- Website
- rockstargames.com
- Average Review Score
- 8.2/10
- Average Game Rating
- 7.87/10
Review GTA 5 (PS5) - Rockstar's Los Santos Is Still One of the Best Open Worlds Ever Assembled
Four stars
It’s staggering to think that GTA 5 got its start on the PlayStation 3. Even today, almost a decade since it first debuted, Los Santos feels more lived in than virtually any other open world. In fact, compared to its urban contemporaries, like Cyberpunk 2077’s Night City, it’s startling just how believable the Hollywood-inspired...
Review Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition (PS5) - A Stain on Rockstar's Record
Aw, sh*t
Where do we even begin with the GTA Trilogy? Recreating Rockstar’s trio of seminal sandboxes for contemporary consoles should have been a slamdunk, but it’s ended up with more criticism than Tommy Vercetti’s Hawaiian-inspired shirts. This is a compilation that succeeds solely on the strength of its core content, with developer Grove...
Review Red Dead Redemption 2 - Rockstar's Best Ever Game
Dutch courage
It's almost hard to believe that the first Red Dead Redemption released more than eight years ago. Rockstar Games achieved something quite special with the gritty tale of John Marston, delivering an open world title that was ahead of its time. The genre's come a long way since, but with Red Dead Redemption 2 -- a prequel, despite the...
Cop a feel
Fun fact: did you know that L.A. Noire actually released closer to the 1940s than to 2017? If you used your detective skills to deduce that this is a lie, then Team Bondi’s noir classic could be your type of game. Newly remastered by Rockstar, the detective thriller is as confounding and cool as it was back in 2011, with a new lick of...
Review Grand Theft Auto V (PlayStation 4)
It's Always Sunny in Los Santos
A return trip to Los Santos on the PlayStation 4 was inevitable, given Grand Theft Auto V's gigantic success on Sony's previous home console. An open world with real attitude, the game's sprawling American state is still its greatest achievement – it's full of life, it's incredibly dynamic, and it just feels like...
Review Grand Theft Auto V (PlayStation 3)
Three is a magic number
Michael, Franklin, and Trevor. These three personalities are at the very core of Grand Theft Auto V – one of the most anticipated games of this console generation. Everything that happens within the title revolves around the trio, from the gripping get-rich-quick heists that punctuate the story to the side activities that...
Review Max Payne 3 (PlayStation 3)
Payne: Killer
Max Payne is a man who can't catch a break. Haunted by the murders of his wife and baby girl, and the loss of the woman who managed to crack through his rock-solid shell, Max has become a washed-up, broken man with an addiction to alcohol and pain killers, waiting on the day for the planet to stop so he can step off. Left with no other...
Review Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City (PlayStation 3)
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City is the combination of last year's XBOX 360 "exclusive" downloadable content campaigns finally available on the Playstation 3
The episodes, The Lost & Damned and The Ballad Of Gay Tony, both offer complete campaigns from some of Grand Theft Auto IV's "blink and you'll miss them" cameo...
Review Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (PlayStation Portable)
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is an enhanced port of the Nintendo DS game that debuted to critical acclaim earlier in the year
The plot is much more tongue-in-cheek than in the relatively dark Grand Theft Auto IV. You play Huang Lee, the son of murdered crime-lord looking to avenge the death of his father. Unfortunately, Huang's arrival sees him...
Review Beaterator (PlayStation Portable)
Beaterator is a portable music studio developed by Rockstar Games (the Grand Theft Auto guys) in conjunction with hip-hop producer Timbaland
Despite the Timbaland branding, the game is suitable for all genres, with a lot of the samples and loops provided by Timbo suiting pop, rock, electro, garage and more. The "game" is divided into three...
Guide Red Dead Redemption 2: All Jack Hall Gang Treasure Map Locations
Treasure Hunt
What are all Jack Hall Gang Treasure Map locations in Red Dead Redemption 2? Stuff ain't cheap in Red Dead Redemption 2. There's so much to spend your hard-earned (read: stolen) cash on from new outfits, to horses, and camp upgrades that help Dutch and the gang live a little bit freer. Suffice to say that you're going to need a bunch...
Guide Red Dead Redemption 2: All Poisonous Trail Treasure Map Locations
Treasure hunt
What are all Poisonous Trail Treasure Map locations in Red Dead Redemption 2? Money is in short supply even for those that steal in Red Dead Redemption 2, but we've got good news for you: there are several stashes of treasure dotted throughout the world that you can gather by following treasure maps. However, even finding the treasure...
