Beat Mass Effect 2 and am 10 hours into Mass Effect 3. Great scott, why didn't I play this series before?
I think a lot of PS3 players missed this series because it was originally only on 360. Indeed ME2 was only released on the PS3 a full year after the 360 and ME has never been re-released on the ps3.
That being said, ME2 is my fav game of all time. I got my copy of ME3 today and can't wait. We will have to see what I think about the ending...
This leaf from a tree in the East, has been given to my garden. It reveals a certain secret, which pleases me and thoughtful people. - Goethe
I have done pretty much everything there is to do with my current character on Kingdoms of Amalur, besides the DLC. I really want the DLC but it's going to have to wait.
I'm not sure if I'm going to start over with a new character or just wait till I can get the DLC.
Playing through Enslaved again only on Hard this time around. I'm also going after some trophies along the way, but can't get them all since some are DLC which I don't plan to get.
Just bought Red Faction(ps2) on psn today. Didnt realize it started as a first person shooter. I think the series should have stuck with the first person view . The original is much better than Red Faction: Guerrilla.
my wii number: 8754-9981-5119-6538
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles number: 1290-4359-9435
PlayStationNetworkID: odd69
Playing Yakuza 3 and once that is done I am moving onto Uncharted 2. Glad to see others enjoyed or are enjoying Enslaved which is an awesome game. Oh also just got and kinda playing UFC Undisputed 3 (ps3 version).
Bought ME3 and Skyrim a couple of weeks ago when they were both on sale together (couldn't believe my luck). Popped Skyrim in when I got home and largely haven't seen daylight since. Huge contender for my favourite game ever, loving it (glad I waited for all the patches). Man I need some sleep.
There is so much to do, not sure when ME3 will get a turn, but basically my game roster for the next month or so is already locked in.
This leaf from a tree in the East, has been given to my garden. It reveals a certain secret, which pleases me and thoughtful people. - Goethe
Haven't got a chance to play it yet, but just got the first episode of The Walking Dead. That will be next up on my playing list I have heard good things.
Topic: What PS3 game(s) are you currently playing?
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