That's the end of the holidays, we're afraid. Normality resumes. Of course, normality includes hours upon hours of gaming goodness, so here's what we're playing this weekend.
Jamie O'Neill
I remember how a snow blanketed New York City was an ideal setting in Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales for the launch of the PS5 during the festive season, so I've restarted the game from scratch on PS4 to Air Yank some fresh Trophies, and prolong the Christmassy vibes before the tree comes down on Twelfth Night.
Khayl Adam
I'm wrapping something up for review, and while I didn't quite get to everything I wanted over the break, I did pick up The Thaumaturge on a whim. It's incredibly up my alley, and I have been enjoying poking around turn-of-the-century Warsaw from an isometric perspective. Time permitting, I'll continue on with that!
Sammy Barker
I've appreciated Wuthering Waves on mobile, but this v2.0 update on PS5 is like a brand new game. The environments are astounding, and I love the combat system in this title. Review incoming soon.
Stephen Tailby
I treated myself to Hitman 3 over the holiday break, and I've been loving going through the trilogy's campaign missions. I've completed the first game's campaign, so this weekend I'll make a start on the next set. I was excited for IO Interactive's Bond game before, but now it's become one of my most anticipated titles!
An eclectic selection from our team as always, then, and we assume the comments will be similarly diverse. As always, let us know what you're playing in the comments section below.
Comments 95
Continuing with The Witcher 3 Currently, I am leaving Ciri's trail from the Skellige Isles and going back to Velen for the ugly Uma. Enjoying the journey but there is more talking than fighting
I have started Castlevania Curse of Darkness on my Steam Deck as it is my preferred way to play it because the default camera controls on the PS2 is TERRIBLE for this game. I have never finished it because of that so I am really enjoying it now! It is a shame that a Castlevania fanatic like me never finished the game! Next on the list will be Lament of Innocence but I have to find it first.
And on the Switch, I am starting Project Warlock again. This time I am making my "screenshot journeys" with this title (as with every other game) even ordered an external HDD to keep my archive safe
HAPPY gaming everyone!
Capping bases, driving around supplies, crashing full helicopters and killing some capitalists in Arma Reforger.
Have a good weekend!
I'm playing Behemoth. I've just slain the first one and man, what a spectacle it was. No matter how many times I've played in VR by now, every time I put that headset on it's pure magic. And the scale and immersion of this fight was out of this world.
I'm also playing Stellar Blade. I don't know why I was so hesitant about it for the longest time, I totally love it.
Started Silent Hill 2 last night. Looking forward to getting fully stuck into that. Looks amazing. Playing it in quality mode which is very rare for me but heard frame rates erratic in performance mode. Would rather have locked 30fps than frame rate up and down.
Finished the underrated Lego Horizon Adventures, I really enjoyed it.
Final Fantasy 16
I’m about 55% through according to my PS5 and while I initially wasn’t into it because I was playing on easy with combat assist items so in combat I literally just had to ‘Push Square’ 😉 and watch Clive combo everything. It got boring quick.
So, I upped the difficulty, took off any aiding items, learned all the combos and things (not that complex) and now the combat is fun and fluid and with a bit of challenge.
I’m actually really enjoying the game.
I'm just about to infiltrate a high society party on the top floor of a skyscraper with Idris Elba in arguably one of the best spy thriller games ever made. Phantom Liberty.
I haven't been feeling too good cuz of a stinking cold and my last day today under the employment of Royal Mail I've finally received my IHR after 32 years.
I'll cheer myself up by playing more Dragon Age Veilguard and Yakuza Like A Dragon.
I also recently bought Stardew Valley again on ps5 as I've already put 200 hours into the Switch version!
If children are home then Brotato and Balatro on the Switch. Still doing side missions on Breakpoint as well.
If children are out then it’s a horror sesh with Silent Hill 2, Dead Space remake and a little bit of Resi Evil.
Happy gaming everyone
I'm playing Jurassic World 2. I didn't think I'd enjoy it but dinosaurs escaping and killing tourists is fun!
