@Ravix Well I managed to summon the horse, met a witch and then died about 10 times via the same group of soldiers trying to get to the gate.
Time to go pick another game on my list to try and play because I feel like I am making no progress 😂
@Ravix One of my mates just said get on your horse and ride through them 😂
I did explore the opposite way last night but ended up in a forest full of bears. That was interesting without my mount! lol
I’m playing Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl. I’m about five hours away from beating the game, and should obtain the platinum trophy. I absolutely love this game, and this franchise is becoming one of my favorites.
Currently going for the platinum trophy in Infernax (only 8 trophies away). I also bought the twin pack for Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and I'm currently 7 chapters into FF7: Remake. A little bit of Black Ops 6 (though not at the moment due to the matchmaking being borked) and Baldur's Gate 3 mixed in here and there as well.
@LordGlarc Great to see Infernax get some love! That game is fantastic. You also have reminded me that I should go back and try and get the platinum for it as well.
@Kraven Sorry for the late reply, but, yeah, I did a little more damage today after taking a break and am just getting a feel for the fight, I hope to plat the game one day, as, as you say, the combat is fantastic!
Thanks for your kind words of encouragement.
"Well, do what you can and do your best to make a good showing." - Kobo Abe
@BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN It’s impressive that you’ve been making good progress with Sekiro. I believe you mentioned that playing Rise of the Ronin was helpful to get accustomed to the combat for the tougher FromSoft games. Do you feel like playing RotR was key? I’ve read that there’s no grinding or OP options on Sekiro, so I am nervous that it would be too frustrating for me if I can’t get the timing down. I definitely have DS3 and Elden Ring prioritized to play first, but I’ll keep RotR and Sekiro in mind too and am interested to read your continued thoughts as you go through it.
As an aside, I know you also have enjoyed some occasional survival horror with the Resident Evil games — I’m playing RE4 Remake and it’s been great. I’m still in the early game, but I’m really liking it so far. If you ever wanted to play an RE game with a little more action combat then you might keep it in mind. I’ve dropped a few comments over on the game’s dedicated thread if you’re interested. I hope to get a few more sessions with it this weekend.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Still playing Forspoken, about 50h in now.
At first I was unsure whether I wanted to continue after beating the game, seeing as half (if not more) of the map remained untouched, but now the fights have become easier (as I upgraded my stats significantly) and I'm just clearing the areas one by one whenever I need some entertainment that lets me rest my neurons
Likely to get the platinum eventually. Game's not bad.
@Voltan I think Forspoken may have got a bad rap. The previews didn’t do the game many favors, largely because of the awkward dialogue and stilted cutscenes. I’ve always felt the gameplay looked quite stunning. Most of the impressions and reviews have given the game decent but unexceptional marks. It sounds like it fills a certain void and if you’ve enjoyed it enough to keep playing post-ending then that’s a good sign. Since it’s on PS+ now I have it on the back-burner to try perhaps one day.
Incidentally, they just announced the inclusion of Atlas Fallen on PS+Extra and reading the reviews it seems like a similar game. Have you played it yet? The review compared it to “Forspoken meets Monster Hunter” and gave it a 7/10, with the main criticism being a little technical jank and some samey environments. It’s supposedly less of a time commitment compared to Forspoken, so I thought about giving it a go instead. Either one will have to wait until I clear a few other games though.
What’s your next big gaming project after this?
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Th3solution I have not played Atlas Fallen but I was also under the impression that it might be similar in some regards. Definitely will check it out eventually.
As for Forspoken - I think a lot of people lost any interest when the internet decided "motherf-ing dragon" was the worst line in history of gaming - I actually quite enjoyed that myself
But I also understand it was in a much worse technical state at launch, with frame rates dropping well below 30 in some areas and during big spell animations.
I'm playing on PS5 Pro - it obviously doesn't use the specific hardware features but it runs very well in a 120hz mode. I did encounter some annoying flickering lighting in one area though (far from the main path).
Finished Street Fighter 6's WorId Tour mode. lt was a Iot better than l was expecting and at 23 hours definiteIy more than just a tacked on singIe-pIayer mode. l stiII have to finish Legacy of Kain: SouI Reaver 1-2 Remastered, but I couIdn't resist starting Ys Memoire: The Oath in FeIghana.
