Put about 40 or so hrs in and really liking it, that said the PS5 port is rough. Had a lot of crashes until the 2nd hotfix. None since that dropped but the framerate is all over the place, draw distance and pop-in are pretty bad too, needs work there. Teething troubles aside I love the combat, overworld puzzle variety is nice and the story is tropey but interesting enough.
As for teams/characters I'm using Calcharo, Fem MC and Verina. Got Calcharo from the beginner banner, chose Verina with the free token and got Carlotta but not used her yet. Obviously have the other gimme characters but not building any outside of the 3 I'm actually using for now. Not felt the need, yet.
@Shigurui Honestly not had ANY crashes and have put in a similar amount on PS5 now. Yes the frame rate is all over the place. I think it might even be unlocked as some bits seem super silky smooth... very briefly before being broken. But both that and draw distance is many times better than what I was playing on before (ipad / iphone) with MUCH higher fidelity so it feels like a win to me even if it's a bit rubbish! Expectation is all important.
Verina is still really strong and I use her on a few teams and always in Tower of Adversity. Like with all these games for the story you don't ever need more than 3 characters, it's only end games content where you need up to 3 teams.
My biggest issue is i've been having to unlearn and relearn the controls after playing handheld. I decided to make the risky decision while I was doing this to make the controls much more closely match Genshin (which i've put thousands of hours) e.g. Swap Attack/Confirm (Square/Circle) and swap Ult/Skill (Triangle/R2). Though that last one is a little annoying as the icon moves too. The only thing I can't swap is the L1 / Left D-pad for the radial menu. It's not perfect but it was driving me crazy before. I don't usually have this problem in games but Genshin muscle memory is a pain!
Despite having all the characters (except Carlotta and Encore) I've gone back to playing as the launch day banner character Jiyan who I have S1S1, S6 Mortefi and Shorekeeper, I still find this rotation the most fun and rewarding, but I really do need to try out other teams. After getting Zhezhi I find her rotation a bit unwieldy and Camellya seems to get hit or you have to dodge out of her attacks often. But this is probably a skill issue and I just need to study up again.
@themightyant - As I said, no crashes since hotfix 2 though it did crash during that patch application lol. Fine since that though. Controls wise I felt right at home with the Sq/Tri layout, typical action game inputs and with not playing Genshin for well over a year there's no muscle memory overlap.
I played a long story mission yesterday with Jiyan as the playable character, was mainly without a team but really liked him, definitely going for him on rerun.
@Shigurui 40 hrs in? Nice! I'm on PC and haven't had any issues besides the occasional log in lag. What Echos are you using with your mains? and what part of the story are you on? Calcharo gets stronger if you have other lightning characters on the team it seems. I use YinLin to buff him so the screen if constantly filled with sparks. Verina's top skill is pretty handy once she's at lv80. She can prevent a team mate from dying and give them a shield once every 10 mins. Only character that does a revive to my knowledge as I don't have Shore keeper.
Jiyan is a pretty solid character. His tornado ult sucking in mobs is always a ton of fun. The only issues I've had with him is for missions where you have to stay within a certain perimeter. His combos are fun to do but they have a lot of knock back. That and not being able to use his resonance skill before his ult as it reduces the Forte gauge and weakens his ult. You should try him in WuWa's version of SU. Some of the buffs the characters get are absolutely insane.
@themightyant Lol I'm sure you will adjust soon enough to the new control scheme.
I've got Carlotta but not built yet and with the world enemies at max difficulty I haven't tried her yet besides in the story missions. Camellya is an absolute beast once you get her best in slot Echo that was added in 2.0. I know what you mean about interruptions but it's all down to dodging and timing. Her ult can't be interrupted though and I use that for my last resort if I'm unable to avoid an attack lol.
Zhezhi is fun to use if you know where your portals are. You can do end content and take 0 damage if your timing is on point and from what I've read she seems to make Carlotta twice as deadly when you pair them together. I can't remember why I missed out on Shore keeper but will defo get her on the re run. I'm limited in what I can do in the towers as Verina runs out of points fairly quickly. Im too used to having her in my lineups.
@z0d15g0d Re: characters. I'd say Shorekeeper is the my most used character. Definitely worth it. Verina is great but Shorekeeper is slightly stronger in most team comps, except co-ordinated attackers like Jinhsi. Plus her Ult does decent damage if you can get through 3 intro skill rotations in 30 seconds to return to her, it's a nice reward for putting it all together. But both are great and as you need 3 teams in later ToA it's certainly worth having both. Healing and great buffs. Also useful in overworld with turn into a butterfly mechanic to move, climb and cross water quickly.