Close to completing Metroid Prime 2 now - just hunting for the last few upgrades, then on to the Sky Temple for what I presume is the final boss. Also continuing the first Trails in the Sky, which I am still thoroughly enjoying. I don't know what magic dust Falcom sprinkle on their games but they always hit the mark for me, it's just a lot of fun, the characters and world are great and the translation is excellent. It's a fair bit, er, saucier than I was expecting though.. be interesting to see how some of the character interactions are handled in the upcoming remake!
Have a great weekend folks.
Just finished Lorelei and the Laser Eyes. Absolutely fantastic game. It’s one of those games you wished you could play again for the first time.
I bought God of War: Ragnarok in the sale about a month ago so guess what im play ing! That’s right! Guacamelee! (Someone mentioned it last week and i couldn’t get it out my head).
Nobody Saves The World (also by Drinkbox Studio’s also looks cool).
Have a great weekend folks!
Vampire Survivors.
I bought a PS5 Pro and can't stop playing a game that could run on my phone. 🤷♂️
Black Ops 6 on PS5 and Indiana Jones on Series X.
Loving Indiana:)
Just finished Indiana Jones on xCloud. What a game! Made me want to try other Machinegames output, so I’m playing Wolfenstein: The New Order and I’m having a blast.
On PS5: Stalker- Shadow of Chornobyl. Halfway through it and it still holds up.
God of War Ragnarök. Games like this with all PS Studios' is why it's hard to leave PlayStation. Plus some Metaphor Refantazio and Shadow of the Erdtree.
Im playing both Star Wars Outlaws and Avatar. The card game on Outlaws is addictive and fun. Im nearing the end of Silent Hill 2 and need to get back to Indiana Jones at some point
Just popped the platinum on Timesplitters and playing some Helldivers 2. I want a new game but nothings doing it for me at the moment. Might dig out the old sega and play some Jungle strike
Dragon Age Veilguard platinum run and I’ve also started GOW Ragnarok (why am I only just playing this game 🤦♂️ it’s incredible) as my second game so plenty to do. Have a good’un 👊
@Splat same!😂. Such a good game for less that £5, i keep going back to it
@Zuljaras I see you are full on, not wasting time 😀
I am sure you have a lot of fun with your SD. Currently, I tested some of my childhood games on it and it works well. Can't believe it. Those games are not working on Windows 10. 😄
@Kienda I have been playing it since Christmas, and I have had a good time. I was struggling to memorise names at the beginning. Like, who is fighting here and there? Sometimes, I didn't have a clue what was going on, so I read a bit about the background. Otherwise, enjoyable.
You are better off without assistance. I only have an automatic attack from Tortal. Plus, I used automatic healing in the first few missions.
The only bits I don't like/care about at all are the side quests. I just fought a second time with the Titan and found 2 side quests interesting enough.
Just have the Great Master Challenge to do in Astro Bot. It's been a bit frustrating, have nearly done it several times, only to just fall short.
Also will return to Baldur's Gate 3, previously put it down due to catching the flu and forgot about it for a while. My co-worker has been telling me about her playthrough and it's rekindled my interest. I just hope I can remember how to play.
Picked up Monster Jam Showdown on sale, lovin it 👍
Helldivers II and Dragon Age.
Alan Wake II will probably get a look at some point too.
atm though I'm just starting a Crunchyroll binge so I'll be playing on Portal at the same time.
Im still playing one of the best video games ever made in the incredible dishonored 2.im playing as one of the best protagonist ever in corvo otano.the graphics.the gameplay.the story.the soundtrack.the boss fights is incredible.i will also continue playing one of the best horror video games ever in the amazing the evil within 2.sebastian castlellanos is a amazing protagonist.the graphics is amazing.the gameplay.the story.the soundtrack.the boss fights is incredible.and i will play the instant classic the excellent mafia 2 definitive edition.vito is n.i.c.e. protagonist.the gameplay.the story.the graphics.the soundtrack the boss fights is incredible.i will be watching my Pittsburgh Steelers💛🖤 play.in theyre last game before the playoffs start.and i will watch my boston Celtics 💚🖤 play.i will finish watching Netflix instant classic movie carry on.i will be watching legendary sitcoms tv 📺 comedy shows in family matters.the Jeffersons.good times.sanford and son.and saved by the bell.word up son
On Steam Deck, I have been playing Final Fantasy 13 a lot this week. Hated it back at launch but Xenoblade Chronicles has desensitised me to a lot of the things I didn’t like and, dare I say it, I am actually enjoying it quite a lot now.
