@Kidfried@Thrillho I really didn’t like the first one, the jumping feels off and the camera is awful. However, the second one is fantastic and I went onto 100% it. The mechanics actually feel like they add up in that game.
The only ps5 game I've played so far was Astros Playroom, got the plat and it took about 4 - 5 hours but boy what a great little game it was. Basically a tech demo for the controller and it does a brilliant job.
Probably gonna try Sackboy or Miles Morales some point soon when they go cheap enough but got a massive ps4 backlog that I'll spend most of this year tackling.
Curious about Demon Soul's as well, Bloodbourne is my only experience with these types of games and I loved it so hopefully Demon Soul's will be the same
Finally beat Demon's Souls last night just got to get 6 more trophies before the platinum. Going to have a break and play Maneater first before I dive into New game + properly!
Platinumed Astro pretty recently and I've been begging the couple of other people I know with a PS5 to give it a chance ever since. I don't know if it's cause it's a little robot platformer or if it's because it came free with the console so there's some sort of stigma, but people I know are really avoiding it and it's just criminal.
Bugsnax was a ton of goofy fun, platinumed that too and man, absolutely LOVED the ending
Right now on Miles Morales and I just love it so much. The ray tracing is just PHENOMENAL and I love the adaptive triggers on the web swinging. Not sure if that's a popular opinion or not.
Spent some serious hours on gaming since Christmas, and have managed to Platinum Astro, Spider-Man Miles Morales, Watch Dogs Legion and Maneater. Also completed a new game plus on Spider-Man Remastered which was such good fun too.
@Jimmy_VNC82 Apparently the gameplay in Dark Souls Remastered is much better - they improved vastly on the gameplay of Demon's Souls when they made it, so, whilst visuals may take a nosedive, from a gameplay perspective it may be worth your time on PS4 or PS5 if there is backwards compatibility (I think there is.)
"Well, do what you can and do your best to make a good showing." - Kobo Abe
@nessisonett LOL, I love how humorous the community is, as well as just being a reliable source of news. I check in everyday! Actually I've been here since I was 12.
You know what they say. All toasters, toast, toast!
@nessisonett When you first found this these websites? I hope you do good at moving. (It took me several minutes of trying to think of how to phrase that lol.)
You know what they say. All toasters, toast, toast!
Anyone else been giving Destruction All Stars a whirl? I planned to just play a match or two then ended up playing it till about 23:15pm. Have to get up at half 5, Definitely see myself jumping in and out of it like I do with Rocket League!
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?
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