Can you play PS3, PS2, and PS1 games on PS5? Sony has talked a lot about the importance of PS5 backwards compatibility, but is the PlayStation 5 backwards compatible with PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation 1? As part of our PS5 guide, we’re going to tell you whether PS5 is backwards compatible with PS3, PS2, and PS1 games. You can find out more about PS5’s backwards compatibility through the link: PS5 Backwards Compatibility: Can You Play PS4 Games on PlayStation 5? For a full list of all PS5 announced games, click through the link. You may also be interested in the following: Will PS5 Games Play on PS4?, PS5 Backwards Compatibility: All PS4 Games That Don't Work.
PS5 Backwards Compatibility: Can You Play PS3 Games?

PS5 is not backwards compatible with PS3 games, although it is backwards compatible with PS4 games, meaning some remasters are playable on PlayStation 5. Some high-profile examples of PS4 remasters you'll be able to play on PS5 include The Last of Us Remastered and Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. Many of the very best PS3 games got re-released on the PS4, so you should be able to find a way to revisit some of your favourites. It's worth noting that PS3 Blu-ray discs and PS3 PS Store purchases will not be compatible with the PS5, however.
You can play some PS3 games via PS Now. For more information, read our guide: PlayStation Now FAQ: Everything You Need to Know.
PS5 Backwards Compatibility: Can You Play PS2 Games?

Some PS2 games that were ported to the PS4 will be playable on PS5. This includes essentials such as Grand Theft Auto 3, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. However, you'll need to have purchased the PS4 versions via PlayStation Store to be able to play them on PS5. The PS5 cannot play PS2 DVDs, and any PS2 Classics you may have purchased on the PS3 will not be compatible either.
PS5 Backwards Compatibility: Can You Play PS1 Games?

No, you can't play PS1 games on PS5. This includes PS1 game discs and PS1 Classics that you may have purchased on PS3 or PSP in the past. There are a few PS4 remasters like PaRappa the Rapper and MediEvil that you'll be able to play on PS5, as well as Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy and Spyro Reignited Trilogy. However, at this time you won't be able to play the original PS1 games on PS5.
PS5 Backwards Compatibility: Can You Play PSP and PS Vita Games?

Again, the PS5 can't play PSP or PS Vita games. There are some exceptions: Patapon was remastered for PS4, and as such is playable on PS5. Similarly, Gravity Rush was remastered for PS4, and is playable on PS5. But the PS5 is not compatible with PSP's UMD discs or PS Vita's cartridges, and any PS Store purchases you may have made for either handheld are not compatible with PS5.
Do you wish PS5 was backwards compatible with PS3, PS2, or PS1? Check out our PS5 guide for more information, and let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 57
Sony hasn't confirmed or denied further backwards compatibility yet! It was one of their most guarded bits of info at the tech reveal Cerny did. There is still hope it will be further backwards compatible. I personally am hoping for at least PS3 backwards compatibility. I'd like PS2 and PS1 too obviously, but, at least the PS2 is backwards compatible with the PS1. The PS3 is sort of a stuck in the middle lost cause if it's not compatible with the PS5
I would rather the PS5 work properly and be bug free. If I want to play old games, I'll plug in an old system. It's like buying a new Corvette and wanting it to drive like a 1987 Oldsmobile on the weekend.
@I_Like_It yes, has been...
@ramunegaming The fat 60GB PS3 models can play PS1 and PS2 games. Good luck finding one that's still alive though.
Backwards compatibly should exist with PlayStation.
I am a little disappointed at this. OK not to play the disks, but past ps store purchases should be able to be played.
A suggestion to Sony, maybe bring out some kind of console that doesn't have a disk drive that will play all ps store games? I don't think it's right we have to keep paying for our favourite classics every time a new console comes out.
@ramunegaming I would assume the PS3 would be nigh on impossible to be b/c with ps5 due to the cell processor. Imagine trying to have the system on a chip function added to the ps5 to run the PS3 software, it would mean the console would be enormous!!.. wait a minute..
@THGhost I have one and I had one that was YLoD but I fixed it but later sold it off.
@Mikey856 That is the biggest problem but there is a very successful emulator in the works from a small team (RPCS3) so I imagine if a big team like Sony's have been trying to perfect it behind closed doors I see it as a possibility is all I'm saying. They could also just write a conversion program for it, wouldn't be authentic anymore but it'd work. Sony has the man power to achieve this.