Guide Red Dead Redemption 2: All High Stakes Treasure Map Locations
Where to find all high stakes treasure maps
What are all High Stakes Treasure Map locations in Red Dead Redemption 2? Are you running short on cash? Not to worry, for you can just hunt down a treasure map or two. These are in short supply, with only three (four if you got a fancy deluxe edition) of them available in the game, but they're well worth...
Guide Red Dead Redemption 2: All Dinosaur Bones Locations
Jurassic west
One of the side quests in Red Dead Redemption 2 challenges you to track down a whopping 30 dinosaur bones so that a crazy collector can recreate the ancient monster. Do so and you'll get a lovely new hunting knife as a reward. These bones can be incredibly tricky to spot. They occasionally hide in the undergrowth, are wedged into a...
Guide Red Dead Redemption 2: All Cigarette Cards Locations
Cigarette cards are just one of the many collectables in Red Dead Redemption 2. There are 144 in total to collect so you'll have to be insanely dedicated to walk away with the entire set. Do so though and you'll earn yourself a set of Vintage Civil War Handcuffs, which you can, in turn, use to craft yourself a lovely talisman. In this...
News GTA 6 Reveal Trailer Debuts in Early December, Rockstar Says
It's official
Following a Bloomberg report overnight suggesting Rockstar Games will debut the first Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer next month, the team has confirmed that is indeed the plan. In a series of Twitter posts, the official Rockstar Games account said: "We are very excited to let you know that in early December, we will release the first...
One last job
We’re listing the ten best Soundtracks of the Decade. These are the ten PlayStation scores released over the past decade that we believe left the biggest impression on our sonic palettes. Whether it’s Journey's Grammy nominated masterpiece or Destiny’s 8 movement symphony, these are the soundtracks that hit the best notes across...
Game of the Year 2018 The 10 Best PlayStation Soundtracks
Life’s a happy song
2018 was absolutely loaded with great games, and equally great music. The quality started all the way back in January and didn’t let up, offering top-notch content throughout the year. But, as with most lists of this nature, some truly incredible music had to be left off, including the likes of Dead Cells, Hollow Knight,...
News Rockstar Releasing Companion App for Red Dead Redemption 2
The old West at your fingertips
There is no denying Rockstar's dedication to deliver fans the best immersive experience of the wild west with the long awaited Red Dead Redemption 2. Those who jump onto the rodeo bandwagon will see the fruits of that hard work in a map players can be sure to get lost in once in a while. For gamers in need of a more...
Push Scare Why Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare DLC Is Perfect for Hallowe'en
Dead but not buried
Republished on Monday, 31st October 2016: We're bringing this article back from the archives to celebrate Hallowe'en today. The original text follows. Originally published on Wednesday, 29th October 2014: It's no secret that I hate horror. I don't read horror, I don't watch horror, and I certainly don't play horror. I'm not...
News Rockstar Games Is Suing the BBC Over a TV Drama About Grand Theft Auto
Game changer
BBC's planned television drama, currently titled Game Changer, is about the controversy surrounding Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto series. The plot follows the long dispute between Sam Houser, Rockstar's president, and Jack Thompson, the outspoken lawyer and critic who says that video games cause real world violence. Rockstar has now...
News Wait, Did Grand Theft Auto V Just Get a Graphical Downgrade on PS4?
Loss Santos
Bit of a weird one, this, but YouTube user ElAnalistaDeBits reckons that the PlayStation 4 version of Grand Theft Auto V has suffered a graphical downgrade after the game's latest update. On Reddit, opinions are torn as to why this might be. Some argue that it's a purposeful move, with Rockstar having to tweak things in order to add...
News Oops, GTA V Online Transfers Won't Work if You've Not Logged in Since 2013
Here we go again
Remember when AAA games released totally bug free? No, neither do we. The latest addition to this dubious trend is the next-gen rerelease of Grand Theft Auto V, which won't let players transfer online characters from their last-gen games. Specifically, the much-touted feature, which would even accept transfers from the Xbox 360...
News Grand Theft Auto V's Long Awaited Online Bank Heists Won't Break Free Just Yet
Held in custody
For many, Grand Theft Auto V's online world has been the source of a lot of mayhem-fuelled fun since the game launched last year, but for others, it's been something of a disappointment despite Rockstar's consistent post-release support. Unfortunately, those who were looking forward to robbing banks with a group of friends back in...