Also playing Titan Fall 2 and Felvideck!
And some more Silent Hill 2 on PS5.
I’m addicted to Dice and Fold on Steamdeck (I just cannot stop playing roguelikes to save my life). On PS it will be some more Dragon Age Veilguard and I might give Wuthering Waves a go to see if I can finally get into a gacha and understand what the fuss is about. Have a great weekend everyone!
Urgh, last couple of days before returning to normal 😭
Working my way through Cat Quest, got Cat Quest 2 lined up, picked up Stellar Blade yesterday so will fire that up today as well.
Also a bit of Manor Lords on PC.
Hope you all have a good weekend
I’m eyeing up my ever increasing backlog, so I’m gonna jump into Sly 2 (ps5) whilst also completing my daily’s for Infinity Nikki. Something nice and calming for the start of the year.
I picked up Hitman 3 in preparation for its upcoming PSVR2 mode and have been getting a bit of practice for the time being.
I also picked up the Quest 3 and have been enjoying the new Batman game, which is just how you'd have imagined Arkham Asylum in VR, hopefully it comes to PSVR2 at some point
Juuuuust got the platinum for Hotline Miami!😃
Initially I was playing Ni no kuni the past week or so, but man I f*****g hate the combat in that game😭. What makes it more annoying is that I love everything else about the game (generic as it may be) but I just for the life of me can't gel with the combat at all. So after 28 hrs I gave up and jumped on Hotline miami which was the best decision I ever made.
I'll try Ni No Kuni again in 15 years 🤣
Got my first 2 platinums of 2025 in resistance retribution and Jusant in the last few days so I think I’ll start Star Wars outlaws today
Far too many Gacha games! Just redownloaded ZZZ after the 1.4 update removed most of the 'TV' bits added Miyabi and gave Harumasa for free.
Genshin 5.3 story was EPIC. Wuthering Waves is a MASSIVE upgrade on PS5 versus mobile/tablet having to unlearn and relearn the controls though. Muscle-memory is hardwired. Honkai Star Rail is just dailies and events till Amphoreus in a few weeks.
It's all TOO much. Something has to give.
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk I loved Jusant. What did you think? (I assume you liked it due to the Plat!
I jumped back into dragons dogma 2 and I'm still loving it the more I play it. I'll probably finish off space marine 2 this evening. Very good game but a bit on the short side. Have a good weekend everybody 👍
I made a NY resolution to get through a significant portion of my backlog before buying a new game. First on the list is RE4R - why I sat on this for so long is beyond me as I'm really enjoying it.
Whipping butts in the snow in Indiana Jones.
I'm thinking that maybe I'll start GoW Ragnarok, too, as the weather seems right for it. But will only commit if I think I can beat it before Feb 4th. If not, then i'll just pootle about in a few older games when i'm done with Indy. JCBP
Started System Shock dropped System Shock. It was just boring outside of the great OST and fabulous SHODAN.
The Sexy Brutale. Ever since it released the cover art, the name, the music and the concept intrigued me. I bought it a few months back and finally started it. I love it. It is an exemplary game and one of the few true high quality indie games released. I've seen people liken it to Majora's Mask with Metroidvania trappings. I don't disagree but I will add it is a Point and Click adventure more than it is any of those other things.
It is so rare in today's "here's the toy box, make your own fun" ethos, to play something that truly feels authored and flawlessly scripted (the Ueda style). A game like Sekiro is something I put in this bracket. your paths are almost completely linear, there is no build crafting. All that matters is you learn the mechanics and intricacies of your movement, the enemies movement. The Sexy Brutale feels like this every death is scripted in a way that makes sense to the world, you learn the cycle, you learn the motive, the method, the toys you have to play with and you prevent it. Another thing the authored feeling gives? Narrative consistency. The story, the dialogues, the inter-connectedness is all so smooth.
10/10 gaming simply put.
Now I have a question the Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood ports are on sale. I have no connection to Castlevania. Are they worth it?
@themightyant I loved it too, I just wanted a lovely chill game after my struggles with resistance. Loved the art style and climbing mechanics, beautiful game than I’m sure I’ll revisit in a few years time
Yakuza Like a Dragon. I want to get into Infinite Wealth soon.