As for DPS. I did see a Camellya team that had both Verina AND Shorekeeper buffing in it which looks like fun. Need to try that and retry Sanhua now i've built her. I've slightly gone off Jinhsi, she's strong but not so fun for me except in endgame, her rotations are a bit strict. But I think her biggest problem is the long ramp up time, you have to get to the second rotation to get all the buffs going and in all but the hardest content everyone is dead before then. But she is strong...
Xiangli Yao is good but a bit dull, again there's not much to do except one combo. Changli is a lot of fun, but I found her a bit squishy, I know there is an alternative quick swap way to play her that negates this, but it felt a little TOO sweaty, but that was on touch, maybe I will try that again on PS5. But her attacks are so pyrotechnic that it can be a little hard to parse what is going on outside her flames and so I ended up getting hit.
And so i'm back to Jiyan who is not the best at much but still feels fun and really good at grouping and destroying mobs in the open world. His S1 which I got accidentally trying to get 4-stars and pulled him early does make his Skill more useful as it halves the cost and gives you two uses. meaning you can CAREFULLY weave it in around his Ult, or during it. His ult is still chefs kiss with a lovely hit delay on the animation... or perhaps that is a frame rate spike. lol.
@Shigurui Re: Jiyan. Unfortunately he just had a rerun, so I don't think it will be anytime soon. I did think the timing was a bit lame considering we knew 2.0 would bring in new players and bring back players, they should have waited imo. But perhaps they will take pity on you and others and do some sort of recap banner.
@themightyant Haha once your eyes have memorized Changli's animations it's pretty much difficult for her to get hit except for annoying off screen enemies which are very often. My tactic with her is to rotate the camera when using her resonance skill to a more desirable view. Gave me motion sickness at first but I got used to it.
Did you max out Xiangli? He's a boss in his own right. I've got him to E1, S0 and he pretty much beasts everything once his ult comes out. His main combo's basic though but 90% of the time I'm using his resonance skill for the extremely short cooldown. My Jiyan is E3, S0 but I need to rebuild his Echos. I went full crit but apparently his top stat is energy regen lol. He clears Tacet fields fairly quickly once he ults.
@z0d15g0d yes Xiangli Yao is a boss, and hits hard, his liberation is great, I just find it a bit dull to play. All the 5-star DPS are strong, was more talking about who I like playing. But after tonight’s session I just got Carlotta super early. My WuWa luck continues… it won’t last. lol.
Yes Jiyan needs quite a lot of energy recharge, around 120% - 145%+ depending on team, enemies and rotation, or a bit more to be safe. That can hard to get from substats alone so Crit/Aero/Energy/Atk/Atk in a 4/3/3/1/1 build is often more comfortable than double Aero, as his biggest DPS loss is if his ult isn’t up in time. The new Nightmare: Feilian Beringal echo in 2.0 also seems tailor made for him as an alternative to the standard one also offering both 12% Aero DMG and 12% Heavy Attack DMG boost I’ll be farming that soon to try it out.
@themightyant Haha yes I've been farming the Nightmares. Equipping Nightmare Crownless turned Camellya into a bad ass. Their skills change too and best part is you can also equip their non- nightmare version without the double equip penalty.
@z0d15g0d - I'm up to Huanglong I Act 7. Echoes wise I'm just using whatever I've picked up with the matching character element and getting the 2/2 and 5/5 Sonata Effects.
@themightyant - Yeah I saw that Jiyan had a rerun recently, ah well. I'm enjoying what I have, no hurry.
@z0d15g0d Nice! I didn't realise you can equip a nightmare and non-nightmare of the same echo without the penalty, I'll have to check that out. Though I think they are all 4 cost echoes right? I don't often run 44111 as 43311 is usually stronger, often a 5% - 8% DPS increase on paper, though of course substats are all important and may swing this depending on RNG. Though Camelya in particular is much closer only around 1% - 3% drop for 44111 depending what weapon you run making subastats the main factor.
@Shigurui Nice! You'll be all caught up soon. When I first started I just did auto for Echo's assuming the game logic was programmed decently then found out it just throws random Echo's in there lol. The sonata effects make a whole world of difference to builds.
@themightyant Yea I stumbled on it by accident when I was working on Changli. Her normal inferno was crit rate with double digits crit rate and dmg substats and I didn't want to let it go lol. The 44111 only works on certain characters if you need that extra to bring up specific stats. Getting Xiangli to 105% crit rate and 215% crit dmg was defo worth it.
