
Topic: The Trophy Discussion Thread

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I’m attempting to nab 36 Platinums this year after a particularly barren 18 months or so. I’m actually ahead of the curve so far.

January thus far…

Storm Boy #62
The Gardens Between (PS4) #63
The Gardens Between (PS5) #64
Gris #65

I’m about to finish up Spider-Man 2 story and then I’ll be devoting my time to finishing up all the remaining trophies.

Happy hunting all

[Edited by PeaceSalad]

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

PSN: thebeastisuponme


@PeaceSalad 36 would be a really productive year. Good luck with it!

I don’t have a specific number in mind this year, but I’ve fallen off the platinum wagon recently and so I don’t expect very many. My rough outline of games for the year has a lot of difficult trophy lists. But I might squeeze out a few this year, regardless, we’ll see.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution It’s a huge undertaking if I’m honest but I fancied a challenge. There’s plenty of games this year that I know will take months to Plat but luckily my backlog is littered with smaller scale indies and the like to sprinkle in. What are your main Plat targets to make your year?

[Edited by PeaceSalad]

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

PSN: thebeastisuponme


@PeaceSalad So, I figure I’ll play a couple smaller indies — A Night in the Woods, Under the Waves, Deliver Us Mars are possibilities, and I want to play one or two more from Dark Pictures Anthology. Some of those style games have achievable platinums.

Also, I have a couple bigger games that I might try for platinums, depending if the games really click for me — Days Gone, HFW, Mafia 1. I also might shoot for (no pun intended) an Uncharted platinum. I have UC2 and maybe 3 on the list for this year and so I’ll see if A) I do get around to a replay if those, and B) if I want to take on Crushing difficulty. I’ve never tried for an Uncharted platinum, despite having played (and enjoyed thoroughly) all six games. It’s that high difficulty that has been a put-off for me, not the collectibles.

Also, I might jump into Ghost of Yotei on release, and Tsushima was a great fun platinum, so it might be a candidate too.

Otherwise, most of the games I’ll likely be playing this year are too big to be completionist about — Witcher 3, Baldur’s Gate 3, Dark Souls 3, among others.

Right now I am playing Resident Evil 4 Remake and FF7 Crisis Core Reunion — I’m already out of the platinum for Crisis Core because I missed something and there’s several points where you can’t go back for collectibles. Also the side quests are quite grindy. And for RE4… it looks like the plat requires at least 4 playthroughs and 6 if you want a more leisurely pace. Not to mention the high difficulty S runs just sound like an absolute chore and I’d rather not. 😅 I prefer my Resident Evil games to be fairly easy.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Well congrats on your start to the year. You've really flown out the gate so far, hope you can keep up the momentum. You know it never occurred to me to do The Gardens Between on both versions... May have to slip it into my schedule as I'm currently on zero plats for the year so far 😥. I think my last one was Spider-Man 2 around Xmas time.

Out of your list I remember enjoying the Days Gone platinum, and the whole game to be honest. I think I platted all 4 Uncharted games and the Crushing difficulty is not too bad on the whole, as long as you already have infinite ammo and a powerful gun. There are a couple of sections in each game that may prove a massive frustration but if I can do it then I'm sure you could too if you were determined to.

And I also play most of the RE games but rarely attempt to go for the platinums, they just have a way of setting the trophy challenges that would make me have to spend too much time and effort doing stuff I don't want to! Played 4Remake a couple of months back but not really motivated to do the harder difficulty playthrough, even though I've already got the infinite ammo rocket.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan Yeah, I’m weird because I have really enjoyed some difficult games — at least what other people consider as difficult — such as the From Souls games or Returnal (pre-nerf patching) and yet some games I just absolutely cannot get into the harder difficulties. One reason I know I just don’t want to do the “playthrough on Hardcore difficulty and get S+ rank while using only knives and pistols and no manual saves and no talking to the vendor” run is because even the standard difficulty on the base original RE4 was hard enough to sap all enjoyment from me. Granted a lot of that came down to the tank controls and cumbersome menu swapping for weapon change outs, but it was also a lot more difficult and the enemies were stronger and more aggressive, from what I remember. The Remake on assisted difficulty has been a joy to play and so much more fun for me.

I’m glad to hear about the Days Gone platinum and that maybe I’ve been underselling myself on my ability to do Crushing difficulty in Uncharted. Sony has typically had really good trophy lists.

At the end of the day, amount of free time is going to be a major factor also. I have a lot of gaming to try to fit in this year, and limited space in my schedule. So doing multiple runs of a game, or restarting a section over and over to get through an encounter for 2 hours isn’t going to be the best use of my time, unless I’m having a blast with the game. …I say that, then also fully acknowledge that’s how I play From games and I’ve loved every one of those. 😅

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution You have a lovely varied selection there mate, in fact many of those are on my list too. Those Uncharted and Resident Evil plats have always scared me off too, I get far too frustrated and it ceases to be fun. I reckon if you only achieve a handful it will be a good year, especially with the likes of Witcher 3 and Baldur’s Gate which require many many hours which won’t spent chasing shiny trinkets. That’s a shame you’ve missed the FF plat, are you minded to returning to games down the line? I plan on doing that for both the Disco Elysium and GoW 2018 platinums which will be a good couple of years since I completed their respective base games.

