were better off working on SP and didn't want to pawn it off to a support studio.
Again Sony can't do no wrong.
"in the case of London Studio’s game, though, it’s difficult to be disappointed about the cancellation of a game we only ever saw one piece of artwork for"
You should be shouting from the roof tops as Sony is struggling to release games as it is 🤔. So another possible two cancellations ain't gonna solve the problem. But if your gonna give them a free pass don't complain when Sony's first party is a barren as Xbox's was years ago.
I was looking forward to this one.
I've been very disappointed by the news, although not entirely surprised.
As for Sony's Live Service plans, they unexpectedly got it right on the first try. They might have been struggling to get the GAAS train going, but they've gotten very lucky too - Helldivers is a massive hit. I don't see them producing anything else in the Live Service arena that will have a start as solid as Helldivers.
Unfortunately because of Helldivers I also won't be surprised to see Sony pull the funding for any other live service project that isn't looking like a sure bet.
It's a brutal reality.
From a simple perspective it looks like execs directed studios to make live service game as that was perceived to be the cash cow. Customers don't want these and so the burden of this failed decision falls on the workers at the coal face, whilst those responsible for the mis direction pick up their huge bonuses..... It is ever thus.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
@Kienda I mean if Im being honest it's a good thing that Factions was cancelled otherwise like ND stated, they would have to give up making SP games.
It was a bad trend to chase, especially shifting studio focus to produce at least 9 of them all together.
Why Jim is taking that early retirement, hiroki doki ithe cold money man is having to clean up shop before the new guy comes in
It’s likely an unpopular opinion, but this current generation of Series X and PS5 sucks in comparison to previous gen’s.
I miss the games and experiences the 360/PS3 generation delivered.
@OmegaStriver I mean youre not wrong. I genuinely couldnt tell you more than 5 games that I've played that either wasn't a remake or some basic PS5 upgrade for a ps4 game. MK1, Armored Core 6, Ff16, Spiderman 2 and that's probably it.
The directors of the company are legally bound by a fiduciary duty to only take actions that are to the benefit of the shareholders. The shareholders literally own the company, the directors are their agents as per the legal definition.
So yes, they are taking actions to maximise the wealth of the owners. It would actually be illegal for them to do otherwise. This applies to all companies in existence. This is how company law works.
People need to stop being so ignorant(naive). Only then can proper discussion follow.
It's all a bit concerning really. Hope Sony can turn this around, wasn't particularly excited for the LS push but couldn't imagine they'd cancel so many games.
@OmegaStriver I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion at all. We are around the halfway point for any console generation now, and there isn’t much worth playing on PS5/XSX you can’t play on PS4/XB1, outside of Spider-Man 2 and Final Fantasy, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get any better any time soon with all these layoffs and cancellations.Neither PlayStation or Xbox is doing great, and I am not sure when the last generation was that both big hitters were in the gutter.
I support cancelling games that don't meet standards instead of releasing them to an unsuspecting public hoping to claw back some money.
How does this restructuring undervalue you as their customer? By optimisng their operations and trying to ensure quality releases of their products instead of bloated mediocre games in a financially unstable times?
@ZhuckelDror two games I was looking forward to have been cancelled.
That’s me as a customer affected/undervalued by their decisions.
Does it mean it was the wrong decision? I’m not saying that. But it does make me question if they value profits over me. And it’s not wrong for customers to be thinking that way.
I just checked their profile of games and in 22 years they didn't do much at all. Gateway was cool, but that's about it... Surprised they didn't close earlier
@Bamila the most sad part is that they have been subjected to something like this, based on their past games and what they have released, it's a shame they are not acknowledged for that.
But a popular fad is a fad, people go where the money is made the most
I’m sorry, but you have shared false information.
You state:
This is wrong. It’s actually illegal to put profits of shareholders above the good of the company.
In business, the fiduciary duty of directors is to the company and is based upon the company’s code of conduct. In fact is it “illegal” for them to put shareholder profits higher than the company’s interests. If Sony’s policy read, “our code of conduct is ONLY to maximise shareholders profits,” then you’d have a point.
But we can read Sony’s own ‘Code of Conduct’ here: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.sony.com/en/SonyInfo/csr_report/compliance/code_of_conduct_En.pdf
They state that decisions must be made considering all stakeholders – this includes shareholders, but also customers, employees etc.
They also say:
As you see, they are required to serve the best interests of Sony, not the shareholders.
I’d advise not calling people “naïve” or “ignorant” if you haven’t got your facts straight.
It is some absurd ultra-capitalist propaganda to make out it is “illegal” to not maximise profits for shareholders. And it is sad so many have liked a comment out of ignorance. Every company has to work within the constraints of their own policy.
To be clear: Sony’s own policy shows the directors must work in Sony’s interests before the interests of the shareholders.
That's no loss then, Sony really need a kick up the ass. And get back to what them great in the first place, they have definitely lost focus. Saying that the whole industry has, saturating the market with the same ***** every year, spiralling costs, longer dev times. The way its going things cannot be sustained. But no dev can afford to take risks this is the problem.
@Shepherd_Tallon 'Unfortunately because of Helldivers I also won't be surprised to see Sony pull the funding for any other live service project that isn't looking like a sure bet' Better to do that than commission 5+ Helldivers 2 clones white expecting them to all do as well as the original
@Fyz306903 I fully agree. My "unfortunately" is in relation to the jobs that are lost as a result, rather than games that are no longer needed being cancelled.
