How many chapters are there in The Last of Us 2? If you've yet to start playing Naughty Dog's hotly anticipated sequel, or you've already made significant headway through the game, you may be wondering how many chapters there are to the title. Other questions you may have include: The Last of Us 2: Does It Have New Game+? and The Last of Us 2: How Long Does It Take to Beat? In this The Last of Us 2 guide, we're going to reveal how many chapters there are in the game.
How Many Chapters Are There In The Last of Us 2?

The Last of Us 2 is divided into 11 acts consisting of 46 chapters overall. Below you'll find a full list of all the acts and chapters, along with links to their respective collectible guides. Any chapters not linked don't have any collectibles to find.
- Prologue
- Waking Up
- The Overlook
- Patrol
- The Horde
- The Chalet
- Packing Up
Seattle Day 1
- The Gate
- Downtown
- Eastbrook Elementary
- Capitol Hill
- Channel 13
- The Tunnels
- The Theatre
- The Birthday Gift
Seattle Day 2
- Hillcrest
- Finding Strings
- The Seraphites
- St. Mary's Hospital
Seattle Day 3
The Park
Seattle Day 1
- The Stadium
- On Foot
- The Forward Base
- The Aquarium
- Hostile Territory
- Winter Visit
- The Forest
- The Coast
- Return to the Coast
Seattle Day 2
- The Shortcut
- The Descent
- Ground Zero
- Return to the Aquarium
Seattle Day 3
- The Marina
- The Island
- The Escape
- The Confrontation
The Farm
- The Farm
Santa Barbara
- 2425 Constance
- Pushing Inland
- The Resort
- The Beach
The Farm
- Epilogue
What's your favourite chapter in The Last of Us 2? Let us know in the comments section below, and don't forget to return to our full The Last of Us 2 guide for much more information.
Comments 14
The game is a disaster. Yes, it's pretty and yes the music is great but the story is a complete 0/10. Why did we have to wait 7 years for a plot with more holes in than swiss cheese? What a mess.
@yss7771 Wow congrats on playing on the lowest difficulty! I'd love to see how you'd do in a real apocalypse!
@anommona1 Your comment makes no sense. Please explain it.
@yss7771 This game is a masterpiece
@yss7771 If you want a good story in a post-apocalyptic zombie setting, play The Walking Dead series. It takes time & effort to develop a good game with flawless combat, amazing soundtrack, character design, etc. I agree that TLOU2 story is not accepted by many.... but calling the game a disaster or a mess just makes you an immature in analyzing or reviewing a game. The game is best in its combat, audio design, character appearances, weapon customization, gameplay, level design, name whatever game element you want, it is developed to its best. Yet people still rate the game only based on its story 🤦♂️. So, stop spreading the negative vibe about the game and give the credit it actually deserves.
@viz I agree also. Just finished it ten mins ago, I gave it a7/10 and the story is allana over the place. The amount of times Ellie and dina survived was insane and to much, also Killing everyone and yet they come out on top. Yeah the story is idiotic at best. But i do agree with how everything else works. Graphically and the sound in this game does deserve a few awards. But also I enjoyed playing as abby. Most the cast i had no real time for. Bar some. But yeah this game ain't for everyone but I'd defo play a third. Just wouldn't spend the 65 pounds for the digital deluxe edition though, but we all learn and we all have our own views. But naughty dog will always be good at what they do.
Plot hole - Tommy has gone ahead presumably travelling the same way so why isn't all the gates and doors already open. Some places there no way in and we have to smash windows to find a way through, how did Tommy get through that area?
@Bradders I can help you here friend. See Tommy being a living straight man is a rare and prized breed in post apocalyptic land of TLOU. So all Tommy had to do is yell, "I'm a straight man do you like penis?" And the females, after having sex, unlocked all the doors and just let Tommy by then locked everything back up. Besides playing as a woman that has the body of Chris Hemsworth which is Not possible without serious steroid use and other gender modification medications I enjoyed the gameplay and exploration. I hear people say, "What women can't be strong?" "Nahnahnah" Which is dumb AF because is Elle not a strong female character that we all loved to play as? I honestly believe if they would of toned down just a little on all women have to be gay agenda and if they would of literally let us play the second part of the game 1st to get to know Abby an have a relationship with her the story would have been mostly good too. The exploration, combat, graphics are all greatly improved so I enjoyed it.
@yss7771 ??? dude (or dudette) I am like only at The Seraphites chapter but so far it is a masterpiece in storytelling, soundtrack, emotion. I love it 10 out of 10 imho. The Birthday Present chapter omg bit mad but even though virtually almost no combat I just loved that mission I got to visit an awesome museum for free and it was amazing not going into detail though because spoilers suck. Amazing game 10 out of 10.
@DNAGLITCHGAMING Why is it that any time someone mentions an "agenda" they end up making themselves look foolish?
Your response that "straight men are a rare breed" doesn't make sense (I assume it's meant to be a joke, but.... who knows?) when you're complaining about this game's "all women have to be gay" agenda. It's almost like you haven't thought any of this through. All women are gay AND straight men are leapt on by women due to their rarity? Sure, that's how logic works.
But to look at your accusation of an "all women have to be gay" agenda... it's 2. Two of the women seen in this game are non-heterosexual. We have one who is a lesbian and one who is bi. And they're a couple, so it's not like they're running rampant spreading gayness everywhere. That's it. If a game this big doesn't even provide enough gay characters to make up an ABBA tribute band, there probably isn't an agenda at play.
Manny is shown to be sleeping with plenty of women. Manny is a man, so... that suggests there are plenty of heterosexual couplings happening.
Seth is shown to be a homophobe. If the town is overrun by lesbians as you seem to imply, it's unlikely he'd be employed in a customer facing role when he clearly has a problem with gay customers.
Keep telling yourself the game has no straight men and only gay women, but when you play as 3 characters and one of them is a straight man and only one of the women is gay... maybe the problem is you?
Your opinions on what type of musculature is possible for a woman is another can of worms I don't have the inclination to deal with.
@droppedelbow I created an account here just to like your comment. Way to put that bigot down!
@DNAGLITCHGAMING Thats stupid. 99% of main characters in film, tv and video games are straight men. its not a dying breed. The one time they are not you all have a tizzy fit. Are you all really that sensitive that you cant handle one game with some ladies and gay people who are main characters. Showing people who exist in the world is not an agenda. Besides its boring when every single hero is a sarcastic straight white guy with brown hair and blue eyes. Nothing against straight white guys, Im married to one lol, but seriously, you all need to stop being so sensitive about seeing something slightly different. Humans are always scared and angry when something is different, then we get over it and find something else slightly different to get upset about.
@Bradders Maybe he found different ways through the city, besides how is a game with a rat king and zombies have to be realistic in every way lol.
@droppedelbow I know this is a bit late, lol, but just wanted to say, great comments!
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