Batman: Arkham studio Rocksteady will finally be free of its Suicide Squad torture next month as it has been confirmed Season 4, launching in January 2025, is the game's final content drop. The online servers shall remain live and all of the post-launch content stays along with the base experience, but no new episodes will follow after Season 4.
What really makes it sound like Rocksteady won't be returning to Suicide Squad — outside of potential game-breaking bugs and issues — is that an offline mode is releasing tomorrow, 10th December 2024. This lets users play the whole game, including all its post-launch content, without an internet connection. You'll be able to create a separate offline profile based on your online one, which ports over all your progress into a playable, offline state.
On the topic of keeping the game's servers live, an FAQ page states: "We do not have plans to end online server support for the game at this time. However, as long as players update to a version of the game with Offline mode, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is playable in Offline mode without an online connection to game servers."
This final season of content adds Deathstroke as a playable character and, amazingly, another Battle Pass. We would be fascinated to know how many players actually complete that. Despite an extremely long development time, Suicide Squad has been nothing short of a disaster for Rocksteady. It's claimed some of the team is now producing content for a definitive edition of Hogwarts Legacy.
[source suicidesquadgame.com]
Comments 33
At least they are working on a new Batman game
@FutilityInExcellence …do you honestly think that current!Rocksteady working on a Batman game is a GOOD thing?
Color me skeptical, sadly.
hope any new disc versions comes fully updated, it's nice of them to give us a full offline mode with access to everything.
@FutilityInExcellence I'd honestly prefer they work on something else, they already told their full Batman story in their trilogy, and got 3 extra games added to the world. They could go back to the world and focus on Nightwing, Robin or another major character like them.
As someone who hasn’t played it yet, I’m wondering whether all of the trophies will be achievable in offline mode, or if there are some that would require co-op play or something like that.
Offline mode?
I can finally buy it.
If this is a disaster then what is Concord?
Just take it to the farm upstate already
Sweet was planning to pick it up cheap tomorrow anyway but this is even better news.
Offline mode eh?. I might actually play it now.
@DualWielding A bigger disaster
Same old story: more live-service dross that didn't last a year. Never should have been live-service to begin with.
And nothing was lost.
@DualWielding a bigger 1.
I certainly understand your skepticism. However, I choose to hope they can right the ship. Perhaps I'm too optimistic for my own good but still. It has happened before. There was a time when people thought Capcom was beyond redemption and look at them now.
Hopefully the next Batman is great and we can all just pretend Suicide Squad never happened.😄
@Korgon I don’t think anyone from the Arkham days are left there, sadly.
I would LOVE to be wrong, but about the only Arkham game I want to see at this point is a port of Arkham Origins for PS4/5. I don’t trust current Rocksteady as far as I could throw the Batmobile.
@dskatter "I don’t think anyone from the Arkham days are left there, sadly."
Most of the ground floor developers should still be there, it was just Hill and Walker that left and I remind you they steered the Titanic (SS) more than half way through. They only jumped from the ship when they saw the iceberg 🤷
Will offline mode be worth the purchase and is anything unobtainable with this mode?
@J_e_f_f__D I wonder if that's how it will look on the books.
I get the negativity that this game garnered big time and I do agree with what has been said to a point. I recently picked this up on sale and I have been playing it steadily on the way to getting the platinum and I have really enjoyed the gameplay. The story was sucky and didn’t do justice to any of the characters at all, but the endgame has been pretty good. There was a good game trying to get out and for the most part, it has worked out for me. I haven’t played this in coop at all, doing everything myself and I haven’t regretted playing this. The new season will definitely keep me on the game for a while and it’s most welcome as I am grinding to level 50. Definitely not the worst game I have played, that’s for sure!
@Juanalf I feel sorry for who stayed, then. Rather surprised the studio still exists after this trainwreck.
@Bionic-Spencer “ Definitely not the worst game I have played, that’s for sure!”
but it’s the worst rocksteady/batman game. compared to those games it’s bad
Game might be very meh but at least they’re making it offline. That’s more than most companies do when it comes to a game that requires internet
Deathstroke is good
@dskatter Rocksteady didn't make Origins so if you're okay with a game made by an entirely different dev team (from an entirely different country, even) the lack of original members in Rocksteady shouldn't really matter.
Hope it drops to $5 as well on the PSN Store, like the deluxe edition did on Xbox, so I can get a copy
@nomither6 Of course a meh 6/10 isn't as good as 3 literal masterpieces
@nomither6 like I said, definitely not the worst game I have played, but I didn’t for one second think that it was even close to being on par with the Arkham games. I just think that for what it is, it’s not a terrible game by any stretch of the imagination. Storyline choices were well off, but I have had my moneys worth on my way to the platinum so far and that is definitely good.
Regardless of if you liked the game or not it's great that an offline mode is coming to the game and it won't end up a dead service. Well done devs.
@Matroska I’m aware of who made Origins.
I’m also aware it’s ten times the game that current!Rocksteady made in the form of Suicide Squad.
I bought this recently for a ridiculously low price so I'm glad to see the offline mode appear. I haven't played it at all yet but I'm sure I'll get enough fun for what I paid.
Offline mode? Time to buy!
@thaidanh This. Despite everything that happened with this game, them adding an offline mode is pretty commendable at least, like you said, most Devs wouldn't bother and would just shut the game down.
As an avid Division 2 player, I can only hope Ubisoft do the same when the time comes, but I doubt it.
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