It was always going to go this way. Getting it right on the first attempt just let them pull the plug on the rest early so they can focus on the one that worked. (All speculation of course.)
I'm in this boat too tbh.
I often talk about personally seeing the pain caused by the post covid readjustment the industry is going through, but at the same time sometimes you just have to cancel a project.
I was really looking forward to seeing more from the game, but better this outcome than something that underperforms and leaves us with a bad experience.
@riceNpea This is the likely scenario here. This studio spent 20 years making mainly Singstar games. I believe they helped other studios in some support capacity on larger titles, but the reality is, this was their first attempt at a game of this type and it obviously failed massively to meet expectations.
It's sad when people lose their jobs and projects like this fail, but considering the entire studio was closed, I can't help but think that whatever they were doing for the past 5 years must have been extremely poor and viewed as an enormous waste of time and money.
@AK4tywill Twisted Metal seem just about perfect for the live service treatment as well.
@Nepp67 Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart? In any case Insomniac has thus far been the MVP for Sony first party thus far for PS5. 2.5 solid games for PS5 (I'm going to count Miles Morales as the 1/2 game) vs. 1 or none from the rest of the studios.
@Kienda Like it or not money has to be made it's not a charity.
@riceNpea finally a rational comment. Sony clearly saw a lot of these games , i don't think they liked what they saw. Not only that but saw the reaction to live service games , and just didn't want to risk it.
@Shepherd_Tallon well the reality is both go hand and hand. a game is canceled , so people that were hired to work on those games they'll have to lay off. most of them were only hired for 1 game either way , and were not long term employees and they bounce around studios.
@TrickyDicky99 you're directly comparing the success of a AA, indie developed, budget-priced, live-service, multilayer game with a AAA, single player, full priced, 1st party, huge budget, world famous IP with huge amounts of money spent on advertising, and using the sales of Spider-Man 2 as the only metric as a measure whether or not HD2 should be considered a success?
Yes, HD2 is a big success just like Spider-Man 2, but many different reasons, including clearly exceeding projected sales figures considering how unprepared their servers were for the massive influx of players.
@twitchtvpat Indeed. We see a lot of that where I work too. Some contractors have worked all over by the time we meet them.
@TrickyDicky99 One is a live service game that aims to continuously make money off of microtransactions, while the other is a single player game that will only make money off of its initial purchase.
@Flaming_Kaiser I agree. I’m not even saying it’s the wrong decision, but it’s a decision I don’t like.
The guy above though literally said that not making profits for shareholders “is illegal” and that’s just garbage. It’s actually illegal to prioritise the profits of shareholders over the needs of the company.
@TrickyDicky99 those are the points I'm making! You're essentially agreeing with me that it's pointless to make the comparison in the first place and base it solely on sales.
The lack of a clear direction of where PlayStation is heading is truly sad.
@Serpentes420 Ahh true I forgot about Ratchet and Clank and I just remembered Returnal is a thing so that is 6.
While normally I say the less live service the better, it does suck for those who lost their jobs.
@TrickyDicky99 it's not a success JUST because it sold well, it's a success because it sold well, exceeded expectations, is a critical hit with reviewrs, is gorgeous to look at, has great game mechanics, excellent gameplay loop, is sensible with its microtransactions that are easy to earn in-game and reasonably priced if you choose to spend money (which is so simple to avoid), has obvious longterm potential with how it's set up as a game with communal targets with an inexhaustible supply of planets to conquer that will provide variety and challenges, is such a well liked game Xbox owners have petitioned Sony to release it on their platform.... the game has so much going for it I don't understand how you don't think it's a success JUST because Spider-Man sold more and has a higher profile.
@TrickyDicky99 who says? They're both viable and fill different niches within the spectrum of types of games people enjoy playing. The relative success of the two games in question proves that.
I won't cry for a lost live service game. We got more than enough of them.
@TrickyDicky99 like I said, says who?
It's really a shame that this studio is closed. I really hope that Hermen will now ensure that old IPs see new light. Getaway for example. Since Hermen became Playstation studio boss, things have deteriorated quite rapidly. But that could be just me of course.
@TrickyDicky99 still don't see why it has anything to do with how we measure success for HD2
Game like HD2 are sustainable because they have much longer lifespans for earning revenue, evolve over time to stay fresh and offer new experiences, are cheaper to initially produce and develop, encourage platform player retention because of its fun and engaging gameplay...there's a lot of straight forward reasons why a game as well conceived as HD2 has longterm appeal.
@OmegaStriver yes! 7th generation is the GOAT. the ps360 era was an experience! so many new games dropping , new ips left and right, so much variety , & it revolutionized online gaming and introduced trophies/achievements. games were still 50-60 dollars, ps3 online was free and so was nintendo’s, and great games didn’t take up 100GB. games were only 7-15GB back then .
@Yukairi yup, it blows my mind how there’s some people that still think the ps3 generation was the worst because the ps5 is absolutely terrible
@Kienda We totally agree 100% on that it sucks that the real world doesn't work like that. Look at a thing like MW3 the laziest €70 monetised game that still sells like hotcakes it hurts my heart.
@nomither6 Yup.
I would go back to that experience in a heartbeat.
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