Tag: Site News
Site News The Push Square Mailbox Is Officially Open, Send Us Your Letters
Be published on Push Square
Community is a huge part of what makes Push Square special. We've always enjoyed interacting with our readers, whether it's through the comments section, polls, or quizzes — but we want to go one step further here in 2025. In a move inspired by the gaming magazines of old (and our friends at Nintendo Life, admittedly),...
Site News Write to Us About Your PS5 Game of the Year for 2024
And be featured in our GOTY coverage
We're fast approaching the end of 2024, if you can believe it — but this is always an exciting time for our industry, since everyone's focus shifts towards the all-important Game of the Year discussion. Here on Push Square, we have a long history of extensive Game of the Year coverage, as we simply love to...
Site News Where's Our Until Dawn PS5 Review?
A few more dawns to wait
The Until Dawn PS5 and PC remake is now available, and you may be wondering if and when we're going to review it. As one of Sony's first-party releases for 2024, we'd be remiss to skip this one. However, we won't have a review ready for you just yet. Review copies were only sent out yesterday and, while there's no embargo...
Site News Where's Our Star Wars Outlaws PS5 Review?
Gamescom delays our coverage
Right about now, other outlets across games media will be publishing their reviews of the next Ubisoft game, Star Wars Outlaws. We plan to do the same, but we're going to need quite a bit more time before that can happen. While we did receive PS5 review code at the same time as everyone else, assistant editor and Star...
Site News Where's Our Black Myth: Wukong PS5 Review?
Monkey business
By the time you read this, the first wave of reviews for Black Myth: Wukong will be online. You'll also have noticed we haven't got a full review of the action RPG ourselves yet, and there's a pretty good reason: PS5 codes have yet to be distributed. Yes, if you're looking for an assessment of the PS5 version in particular, you'll...
Site News Where's Our Suicide Squad PS5 Review?
Ready and waiting
In just a handful of hours, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will release on PS5 via its Deluxe Edition. Marking the first moment it's available to the public, you'd rightly expect reviews from media outlets to have been published by now to help you decide whether it's worth picking up or not — including our own. However,...
Site News Our Game of the Year Goodness Gets Underway from Today
Here we go again
It’s been a big year for PlayStation – many would argue a vintage year, in fact. While the selection of first-party software from Sony has been a little on the light side, third-parties have more than picked up the slack, producing bangers like Baldur’s Gate 3, Alan Wake 2, and so, so, so much more. As has become something of...
Site News We Need You to Fill Out Our Reader Survey
We don’t mean to remind you, but Christmas is coming – and that means the New Year is right around the corner. With all that in mind, it’s time for us to bow to our corporate overlords, and encourage you all to fill in our annual reader survey. The good news is our partners at ReedPop are making it easier than ever before. So, why are...
Site News Submit Your Snaps for the Push Square Community Screenshot Competition
Entries are open until 22nd December
As is a yearly tradition on the Push Square forums, the Official 2023 Screenshot of the Year Competition is now taking entries! After many years of service (thank you), veteran user @RogerRoger has passed the bat over to @R
Site News Where's Our Alan Wake 2 PS5 Review?
Stuck in the dark place
As you'll no doubt have seen at various other outlets, the review embargo for Alan Wake 2 has now lifted. Early verdicts for Remedy Entertainment's hotly anticipated sequel are now out in the wild, and you might be wondering where Push Square's assessment is right now. Well, it's coming, but we're not totally ready yet...
Site News Where's Our Mortal Kombat 1 PS5 Review?
It's koming
Mortal Kombat 1 releases today for those who’ve podded out on the game’s Premium Edition, so you may have been expecting us to publish our PS5 review. Unfortunately, we’ve only just received access to the game, and that means our verdict is going to be a little late. Obviously, we’re eager to thoroughly test out all the features,...
Site News Where's Our Remnant 2 PS5 Review?
It's rising from the ashes
Right about now, reviews of Remnant II will be hitting the Internet. Following up on the impressive original, this sequel is all set to expand and improve upon what Gunfire Games achieved four years ago. However, we need more time to judge the game's quality and come to an accurate conclusion. We won't have a PS5 review to...