Sony doesn't give a crap about backwards compatibility. It's because they're winning the console war that's why Xbox made a big effort to support it and Sony didn't. Once Sony gets on their high horse they don't care about their fans very much remember $599
@Mr_Tookaynien what does disc drive have to do with being able to play digital games?
@Mr_Tookaynien Such a device already exists, it's called the "PlayStation TV" (yes I'm being serious).
What a giant disappointment
Sony wont make Ps5 full backwards compatable, They would make more money putting Ps1, Ps2 and Ps3 games on the Playstation store/ Playstation Now that are coded and are able to run on Ps5.
That's sad I was really looking forward to play some of the ps3 and ps2 games which I loved back then
@colombiashae I’m
Not sure it’s ever been that bad . Sony we’re making a $300 dollar loss on them $599 ps3s. I had the launch model, the 60gb. It was a monster that was filled with tech. The price didn’t surprise me one bit. Considering at the time blu-ray players were 800-1000, the PS3 was an absolute bargain!
@BNAG_Gamer I have quite a collection of ps1 games and I don’t like taking them out of their cases cus there all mint lol
Figured as much. Not fussed about PS1/2/3 but I want to be able to play ALL my PS4 games not just a few.....
Frfr the whole new console thing is a bad setup..why have a digital store and can't play all the games I purchased..like it a a separate store for each console ps3 4 now 5....i have spent over 1000 on games...but can't play them and ps5 supposed to be be backwards wtf?
You have 2 hopes of ps3 backwards compatibility on the ps5......Bob hope & no hope. 😂🤣😂
Really though I'd at least like to see backwards compatibility for PSN purchases. I have a lot of digital PS3/PS1 games... I mean some of the online servers are down...but that happens as long as the game is still playable with out online. Killzone 1 was released on PS3 with out online/multi-player. WipeOut HD online doesn't work but it's still playable... Backwards compatible would be sweet for all generations... Sony isn't above emulators... Maybe release Android ports of the PS1/PS2/PSP games or PC launcher something to preserve the games.
Do you want people to buy the console pre-owned or in the sales? Cause that's how you get people to buy the console pre-owned or in the sales...
@colombiashae they do care
@Mikey856 That's a good point it did have a lot tech but it was mostly useless, proprietary, and obsolete ports besides the Blu-ray port it also had almost no online functionality at the beginning either and the fact that Sony charged 599 showed they thought they could charge anything and people would eat it up. That's why the PS4 is probably the best thing they've done because they had to fight and be competitive to win back people from the 360
@Falkirk4life they definitely don't. They've been extremely anti- consumer lately. Their new censorship policies, not caring about backwards compatibility, harassing journalists about last of us 2 reviews. More reasons too but those are some
It has enough hunt under the hood that the PS5 should have no trouble running a PS3 emulator.
@THGhost looks over to my left... Yep it's still there. A full fat day one PS3
Well it will be cool to be able to play ps4 games on ps5..but i still have ps3 and all my games and play it pretty regularly. And also have ps2 console and tons of games if i want to play them i will..but i much rather play newer games..
@THGhost I n
Have one at my cabin. Running strong... -LJ-
@colombiashae to be fair ps3 won most of its gamers back by the end with its colossal amount of first party games, it’s what saved the PS3 frankly. PS3 ended up outsellling the 360
@Jomabug76 my PS3 ylod about a month ago. It’s the fourth one I owned too. They were Sony’s least reliable console for sure
I personally think it will only be backwards compatible to PS4 BUT PS3, PS2 & PS1 games will be playable through playstion now. As I said months ago I reckon they will fold ps plus and ps now together for say £9.99pm giving us (for the most part) the complete PS catalogue and a service in line or better than xbox game pass.
Short answer is No. Remasters don't count for backward compatibility.. just saved yall a lot of reading.
This is why I don't plan on getting a PS5. I just ordered over a dozen used PS3 games, caught a huge sale, and I'm gonna get a backup Dualshock 3 soon. I wouldn't have gotten a PS4 if I had known I wouldn't eventually get my PS1 Classics and PS2 Classics library on it, and I don't expect Sony to improve with the PS5.
