The recently departed PlayStation executive Shuhei Yoshida has apologised for how PSVR2 hasn't turned into a PS2 situation, where Sony successfully built on its first iteration to release an even more successful product. Speaking on the Kinda Funny Gamescast (via UploadVR), it appeared Yoshida had very little positivity to share about the headset, laughing when asked "what happened to PSVR2" and suggesting to move the conversation on.
Having moved into the indie space within PlayStation after leaving his position as President of SIE Worldwide Studios in 2019, Yoshida will likely have had very little — if any at all — impact on the release and first-party games lineup of the VR device. It didn't launch until February 2023, more than three years after his big change in focus, but Yoshida still felt the need to apologise.
"I'm sorry I was wrong, PSVR2 didn't become PS2," he said. When questioned by host Greg Miller as to what happened, Yoshida laughed and responded: "Let's move on with the conversation." When asked to reflect on the hardware, Yoshida calls out his two favourite titles: Synapse and Before Your Eyes.
While the PSVR2 has its staunch supporters, the VR headset is generally agreed upon to be a failure. Sony has never shared any official sales numbers, and has only ever released a single PSVR2 title from PlayStation Studios in Horizon Call of the Mountain on launch day.
Its third-party support is still fairly strong, with games like Metro Awakening and Alien: Rogue Incursion ported to the device, but when they can be found elsewhere alongside better exclusives (such as on Meta Quest 3), it's easy to see why PSVR2 isn't viewed as the best destination for VR play.
[source uploadvr.com]
Comments 104
I got it when it released. Really enjoyed it for the first 5 weeks, then it broke. So got my money back and haven't been tempted to get another.
It was the asking price that killed it I think. The unit is very good from what I can tell from the folks who have used it on pushsquares forums. The extremely positive feed back especially when it concerns GT7 is a good sign and would be the reason I would purchase one but I'm not going to until I can source a cheaper priced one. (This is a personal opinion.)
It's a decent VR headset and it does have some great games. I think it's important to set your expectations when getting a VR headset. It will not have as many games as the non-VR systems. But what it does offer is something quite unique.
Anyway, I mostly use my PS VR2 for GT7 and Beat Saber. Some Puzzling places and RE4 Remake as well.
The PSVR2 is the only thing that makes me not regret getting a PS5. Still, this is a very Japanese thing to do, apologising for perceived failures. And maybe Sony did fail on the software side, but the hardware is great and it’s the best place to play third party games by far (outside of an expensive gaming rig, as always).
I don't know if it's a failure but it could be better. And Sony needn't act like they have no control over turning it around.
I said it a thousand times before, Sony cannot support several hardware at once.
Focus on one and one only.
They make so many obvious mistakes, its crazy how much disconnection and incompetence holds job positions at Sony/Playstation.
Give me 5 years at that company with full executive powers and Sony/Playstation would be 1000 times its current worth.
First one had some better first-party support, but the PSVR2 is honestly a better purchase than PSVR1 at this point.
I wouldn’t say it’s agreed that it’s a failure, I would say it’s agreed Sony did not do its best or close to it. There’s obviously a good market for devs to keep putting games on it and I imagine the software attach rate is very high.
I finally got into VR last month but I went with the Quest 3 instead. It just has better exclusives (Batman is fantastic), backwards compatibility (big miss on PSVR2's part there), and it's portable which is very nice for VR.
If bluepoint had work on a rogue legacy remastered wow that would of been amazing.no wonder why the games are slow to come for bluepoint and bend studio.come on sony you idiots give me a days gone 2.word up son
Why didn’t anyone tell Big Jimbo that Live Service games on PSVR2 would be a great thing? Then we would now get news about cancelled PSVR2 LSGs.
PsVitaR2. Maybe PSVR3 will actually be supported by the company that makes it.
I ordered the adapter to hook up my PSVR 1 to my PS5 but still haven’t yet because of SO MANY WIRES. Maybe I will this winter. But I’m probably not buying a PS VR 2 at any price, even Target clearance for $99.48, b/c I’m just not going to use it enough even at that price. If I was over someone house who had it sure I’d play for an hour, but about an hour a year is all I need. I game 3x more than that every single day. Can’t be bothered.
People hate on it all the time but personally I think its a brilliant device and one I hope to see Sony continue with. If we get a VR3 with the PS6 then I would likely grab it day one.
I really don't care if it has limited 1st party support as it would not make sense for sony to throw 25% of its development at a device which covers 2% of the install base. It also doesn't need it when 3rd party support is still really good and there are more than enough games worth playing on the hardware.
@JAMes-BroWWWn "Give me 5 years at that company with full executive powers and Sony/Playstation would be 1000 times its current worth"
So why you didn't send your CV to Sony?
@Max_the_German considering firesprite was working on the cancelled live service twisted metal, I am sure it was going to have be capability. Most likely the reason it was killed off first in this live service purge last year is that the psvr2 sold so poorly so cancel the game with the least potential to sell well since not many people bought the headset
I love my PSVR1 and 2 but the difference in first party support from Sony is staggering. Even a few PSVR1 ports would have been a great way to support the headset but they chose against that too.
@PuppetMaster Because they obviously only hire pure incompetence.
@Ilyn the problem is that without first party support fewer people buy the headset, as seen with the psvr2. With fewer headsets sold the third party games that do release for the headset sell worse and then eventually these developers don’t make games for the headset anymore. We have already started to see this with the psvr2 and vr devs. The developers of toss said the psvr2 version of the game is not getting any of the content updates because it sold so portly compared to other platforms. The devs for vr chat said it will never bring it to psvr2 because the install base is so low that it isn’t worth the effort. You can’t make a gaming device and just expect other devs to make games for it while you do nothing. That is how game platforms die.