@sorteddan Thanks mate, it’s probably totally daft if I factor in all my non gaming commitments but if I at least get over half way I’ll be happy. You should definitely treat yourself la, it’s just short and pleasant enough to double dip.

[Edited by PeaceSalad]

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

PSN: thebeastisuponme


@PeaceSalad I’m not too worried about the platinums that I miss, especially if they are complex and have several missable trophies. It does grate on me when I just miss one or two trophies, but in the case of Crisis Core, there’s several places you can easily miss something and there’s no chapter select at the end. I’ll end up several trophies short, I’m sure.

And yeah, I don’t usually revisit games. In fact I’m really averse to it, even with games designed to be replayed for a completely different experience, such as Disco Elysium, or the narrative choice games like Detroit Become Human, the Supermassive games, and the like. Even many of my very favorite games have only been played once, despite some that I am exceedingly close to a platinum if I were to replay it. If it’s been several years since the original playthrough then I sometimes consider it, but usually I can’t motivate myself to do it. The exception has been for remasters and remakes. Playing a favorite game again with a new coat of paint does feel nice, the few times I’ve done it.

It’s a weird quirk of mine and I am trying to be more open to going back to games, so that’s why I set some goals around it and so far it’s been fantastic with RE4, to revisit it through the Remake has been sublime. The planned Uncharted resurrection tour is going to be another attempt, and my motivation is not necessarily to go back solely for the platinum, rather I just want to play the remasters and remakes. The series is one of the chief reasons I’m a PlayStation gamer, so it’s time I pay it some due. I already replayed UC1, so I’m on my way. 😄

The other series that I really want to replay (also via the remastered collection) is Mass Effect. It’s one that I have also done the first game already and just need to pick back up and continue. If I’m being realistic, I don’t know that I am going to be able to get to both it and UC this year with all the other new (to me) stuff I want to play. I set my goal/plans to revisit 2 games I never completed and revisit 2 favorites due for a replay; so 4 games this year where I return to something from my past.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I think that’s fair pal, with so many ‘new’ titles out there it can feel counter productive to revisit old games. I used to do it a lot more in my youth when I was money poor and time rich and no lure of subscriptions, halcyon days. Now I’m both time and money poor 😂

Remakes are perfect in that they often bring qol improvements and a fresh coat of paint for those jaded eyes and hands. Incidentally I only finished Uncharted 2 back on PS3 and the remaster collection gave me the impetus to complete the series as I was pretty much resigned to put it down to a loss.

[Edited by PeaceSalad]

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

PSN: thebeastisuponme


Xbox Gamertag: Chrysler2271
PSN: Chrysler_80
Switch Friend Code: SW-5919-0229-7098


Update: I just got the platinum trophy for Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. I’m now going to do a NG+ run in Stellar Blade and mop up the two remaining trophies I have left to get the platinum. It’s been a great gaming year so far for me.



@Kraven Congratulations mate and good luck with that Stellar Blade plat. I seem to remember reading you’ve been really taken by Stalker, is it something you can recommend? Is there much of a barrier to entry? I was tempted to play the sequel on Game Pass.

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

PSN: thebeastisuponme


Spider-Plat Spider-Plat! Plat #66 Spider-Man 2 Took me a good while to warm to the game but the story and the vast improvements to traversal and the addition of symbiote powers eventually brought me on board. A very good 7/10 purely based on it just being a solid sequel and felt a little paint by numbers at times, especially the final boss fight.

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

PSN: thebeastisuponme


@PeaceSalad I fell in love with Stalker, and got the platinum for the first game several days ago. I would say you can play the sequel on Game Pass without having to worry about not understanding the story. I played the sequel first, and then the first game, and honestly the story felt like the same. With that said, there are reoccurring characters and locations, so if that is a concern I’d play the first. As for barrier of entry - the game(s) are difficult. It can be frustrating at first, because you’ll die a lot, whether that’s by enemies or environmental hazards. But once you learn the systems, get better gear and guns, how things work and what to use, it becomes a very good and manageable game. Inventory and over-encumbrance is probably the most difficult thing to juggle.



This year I’m going to try and platinum more games. I got twelve last year. I’m making a concerning effort to spend more time and get the most out of the games I’m enjoying. I don’t always need to be bothered with new releases, and I have a bad habit of buying them regardless.

With that said, I am going to also replay several games to get the platinum. I cannot stand platinum trophies that require a NG+ run (meaning I’ll be replaying Spider-Man Miles Morales at some point this year) or a new difficulty mode unlocking when you beat the game so you have to replay it. I also dislike trophies that require a second playthrough to get all of the collectibles because some are tied solely to NG+. Give me a difficult trophy list that can be 100% completed in one playthrough and I’ll be happy.

[Edited by Kraven]


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