Site News Accessibility Brought to the Fore in New Push Square Partnership
Breaking it down
PlayStation has led the industry when it comes to accessibility, with first-party studios like Naughty Dog, Santa Monica Studio, and others all innovating to ensure its PS5 and PS4 titles can be enjoyed by more people. This has led to the Japanese giant winning a number of awards for its efforts, and later this year it’ll release...
Site News Where's Our Exoprimal PS5, PS4 Review?
Embrace, extend, extinction
Exoprimal launches tomorrow, 14th July, on PS5 and PS4 – but our review won’t be live to mark the occasion. Capcom’s latest shooter is a heavily online co-op focused game, and while we’ve had code for a few days, the servers have only just gone live. This means outside of the various pre-release betas, we’re yet...
Site News Vote for the Best Game of All Time with the Push Square Community
This time it's definitive
It's fair to say that we're very proud of the community here on Push Square, and fantastic examples of its passion for gaming (and other topics!) can be found over in the forums. From screenshot competitions to Game of the Generation debates, Push Square readers have long been coming up with cool community-based ideas. The...
Site News Where Is Our Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores PS5 Review?
Hollywood dreamin'
Horizon Forbidden West’s hugely anticipated DLC expansion Burning Shores launches tomorrow on the PS5, and you may be wondering where our review is. We can confirm that the review embargo has now lifted – in fact, the DLC is already available in some time zones – but we’ve only just received playable code, meaning we’ve...
Site News Love What We Do? Become a Push Square Supporter
Advert free
Push Square is the world’s biggest and best PlayStation website (in our opinion), bringing you informative and entertaining content every day. In addition to breaking all the latest PS5 news, we’re also here to help inform your next video game purchase in our insightful reviews, and bring you closer to the wider PlayStation...
Site News Our Plan for PSVR2 Reviews Through Launch and Beyond
Down to business
The embargo for some – but not all – PSVR2 content lifted today, and hopefully you’ve already had time to check out our hardware review and Horizon Call of the Mountain coverage. If not, rest assured it’s not going anywhere, so have a look at your convenience – there’s a lot of info to pour over, so put on the kettle and...
Site News Where's Our Forspoken PS5 Review?
We've just started to Push Square
Right around now, reviews of PS5 console exclusive Forspoken are hitting the web. As the world's biggest independent site dedicated to all things PlayStation, you're probably visiting Push Square to have a look at our own verdict. However, unfortunately, that won't be possible today. In fact, it probably won't be...
Site News Our Game of the Year Bonanza Gets Underway from Today
Let the games begin
You may have spotted a sprinkling of Game of the Year content on Push Square already, and that’s because we have such a massive slate planned we simply had to get started early. But today is the day things begin in earnest, as we’re beginning our top ten countdown right through the festive holidays until New Year’s Day...
Site News The Results Are In for Push Square Community's Screenshot Competition
Oh, snap
In case you missed it, the Push Square community has been running a screenshot competition, as it does every December. Over the last couple of weeks, many of our readers have been sending in their best shots from their favourite games across numerous categories. Now, the results are here, and the community has crowned this year's winner —...
Site News The Push Square Community's Screenshot of the Year Competition Begins
Submit your best shots
We're just starting to think about our Game of the Year coverage here at Push Square, but our lovely community already has something you can contribute to and potentially win: the annual Screenshot of the Year Competition. Organised by regular reader RogerRoger, this is your opportunity to share the best screenshots you've...
Site News Would You Kindly Fill in Our Reader Survey?
We have custard creams*
Look, we know Brazil and Portugal are playing in the World Cup today, and you’re still in a Thanksgiving stupor, but we need you! Sorry, we don’t need you quite like that, but we do need you to fill in our reader survey. This comes courtesy of our commercial overlords at Reed Pop, and will delve into your video game...
News Time Extension! Meet Our New Website for Reflective, Retro-Ish Gaming
A site this good takes AGES
We’re all about the next big thing here at Push Square. Whether it’s exciting sequels like God of War Ragnarok, promising new hardware platforms like PSVR2, or even entirely new services like PS Stars – there’s so much to look forward to, it’s rare we ever get the time to look back. That’s where
Site News Our Greatest Ever Game of the Year Schedule Starts Tomorrow
Are you RED E?
