Nice. I quite enjoy The Crew so will pick up Motorfest at some point and say what you will about Ubisoft but they know how to support their games plus as in this case they often release quite substantial content for free.
I'm tempted by Stalker and there was a pricing error when it initially released but there weren't any reviews (of the port) at that time so I didn't take advantage, shame.
The pricing error was the whole trilogy for the price of one of the games.
I decided to pre-ordered Still Wakes the Deep ready for Tuesday. I was a big fan of Everyone's Gone to the Rapture, so really looking forward to playing that. I also pre-ordered the Gold Road expansion for The Elder Scrolls Online. It's the one game I'm always playing, so I'm always looking forward to whatever comes next.
@N1ghtW1ng I'd say definitely grab it for that price. The original game is still great, but all the improvements and content added to Royal elevate it to one of the greatest games ever made in my opinion.
@Malaise im planning on playing one of those shortly actually. I was looking for games I could play one-armed while I recover from shoulder surgery next month. These came up during my research and took my interest. Always seem to be on sale too.
#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore
Hitman world of killing sprees.
PS5 version contains a PS4 code so gonna have to dig out the headset and go on a virtual killing spree.
Strangely the Hitman 3 PS4 version is pretty expensive now because I guess of VR and free upgrade, the same happened with Dirt Rally (the one which includes Vr) although with that game they delisted the Vr upgrade for the digital version.
@Malaise @colonelkilgore
Thanks, I have been putting off the purchase for a while as the dlc scenario seemed very complicated so I wasn't quite sure which edition I wanted to buy and even this edition doesn't have everything but that is fine I guess.
I haven't really played a Hitman game since Absolution which I did enjoy but I realise that is quite a different beast to the current day ones. Looking forward to playing it in VR, starting all the way back from Hitman 1 (in this trilogy) but I might wait until Autumn is here as it can be a bit hot. I've heard it is a bit of janky mess in VR but I'm looking forward to (not) actually being there.
One of the reasons that I've put off buying Hitman was from what I've read about what a mess the dlc is.
Anyway my game turned up today and inside is a code, no instructions except the terms and conditions on the back. So I tap it in and it downloads a small data file related to VR mode.
No more info provided and View product which normally gives a PS4 version is not there so I go to my library (my first mistake) and see hitman, tap it and it says which version so I pick PS4 , 80gb later I fire it up and hitman 3 says "you need to upgrade". So I'm guessing this is the starter pack which I downloaded ages ago in the hope that it contained VR for hitman 1 and 2 which I got on PS+(it doesn't).
Anyway so I go online and people say, no you have to download the PS5 version and select it from the menu in the game, so I insfall the PS5 version (which I will shortly delete) and the option isn't there, arhh but it actually is and hidden behind "News" menu option which you have to press L2/R2 it cycle through to get to "Download VR" (thankfully someone said this on a forum thread).
Another 80gb later.
Absolutely fuming and all it would have taken is a couple of sentences on the download code booklet. Failing that design your menu so you don't hide it behind some other irrelevant rubbish.
It's too hot for all this messing about.
Robocop: Rogue City - not really an fps fan (I’d rather every game be in third person tbh) but I love the movie (careful not to say movies), and the game looks incredibly nostalgic.
Beyond Good and Evil. I bought it for PS5, but then I decided to buy it on the Nintendo Switch as well because I’m going on vacation soon, and wouldn’t mind playing the game on the go. Lol.
@Malaise yeah I’d love games based on all of those tbh… oh to play as Snake Plisskin in particular 🙏
edit. actually the thought of Kurt in a Carpenter movie just automatically led my mind to Big Trouble in Little China. A game based on that would be the dream!
@Malaise I have been feeling exactly the same. Since before Xmas I’ve just been in a funk, I had a brief moment of relief with Still Wakes the Deep, but I have draw full of sealed PS5 games. Just can’t be arsed, and I’m gutted. Hope things improve for you 👍
I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.
@Malaise Sorry to hear that. I actually had to sell my PS5 due to low-usage (post-pandemic travel for work, back to 70% time away from home) and was devastated at the time.
I used the money to buy a Steamdeck, and this changed things up for me. Of course I was/am missing the 5* AAA graphical powerhouse games, but found it opened up a number of genres as well as playing some recent titles fairly well.
Switching of genres really got me out of a funk, and I've been playing a lot more rogue and puzzle games. I played Coccon recently and loved it, alongside a number of old-school adventure Point&Click games (like Monkey Island). I found that P&C games challenge me enough, but are also relaxing due to 'reaction time' not being critical.
That being said I am currently playing Erdtree, which is quite stressful!
But ultimately I'd say to take a break, consider 'why' you game and what you want from the hobby, then pick genres that lean into that narrative.
Wishing you well in the meantime. It is never nice when you get disillusioned and/or burnt out on something you previously enjoyed. Maybe watch some films/TV or read books, or even look at a new hobby with your partner? Gaming won't be going anywhere, and will be waiting for you once you're ready to return
Topic: Your Latest PlayStation 5 Purchase
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