Tag: Merry Christmas
Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Compliments of the season to you
It’s been a difficult year for the games industry, but the software has been flowing as strongly as ever. At times, we’ve all struggled to keep up with the veritable array of titles available for the PS5, and we’re sure many of you feel much the same. The thing that makes running Push Square such a pleasure is...
Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Compliments of the season to you
It’s been an action-packed year, hasn’t it? From the Activision Blizzard courtroom drama through to the absolutely stacked release calendar from start-to-finish, this is our first real opportunity to reflect on 2023. Merry Christmas, by the way, we sincerely hope you and your entire family have a fun one...
Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Compliments of the season to you
Well, then, our annual Christmas message is becoming a bit of a festive tradition, isn’t it? It’s a bit like the queen’s speech, except she won’t actually be doing one this year because – well, y’know! Anyway, we digress. Wherever you’re reading this, it’s 25th December, which means the big-bellied...
Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Compliments of the season to you
We feel like we could copy and paste the opening sentence from our 2020 Merry Christmas message and nobody would be none the wiser: "We’re hesitant to mention it, but it’s been a strange old year, hasn’t it?" Yes, for the second full year in a row, the world hasn't quite been its normal self. Thankfully, in...
Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Compliments of the season to you
We’re hesitant to mention it, but it’s been a strange old year, hasn’t it? The good news is that things have been reasonably consistent for us PlayStation fans: we’ve enjoyed great games, got an awesome new console, and the software slate for 2021 is looking just as strong as ever. In that sense, we should be...
News PSN Survives Christmas Day Relatively Unscathed
Stayin' online
Did you have a good Christmas Day? Spare a thought for the Sony engineers who’ve spent the majority of their Xmas keeping the PlayStation Network’s servers online. Historically unstable, it’s fair to say that PSN is much more reliable these days, and while it’s not without its hiccups – well, it’s been a fairly flawless...
Feature We Wish You a Very Merry Christmas
Compliments of the season to you
The weather is gloomy as we write this, but there’s already the scent of cinnamon in the air. By the time you read it, you’ll be surrounded by tinsel, pine needles, and Ferrero Rocher wrappers. Whether you celebrate it or not, we want to wish you a very Merry Christmas – or a delightful 25th December if you...
News PSN Survives Christmas Day without Completely Collapsing
Slow but sturdy
Remember at the start of the generation when the PlayStation Network felt like it was held together with duct tape and prayers? It’s been pretty stable of late, and Christmas Day appears to have come and (almost) gone without a hitch. The service has been a little slow for those attempting to download and install enormous patches,...
Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Compliments of the season to you
Wait, is this thing on? So wait, we keep the servers online even though no one’s actually here? What do you mean people are reading this article – aren’t you supposed to be squabbling with family members over pigs in blankets? Oh right, you wanted to read the latest Game of the Year entry – well, you’ll...
Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Compliments of the season to you
Oh, hello! What are you doing reading Push Square when you should be squabbling with family members and quaffing mince pies? You wanted to see the next entry in our Game of the Year countdown? Fair enough. Well, while you’re here, why don’t you pop off your party hat and indulge us for a minute or two? Merry...
Talking Point What PlayStation Pressies Did You Get for Xmas?
Receiving not giving
Anyone that tells you Christmas is a period for giving is a liar – it's all about what you receive. Okay, that's not strictly true, but there's a chance if you're reading this website you'll have received some form of PlayStation related gift this year. And we want to know all about it. Did you get your first PS4 console...
Feature We Wish You a Very Merry Christmas
'Tis the season, after all
Psst. Take off your party hat, put down your Christmas cracker, and fall away from your family for a second: we've got something to say. It won't take long, it's only a couple of words. Ready? Happy Holidays! Yeah, that was it really. To be brutally honest, this year's passed in a flash, so it only feels like a few weeks...
Talking Point Did You Get Any PlayStation Gifts This Christmas?
Share 'em with us
It's Christmas Eve – actually, it's just gone midnight – and we don't have long to write this article, so you'll forgive us for excreting it out at the very last minute. But, we've written all of our Game of the Year stuff – keep reading the site over the coming week – and it's taken a lot of time. So, sorry this final...
Feature We Wish You a Very Merry Christmas
For the festivities
I write this on a dark and dreary Wednesday evening ten or so days before Christmas. The build-up to the festive period is always stressful here at Push Square: personal business is complemented by frantic holiday writing, as we attempt to get our Game of the Year coverage in order and tie up any loose ends before we take a day...
Talking Point Post Pictures of Your PlayStation Pressies
"OMG! It's a PlayStation 4"
Christmas is a time of sharing, seasonal goodwill, and – let's be honest – plenty of presents. As you read this, we're guessing that there's a carpet of discarded wrapping paper beneath your feet, and an infectious grin plastered upon your face. The question is: which gift prompted your Nintendo 64 moment this year,...
News 'Tis the Season - Sony Hands Out Free Xmas PS4 Themes
Check your inbox for extra gifts
Sony always sends out a promotional present for the holidays in Europe, and this year is no different. Check your inbox for a message from PlayStation, and you should have a few free goodies to play with. Among our gifts was a LittleBigPlanet level creator kit, a free episode of the American Horror Story, and...
Feature We Wish You a Very Merry Christmas
Play another day
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas – which is handy, because when you read this, the big day will have arrived. Before you get back to peeling potatoes and opening presents, though, we just wanted to take advantage of the season to leave you a message thanking you for all of your support in 2014. Push Square continues...
News We'd Just Like to Wish You All a Very Merry Christmas
Play another day
The carpet of discarded wrapping paper beneath your feet and the ill-fitting party hat atop your head suggests that your Christmas is well underway. As we write this a few hours before the big day, we’ve got our fingers crossed that everything goes to plan for you and your families. However, before you get back to your roast...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Christmas?
Play another day
Now that the chaos of Christmas Day is finally over, you can lean into the most enjoyable part of the season: the aftermath. Assuming you’ve done the sensible thing and avoided the Boxing Day sales, you should have the rest of the week to sit back and enjoy some quality time with your PlayStation 3 and Vita. Before we ask what...
News We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Rockin' around the PS3
It’s only been Christmas for a few hours, but we suspect you’ve already witnessed a ferocious family feud over the dinner table. How do we know? Well, because it’s much the same scenario in our neck of the woods too. We never imagined that spilled gravy would lead to the equivalent of World War III. Still, while the...