@z0d15g0d As I said 43311 is better in most scenarios... but only on PAPER. It will depend on the character, weapon, team members and their buffs and ESPECIALLY your substat luck. It's different for every account. So take the following with a massive pinch of salt.
But 44111 can help If you are struggling for Crit and getting bad substats, it can work, but you lose a LOT of elemental damage which is usually harder to buff and triple ATK usually trails off in comparison to an extra elemental bonus.
Prydwen (who I usually use as they give the build stats) doesn't give calcs for Changli 44111 but IWinToLose does and he stated:
100% = 43311 / Crit, ATK, Element, ATK, ATK
98.9% = 43311 / Crit, Element, Element, ATK, ATK (though situationally this could be higher and is also recommended)
92.2% = 44111 / Crit, Crit, ATK, ATK, ATK
So for him 44111 is a 7.8% drop off. But obviously that is with HIS build, HIS supports, Sig weapon etc. it's not universally true.
Re: Xiangli Yao Prydwen says
100% = 43311 / Crit, Element, Element, ATK, ATK
97.27% = 43311 / Crit, ATK, Element, ATK, ATK
93.04% = 44111 / Crit, Crit, ATK, ATK, ATK
91.75% = 43311 / Crit, ATK, ATK, ATK, ATK
So for them 44111 is a 7% drop off, which is common for most characters. This is with standard weapon banner 5-star Abyss Surges. But again it will all depend who you are teaming with, what buffs, what weapon and your substats. That's where a build tool can help to see your own position.
As I said at the top take it all with a massive pinch of salt... but personally sometimes it's just nice seeing the higher crit numbers more often! Damage per screenshot can be more fun even if not theoretically stronger overall per second. Fun beats meta.
@themightyant Fun defo trumps meta always but with regards to those stats, I tried the 43311 format before and with the elemental dmg boost but found that only works on enemies with said weakness. I built my teams to power through anyone without having to consider their weaknesses lol. Unlike HSR where it's virtually impossible to walk away unscathed I'm confident in my dodge and parry skills.
EDIT: Oh and Roccia seems quite fun to play. Charge up her attack and do three stomps followed by the whirwind skill which groups enemies and a few more stomps. Not sure how the charge mechanic will handle faster attacking/stronger enemies, could leave you exposed, but it was fun.
I thought having a full echo inventory would make things more efficient after starting 2.0, but apparently Kuro changed how the Data Merge drops work - now required echo collection at least once.
No wonder the new Tacet Fields doesn't drop anything I haven't collected, eugh.
Two minor issues on my first day - which I couldn't get out from quest that triggers the story trial character, & the other one I find it bizarre that they disabled the Tacet Field (gear farm) around the said quest area even after the quest progression has moved away from said area, not until it's fully done ( htf do I know when 🤦)
I tried using recently built 2.0 Sanhua support for Camellya, didn't seem to work nicely for me, will find another Ragunnesi partner later on for her. Roccia however is fun to be on-field and is supposedly to replace Sanhua.. though I'll have to try her out in other events in trial teams to get a feel first.
I have other coming units that I desire so can't just summon willy-nilly ☺️
How does Carlotta fare in other content so far? I've only tested her in the main quest and need some convincing~ 😅
@Pushsquarian It's a bit annoying they require collecting echoes, but I can understand why they do this, they want you to explore the world. I'm still missing a few to get to Data Lv 24 and it wouldn't make much sense to draw Rinascita echoes while still working through Huanglong e.g. if you started on PS5, that would make exploration later less rewarding. It's no different from other games that have domains to get relics/artifacts etc. that are trapped until you get there in the game.
I haven't really had many bugs like that, mostly just small incidental jank here and there, and the choppy framerate.
I haven't fully built Carlotta yet, still upgrading traces and missing a second Glacio echo on the new set. @z0d15g0d might be able to tell you more.
@themightyant Agreed. The review was fair if a bit short for such a large game. I'm guessing it will be updated as more versions are added.
Yes Roccia was fun to play as. I missed out on trying out her tornado into Jiyan's ult I'm curious to try that combo.
@Pushsquarian Carlotta is a great DPS. I've got her and her sig weapon to lv 80(out of mats). The only issue I have with her is that a lot of the new mini games or challenges require you to fight within a specified area and with her jumping and sliding a lot its easy to move out of the area but other than that she's a solid addition to my arsenal. Pairing her with Zhezhi makes for a beautiful display of frost effects and significantly ups her damage.
Topic: Wuthering Waves
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