Overboard on PS1 😅☠️🦜
I finished Astro Bot and the dlc yesterday, platinum and 100% dlc. Almost done with Dead Space Remake and working on the last Space Marine 2 trophy.
Welp I finally started HZD Remastered, you can definitely tell it's a 7 yrs old game (animations) but the improvements are really good.
I'm still playing Unicorn Overlord and the occasional match in Sparking Zero though the online community in thst game is exhausting. Just gonna to get the 100 online matches
trophy and call it a day with that game.
Happy Gaming!
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1-2 Remastered for me. Even now the way you can shift realms or just step through a teleporter instantly really impresses me.
I'll also be playing co-op Grounded.
Star Ocean Second Story R, finally. I started it last year, but couldn't figure out some old tricks, so I got frustrated. I just figured out I didn't have Pickpocketing on. Now I am going to go play that for a really long time.
Hope everyone has fun.
I'm still working on my playthrough of Metaphor on PS5, that game is amazing and my GOTY, but it is massive as well! All these goty lists have gotten me back into Balatro on Switch and I have continued Emio. I'm now at chapter 5 and really need some twists to keep me hooked this time, so I'm hoping for that this weekend.
Happy gaming everyone!
Having finished AW2 in the week I have turned to the backlog and am on Space Marine 2. Good game so far with some brutal finishers, not sure if I will try online out or not but the campaign is carnage in a good way!
@Wazeddie22 Congratulations buddy, we appreciate your service!
Happy gaming folks
I'm playing multiple games
Finally done with this one. The final case was a bit dragging but i like how it's connected to the first case and the ending also nice.
I love the movie and i'm enjoying this game too although it's pretty short and the enemies are pretty dumb. But killing the enemies with that bullet curve slow-mo is really satisfying and never get old.
So far i'm enjoying the game but the UI and control feels kinda clunky. The graphic definitely doesn't age that well too which i can tolerate since it's a 16 years old game (man i feel old lol). Although the White Knight design looks cool and kinda reminds me of the Divine Knight from Trails of Cold Steel.
It's satisfying watching the slow mo when the bullet penetrating head or any body parts.
I already got like 5-6 paint skills, feels like i'm still early in the game.
I'm still in the first case but so far i'm enjoying the 3D graphics, new mechanic, and anime cutscenes. And it's nice to play as Phoenix again.
Got that urge to replay this game again and boy this game still looks and plays amazing. I'm just trying all combos at Bloody Palace with Dante. Sadly Trish and Lady aren't playable...
Have a good 1st week of 2025 guys 🍻
Sims 4 on the puter and Mario kart 64 on my ipotato. a return to Luigi’s mansion 2, dragon quest 11 or bomb rush cyberfunk is also being debated.
Finished the first Hellblade, such a good and important game. The making of video made it even more impressive. Finding my next game from the Game Pass backlog now. Gears 5 wasn’t it for me. Will probably try Redfall or Diablo IV next.
At the same time playing some Puzzling Places on my PS VR2, lovely game. I also need to keep reminding myself to continue with Call of the Mountain, but despite the visuals it’s starting to feel like a drag. I want to finish it though before I start Walkabout Mini Golf or Pistol Whip.
Thought I’d use this week to summarise my gaming in 2024. I had 650 gaming sessions with my most played games being:
1. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (PS5 - 64 sessions)
2. Persona 3: Reload (XSX - 63 sessions)
3. Diablo IV (XSX - 40 sessions)
3. Divinity: Original Sin (XSX - 40 sessions)
5. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle (XSX - 38 sessions)
5. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch - 38 sessions)
7. Vampire Survivors (Steam - 35 sessions)
8. Balatro (Steam - 33 sessions)
9. F1 23 (PS5 - 26 sessions)
10. F1 Manager 23 (XSX - 25 sessions)
10. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Switch - 25 sessions)
10. Yakuza: Like a Dragon (PS5 - 25 sessions)
My most played platforms were:
1. Xbox (245 sessions)
2. Playstation (157 sessions)
3. Steam (151 sessions)
4. Nintendo (86 sessions)
5. Meta Quest (11 sessions)
I’d like to return to Indiana Jones on Xbox after a two weeks hiatus or so from it. I’d like to start Detective Pikachu 2 after just not playing it since launch… and I’m almost sure I’ll play Overcooked on PS5 as my wife randomly started to want to play this one, so we’ve been doing exactly that.
