Need a Highway Exit walkthrough for The Last of Us 1, including all collectibles? In this The Last of Us 1 guide, we're going to show you how to achieve 100% completion in Highway Exit, which is part of the Bus Depot chapter.
There are 4x Artefacts, 2x Firefly Pendants, 1x Comic, 1x Workbench, and 6x Optional Conversations to find in Highway Exit, as Joel and Ellie close on Saint Mary's Hospital.
The Last of Us 1: Highway Exit Walkthrough

The events of the Cabin Resort are long behind you, and The Hospital isn't far way now. First, though, you're going to need to get past the Highway Exit. To begin, simply stroll down the highway and soak up the scenery.
Optional Conversation #1

As you walk forward, Joel will offer to teach Ellie how to play guitar. This will trigger an Optional Conversation opportunity when she doesn't respond.
Artefact #1: Family Photograph
A short way down the highway, there's a camper van with an open door. On the kitchen counter, next to the sink, you'll find an Artefact named Family Photograph. There are also a lot of supplies in here, including Supplements and Weapon Parts, so be sure to loot them all.
Optional Conversation #2

Once you come out of the camper van, Ellie will talk to you about flying. Respond to her for another Optional Conversation opportunity.
Firefly Pendant #1: Perich's Firefly Pendant
Follow the ramp down off the highway, and immediately to your left look behind the crashed car. There's a Firefly Pendant named Perich's Firefly Pendant on the ground.
Move forward to the gate at the end of the road here, and climb on top of the cars and bus to hop the gate. You'll be able to see Saint Mary's Hospital off in the distance, so you've almost reached your destination. Drop down and go into the Logan James Bus Station. Once inside, head down the stairs to the lower floor.
Artefact #2: Note to Wife
There's a pile of luggage off to the left in the Logan James Bus Station. In one of the open luggage cases you'll find an Artefact named Note to Wife.
Optional Conversation #3
Opposite where all the luggage cases are, you can see a ladder just peeking over the edge. Interact with it and Joel will say something. Then look back at the waiting room seats and Ellie will be sat down. Speak to her for an Optional Conversation.
Boost Ellie up. She'll be reluctant at first but will help you out eventually, so you'll have to repeat the triangle prompt twice. Wait for her to knock down the ladder, but she'll hear a noise and drop it. Prop it up against the ledge and go and follow her to find out what all the fuss is about.
Optional Conversation #4

It's arguably the best Optional Conversation yet — pet the giraffe! No, seriously, just walk on over and pet that giraffe to check this one off your list.
Optional Conversation #5
After petting the giraffe, follow Ellie up the stairs to the rooftop. Once you get back outside, stand next to Ellie and talk to her about the giraffes for an Optional Conversation. Feel free to soak in the view for as long as you like.
Comic #1: Precipitate
Once you're ready to move on, go through the staircase door to your immediate left. There's a men's bathroom at the bottom of the stairs. Head inside and pick up the Comic named Precipitate from the floor.
Workbench Tools #1: Pin Punch
Head outside of the bus station towards the large medical tent. Inside, on the table, there is a red toolbox. Open it for more Workbench Tools, this time the Pin Punch, which will give you Tools Level 5. You'll also unlock the Sharpest Tool in the Shed Trophy. There are supplies in here, including Supplements, so be sure to loot those.
Firefly Pendant #2: Nicole Hoo's Firefly Pendant
Next to the large tent, where you found the Workbench Tools, there's a big floodlight with a Firefly Pendant hanging from it. Knock it down using a bottle or brick and then collect it for Nicole Hoo's Firefly Pendant.
Workbench #1
Go in the tent in the far corner of the area, opposite where you came out of the bus station, and inside you'll find a Workbench.
Artefact #3: Salt Lake Q.Z. Map
Opposite the Workbench, in the far tent opposite where you exited the bus station, there's an Artefact named Salt Lake Q.Z. Map on the desk. There are also some supplies here, including Weapons Parts.
Optional Conversation #6
Once you're done in this area, head towards the bus which is opposite where you entered from the bus station. Ellie will tell you she's "got something for you", so turn around for an Optional Conversation opportunity.
Artefact #4: Joel & Sarah Photo
After the Optional Conversation, Ellie will hand you an Artefact: it's the Joel & Sarah Photo that Tommy showed you at the Hydroelectric Dam. Now climb through the bus to the Underground Tunnel.
Did our Highway Exit walkthrough for The Last of Us 1 help? Did you find all Artefacts, Firefly Pendants, Comics, Workbenches, and Optional Conversations? Check out our The Last of Us 1 guide for much more information on the game, including all collectibles.
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Nice Job mate.
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