The stock situation surrounding the PS5's sold-separately disc drive attachment has been rocky to say the least, but as of right now, it's currently available for purchase in the US.
At the time of writing, the disc drive attachment for PS5 and PS5 Pro is in stock at PlayStation Direct and Amazon US, so it seems Sony has let loose a fresh batch — hopefully in a larger quantity this time.
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Since the announcement of the PS5 Pro, which is a digital-only console as standard, sales of the disc drive have naturally increased to the point where demand is outpacing supply, causing a shortage of the add-on.
Replenished stock of the accessory has been popping up here and there, but scalpers and quick-acting customers have ensured that these new supplies don't last long. Additionally, disc drives are cropping up on places like eBay for inflated prices as scalpers take advantage of the newfound demand.
Hopefully this restock is a sign of better supply for the disc drive going forward.
Have you been able to grab a PS5 disc drive yet? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 26
Argos had them in the UK a few days ago too - though I think they quickly sold out!
My local CEX has one in stock at £170!
Good luck to those that need one, I have mentioned before but in the UK do go into shops (Curry's & Smyths etc) as they hold stock even when sold out online. Don't bow to the scalpers, £100 tops!!!!
Got mine Monday. One of the local Argos stores showed stock on Monday morning - it wasn't showing on the tracker websites.
Happy I only paid retail.
I keep trying to tell people that you can get them quite easily with the HotStock app. It'll automatically alert you when they are back in stock anywhere.
Oh good do they deliver to Staffordshire?
They seem to be relatively easy to get at SRP in the US, compared to UK and EU.
Which means SONY's logistics game is kinda lacking currently.
I'm still looking for one but I'm not paying 180€ for a 120€ item.
When is the uk going to get some? I wanna buy a pro but I need the damn drive sony or most of my games won't work.
Very useful for a UK based website.
The ps5 pro is going to appeal to people who almost certainly have some physical backlog of ps4 and ps5 games. I can't for the life of me understand why Sony wouldn't have anticipated that.
@Voltan Sony is probably trying to supply the US before tariffs kick in. Then EU/UK should be supplied. Just a guess though.
Walked into Currys in the UK and they just had 3 behind the till. The website listed no stock.
N.i.c.e. now people can buy it.but lets be real.sony is horrible and money hungry not to have a disc drive on the ps5 pro.word up son
Insert "y'all got any more of those" meme for the Dualsense Edge stick modules here...
Removed - trolling/baiting
I've noticed the ebay prices have slunk down again so a few places must have had fair sized deliveries in the UK recently.
@madmaxrules They seem to have had a big delivery because yesterday, and this morning still, they were available in some stores. Closest was only about a hundred miles away from me so I found it as useful as a chocolate fireguard, but we live in hope...
Damn it. I missed the news of a restock on PS Direct.
Im personally pleased Pro didnt come with a drive - I dont need one, and they would have had to put up the price to include the drive (they are not just going to absorb that cost!) - I could have still bought it, but didnt need to, and it could well have put Pro outside others price ranges.
Doesn't excuse their fairly inept underestimating of demand for drives, but that is a different issue.
Even though I will probably not buy a drive for mine as I have bought games digitally for long enough now, I do agree with you. But I also think there were other factors, other than just back catalogue, such as not appreciating that some people use their PS5s to play DVDs/BluRays etc.
Its almost like they estimated purely based on % digital/disk sales at present without considering any other factor.
So when are the other regions restocks?
I don't care as doesn't effect me as a non-PS5 interested. But the US focus is understandable but also well what about other countries waiting? Is there too much to pass or is it not viable? Is the demands/US audiences always that much bigger or that much more vocal and that's why they offer them? Or stores are willing to stock them.
Besides the rate at which journalists can report on things of course takes time too before see them and what is confirmed as well.
Or is it because the US collector space make themselves known? Or enough demand still for physical owners make themselves known enough and they go eh we can go another wave of drives and then gauge it over time as a company would with any product. That or enough parts (they have plenty likely they are just separating a drive) and enough for repairs/replacement and so on.
At least drives are region free right? That or is the authentication picky there or the power of the drive/other components it won't work if someone imported one?