News This Is as Close as You're Likely to Get to Playing Grand Theft Auto V on Your Vita
Give him the chop
You may recall a tiny little game from last year called Grand Theft Auto V. It was a pretty low key affair, only managing to make a measly $1 billion in three days, so we really can't blame you if it passed you by. Jokes aside, the perceptive among you will remember that the boisterous behemoth shipped with a free
Guide Here's How to Revisit North Yankton in Grand Theft Auto Online
Snow way
Those of you that have played Rockstar's most recent satirical crime opus Grand Theft Auto V may recall that the opening heist was set in the perpetually snowy town of North Yankton. And if you've ever wanted to revisit and then promptly terrorise the good people of this sleepy country village, your wishes have now been granted. CVG has...
News Gamble Your Life Away with These Grand Theft Auto V DLC Rumours
Taken with a pinch of salt
Rockstar's crime epic Grand Theft Auto V borrows liberally from the Michael Mann film Heat, but if a recent rumour is anything to go by, the best seller's previously teased DLC may be taking its major inspiration from a c
News Rockstar Papering Over the Cracks with Grand Theft Auto Online Update
Sure to stimulate
Grand Theft Auto V's multiplayer component is a whole lot of fun – at least, that is when it works properly. Rockstar Games is continuing to make great strides in mitigating these issues, though, with a recent Newswire Post detailing an update for the vast open world game. The patch is aimed at rectifyin
First Impressions Hitching a Ride in the Stalling Grand Theft Auto Online
Grand Theft Manual
Unless you've been hiding away from the federal government for the past week, you'll have no doubt heard about Grand Theft Auto Online's rough start. Connection problems plagued the highly anticipated multiplayer addition to Rockstar's opus, as the title's servers crumbled within minutes of it going live. Even if you were lucky...
Competition Win Grand Theft Auto 5 for PS3
Exclusive t-shirt up for grabs, too
It turns out that you don't need to be a master criminal to score some sweet swag. We've got a copy of Rockstar Games' recently released PlayStation 3 opus Grand Theft Auto V to give away to one lucky reader, and all you need to do is put a bullet hole in the right answer below to win. Of course, if a brand...
News Grand Theft Auto V Gets Issued A PSN Download Delay [Updated]
Pre-release now available from 16th
: Developer Rockstar has clarified just when you'll be able to download your pre-order, depending on your territory. In Europe, you'll be able to download the pre-release on Sunday the 15th of September at 3pm BST, while in the US, you'll have to wait until Monday the 16th of September, at the rather late time of...
News Grand Theft Auto V Facebook Parody "Lifeinvader" Hits The Web
Earn "social self respect"
Rockstar has launched Lifeinvader, a Facebook clone which is based on the world seen in the upcoming Grand Theft Auto V. Users will be able to "create friends today", view screens from the game and browse fictional adverts — such as the Sprunk one shown above. Rockstar is also promising special bonuses for people who...
Rumour Grand Theft Auto V Caught On PS4
Amazon.de lists next generation release
Once again, Amazon's German arm has outed a potential release, and this time, it's a big one. The website lists Grand Theft Auto V - which releases in just under a week on current gen consoles - as a PlayStation 4 title. There's no hint of a possible release date, but the simple fact that it's there adds...
Rumour GTA V To Launch In Time For Christmas
Don't hold your breath, though
Leaked screenshots which feature unbelievable release dates are always a little on the dodgy side. Why are they always blurry and low res? When was the last time you saw a computer do a screen grab and then apply a Vaseline-like filter over the top? Answers on a postcard to the usual address, please. Back on topic,...
News Grand Theft Auto III Re-Release Delayed on PlayStation Store
Bad news for North Americans
Yesterday was the day that North American PlayStation 3 owners should have been able to relive classic GTA title Grand Theft Auto III. We say should have been, because sadly the game failed to appear in the PlayStation Store weekly update. Sony has announced that this was due to music licensing problems. PlayStation...
Guide Red Dead Redemption 2: All Jack Hall Gang Treasure Map Locations
Treasure Hunt
What are all Jack Hall Gang Treasure Map locations in Red Dead Redemption 2? Stuff ain't cheap in Red Dead Redemption 2. There's so much to spend your hard-earned (read: stolen) cash on from new outfits, to horses, and camp upgrades that help Dutch and the gang live a little bit freer. Suffice to say that you're going to need a bunch...