@Voltan the line "happy almost birthday" is what got me 😅 And the incredibly dumb court report/character bio at the beginning. I later tried the demo but it was just so boring. I didn't mind the dumb dialogue, but it was the empty boring world designed to run fast through, thus containing nothing other than very samey enemies, that killed it and lead to me giving up on ever thinking I'd like it, even if its on Plus.
In terms of gameplay, how did it turn out after playing many hours of it? Or were you sticking to it as a trophy hunting/ive started so i'l finish exercise only?
A lot of people, me included, were incredibly excited about the game and the concept, before the hands on previews they did.
I don't think I've ever forgiven them for killing my enthusiasm so badly (thankfully other games revived it) but, I suppose at least it released and it was an actual game, unlike Pragmata 🙈
@Th3solution RotR being key is more true for DS3/Elden Ring imo than it is for Sekiro. The parry timing in Sekiro is more strict than in RotR and you can't just spam attacks while holding down block like you can in RotR if you are so inclined to do so (I've read on reddit that that's how some people got through the game).
The long and short of it is that, for me, personally I feel like RotR made me find Elden Ring easier than I would have otherwise, and the combat in DS3 is quite similar to that of ER's, so if it works in the same way for you, you should find DS3/ER easier than you would have done had you not played RotR first, should you choose to do so.
RotR is a great game, but Sekiro is infinitely superior so far and very rewarding if you can get the timing down, I made significant progress this morning and almost got the first phase of the first real boss of the game down, so I'm inching closer to the victory each time I play it, in true Souls fashion. 🤞(even though I'll add as a caveat that neither I, nor many others including it's creator, Miyazaki ,consider it a Souls/Soulslike game - it is an action RPG, and the combat definitely becomes more satisfying the closer it comes to clicking 100% ,with a view to it being a perfect game, once that combat completely clicks in your head - I'm not quite there yet, but getting closer.)
Glad you're enjoying your time with RE4 REmake, if it's anywhere near as good as the og version, which I played thru many years ago, let alone superior, it's almost guaranteed to be a blast to play it, I have it in my Game Library actually, but got sidetracked before I could play it. It's defo in my backlog tho, but, being more of a Silent Hill Head I will probably play the remake of SH2, which I also have downloaded, before diving into RE4 REmake in the future.
@Ravix I think the demo didn't showcase the game very well as it did none of the story and didn't explain mechanics well enough. That's on them unfortunately.
As for the game itself, I think combat gets pretty fun once you get the hang of it and are able to utilze the many support spells, as well as recognize when to switch magic types for specific enemy types.
I think the story is mostly fine and it doesn't make you run around the map a lot if you just want to get to the end of it. In fact, while playing through the story, I was doing every optional activity within the line of sight from the main path and ended up seeing maybe 30% of the entire map.
And while the activities on the map are not the most interesting, the map itself is IMO well designed, with a lot of verticality and cool formations.
Now, for the post-game I'm mostly doing it for trophies but it also lets me see some really cool parts of the map that the main path or subquests just never go to. It's a weird design tbh.
I wouldn't say it's a great game but it's good enough.
@BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN Thanks for the info, mate. I was actually looking at RotR yesterday when I was perusing a game shop and it’s still holding its price point fairly well, so I figured there’s no rush and if I find it for a good discount down the road I might grab it. But for now it’s surprisingly holding its value — $70 new and $60 used. For this type of game that will end up in my backlog for a long while I try not to buy until it hits what I anticipate to be its lowest price, or close to it. Some games I’ll pay a launch price, but only when I expect to start playing it quickly. What I might do is check in again right before I plan to play my next Souls game and if the price is right, I’ll consider trying it first. Otherwise, I hope that having completed DeS, DS1, DS2, and BB are all effective preceptors for DS3. My current anticipated schedule has me playing DS3 at the earliest in the summer. But one never knows when the Souls itch might strike. For now the long journey through DS2 has me satiated for a while.
As far as Sekiro, I hope you continue to sharpen your skills to a fine edge and make good progress through the game’s notorious bosses. I don’t know much about the game, but having passively absorbed info about it, I know there’s a Lady Butterfly I hear a lot of consternation about, as well as an ape, an owl, and something named Isshin. 😅
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?
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