Wanted a place to discuss your latest platinum? How about your whole trophy list in genreal? Maybe you need help getting that one elusive trophy? If that's the case feel free to discuss here.
@KratosMD: Sounds like we're doing the same thing regards Platinums at the moment. I used to want them on every game I played but over the last few months I've been more interested in just playing games and completing them. I don't feel I have the time to play everything I want and collect lots of Platinums. Saying that...I do still look at trophy lists and get what I can
I'm level 18 with 25 platinums...none particularly amazing but some games I've really enjoyed!
@Tasuki thanks alot! You're a great moderator dude, I mean it. Moderators at most websites don't take what their members say to heart like you did!
On-Topic: I'm just one gold and silver Trophy away from reaching level 4 Trophy level! I conceivably could reach level 8-9 if I platinum all of my games including the F2P game Defiance: The Game.
Honest I don't put much focus on getting Trophies, if I get them awhile playing the game great but once I finish a games many story I usually don't go back to get trophies. Main reason for that is I just have too many games.
The only Platinum I do have is Rocket League and only cause they are easy enough to get while playing.
I did however get a couple trophies today on Borderlands 2.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
I'm not that big on trophies, frankly, but sometimes they can be fun to collect. I'm level 16 with 2596 trophies to my name, and only two of them are platinum. My platinum games are Rocket League (achieved simply from playing the game so much) and The Witness (because I'm super clever*). I also have 100% of the trophies for Song of the Deep, but there's no platinum for that game sadly.
Trophy aficionados who look at my trophy collection will be utterly appalled by the plethora of unfilled progress bars next to all the games I've played!
I only have 1 Platinum trophy - Infamous 2nd Son. I am not a trophy hunter to the degree that a game is only finished when I have the Platinum trophy. A game is 'finished' when I say it is and I only bother with trophies that fit into what I want to do/play - I won't bother with some obscure trophies (like calendar man in Arkham City) or MP based ones if I don't enjoy the MP. As a result, I am at level 10 and 83% towards level 11...
A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!
Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??
Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...
I'm level 15 (80%) with 12 platinums... the hardest one was Yakuza 5 which required an insane amount of time (I still don't know why I bothered... guess I just loved the game that much... I do not focus too much on trophies but when i'm 80% or so through normal play I feel motivated to go for the platinum and finish the remaining trophies (which is a trap as the remaining trophies are usually grindy stuff)...
BTW have you guys decided on whether to allow displaying the PSNProfiles card on the website?
I use trophies as a way to extract value from a game. I think I have 11 platinum trophies for those games which deserved it (or didn't require much time). Now, a game is complete for me if I complete the campaign and achieve 70% completion on trophies. Everyone uses them differently I guess (or ignores them). For me, it mostly controls my wallet.
I have 5 plats and am Level 10 but I've only really started playing and collect Playstation again since i got my PS4 and Vita in the first half of last year.
I'll go for low hanging fruit and will mop up for a platinum or all trophies if I really like the game or don't feel like I have grind too much to get there. That said, a couple of the platinums are pretty much just story progression (TWD, Life is strange). I can take them or leave them.
The exception being the new Bioshock COllection. I aim to get that in Sept and Platinum all (if they have platinums each). I love them so much and I think it will force me to play differently, explore more then I did the first rounds of when I played on the 360.
I am currently replaying the Order to finish off the trophies - which I think is an example of me revisiting an enjoyable but not memorable game to get trophies.
Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot
@Tasuki: Time to play catch up mate. I had a 90k xbox 360 score with just over 60% of all achievements attained on the games I owned with 44 games maxed out.
On PS4 I'm now on my 13th platinum and level 15.5 - its likely to stay that way for a while yet as I hunt lower end trophies. Rocket League put an end to the trophy hunter in me but I've deleted that now. Bring on the Trophies!
@Quintumply: Just 100% Pacman 256. So glad I picked it up. Now bring on this NMS review!
@TripleGK how the hell have you maxed DC DLC? Some of the races are impossible.
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
@kyleforrester87: DC bikes is one of the hardest games ever. I cant play the damn thing. Also I'm the exact same level as you bro!
@Splat: Wow that's some going. I'm on 1820 or something and I thought I was doing ok.
@mrobinson91: The levels of commitment required for some of the ps4 games is disgusting. Well done on your level though mate that's really high for the time you've been gaming.
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
@themcnoisy: lol it is very different to Cars but just like in Cars it suddenly gels and you start getting some epic times. A few of the trophies are pretty tough, the most annoying is getting all bikes to level 15... I wouldn't normally have bothered but it was the last one I needed. They kept releasing new bikes before I could get the trophy though which kept moving it further away lol
@themcnoisy: pffft catch up, yeah right. I have never been that big on achievment/trophies. The only reason I had alot on the Xbox 360 is because during that time I was a stay at home dad (long story won't get into it now) so I played alot especially with my son. Even back then I didn't go out of my way to get achievements. Once the main story of a game is done that's usually it for me.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
I must admit, I prefer Xbox Achievements to Playstation Trophies but I don't go out of my way to get EVERY possible achievement. I do actively avoid some achievements though. My OCD kicks in if I get an achievement that isn't a multiple of 5 - I hate having a GS that doesn't end in 5 or 0. I forced myself to play Fifa 09 because I scored a goal in the 89th minute (19GS) and the only way to get the 1pt was to play 50hrs! I haven't played and can't face a football game after that. I guess that's something that Trophies have over Achievements LOL
Apart from 1-2 freebies (Dorito's games I think), I can't think of any fully completed game. I go for Achievements/Trophies purely if they fit in with what I want to do, what I enjoy playing etc. I would never bother wasting my time on 'speed runs' (like Uncharted has) because I want to enjoy my time in these - I am sure I would get very pi55ed off if I missed out by a few seconds and wasted 5-6hrs rushing through... Getting 50 headshots, or 20 Stealth Kills etc - things that can happen through general play, I will try and do but not beat the campaign, then beat again on super insane, brutal nightmare mode that only unlocks on completion the first time.... I don't want to replay a story again straight away - I don't mind returning to a chapter to pick up an odd 'challenge' trophy I may of missed but not a whole campaign again.
I consider a campaign finished when I reach the end - generally. Games like Tomb Raider (Reboot) and Arkham Knight I completed to 100% (that's all collectibles, all side missions, all Riddler trophies etc) yet have around 70-80% Trophies. Those games are 'finished' as far as I am concerned - I have seen everything the story/game has to offer!
A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!
Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??
Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...
Topic: The Trophy Discussion Thread
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