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I have really got my money’s worth from PS Plus already this year, despite last month being a bit of a bummer. In anticipation of today’s announcement, I was realizing much of the past few weeks I’ve spent with December’s offerings - Papers, please and OnRush.
-OnRush has been such a pleasant surprise. I am liking it much more than I thought I would and after playing the different modes, I don’t miss a standard race mode like many of the game’s critics complained about. I do think the game could benefit from a couple other modes outside of the ‘capture the zone,’ ‘switch,’ ‘hit the gates,’ and ‘boost for points.’ (I can’t remember their real names but that’s what the modes are). Perhaps there was plans to add a mode or two later to spice things up more if the game’s popularity had been better. A Battle Royale mode with vehicles would have fit in perfectly to the games already crash-happy mechanics. The ‘Switch’ mode is a little bit like Battle Royale, but just has focus on team survival rather than individual. But overall, the game has been a great drop in, drop out diversion.
-Papers, please was a little more of a disappointment actually, but decent nonetheless. I had to really force myself to finish one playthrough and I don’t think I’ll ever go back to do a second playthrough where I try to sneak in the underground network of spies. The game unfortunately became a victim of its own attention to detail and after a few hours it ends up feeling like being at work. Which is a testament to its accuracy, but it really does seem a slog, despite each workday being just about 15-30 minutes long. I would recommend people try it for its innovation and unique gameplay, but it’s definitely not for everyone.

It’s rare that I forego my backlog of games I’ve actually purchased and go straight to two Plus games, but these two just tempted me in such a way. I’m curious to see how I feel about this month. Part of me hopes it’s another month like January where it had nothing of interest to add to my backlog, but part of me would like a solid month like December where I can’t wait to try out a couple of them.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution You not seen what next months games are yet?


[Edited by JohnnyShoulder]

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder Yeah, I think they were announced a couple hours after my post. I’d say it’s a really good month except for Vita got trash and I had just bought a physical copy of Hitman last month when I saw it for cheap. So now I am considering selling it back and recoup some money before it’s value drops. I’m not sure. For Honor might be decent to try on a whim. MGS4 is brilliant, but I’ve played through it twice and don’t use my PS3 really. What do you think about this month’s offerings?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I thought as much, just felt it was a bit ironic lol. Yeah good offerings for PS4 and I will probably download them both. When I get round to actually playing them is another question.

I wonder if there will be any extras since PS3 and vita games will not be supported? Or is the increase in cloud saves and PSN name changes gonna be it?

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


I’m pretty pleased to see Hitman on there as I’ve never played any games from the series even though they sound like my kinda thang.



I'm very happy about Hitman being February's game. Now I just need to decide where it goes in the backlog. Pretty high up in the running order, I think.

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


@Frigate Oh yeah, I loved the look of this one in particular but found the episodic release a bit weird. Some people loved that approach though as it made you replay levels loads until the next one dropped.

I'm looking forward to finally giving it a go. Even if it is joining my lengthening backlog as well.



@RogerRoger Yeah, and I think I am going to keep my physical copy of the Definitive Edition. The steelbook is handsome anyways. I’ll go ahead and claim the digital version too, just in case I ever want it as well.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


2 PSVR and a new indie game would be good. It should be 6 games like it’s been since Plus launched, but I can work with that.



@Frigate I would expect probably we’ll get 3-4 PS4 games, proabably one of which will be VR. The quality of games will likely improve this late into the PS4 lifecycle, similar to last gen when we got the likes of Tomb Raider, Bioshock Infinite, Batman Arkham City and Asylum, Demon’s Souls, Uncharted 3, Shadow of the Colossus, Dragon’s Dogma, Borderlands 2, Dishonored, etc.

All it takes is maybe 3-4 games to recoup the money.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Frigate I wouldn't get your hopes up, I have a feeling the extra cloud storage is probably all we are getting.

I don't redeem every game, I have to be interested in it in some way but I still feel I get value for money. Sometimes you can find a game you wouldn't normally play, like For Honour and Hitman this moth are perfect examples. I've always sort of been interested in them but not enough to spend any money on them.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@Frigate Also, look to renew when there's a deal on. You can routinely get a 12 month subscription for 25% off or so and it just stacks onto the end of whatever you currently have left.

Mine runs out around December so I can often get a cheap deal in Black Friday sales.



@Frigate @JohnnyShoulder MS might take the opportunity to really push the fact that they give more free games out. I hope they do if Sony doesn't give more games.



I redeemed Hitman and it automatically started downloading to the system (rather than just being added to my library until I'm ready for it). Is there a reason for this?

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@RR529 Did you already download one of the levels that were given away for free? That might do it

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


@RR529 This happened to me too. I wonder if it’s because it’s episodic rather than a “whole” title.



@Kidfried Yeah, I never buy episodics until the whole series is complete. Then I just buy the season pass or complete edition. Then inevitably when I go to play it I have this complicated downloading protocol to go through. It’s always off-putting when I play and complete episode 1 and try to launch straight into episode 2, only to realize I have to download each unit separately. Even when it is a physical copy of the game. I have bought several copies of Telltale games physically and both Life is Stranges and it’s the same issue everytime. Only the first episode is on disc and each had to be downloaded after that.
I have the physical copy of Hitman Definitive Edition that I’m going to play from when I get around to it and I assume it will be the same.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I added For Honour to my library but with Hitman everything starting to download straight away. I've never ever played it before. There were like 7 different files and 3 were tying to download at the same time. I hate it when games do that as it always takes ages to download everything rather than if it were to download the files individually. Every time I went to pause a file, another one would start. So I ended up deleting it so that it is in my library and can download it when I'm ready.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder Yeah, I noticed too that there wasn’t an ‘Add to Library’ option, only a ‘Download’ option.
I have a physical copy of the Definitive Edition that I plan to play from (I have never loaded in my PS4 though) and wanted just to add the digital copy to my library just in case... I don’t know, maybe in case my disc drive breaks down or the game disc gets accidentally stepped on and cracked or something. When I saw there was only a button to ‘download’, I didn’t accept the game from my PS4, I got around it by claiming it through the website. That way it added to my library without having to download it. It’s too late for you, but it worked for me and now it’s been added to the digital library without going through that mess. Again, I suppose all this weirdness related to the download this is all related to the game’s episodic format.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


On a separate and unrelated PS Plus related note, I have been enjoying OnRush and have unlocked the last section ‘Superstars’ on the campaign. Unfortunately the game difficulty is going up, mainly accomplished by becoming a bit unfair, imo. On these higher level sections the AI teammates are idiotic and basically do nothing to help your team. I’m basically carrying my whole team each time. The perk is that I get the ‘MVP’ medal almost everytime, but the downside is that I am having trouble winning tournaments and earning advancement points and the fun is running out. Also the opponent AI is getting cheap. Like motorcycles will barely clip my larger Titan vehicle and it inexplicably makes me crash.
Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. I might keep trying for the founders trophy but when a game cheats on you to make the difficulty higher, it just ceases to be enjoyable.

Another PS Plus related thing —
I finally got around to logging in and seeing my PlayStation wrap-up for 2018. I know Europe got this function a while ago but its available now for NA. I was surprised to find my most played game for 2018 was actually a PS Plus game: Bloodborne. According to the wrap-up, I played Bloodborne for about 80 hours last year. (My second most played game was Horizon Zero Dawn, then third was Shadow of the Tomb Raider). So PS Plus has been a great value to me, for sure.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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