Finally finished Slitterhead. Almost finished with Metaphor ReFantazio; it feels like it goes on forever.
So I’m ready to move on to Silent Hill 2 or most likely I’ll get lost in Infinity Nikki some more. I’ve also considered diving back into Night City and finally helping the president.
Besides my part time job doing daily stuff in The First Descendant, I’ll be heading into some virtual worlds. Grabbed a PSVR2 from eBay for $264 total. Upgraded to Plus Premium because it has a bunch of VR2 games free and bought a handful yesterday because they’re on sale. So I think I’m set for quite awhile. Started the Arizona Sunshine Remake last night. Remembered liking that on the original PSVR.
Just finished the plat for rogue legacy 2. I’m about 6 hrs in to balder’s gate 3 but, honestly, I find it hard to enjoy this fantastic game. It’s just too stressful thinking about all the things I could be missing, or checking guides to make sure I’m not, I should have known this game wouldn’t be for me. Plus the combat is all just a bit…loose.
I was playing forspoken for a while but finding it hard to build up the motivation to get back into it.
I’ll probably default to enjoying the wonderful Subside for a couple of hours, and then maybe play a bit of Synapse.
Kind of in the mood for a JRPG though…yep, just bought One Piece Odyssey. Fancied something tun based and it’s only £12.59 at the minute. Might get me into the series
@Quintumply if I was You I would have waited for the psvr2 version. Despite the less than stellar controls already the psvr1 version was a treat.
Epic Mickey on PS4/PS5.
Silent Hill 2. Almost reached the end. Now at Lakeview Hotel otherworld. Im so glad im passed Toluca Prison & the Labyrinth. Lmao 🤣 Intense and so terrifying but i adored it.
Going to start RE4 remake once im done with SH2. On steam deck,psychonauts 2 and few others game.
I am playing a bit of vendetta forever (psvr2), great game! Though I am not a big fan of the way it looks. It is presumably mostly because of the choice of colours. And I suck at it. But a great game nevertheless!
Then, I am in the final section of "Behemoth on psvr2. Despite the not so great general reception, I really like the game! The behomths are great but don't reach the awesomeness of shadow of colossus. The grappling is great fun and I am apparently a very simple person and really enjoy smashing the amphora . Though, the parry system feels a bit imprecise at times.
Finally, I treated myself to Subside on psvr2. I am really enjoying this beautiful underwater vacation (not much of a game though). I hope that there will be DLC featuring some coral reefs.
Wuthering Waves, really enjoyable so far but this PS5 port is rough. The framerate is all over the place, often dropping when absolutely nothing should be stressing it at all. Also had about half a dozen crashes. Early days I know but it needs work. Have a good weekend all!
Probably done enough procrastination around Spider-Man 2 and should really crack on. More Indy too, which continues to delight.
Have a great weekend all 👍
@Northern_munkey the story mode of Space Marines 2 doesn't do the game justice. I recommend you play it online too where you get to use the abilities which are almost totally absent from SP.
@Mostik Cheers mate nice of you to say so
Zelda - echoes of wisdom - Its really a special feeling to play a new Zelda game 🙂 Been on a family vacation and the switch is just perfect to bring! I really enjoy the game, love the visuals and that its a top down view, brings me back to LttP 🙂 it is however, imho, a bit heavy on the echoes focus and it feels to gimmicky. Need a bridge or a tower to climb on, build it from gravity defying beds. Need to heal during a boss fight, make a bed and sleep in it between boss attacks... But its a minor complaint really! Now we're back home Im thinking about pausing it until next trip, we'll see.
Jusant - wanted a relaxing game on the ps5 in between other games and this is perfect for that!
ESO naturally. Then finishing up the final 3 trophies for Jedi: Survivor. After that, maybe start Prince of Persia or finish Ragnarok.
Trying to find Olympian in Pacific Drive so that I can complete my garage. Even with the resource scanner that area where you find it always seems to bring chaos to you and the car regardless of how prepared I am.
Started GoW Ragnarok but it’s a slow start compared to the previous game so I’m coming back to that.
