Just started the PS3 version of Skylanders. I must say that both graphics- and controls-wise it's leaps-and-bounds better than the Wii version. I don't know what it is about it...it's the same game, but it just feels more natural to play on PS3.
Oh yeah, and my collection of figures has been reset, meaning I have just the triple pack included with the game...for now, he said foreshadowy.
"Pay me 20 Rupees and I'll talk." CHINK
"Never forget the comfort of freshly-washed shorts."
Before that had a clear out and did some CEX trading, picked up a fair few games that I'd liked demo's of but didn't pick up at retail. Playing through Sonic Generations, F.E.A.R 2 and Dark Void (absolute gem!!). Plenty more, but not picked them up in a while . . .
PSN: KALofKRYPTON (so you can see how often I don't play anything!)
Twitter: @KALofKRYPTON (at your own risk, I don't care if you're offended)
"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker
But Rune Factory Oceans just turned up so looking forward to getting stuck into that soon. Love me some farming.
Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about it. Every review I've read so far has said it's disappointing compared to Rune Factory 3 and Frontier, and from what I played of it, I'm inclined to agree. Coincidently, I ordered Rune Factory Frontier around the day you posted this, and I'm looking forward to playing that.
PS3-wise, I'll be getting Disgaea 4 soon, so I'll be playing that once I get it.
Doing a trophy run on Kingdoms of Amalur, while I'm waiting on Mass Effect 3 to come in the mail. I would like to get on the none DLC trophies for KOA.
That way when I finally get the DLC it will be all I have to worry about.
Yes Rune Factory tides of destiny or oceans was a good game, the battle system isnt exactly my cup of tea, but its also my first Battle/farm Simulator.I find its very enjoyable in 20 min spurts.
Im playing red faction 1 and 2 on psn. If you like first person shooters, buy it quickly.
my wii number: 8754-9981-5119-6538
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles number: 1290-4359-9435
PlayStationNetworkID: odd69
Yes Rune Factory tides of destiny or oceans was a good game, the battle system isnt exactly my cup of tea, but its also my first Battle/farm Simulator.I find its very enjoyable in 20 min spurts.
The problem is that it's not my first - That was Rune Factory Frontier, and I now James has played all the Rune Factory games before, so I'm just curious if he'll enjoy it or not. Also, I like playing these kinda games for hours at a time if I can.
I decided to pick up MW3 this morning. Dunno why but I guess the 15 pound price tag twisted my arm into taking the plunge.
To be honest its not a bad game (although not great either) I loathed MW2 n traded it in after a few days and didn't even bother with Black ops, so the couple of years Ive had away from COD have probably made MW3 feel fresher than it should. The MP is suprisingly good and the SP is as 'michael bay'as usual. Its a shame they haven't added more new ideas as some of the ones added to MP are decent. Unfortunately its still feels too much like MW2 for its own good so I can only see myself playing it for a week or so before using it for trade as im eyeing a copy of the ICO & SOTC collection that'll look dandy on my 3Dtv.
Topic: What PS3 game(s) are you currently playing?
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