As the year slowly begins to wind down, we’re picking up the speed. As has become a Christmas tradition here at Push Square Towers, we’ll be plugging the gaps in the news schedule with our biggest ever selection of Game of the Year content, and it all gets underway from tomorrow. For the next 12 or so days, you’ll be bombarded...
Site News Push Square Community's Screenshots Competition Underway
Time to Create
If you’re not active on the Push Square forums, then you may not know that there’s a brilliant community competition taking place right now. Organised by regular reader RogerRoger, this is your opportunity to share your best video game screenshots. Entries are open until 15th December across a number of categories, including...
Site News Lost Judgment PS5 Review - Where Is It?
Still on the case
The embargo for Lost Judgment reviews is up today, but the Push Square verdict is still being decided. That's because Lost Judgment is a big game, and simply put, we're nowhere near finished playing through it. We're around 33 hours in at the time of writing, and we're absolutely swamped in optional activities and side quests. The...
Site News NBA 2K22 PS5, PS4 Review - Where Is It?
It's coming, a'ight
We’ve already published our Tales of Arise PS5 review and Life Is Strange: True Colors PS5 review, so you may be wondering where our NBA 2K22 review is. This one is going to take a little while, we’re afraid: that’s because due to the online nature of the release we only received review code until about an hour before...
Site News Our Game of the Year Countdown Gets Underway Today
Which game will win?
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and we’re not necessarily talking about illuminated trees and Christmas cake. No, it’s that time of the year where we temporarily take some time away from the traditional news cycle in order to bring you some top-notch holiday content. As is always the case, we’ve got multiple...
Site News Where's Our Cyberpunk 2077 Review?
This ain't it, V
It's fair to say that Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the biggest games of 2020. If not the biggest game of 2020, and one of the most anticipated games of the entire generation. We've been waiting on CD Projekt Red's open world RPG for what feels like an eternity, but unfortunately, just days before its release, we don't have a Push Square...
Site News Push Square Community's PS4 Screenshot Competition Is Go
Share your best screenshots
It's always worth remembering that Push Square is fortunate enough to have a lovely community. This is evident each day, but every now and then, our readers get together to play games, create quizzes, and engage in some healthy competition. On that note, it's now time for this year's PlayStation 4 screenshot contest...
Next-gen starts when we say so
We’re happy to confirm that this morning we received a PlayStation 5 from Sony, meaning that you can expect tons of coverage over the coming weeks. It’s been a year unlike any other really, meaning that this morning was our first opportunity to touch the next-gen console and its controller. We’ve obviously got...
Site News Where's Our Marvel's Avengers PS4 Review?
We A.I.M. for next week
Marvel's Avengers is out on PlayStation 4 today via the Deluxe Edition and so you might be wondering where all the reviews, and indeed the Push Square verdict, are. We do have review code of our own and have been plugging away at the game's campaign since yesterday, but given the online nature of this superhero experience,...
Site News Yes, We're Playing The Last of Us 2
Finish the fight
As has already been confirmed by a dozen or so social media influencers with approximately 15 times more clout than us, Sony has provided us with The Last of Us: Part II review code and we’re currently playing the game. And that’s all we’re really allowed to say at this stage, which is all a bit frustrating for you, isn’t...
Site News Would You Kindly Complete Our Reader Survey?
There's a Jaffa Cake in it for you
Admit it: you’ve got nothing better to do today than complete our reader survey. With much of the world in lockdown right now, what better way to wile away your evening in captivity than answering questions about your purchasing habits? You should be thanking us, really – instead we’re going to offer you a...
Site News Don't Forget to Visit Our Sister Site Pure Xbox
What's an Xbox?
Look, we’ve got colleagues who bat for the Team in Green, but you really shouldn’t hold that against them. Many of you will already be familiar with our fantastic, marginally-more-family-friendly sibling site Nintendo Life – but did you know we’ve just relaunched Pure Xbox, too? The website has been resurrected ahead of the...
Site News Welcome to Our End of Year Bonanza
Christmas is coming
This is typically the time of year where computers get shutdown, email notifications get enabled, and Mulled Wine gets stewed. Make no mistake: that’s exactly what will be happening here at Push Square Towers, too – we’ll just be cranking up Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled as opposed to the crusty old karaoke machine. But!...