Reluctantly giving up on the platinum for Kill Knight. A really difficult game and the challenges just add further to the misery.
This weekend I’m being consumed by anomalies in Stalker 2. I’m shocked I’m still playing this game after 105 hours; and yet I cant see myself stopping anytime soon. There is so much to explore and discover, and it’s the most immersed in a game I’ve been in years.
@riceNpea I will buddy I just want to get the single player trophy list out of the way first. I have played 2 of the operations and they were good fun but I've heard the PvP mode isn't that great.
I won’t have much time to game this weekend, but I’ve been off work on PTO for a week and a half and I’ve been THOROUGHLY enjoying the beautiful, well-crafted and fun gameplay of Black Myth: WUKONG, along with COD: BO6’s rather fun MP offering this year.
In all honesty though, I’m totally focused on watching my Detroit Lions hopefully clinch their division and the #1 seed in the NFC on Sunday. that’s the type of game I’m REALLY invested in this weekend. 💪🏽😉👍🏽
Under the weather this weekend but I might try and start RE4 and start Plucky Squire too
@Northern_munkey I've never played PvP as I don't see it being that entertaining. The fun to be had with SM2 is smashing up Tyranids and Chaos ***** 😁
Just got the platinum on Astro Bot. A truly wondrous 22 or so hours of fun that was! I thought it wasn't quite up to Mario Galaxy levels initially, but by the end, it may have won me over, it's certainly 'Nintendo good'. Great Master Challenge almost a little disappointing, expected tougher (still took a solid 30 mins though). It never got frustrating, deaths never felt cheap... I think I was well prepared for these challenge levels by doing the escape levels in the two Ori games last year!!
Going to leave the Xmas level and the time trials for a little while so I still have something Astro Bot to play next week
I haven't had much chance to play but this week I started Metal Gear Solid : The Twin Snakes on GameCube, which is a much improved version of the original MGS1. Come at me.
Bought a pdp guitar and playing Rock Band 4 on the PS5. Stupid or not, playing this daft rythem game is providing me and my wife immense fun!
I bought Gotham Knights for under £10 in the sale and I've really enjoyed the first few hours, the production values are very high. I certainly feel that it's a good deal at this price!
Cosy game is Snufkin - in the moomin world and my wife is a big moomin fan.😀
I'll be back to some more Star Wars Outlaws later. I know a lot of people are tired of the ubi open world formula, but I still enjoy that structure.
Whatever you are playing this weekend, I hope you have fun ..
Lollipop Chainsaw if anything.
Finished Mafia Definitve Edition and really enjoyed it. For some reason the 30FPS felt right for that world. My one gripe is there are way too many collectibles, over 100 feels odd for what the game is but the platinum is in sight.
@breakneck Castlevania Symphony of the Night is still a fantastic metrodvania (pretty much where the name came from). I couldnt get in to Rondo of Blood though. I only played both of them a couple of years ago for the first time
My brother just bought me a late Christmas present; Astro Bot! I will start that adventure and play more of what I have.
Veilguard. I've been returning to Diablo IV coop as well so I'll be alternating between the two.
Rampaging through Rise of The Ronin and having a good time! I was worried going in because Nioh 2 is my personal pick for best ARPG of all time... But I've been able to keep myself in check and not get grumpy over RoTRs combat.
Playing Star Wars outlaws and after nearly passing on it have to say it’s much better than expected. Is nice to play a Ubisoft open-worlder that doesn’t feel like a Ubisoft open-worlder!
NCAA Football ‘25 Dynasty. I created what I think is a cool promotion and relegation system.
Unicorn Overlord I’m going to keep going at as well
@DrVenture69 Sounds like I know my next purchase! Thanks for the reply!
CFB 25 and Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered.
I decided to finally pick up Monster Hunter Rise during the sale. Got it with the expansion for $15. It’s been a lot of fun. The goal was to get my MH skills ready for Wilds, so Rise is a 2 month training exercise.
Diablo 4 has its hooks in me!
This weekend I’m finally getting around to Doom Eternal and I’m close to finishing Astrobot on PS5. And on Switch I picked up Kirby and the Forgotten Land and Thank Goodness You’re Here on sale. Both are a fun and easy which is a nice change after a good session of Doom. Have a great weekend!
