@RR529: Thank you for your suggestions! I don't have Netflix because my internet isn't really good enough to use it (plus, the selection isn't that great in Australia from what I hear) but I picked up Outrage and its sequel on Blu-Ray online. I might have to do the same with Zatoichi, because I looked into it from your suggestion and it sounds excellent. I actually picked up Battle Royale today, so I'll look forward to watching that next time I'm in the mood for something brutal and confronting!
@TheMightyPunram: I've heard good things about The Raid and its sequel from one of my friends, actually, so I'll have to check those out too! Thank you!
@RR529: I am someone who grew up with the original Ninja Turtles cartoon here in North America back in the late 1980s as did several friends of mine, and those that did called it an affront to the original property and they heavily regretted watching this new movie. I thought the very notion of them being portrayed in horrible CG was insulting to those of us who enjoyed them in the original format. The original animation was classic at it's very best in the same vein as the original Batman: The Animated Series. Also one of the best series of it's day and several of the voice actors from that series still reprise their roles in the newer games and movies. I rarely watch movies based on older properties that I enjoyed when I was younger for this very reason, most directors completely ruin them. If you want to see the original Ninja Turtles, or Hero Turtles in the UK as the censors wanted to call them, then watch the 80s and 90s animated series'.
Sitting in the silence... Everlasting night breeze...
Kurasugite mienai dake sa... ...
Sitting in the silence...
Dream Scape
A WWII film about a small group of allied soldiers who get stuck behind enemy lines in German occupied France, and must find their way back to allied controlled territory.
It's nothing revolutionary, but it has a great cast, and like all the other Saints & Soldiers films (which are all on Netflix), it's a very solid WWII film, and who doesn't like a good WWII film every once in awhile?
Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)
@SaiyanFury: I don't know I thought the same thing quite honestly but after watching The Nostalgia Critic and Angry Video Game Nerd do a review on the 2014 TMNT movie they made a good point. The TMNT have had their story retold and redone so many times just like any other superhero that you just can't compare it to the older cartoon. To be fair the cartoon had its moments same as the 90's movies same as this new one. It's not bad honestly once you look at it that way it's just different.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
@RR529: Enemy at the gates is my favourite war film.
@Tasuki: The problem I have compared to the 80s and early 90s is the amount of remakes. Where's a new hero and new bad guy?
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
Tonight I watched Like Father, Like Son (Netflix/Japanese language film).
Two families (one who lives in the big city with a stern & distant salaryman father, and the other who have a fun loving father & who run a small family owned electronics repair shop) realize that their sons were switched at birth, and have to make the tough decision on whether to keep the child they've been raising, or to take their blood related children.
It's not something within my normal comfort zone, but I'm glad I branched out. It focuses more on the family with the salaryman father, but it makes you feel for both sides, and you're not sure how it'll end, or even how you personally want it to end.
Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)
I watched The Martian at my local cinema last night. Fully recommend it to anyone who has even the faintest interest in science, dry humour and 70s disco music.
Repeat after me:
I cannot control the future.
I am going to die.
And I am never going to finish all of my unplayed games.
It's definitely ADULT ONLY, but even though raunchy comedies aren't my usual thing, I actually quite liked this one, and it definitely had it's moments. Again, it's definitely only for the adults though.
Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)
So today is Back to the Future day, that is today is the actually date that Marty and Doc went to 2015. So where are the hoverboards, self lacing shoes, and flying cars? One thing I found funny is that the Cubs are in the playoffs (currently down 3 games to the Mets) so maybe BttF got that part right? Although it seemed like they won the series on this day in BttF 2.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
The freeway I take to work was completely shut down this morning so I totally could've used a flying car today.
The Back to the Future trilogy is playing today but I'm still debating on going. I really want to go but part 3 isn't starting until almost 10pm and I have to work in the morning.
So today is Back to the Future day, that is today is the actually date that Marty and Doc went to 2015. So where are the hoverboards, self lacing shoes, and flying cars? One thing I found funny is that the Cubs are in the playoffs (currently down 3 games to the Mets) so maybe BttF got that part right? Although it seemed like they won the series on this day in BttF 2.
We're actually not too far off from most of the stuff seen in the movie.
As a rundown of advancements predicted:
Abolishing Lawyers - Lol, no. But probably the biggest actual joke than anything else on the list.
Computer Ordering (in restaurants) - Exists today.
Cubs win the World Series - Could very well happen, though they have a hill to climb (I think the Mets have a 3 game lead). They did accurately predict that Miami would have a team (which it didn't at the time of the film's creation), though they aren't in the playoffs.
Fingerprint Locks - Exist today (I think some Apple products even use fingerprint verification)
Flat screen TVs - Widely used today. We even have HD & 4K, which weren't in the film (though of course, they'd have no way of showcasing this, even if they'd envisioned it).
Flying cars - Prototypes do exist today, and lack of advancement has more to do with how they aren't viable economically, rather than technical issues (And self driving cars are going to be hitting the streets soon, something I don't think the film predicted).
Food Hydrators - No, at least not as a commercial product.
Glasses free 3D - While not in the holographic form the film depicts, this does exist today, even in a popular mainstream device (3DS). Will probably become more prevalent once it becomes more inexpensive to do it with larger screens.
Hands Free Gaming - Exists today, though it's going through a period of disinterest.
Hoverboards - Exist today in prototype form. Hendo Hoverboard seems to be the current leader in the tech.
Drones (both the news, & dog walking ones) - Not in this capacity, but probably not too far off. Drones are increasingly becoming part of everyday life.
Self Cleaning Paper - No, but print in general is becoming obsolete, which the film didn't predict.
Self Drying Clothes - No.
Self Lacing Shoes - Exist in prototype form, though I can't remember the company name.
Smart Glasses - Exist today, though expensive.
Video Calls - Widely used today (Skype, Facetime, etc.)
I'm sure there's stuff I missed, but overall, we're not doing too bad.
Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)
Tonight I watched Sadako (Netflix/Japanese language film).
Horror film where a teacher & a police detective are investigating a string of mysterious suicides in the area linked to a cursed viral video (mostly teens, given the teacher's involvement).
It's never terrifying, rather tense & moody with some jump scares sprinkled throughout, and some special effects that border on campy (I'm leaning towards intentional). It's not great, but a decent watch for this time of year.
Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)
I had the extra time tonight, so I watched Alexander (Netflix).
It's a 3 hour long epic about the life of Alexander the Great. The set pieces have a grand sense of scale, the battles are larger than life, and there's quite a bit of visual variety as they travel from around Greece all the way to India.
I liked it, but felt it was getting a little long in the tooth, and it never seemed to have that "X factor" that makes a timeless film.
Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)
Also, I'm running out of Japanese films to watch on Netflix. There's a couple left, but one of them is nearly 2 & a half hours long, and that's a bit too much for me on my tablet.
Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)
It's been been years since I've watched this in full, and at the time I don't think I was focused enough on it to truly appreciate it (and as a result, the whole trilogy), so I figured it was about time to give it another shot.
I thought it was pretty darned good. I think you have to be in the mood for it (I don't think I could watch it on any given Saturday afternoon, like I could with many of the Marvel films), but when you are in that mood, it's a good watch.
"I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish!"
"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
I just saw Spectre in IMAX. It was fantastic. The plot, action, and acting are all great. The directing was beautiful too. Overall I'm very impressed. I highly recommend it. It makes me wish they made another James Bond game. I quite enjoyed Blood Stone, and a high quality Bond game would be amazing.
Topic: The Movie Thread
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