Got a few tonight from the free PSN game Stories. I can see me getting most of the trophies in this game just because how much you have to replay it to get every ending. It sounds like a bit but each playthrough takes about 30 mins to an hour.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
I am registered here as its a great site to track Trophy progression and often a great way to find out how to complete some hidden/difficult trophies too.
Got the platinum in Gravity Rush Remastered!
I struggled with some of the challenges on vita but on the PS4 with the big screen I never had any trouble.
Really fun and straight forward trophy list (bar one maybe). Think the platinum took about 12 hours.
Bring on Gravity Rush 2! As a vita enthusiast I'm actually glad this moved on. Can't wait to zip across the world with the power of PS4 (stayed away from demo so i don't know).
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Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece
Infamous first playthrough is done with most of the trophies now for the evil expert run. Eeeek. It has an 8% platinum rate, but I'm pretty sure if it wasn't a ps4 release title and released later that would be alot less.
@mrobinson91: I dont think you need to coop any of the resogun trophies for the basic plat. I think there's a couch coop one in the dlc though. Good luck mate, the finish the game on normal without a continue is the toughest.
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
@themcnoisy: Genuine question, but you always say you havnt got enough time to play games, yet you are happy to play the same games over and over to get the platinum? You could have enjoyed 2-3 other games in the time it takes to platinum one game. I assume it's just the desire to get the platinum really, I do get that...but overall isn't it better to play more games?! Get on Doom!!
I couldn't bring myself to play through the same game back to back. Maybe back in the day!
@kyleforrester87: It is an issue as I don't have any time, but then again its challenging myself to beat it at the toughest difficulty and its loads of fun as I've finally got the controls learnt to a high standard. To be fair if I get stuck early on I will probably quit getting the plat. I ran through the first 8% in an hour earlier so maybe If I can do it in 8-10 hours maybe within the next week I can hold my head up high and move on.
Second sons a bad example though as there is a Good and Bad run through the game, so there's 2 endings and trophies attached to both ways to play.
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
@themcnoisy: Ah, fair enough. Sometimes I feel like I'm selling myself short not getting more out of games (still have a few special weapons to get in FF15 and end game hunts to do, although I have purposefully left those to come back to when the game has been patched some more).
But then I get stuck into the next game on my list and forget all about it!
I just got the platinum for Steins;Gate. Working towards the platinum for Zero Time Dilemma.
I was going to get the platinum in Rise of the Tomb Raider, but I got bored looking for a survival cache I couldn't find, and the though of having to play all the various levels again in Expedition Mode wasn't very appealing to me given that I got another five games for Christmas, as well as all the ones I picked up in the January Sale on PSN, and the one I've got to review. Moved on to Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Might go back to platinum Tomb Raider later. Probably won't.
I need a couple more in Final Fantasy XV. I did get the Platinum in Watch Dogs 2. But honestly my problem with Platinum Trophies in general is that they usually end up making you hate the game. There's always one or two Trophies that are just out of reach, and I just don't have the patience anymore. Drives me up the wall!
@get2sammyb: I think in a number of games I am missing a few trophies that stop me from getting Platinums. For example, in TF2, the only trophies I am missing is the speed run on the training mission. I am missing the speed run trophies on the Uncharted games too and never see the point on sprinting through a game as quickly as possible but would be seriously annoyed if I spent 5hours of my time trying to get the trophy only to miss out by seconds and then have to waste another 5hrs to do it all again.
I only bother with trophies that fit in with me. I will try to get certain objectives done - like completely stealth a mission and retry several times if I fail instead of just progressing but I wouldn't play some aspect I didn't like just to get a trophy and/or platinum. They are more of a bonus than a necessity and are meaningless. Some people could have more platinums than another but they could have a higher trophy score by playing more games. I recently got my 1000th Trophy and yet only have 1 platinum and would rather play what I want than a game to get a trophy.
A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!
Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??
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There seems to be a lot of games where I don't feel I have the time to get the platinum, whether it's Arkham Knight and it's endless Riddler trophies or having to do a combo with every move in the game, or games which have you completing them on multiple difficulties and play the tacked on multiplayer. For me recently becoming a father I rarely have enough time to finish a game once let alone 3 or 4 times or develop the skills to do the trickier skill based trophies.