Microsoft Wordament (Android) - Dailies and Adventure mode as usual.
Gravity Guy (Windows Phone) - A decent platformer so far.
iStunt 2 (Windows Phone) - Nearly done with getting all the stars in every level.
I still play PoE2 Early Access, as I have done 98% of my gaming time since 6th dec when it released and I do my daily GT7 races for tickets and credits.
I just realised I got over 230 hours in PoE2 despite I haven't played at all during the christmas holidays. Guess I got bit by the PoE bug.
GT7 for the weekly races, and then Robocop
My main game is Metaphor Refantazio. This is my first Atlus game and I’m loving it. Aside from that, I’m playing the mobile version of Balatro and Kill Knight.
Playing some older games on PS3 and finished Uncharted 2 on PS3 and PS4.
Can anyone explain to me, how this game is considered one of the best Playstation games?
What did I miss?
PS5 - Astro Bot, Stellar Blade, Ninja Gaiden Master Collection and recently have gotten back into Dead or Alive 5 Last Round.
After finishing Silent Hill 2 remake I need some chilling games
1. Tomb Raider DE (PS5)
2. Balatro (steam)
3. MS Wordament (android)
And helping out my sons with Astrobot if needed. Whatever you're playing, have fun!
Playing abit of tiebreak that I've just bought and I'm very impressed ,did some research beforehand and watched some videos on tiebreak ,really enjoying the first tennis game I've played for sometime ,still early on just getting to grips with controls etc but great stuff so far and immersive ,looking forward to tackling career mode soon:)
Astrobot Loving it at the moment.
Well here we go with another interesting WAYP. The week was just more GOTY hunt again but with some new things. Trails Through Daybreak, Emio and Metaphor with some Mario and Luigi and YS X. Yeah with YS X we beat it finally and honestly the ending of that game was awesome it totally makes me wanna get the YS remake or whatever it is coming out on the 7th and just play more YS. Yall should definitely check it out. Most of the weekend was spent with Fantasian Neo Dimension. Started that on New Years and it’s seriously super cool honestly it reminds me of Sakaguchis previous work Lost Odyssey and I’m seriously loving it. Rest of the weekend I’m thinking is gonna be some Marvel Rivals or Borderlands 1 or Arranger or maybe Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 as yeah I picked that up to play with a friend and I ain’t ever tried a Warhammer thing. Beating YS X really did take away an easy pick tho ahahah. Thinking that the end of January will be the deadline for GOTY. Otherwise I’m thinking this week is mostly gonna consist of some Trails Through Daybreak, Emio, Dawntrail, Metaphor, Mario and Luigi Brothership, Super Mario Party Jamboree, Bakeru, WWE 2K24, Wuthering Waves and Visions of Mana. Wanna start Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake as the first switch game of the year. Also wanna try to stop at GameStop and get preorders in on the first big games of the year like Dynasty Warriors Origins, Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, Trails Through Daybreak 2, Like A Dragon Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii and Monster Hunter Wilds. Also maybe get enough digital currency to buy a copy of YS Memoire The Oath In Felghana and Tales of Graces F Remastered. The wrestling thing this week is Monday Night Raw on Netflix. Thinking it could be excellent with some of the matches like Roman Reigns Vs Solo Sikoa in tribal combat, Rhea Ripley Vs Liv Morgan for the Woman’s World Championship, and CM Punk VS Seth Freaking Rollins. With John Cena starting his farewell tour and countless more surprises? Think we might have peak on the way. Anime of the week gotta go to Dandadan and Dragon Ball Daima and Shangri La Frontier and Yakuza Fiancé and Ron Kaminohashis Forbidden Deductions and Ranma 1/2. Dandadan got finished up and honestly it may have the best shot at anime of the year it’s legitimately one of the best things I’ve ever watched no joke. Podcasts of this week gotta go to Castle Superbeast, Big Think Dimension, Into The Aether, RPGsites Tetracast, Minnmax, Jeff Gerstmann, Kit and Krysta, Last Stand Media, Easy Allies, Second Wind, Nextlander, Cultaholic Wrestling, Weapon Wheel Podcast and Remap Radio. As always yall stay safe, be cool to each other. Have a totally awesome weekend and of course Happy Gaming.
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