Guide Red Dead Redemption 2: All Poisonous Trail Treasure Map Locations
Treasure hunt
What are all Poisonous Trail Treasure Map locations in Red Dead Redemption 2? Money is in short supply even for those that steal in Red Dead Redemption 2, but we've got good news for you: there are several stashes of treasure dotted throughout the world that you can gather by following treasure maps. However, even finding the treasure...
Guide Red Dead Redemption 2: All High Stakes Treasure Map Locations
Where to find all high stakes treasure maps
What are all High Stakes Treasure Map locations in Red Dead Redemption 2? Are you running short on cash? Not to worry, for you can just hunt down a treasure map or two. These are in short supply, with only three (four if you got a fancy deluxe edition) of them available in the game, but they're well worth...
Guide Red Dead Redemption 2: All Dinosaur Bones Locations
Jurassic west
One of the side quests in Red Dead Redemption 2 challenges you to track down a whopping 30 dinosaur bones so that a crazy collector can recreate the ancient monster. Do so and you'll get a lovely new hunting knife as a reward. These bones can be incredibly tricky to spot. They occasionally hide in the undergrowth, are wedged into a...
Guide Red Dead Redemption 2: All Cigarette Cards Locations
Cigarette cards are just one of the many collectables in Red Dead Redemption 2. There are 144 in total to collect so you'll have to be insanely dedicated to walk away with the entire set. Do so though and you'll earn yourself a set of Vintage Civil War Handcuffs, which you can, in turn, use to craft yourself a lovely talisman. In this...
News GTA 6 Reveal Trailer Debuts in Early December, Rockstar Says
It's official
Following a Bloomberg report overnight suggesting Rockstar Games will debut the first Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer next month, the team has confirmed that is indeed the plan. In a series of Twitter posts, the official Rockstar Games account said: "We are very excited to let you know that in early December, we will release the first...
One last job
We’re listing the ten best Soundtracks of the Decade. These are the ten PlayStation scores released over the past decade that we believe left the biggest impression on our sonic palettes. Whether it’s Journey's Grammy nominated masterpiece or Destiny’s 8 movement symphony, these are the soundtracks that hit the best notes across...
Game of the Year 2018 The 10 Best PlayStation Soundtracks
Life’s a happy song
2018 was absolutely loaded with great games, and equally great music. The quality started all the way back in January and didn’t let up, offering top-notch content throughout the year. But, as with most lists of this nature, some truly incredible music had to be left off, including the likes of Dead Cells, Hollow Knight,...
News Rockstar Releasing Companion App for Red Dead Redemption 2
The old West at your fingertips
There is no denying Rockstar's dedication to deliver fans the best immersive experience of the wild west with the long awaited Red Dead Redemption 2. Those who jump onto the rodeo bandwagon will see the fruits of that hard work in a map players can be sure to get lost in once in a while. For gamers in need of a more...
Push Scare Why Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare DLC Is Perfect for Hallowe'en
Dead but not buried
Republished on Monday, 31st October 2016: We're bringing this article back from the archives to celebrate Hallowe'en today. The original text follows. Originally published on Wednesday, 29th October 2014: It's no secret that I hate horror. I don't read horror, I don't watch horror, and I certainly don't play horror. I'm not...
News Rockstar Games Is Suing the BBC Over a TV Drama About Grand Theft Auto
Game changer
BBC's planned television drama, currently titled Game Changer, is about the controversy surrounding Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto series. The plot follows the long dispute between Sam Houser, Rockstar's president, and Jack Thompson, the outspoken lawyer and critic who says that video games cause real world violence. Rockstar has now...
News Wait, Did Grand Theft Auto V Just Get a Graphical Downgrade on PS4?
Loss Santos
Bit of a weird one, this, but YouTube user ElAnalistaDeBits reckons that the PlayStation 4 version of Grand Theft Auto V has suffered a graphical downgrade after the game's latest update. On Reddit, opinions are torn as to why this might be. Some argue that it's a purposeful move, with Rockstar having to tweak things in order to add...
News Oops, GTA V Online Transfers Won't Work if You've Not Logged in Since 2013
Here we go again
Remember when AAA games released totally bug free? No, neither do we. The latest addition to this dubious trend is the next-gen rerelease of Grand Theft Auto V, which won't let players transfer online characters from their last-gen games. Specifically, the much-touted feature, which would even accept transfers from the Xbox 360...
