Need a Financial District walkthrough for The Last of Us 1, including all collectibles? In this The Last of Us 1 guide, we're going to show you how to achieve 100% completion in Financial District, which is part of the Pittsburgh chapter.
There are 4x Artefacts, 1x Workbench, 1x Shiv Door, and 4x Optional Conversations to find in Financial District, as Joel and Ellie continue to leave their mark in the city.
The Last of Us 1: Financial District Walkthrough

Now that you've left the Hotel Lobby, it's time to clean up the Financial District. There are bandits dead ahead, but you've got Ellie acting sniper on lookout, so this should be a doddle. As the bandit reports to his comrades, a well-placed Molotov can see the entire group off in one toss. Be aware, though, that more bandits are going to make their way out into the courtyard, so be sure to pick them off. Be careful, because there's a rifleman just above Rivers Café you're going to need to deal with.
Head into Rivers Café if needs be and take the staircase up to get the shot. You can also use this vantage point to pick off any other bandits in the courtyard. When all of the bandits have been defeated, Joel will call Ellie down and hand her a pistol of her own.
Optional Conversation #1

Once Ellie has reunited with Joel, stand near to the corpse that the bandits were looking at previously, triggering an Optional Conversation opportunity.
Artefact #1: Fireflies Note
Head inside Don Jiocchi Sandwiches, which is just past Rivers Café. Make your way through into the back room, and you'll find an Artefact named Fireflies Note on the floor.
Loot the courtyard, including the Weapon Parts in the bank on the left, then head beyond the courtyard to the closed garage door on the left. Lift it up and Ellie will prop it up with a trolley. You can then use that same trolley to wheel up to the window, giving your platform up.
Workbench #1

After using the trolley to reach the upper part of the garage, you basically can't miss the Workbench. There are some Supplements opposite, so be sure to grab those, too.
Push forward down the corridor and watch the cutscene involving the military truck and the bandits. Then continue on up the stairs until you have to enter an office block. You'll hear bandits talking among themselves, so either hide from them or take them out.
Artefact #2: Final Attack Note
In the room with all the office desks, head to the far-right corner and look behind the office chair. There's an Artefact named Final Attack Note on the floor.
Use the roof of the vehicles to drop back down onto the street. Follow the road along the only direction you can progress and eventually you'll end up on an intersection with a shoe shop on the corner. You'll overhear some more bandits chatting upstairs in the roof of one of the buildings. Make your way towards them and get ready to take them out. As always, you can go loud if you want to, but it might be better conserving ammo here and just getting the easy stealth kills. Ellie has a gun now, so she will help you out if you get spotted.
Artefact #3: Mob Attack Note
In the room behind where you encountered the upstairs bandits, there's a huge executive desk in front of a water cooler. Look behind it for an Artefact called Mob Attack Note.

Head down the stairs and you're likely going to encounter more bandits when you come back out onto the high street. Deal with them and then feel free to loot the area. Be aware that there are booby traps scattered around the shops and streets, so progress with caution and use bricks and bottles to detonate them.
Optional Conversation #2*

Right next to the Ration Depot, there are a bunch of bodies lined up against the wall. There's an Optional Conversation opportunity here, although curiously, it doesn't count towards the game's collectibles. That means you can miss this one if you want to. You may as well get it now you know about it, though, right?!
Artefact #4: Truck Note
Head inside the Ration Depot, which is next to a burned out tank. On one of the tables, in the first room, you'll find an Artefact called Truck Note.
Shiv Door #1

Still in the Ration Depot, behind the room where you found the Artefact named Truck Note, there's a metal Shiv Door. Open it up and loot all of the supplies inside.
Once you're done, head back outside and boost Ellie up to the ladder. She'll pull it down, giving you both an opportunity to move forward. Climb the ladder and drop down onto the truck that's conveniently parked to give you a path back down to street level. You're almost at the bridge — but this is The Last of Us, and there's bound to be a few more bumps in the road yet.
Optional Conversation #3

As soon as you drop down from the metal fire exit, you'll spot a Military Prep School immediately on your right. Ellie will notice it immediately, triggering an Optional Conversation opportunity.
Optional Conversation #4

Directly behind the Military Prep School, there's a Dawn of the Wolf Part 2 poster overlooking the parking lot. Again, Ellie will recognise it, triggering an Optional Conversation opportunity.
Jog down the alleyway until you hear the military Humvee nearby. Drop down into crouch mode and make your way through the back of the building. Stay low and come out onto the street, ensuring to stealth kill the guy standing next to the car. Try to slip past the Humvee and across to the Refund Quick store across the street. If you arouse attention then just stay low and be aware that you're going to have attracted the attention of bandits.
Come out the side of the Refund Quick store and sprint through the alleys. There's a good chance the Humvee will be chasing you now, so just run and don't look back. You'll eventually reach an open doorway on the right, so head inside and up the stairs. Grab any supplies you may need and climb out of the window onto the metal fire escape.
You need to go up to the next floor, cross the bridge, and then shimmy to the open window. Loot the apartment for supplies, including the Supplements in the bathroom, and then climb out of the window opposite the kitchen.

Shimmy along the side of the building while the Humvee searches for you, and then leap through the next open window to trigger a cutscene involving some new characters. It's time to Escape the City.
Did our Financial District walkthrough for The Last of Us 1 help? Did you find all Artefacts, Workbenches, Shiv Doors, and Optional Conversations? Check out our The Last of Us 1 guide for much more information on the game, including all collectibles.
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