Having said all this I do have 5 Platinums, the most recent of which was for the excellent Doom which took me many attempts to finiish the first level on Nightmare and it was driving me mad for a while, before that i have them for Fallout 4, Skyrim, Bordelands 2 and the magnificent Rocket League. I am chasing a few more at the moment when I have chance and I'm quite close on Ratchet and Clank and very close and Final Fantasy XV, the latter i have just defeated Adamantoise and have only survival/cooking skills to get to level 10 but that can wait until either the carnival event or hopefully the 60 fps patch.
As i said earlier I would love to get the trophies on games like Uncharted 4 and TLOU but I don't find it that fun replaying games over and over and by the time I've had a break then generally I've already moved on to other games.
Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.
@get2sammyb: " honestly my problem with Platinum Trophies in general is that they usually end up making you hate the game. There's always one or two Trophies that are just out of reach "
This also stops people from moving on and buying even more games, I must have spent 100 hours post game in one piece pirate warriors 3 trying to get the last trophy. It was complete the gallery (150 blah blah's) with random drops! Arggghhhh. I didn't buy Doom, overwatch, the witness and loads of others because I was grinding the same few levels time after time trying for weeks on end. I gave up with 3 or 4 collectibles still to go as Id had enough.
I have come to the conclusion that more games should opt to go the telltale route especially download only games, with telltale if you finish the game bar the very odd context sensitive trophy you will platinum the game - its done, over, complete. Usually as @kyleforrester87: points out, more often than not when the credits roll for the first time its most prolific gamers only run through, should you want to play different games.
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
I need a couple more in Final Fantasy XV. I did get the Platinum in Watch Dogs 2. But honestly my problem with Platinum Trophies in general is that they usually end up making you hate the game. There's always one or two Trophies that are just out of reach, and I just don't have the patience anymore. Drives me up the wall!
I think the quality of the trophy list matters quite a lot. Take a series like Uncharted, for example. Great games... abysmal trophies. They're not geared around having fun, but rather being time consuming. Then if you look at something like Fallout 4, the trophies are nearly all built around doing quests, enjoying the game, not worrying about headshotting fifty enemies using a weapon that can't shoot straight while dangling from a rope.
When it comes to going for a platinum, I generally look at the trophies and see if I can spy any that look like they're going to ruin the experience for me. Ones where you have to play the game again on various difficulty levels are instant turn offs. Online trophies too. But if it looks like it's going to be a fun one then I'll go for it.
I do enjoy going for platinums though, generally. Just picked up the one for Severed last night and that was fun.
@johncalmc: I agree - the Uncharted and TLOU are examples of great games where the trophies mean that I'll never both to Platinum them.
Things I won't bother with on Trophies:
1) Multiple play throughs that don't affect story or playing style significantly.
2) Timed run throughs
3) Reaching a MP level on a predominantly single player game.
4) Level grinding beyond the benefits it brings to the game.
5) Silly tasks that you can only complete with an online guide
So apart from the Telltale style games that reward full runthroughs, those I have platinumed tend be trophies that don't feature the above. For me, an example of a good Plat trophy was Wolfenstein: The New Order. Lots of trackable collectibles, rewards for different play styles and two runthroughs at different dfficulty - however player choices effectively split the characters and you get different scenes/characters depending on it. So while I played it twice, I never felt that it wasn't worthwhile.
So, I do look at trophies and work out whether I want to go on a trophy spree but if it will take a long time, ruin the game and prevent me playing new games, I just leave it where it is. I do occasionally come back for low hanging fruit after a few months but not often.
Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot
2) Timed run throughs - These 100% have to go. I game relatively sedately so these trophies get on my nerves, other than the gone home 1 minute completion trophy, that was boss!
5) Silly tasks that you can only complete with an online guide
yup agreed again, it pulls you out of the experience.
I think what I want to see is;
50% story / career related on your first play through
10% collectible guff but trackable and with a level select and markers on the world map post completion. We all just use game faqs or a walkthrough at this point anyway.
20% based on statistical progression, but all based on a single modest playthrough.
20% context sensitive (ie kill 3 enemies at once with laser power / learn jecht shot / talk to barman and buy beer ) but unmissable as you can go back to it any time via level select or option to retry it in the menu after its rolled passed in the story.
What I'm saying is basically the amazing Final Fantasy 15 trophy list.
Trophies like finishing the game on super hard without changing difficulty are rubbish. I've never started a game on hard in my life - normal all the way for me. I'm pretty sure most of us start that way, then gravitate upwards. I'm fine with having tougher difficulty available just dont tie a trophy to it.
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
Topic: The Trophy Discussion Thread
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