It’s been a difficult year for the games industry, but the software has been flowing as strongly as ever. At times, we’ve all struggled to keep up with the veritable array of titles available for the PS5, and we’re sure many of you feel much the same.
The thing that makes running Push Square such a pleasure is that you can never guess what’s around the corner. Who had the breakout success of Balatro on their bingo card, for example? We can make guesses about what 2025 will bring – and we will – but we won’t truly know until we get there.
We hope that, in what’s been a challenging period for the world at large, we’ve been able to bring you some joy this year through our shared passion for PlayStation. It’s truly an honour to be able to wake up every morning and share our hobby with you, so thank you.
As we look forward to the next year, we’re so excited for what it promises. There’ll be big games like GTA 6 and Monster Hunter Wilds, of course, but there’ll also be those surprises that we alluded to above. We can’t wait to share each moment with you.
In the meantime, thank you for continuing to support us. We’re an independent business born out of pure love for games, and we’re privileged to be able to do this every day. It wouldn’t be possible without your clicks and comments, so while you enjoy the holidays with your friends and loved ones, we want to show you our appreciation of your support.
Comments 78
Merry Christmas and happy holidays my gaming friends.
At first I thought it was a Greggs advert 😄 Merry Christmas everyone, hope you get some great games to play.
Merry Christmas everyone. Have a good one
Merry Christmas to the Push Team, Everyone at Hookshot and to all the wonderful commenters here. Here's to another year of great games, controversy, Bloodbourne Remake begging and heated discussions 🎄🥂
Hello there fellow gamers.
Just want to wish to the Push Square staff and to everybody a Merry Christmas and Happy Gaming Holidays with your loved ones.
Cheers everyone and all the very best
Merry Christmas to all. And to all a good night.
Happy Christmas to one and all! Have a good one 👍
Merry Christmas to all, enjoy the holiday season.
Merry Christmas to all the pushsquare team, and everyone reading this comment!
Merry Christmas everyone hope you all have a lovely day and I hope you all get to play lots of games
Merry Christmas y’all! Thanks PS team and site members for all the wonderful comments and discussions. It’s a blast to be part of this community! Enjoy the holidays everyone
Merry X’Mas to all beloved commenter and to all push square staff 🎄
Wishing you all a happy holiday! And thanks Push Square for all you do!
Push Square family, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. x
Merry christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas to everyone hope you all have a fantastic Christmas with your family’s or if not with family then I’m thinking of you ❤️
Merry Christmas and Happy Gaming to everyone.
To those already knee deep in booze, fatty snacks and crap telly - I say good hunting my fellow brothers and sisters...and obviously Merry Christmas also 🤗😄
Cheers everyone. Love this site. Love the perspectives from all you wonderful people across the pond and across the world for that matter. Merry Christmas from the states!
Merry Christmas, everyone! 🎄
Happy holidays to you all!
And Happy Hanukkah to all my jewish peeps.
Merry Christmas to all. Hope you all got some great gaming gifts and as I said in the other thread, may your gaming time be rich and platinumful.
Merry Christmas all 🎄
Still the best gaming website in the world. Thank you to all staff members, contributors and all who comment to make this place what it is ❤️
Merry Christmas everyone. 🎄 🎅 🤶
Merry Christmas everybody. I've been playing Greedy Granny with my nephew, basically Buckaroo but replace the donkey with an elderly woman. You can cancel your GOTY articles guys, we have a new winner
Merry Christmas and enjoy your day.word up son
Happy holidays, my fellow gamers!
Merry Christmas to all you swashbucklers!
@Enuo (#22) and a nice week to all my muslim homies and homegirls!
Happy holidays gamers and push square . Bring on the games in 2025
Merry christmas everyone! I've had my hookshot account for years but it was not until this year i became active with it. Thank you everyone for being my favorite video game community and thank you hookshot for my 4 favorite video game sites.