News Grand Theft Auto V's Long Awaited Online Bank Heists Won't Break Free Just Yet
Held in custody
For many, Grand Theft Auto V's online world has been the source of a lot of mayhem-fuelled fun since the game launched last year, but for others, it's been something of a disappointment despite Rockstar's consistent post-release support. Unfortunately, those who were looking forward to robbing banks with a group of friends back in...
News This Is as Close as You're Likely to Get to Playing Grand Theft Auto V on Your Vita
Give him the chop
You may recall a tiny little game from last year called Grand Theft Auto V. It was a pretty low key affair, only managing to make a measly $1 billion in three days, so we really can't blame you if it passed you by. Jokes aside, the perceptive among you will remember that the boisterous behemoth shipped with a free
Guide Here's How to Revisit North Yankton in Grand Theft Auto Online
Snow way
Those of you that have played Rockstar's most recent satirical crime opus Grand Theft Auto V may recall that the opening heist was set in the perpetually snowy town of North Yankton. And if you've ever wanted to revisit and then promptly terrorise the good people of this sleepy country village, your wishes have now been granted. CVG has...
News Gamble Your Life Away with These Grand Theft Auto V DLC Rumours
Taken with a pinch of salt
Rockstar's crime epic Grand Theft Auto V borrows liberally from the Michael Mann film Heat, but if a recent rumour is anything to go by, the best seller's previously teased DLC may be taking its major inspiration from a c
News Rockstar Papering Over the Cracks with Grand Theft Auto Online Update
Sure to stimulate
Grand Theft Auto V's multiplayer component is a whole lot of fun – at least, that is when it works properly. Rockstar Games is continuing to make great strides in mitigating these issues, though, with a recent Newswire Post detailing an update for the vast open world game. The patch is aimed at rectifyin
First Impressions Hitching a Ride in the Stalling Grand Theft Auto Online
Grand Theft Manual
Unless you've been hiding away from the federal government for the past week, you'll have no doubt heard about Grand Theft Auto Online's rough start. Connection problems plagued the highly anticipated multiplayer addition to Rockstar's opus, as the title's servers crumbled within minutes of it going live. Even if you were lucky...
Competition Win Grand Theft Auto 5 for PS3
Exclusive t-shirt up for grabs, too
It turns out that you don't need to be a master criminal to score some sweet swag. We've got a copy of Rockstar Games' recently released PlayStation 3 opus Grand Theft Auto V to give away to one lucky reader, and all you need to do is put a bullet hole in the right answer below to win. Of course, if a brand...
News Grand Theft Auto V Gets Issued A PSN Download Delay [Updated]
Pre-release now available from 16th
: Developer Rockstar has clarified just when you'll be able to download your pre-order, depending on your territory. In Europe, you'll be able to download the pre-release on Sunday the 15th of September at 3pm BST, while in the US, you'll have to wait until Monday the 16th of September, at the rather late time of...
News Grand Theft Auto V Facebook Parody "Lifeinvader" Hits The Web
Earn "social self respect"
Rockstar has launched Lifeinvader, a Facebook clone which is based on the world seen in the upcoming Grand Theft Auto V. Users will be able to "create friends today", view screens from the game and browse fictional adverts — such as the Sprunk one shown above. Rockstar is also promising special bonuses for people who...
Rumour Grand Theft Auto V Caught On PS4
Amazon.de lists next generation release
Once again, Amazon's German arm has outed a potential release, and this time, it's a big one. The website lists Grand Theft Auto V - which releases in just under a week on current gen consoles - as a PlayStation 4 title. There's no hint of a possible release date, but the simple fact that it's there adds...
Rumour GTA V To Launch In Time For Christmas
Don't hold your breath, though
Leaked screenshots which feature unbelievable release dates are always a little on the dodgy side. Why are they always blurry and low res? When was the last time you saw a computer do a screen grab and then apply a Vaseline-like filter over the top? Answers on a postcard to the usual address, please. Back on topic,...
News Grand Theft Auto III Re-Release Delayed on PlayStation Store
Bad news for North Americans
Yesterday was the day that North American PlayStation 3 owners should have been able to relive classic GTA title Grand Theft Auto III. We say should have been, because sadly the game failed to appear in the PlayStation Store weekly update. Sony has announced that this was due to music licensing problems. PlayStation...