I get prices and oh the lack of physical future but like come on it's so lazy. Many hardcore buy physical or likely if don't go for a blu-ray player do their console and are fine enough with the quality. So the limited editions with codes to just other things for them to cut costs of production (sure it's a lot so understandable) to then even more get people used to it is just silly. They know their audience and want to test them. How about don't do that.
People aren't going oh the 3DO $700 anymore (PS3 it was different of demand/waiting for Slim model/others to go down), gaming is different now, sure prices matter and they do and the disk drive prices for sure or what they set the consoles at but even still it's just questionable besides tariffs and other factors.
Besides dedicated buy the Pro anyway, normal people aren't going to buy the more expensive Pro or a higher end TV that supports it. They just aren't. Those that have them are willing to and that's totally fine.
I have all of 0 physical games for my pro, 1 disk movie(john wick), and yet found myself ordering this. Arrived today, looks like crap on the pro(its not level if you lay your console flat), but atleast i dont have to think about getting a disk drive if i end up wanting a collectors edition of a game.
@SuntannedDuck2 Im not an avid ps fan(i prefer the xbox) nor do i have time to play a lot of games anymore. My generation grew up on games with the nes though and at this time generally has a lot of disposable income, so we get the nicer tvs and dont stress over a $700 console whether i need it(i didnt) or not.
Gaming is different because when we were kids and the 3do was out(i had one and a neo geo, but worked all summer to get them as a teen. Now its more of a passive kneejerk purchase where as there were very few doing that in the 80s-90s.
So id say normal people are buying the pro, just that there is a different level of customer that wasnt as prevalent before.
@Runex2121 That's fine whichever platform works for you. I use all 3 but mostly Switch/PS4. Xbox on occasion and still old consoles/handhelds.
I am just thinking, not complaining. Thinking but not the best thought put into the comment. XD
People have busy lives of course not doubting that. That and yes your generation has a lot of income focus on families or living, or houses/cars/etc. holidays, whatever the case of other hobbies even. Or solved most of those things a 20-40 year old has so many in their 50+ have done enough in their lives and can get the big TVs for sure or whatever else. No matter what job role or good budgeting of money and all that. All the stuff people work out.
But yeah more income or more live/jobs under your belts so more for the TVs and luxury items no doubt and your entitled to them that's fine.
I myself don't feel I'm missing out using old tech it really doesn't bother me. I can look at modern tech but I hardly care for it. It's not nostalgia either it's just I don't find it appeal most times. Some are cool ideas (at CES recently for example), others are pretty standard and don't care for them. That and it's not always gimmicks I care about but most times these days it is. So don't think it's a younger generation complaining far from it.
I really couldn't care less about FOMO or not getting tech/getting things. I wait or I get what is more appealing to me instead. I don't care for a PS5/Xbox Series X yet family have one. I don't use them, they do, I couldn't be bothered the game design just doesn't appeal to me but I still keep up on current things as I still like to know what's going on. Yet other people my generation probably can't wait or enjoy them. I simply don't care.
Well yeah I get the 3DO/Neo Geo and others the prices were very high and it was a very different time/economy. Neo Geo was the games on the board that's how that worked correct?
That and well the 3DO business model was also different and the companies had them that high they weren't taking a loss on them like Sony/Microsoft do, they were making what was a big deal at the time of hardware and wanted their money for it due to the way the 3DO licensing worked between the 3 companies. Almost selling them like a new CD player with special features I guess.
Well yeah prices, attitudes and more are different these days, that and where people live, what else is going on people have to consider.
I guess so.... I mean gaming is bigger then before but at the same time I guess the marketing/gamer mentality does get in the way so you are very likely right on that the people that are normal but do make that step into it of a Pro console (not just the types with a lot of money either, but depends on their desperation/loyalty or just 'hey I can buy this now timing they have for things' among other factors).
But generational or not I see what your getting at in a way besides my "not experienced that" yet state of things. I respect your opinion and you are very much right and I didn't account for some factors so I appreciate the reflection/details there.
@Runex2121 My PS5 Pro with the disc drive sits perfectly level with no wobble when you put the new feet on that the disc drive comes with. Did you swap out the feet?
How about Europe Sony they ask 249 for a drive on Amazon its easier to buy a console and sell it at this point.
Why would anybody buy a console without a disc drive choice is always better than no choice
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