Happy Chrimbo Folks and Push Square Staff
Merry Christmas, Push Squarians (or Push Aquarians, as my autocorrect insists it should be). Enjoy the festive period whatever you're up to. Good health and good cheer to you all.
Merry Christmas, PushSquare staff!
Merry Christmas fellow gaming enthusiasts
Merry Christmas everyone and thank you Push Square Team!! 🎄😀
Happy holidays and thank you for all of the amazing articles to read. PUSH SQUARE is one of the very few websites that I visit every day.
Happy Xmas to everybody 👍
Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas!
I've went and almost ate myself into a food coma, honestly I feel like I'm about to burst. Okay time for some dessert then I'll probably need a lie down after so bye and I hope you all have good a one.
Merry Christmas to all. Push Square is a great site, but it is the community that keeps me coming back. I hope everyone has a great day and gets at least one game that they really want.
Hands down best gaming site out there. Thank you all for what you do!
Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 everyone at push square and all the readers as well 😀
Merry Christmas to Push Square and everyone!
Merry christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone hope you all have an awesome day
Merry Christmas!
Wishing everyone here a very happy Christmas. Have a great day.
Merry Christmas all.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone here!
Also, happy gaming!
Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animals😂🎄
I don't really go in for the merry and happy new year as I'm all to aware that there will be many, perhaps even people on this site who are going through some awful situation/s right now so even though I'm a random internet dude, my thoughts are with you and wish all of you the best!! xx
@Gremio108 , please tell me you dont have to put a bridal and saddle on her!😂
Happy Christmas Push Square!
@DrVenture69 I think they're in the expansion pack
Merry Christmas pushsquare crew and fellow gamers!
@Gremio108 😄👍
Couple of days off now so fully intend to do nothing much except for watching sport and playing video games... Well inside my happy place. Merry Christmas Push Square staff, forum members and everybody else.
Happy Christmas to you all, hope everyone is having a cracking time
Merry Xmas PS staff and gamers alike. Have a great holidays and great gaming '25. Working myself over Xmas but got a few days off before new year. Gonna chill, eat and play ... aaah bliss.
A merry Christmas to you too! And thank you for all the hard work of last year! 😊
A very Merry Christmas to all.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!!
Happy Christmas All🎄
Merry Christmas ya filthy animals 😉
Merry Christmas to the Push Square staff and the community! While I may not be the most active member in the comment sections, I feel as if this is the best gaming circle of mostly laid back people out there. We’re all just a pleasant bunch. I’m thankful to have a fun gaming space to post stupid comments to 😂😂😂 Being an American on a mostly British site is also a different experience for me as well. Ahoy mateys!
Thank you Push Square and Happy Holidays!! 💙🎅🏻🎄🎄🎅🏻💙
Merry Christmas and love from Newfoundland, Canada!
I don't wish you a Merry Christmas pushsquare.com. You have been deleting and blocking my account with every comment due to suppressing an opinion and selective comments. No single bad word has been used.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all at Hookshot and fellow comment-ers, a bit late to the party but hope you all had a good day with the loved ones!
Here's to a happy gaming 2025 and getting through my enormous 2024 backlog in time for GTA6!!!!!
Proud supporter here. You guys are the best. Merry Christmas everyone!
A day late but I hope everybody had a merry (and safe) Christmas.
Merry Christmas. Nine Parchments looks like a good investment for those wanting a nice sale price on a couch co-op game. And I’m a bit surprised that I’ve been digging The Church in the Darkness, another on sale gem about trying to get your brother out of the cult commune. Murder Mystery Machine seems interesting, too, with trying to piece together evidence to arrest the baddies. Lots of good cheap games on sale now, but there’s a lot of junk to wade through, too. Good luck!
Happy holidays! And a happy new year!
Happy holidays one and all. Hope you all have a lovely break and manage some gaming
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all 🍺
Happy Xmas / new yr mo’fuggas.
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