Site News Share Your Best PS4 Screenshots in Push Square's Community Competition
Photo finish
It wouldn’t be Christmas without a good Push Square community competition, would it? This time, themcnoisy is hosting a screenshot contest, with guest judging from members Neolit and
Site News We're Looking for a Vibrant Video Producer to Lead Push Square to YouTube Glory
Hey everyone! It's [Your Name] from Push Square
We love writing about PlayStation here at Push Square, but apparently the younger generation aren’t quite as fond of the written word. We’ve been meddling with YouTube for several years now, and we’ve published some cracking content in that time. However, with the PlayStation 5 around the corner,...
Site News Where's Our Call of Duty: Modern Warfare PS4 Review?
Going dark
Today, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has launched across the globe. Infinity Ward's latest is in the hands of the public, and several media outlets have delivered their verdicts on the newest game in the storied franchise. So, where's ours? The short answer is we don't have the game yet. The slightly longer answer is this. Reviews that...
Reminder Be A Mate, Fill Out Our Reader Survey
For The Payers
The marketing guys over at our partners Gamer Network have put together another super exciting reader survey and we'd love you to fill it out. The more of you do it, the more chance we have of looking better than sister site Nintendo Life. Help us out! If you haven't realised, Push Square is solely funded through advertising and, to...
Site News Our PlayStation E3 2019 Coverage Starts Now
Are you red E?
Look, let’s address the big white elephant in the non-existent room: whatever happens over the next week or so, this is not going to be a vintage E3 for PlayStation. You can call us cynical if you like, but it’s just not going to be – without Sony in attendance, there’s going to be a gaping hole in our coverage that no...
Site News The Division 2 PS4 Review - Where Is It?
Listen up, agent
The game's out on PS4 right now, so where's our review for The Division 2? Well, as is almost always the case with these live service titles, the press don't get access to early review code, and that's what's happened with The Division 2. In other words, we'll be playing through the game at the same time as everyone else. That's...
Site News Push Square Is Now Ten Years Old (We Think)
Remembering a decade of (mostly) outstanding PlayStation coverage
Every good story starts with a eureka moment! My fledgling music career had fizzled out before I’d even had chance to finish my mathrock cover of Bump in the Night, and a bright-eyed Sammy Barker – then with much better, much blonder hair – decided to do something new. I’d...
Site News Where's Our Kingdom Hearts III Review?
Broken hearts
The time has come for games critics to reveal their reviews for Kingdom Hearts III, but unfortunately, you won't be getting a review from us here at Push Square just yet. Obviously Kingdom Hearts III is a big deal -- this is a sequel that people have literally been waiting over an entire decade for -- but as you may have already...
Site News Push Square's Game of the Year 2018 Coverage Starts Now
All will be revealed
We know we say this every year, but 2018 really is our biggest Christmas schedule ever. Like, frankly it’s flabbergasting how much content we’ve prepared for the next 10 or so days – there’s everything from holiday editions of Indie Bin through to Soapboxes, Polls, and much more. We’re really proud to be ending the...
Site News God of War Wins the Push Square Forum's Game of the Year
Marvel's Spider-Man and Red Dead Redemption 2 in top three
Looks like Kratos may need to invest in a new trophy cabinet, because hot on the heels of last week’s The Game Awards 2018 win, God of War has now topped the Push Square forum’s Game of the Year poll. As brilliantly organised by community member KratosMD [Coincidental username...
Site News Push Square Readers Vote for Game of the Year
Playing favourites
Push Square’s official Game of the Year has been decided, but you won’t see the editorial team's top ten until later in the month – we’ve got to keep the articles churning through the slow Christmas period, after all. That said, if you want some Game of the Year action right now, then our readers are voting on their...
Site News Where's Our Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Review?
Top of the BlOps
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is out now, and you’re probably wondering where our review is, right? Well, you’re going to have to sit tight. The reason for this is because the latest in Activision’s ginormous series is heavily online focused, and while we could have pushed for invites to swanky review events, we prefer to cover...
Site News Where's Our Dragon Quest XI PS4 Review?
A quick word from the editors
As you may have noticed, reviews for Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age are now hitting the web. We did a quick round up that you can check out through here. However, we don't have a Push Square review of Dragon Quest XI to present to you, and we're going to detail why that is in this...