It's time to hunker down with our PS3s, bois! I'm gonna get a 2TB SSD for mine sometime this year, and I'm gonna keep filling out my library. Tempted to get a second PS3 while they're still under $200 used.
@TooBarFoo You must take good care of it, or you're extremely lucky to have not got the YLOD yet
@Laserjock You must take good care of it, or you're extremely lucky to have not got the YLOD yet
The slim models were reliable and i never had one do ylod..only had the forty gb model do yelliw light..but fuxed it...but i habe fat model now ive had for four years ..i play games here and therr on it...i watch movies and you tube all time hours apon hours and its not once messed up
Instead of having to buy remastered games for ps4 to play on ps5 maybe just don't sell your old games and consoles to GameStop? Then you can enjoy them forever regardless of what console generation is out. Just food for thought.
Welp, either I keep m yuh PS3 or Atlys remasters all the PS2 Shin Megami Tensei games (Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2)
@colombiashae more and more it's not a war. Specs wise Xbox has kicked Sony's ass this generation with the Xbox One X. More and more it's starting to be the games
Perhaps they could position PS Now even more as a service that not only has some recent games but a whole load of big PS1 PS2 PS3 and maybe even PSP/Vita titles to help people find for nostalgia. Although this is not a fix for the money already been spent. I have a PS3 still alongside my PS5 as I've got much of my photos and home videos on there as well as many PS3 games.
I never bought a PS4 because it lacked backwards compatibility with PS1/2 games. F*cking PS5 better have it and with PS3 as well or I'm skipping that console, too.
There is still a chance for sony to announce that PS5 has an extra CELL SOC for BC. Doesn't need to be on 7+ NM. 14NM is very cheap now and I think they can cool that sucker passively. Much better solution than software emulation, and I think finally cheaper. Even for PS Now will reduce the strain on their servers and just download the old games on the console. For that I will pay 600$ no brainer
Even is its 700$ I will buy it if it plays my ps3 game!
Would be cool if you can download ps3 games on ps now I know the ps4 can't do it but ps5 ?
I'm hopeful the PS5 allows BC for PS3 and PS4 games.
I would probably pay an extra $100 for a console that allowed me to have all generations games in one place rather than have to keep different consoles out. Plus it’s getting tough to get controllers for the ps3.
@Fortydrinker Um... Although i do see where you are coming from - A Console is very different - when you buy a car - you intend to use that car alone while console is there to play multiple games. I personally grew up with the Playstation consoles and have gotten a fair collection of games from all generations so - as someone who spend so much money on said games i would love to be able to use them without the need to buy said console again - do you get where i am coming from .-. its basically more convenient ....
@Fortydrinker comparing a GAME to a CAR is ridiculous. Also, nothing lasts forever. How will you play older games if your older consoles die? THAT’S THE POINT OF PEOPLE WANTING TO HAVE A BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE CONSOLE. DUH.
That’s on you if you want to waste your money on a game that can only play PS4 games. Typical fanboy comment 🙄
I’m not about to buy the PS5 if it can’t play SSX Tricky, Burnout Revenge, and other classics on the console. That’s completely on y’all if you want to waste your money just to flex on Xbox users that you have the newest Sony device... big whoop.
This makes me want to get the Xbox.
Oh yea, ***** this. If it’s not going to be backwards compatible, I don’t want it.
I’ve grown up with Sony and I love the PlayStation, but I don’t understand you fanboys.
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@SkullTriXX_97 No, it is not different. When new system comes out, I dispose of the old. I have, never once, had any desire to play a game from a previous system. It is exactly like a car, the old one goes when the new one is here.
@Fortydrinker but ... just because you dont like playing games from the previous system does not mean that no one want too . With all due respect the world doesn't revolve around you...
@SkullTriXX_97 Actually, it does.
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@Mikey856 Yeah, they weren't very reliable at all. I read that the reason all the PS3 FAT models were prone to YLOD was because of the NEC/TOKIN capacitors, the inferior quality thermal paste Sony used on the RSX + Cell processors and the default fan speed set too low by Sony with no way to change it unless using custom firmware or a hardware mod.
Discs are OBSOLETE. So glad I've went with Digital. Their is Seriously no need for useless discs anymore, and this Thread just proves it. So if your ps1, ps2, or ps3 died, those disks are useless because the ps5 can't even read them. So glad I just went Digital.
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