@MightyDemon82 Just as I'm making progress, it's froze six times. I've given up for the night and will persevere tomorrow.
@TheIdleCritic I didn't think I was going to enjoy Manhunter at all but, after some grinding, I'm now an adult (my wife would beg to differ) and quite enjoying it.
I have a theory on these frame rate drops, because I can't say that I've seen it... I don't play in HDR.
Gaming and HDR gives me headaches due to staring at the screen intently. Plus, I've an OLED and I don't want to disable HUDS/permanent images so I tend to game without HDR enabled on the PS5, as I did on the Pro.
I wonder if there's any correlation between disabled HDR and the lack of frame rate drops?
@TheIdleCritic I'm loving Maneater so far! Not noticed any technical issues either.
@MightyDemon82 I had a few goes of the Arcade mode on DAS earlier. It was fun, bright but very shallow. I tried a couple of online matches but kept getting booted to the main menu part way through a match. I'm not massively into online mulitplayer, so no skin of my nose anyway.
Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
@Voltan nah, I just concentrated on what I had to do to get the plat, though I did play one or two ranked games. I'm just not very good. I watched a few matches of some of the better players and the relentless combos they can pull off is impressive. I should say this was my first MK since the second.
Xbox Gamertag: Chrysler2271
PSN: Chrysler_80
Switch Friend Code: SW-5919-0229-7098
@WCB it's my first since MK4. The pro's combos are indeed impressive (I watched the Pro Kompetition stream last night and picked this up... took me at least an hour to get it right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrfSngJds58 ) but really what differentiates them from us mortals is knowing when to do what based on what the opponent can do - combos are the easy part
I've been slowly making my through Demon's Souls. I play it, love it, get frustrated and quit, then repeat over time. Every time I do play it though, it makes me feel like I need my PS5 because the game is so spectacular and looks so next gen. A truly brilliant launch title.
I have been playing NMS and Control mostly, not technically pure Ps5 games. I do want Demons Souls and will get eventually, but I can't seem to justify spending $70. I'm hoping for a slight psplus sale soon. Although being one of the few Ps5 games I'm sure it will be awhile.
@velio84 No problem. I find the best way to use the forum is to hover over the forums tab at the tab of the page and then select "all topics" from the dropdown to see what's been posted in most recently, rather than going through subforums.
@Th3solution Yes. The bosses game have been beaten on the first try half of the time. Overall, it’s a bit easier. That being said, sometimes bonfires or shortcuts are farther apart or can’t run past as fast, so that specific setback can feel worse.
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?
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