@__jamiie they didn’t choose against it. Most of the studios that made those vr1 first party games got shut down or bought out by the competition. Those that remain were given the freedom to port the games over if they wanted but Sony wasn’t going to pay for it
As bad as Sony handled the launch, I'm surprised we see increased 3rd party support as of recent. I don't know how it's feasible for studios beyond pc and quest, but maybe it's an easy platform to port on. Always wanted to see it succeed as I was a big fan of the original psvr, but Sony's stupidity switched me over to pcvr/quest this time around. I also got the quest3 2nd hand and don't buy from meta... Great device but oligarch and fiend to humanity Zuckerberg won't see a single € from me.
The PSVR2's mere existence was only to show on the fence gamers that the PS5 was more future forwards than the Xbox. This is Sony, a company that made Robot Dogs and Bluetooth RC cars (in 2004) so that people associate it with cool ***** and they sell more TVs.
Never underestimate the value of mind share.
I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that Low-Fi turns out great.
I love my PSVR 2, it's the best place to play the multiplatform VR games. I've got a Quest 3 as well for the exclusives and multimedia functionalities but as far as games are concerned it's PSVR 2 all the way. The recently released Arken Age is a gem of an VR game, it really shows what the PSVR 2 can do in terms of visuals and gameplay. Recommended.
@JAMes-BroWWWn I'm pretty sure Shu Yoshida isn't a "pure incompetence" guy.
But hey, if you're really that competence then why no one hired you?
It was typical of Sony this gen, simply roll it out while cockily assuming it'll be a success, without a proper marketing and pricing strategy. I'm sure it's a great bit of kit (not got one myself) but where was the plan for market?
This is how companies get when the competition fades, everyone wishing for the failure of Microsoft should look at the current state of Sony, from an outward facing point of view.
A lot of people want to justify their purchase and psvr2 isn’t bad by any means but the issue is and always will be the same….VR isn’t and will never be what people thought/wanted it to be.
It’s not the future. It’s fun to have the odd experience and to show visitors but that’s about it.
@PloverNutter These are first party games that Sony owns the rights to. They could have easily bolstered the VR2 lineup by porting the games. It didn't necessarily have to be the same studio doing the porting.
As it stands there is one first party VR2 exclusive game. That's shocking.
I'm a huge PlayStation fan going back all the way to the PS1 but there's no denying they've made some poor decisions this generation.
Me on my 4th headset in a decade, knowing exactly what it is, and that it’s the most fun I’ve had gaming ever…
Yeah Sony should support their own ***** headset more but that said its amazing to play good games on it and I dont regret buying one for a second!
Sony’s first party output has paled in comparison since Shu left his president of worldwide studio position.
Herman seemed to have mostly ruined most of the good foundation Shu created.
@thefourfoldroot1 good for you but it’s a business and there simply isn’t the interest. Especially at the price point it is and the pretty tame release schedule.
The problem is VR is so niche, you could lower the price to £200 and it still wouldn't sell 10 million plus, especially without a flow of major exclusives/first party hitters. Also what hurts the PSVR2 is that you still need a PS5 console to play it, so that's over £1000 to enjoy PSVR2 and it's handful of exclusives, whereas the competition (Quest) is a standalone device, cheaper and has more exclusives.
If you buy the PC adapter, the "Steam" VR2 gives you many more software options. While the hardware is Important in the end, it's the software the makes or breaks the device.
I finally bought it as a wired solution for my pc. I've used it on my ps5, but I feel like like the support for psvr 1 was so much more in terms of big names (Doom, skyrim, Borderlands, etc.) and they should have updated their own games. I'd love to play Astro Bot again on better hardware.
I had the first PS VR and realized it’s just not for me, I pushed trough Astro Bot VR (the OG!) but I always ended up dizzy or even sick having to throw up, I had to use it with a fan on for 1 hour at the very max and still ended up very dizzy.
Well they struggle to release stuff for PS5 let alone PSVR2
@PloverNutter Yeah, sounds reasonable.
It's alright yoshi, don't do it again 😄
I feel truly sorry for people who can’t enjoy VR for whatever reason. I look upon their gaming as I do my mum, who stopped enjoying games after Q-Bert on the Atari 2600.
Thoroughly enjoying PSVR2 the past few weeks. Been playing the online shooter Pavlov all afternoon with a bit of Walkabout mini-golf. Refreshing playing games from a whole different perspective.
Multiply the market cap by 10 in five years huh? Forget about a thousand percent, if you can guarantee six percent increases in profit year over year, they will pay you tens of millions of dollars. Go apply!
Brilliant hardware, let down by mediocre games like it or not it's a failure. The biggest regret for me was buying one at launch. I definitely won't be buying into VR again especially from Sony.
i agree that sony should has been more focused on supporting their hardware, but games are still made for it, but i’m the type of person who appericate the things i got,
@tameshiyaku I’m pretty sure the attack rate is very high. A game can sell more on Quest, but while PSVR2 has a much smaller install base, more of that base or an equal amount might be likely to buy in practice.
@Axelay71, this is why i think people should keep expectations ij check, because this is buyer’s remorse speaking from a lot of people, and i think it’s because sony isn’t doing what’s is expected from the norm
I bought it on release, anything that plays like an fps makes me extremely ill, but I love the immersion of vr games and experiences.
Now I use my psvr2 mainly for pc games, if anything comes a long to beat half life Alyx I'd be amazed.
Yeah this is telling from Shu... I think Metro will be my final psvr2 purchase and I'll slowly go to the Quest ecosystem.
It's too bad Sony didn't truly back up the PSVR2 release with backward compatibility with OG PSVR games. I love it.
Plug it in your PC, it's brilliant.
The price cut and the PC adapter turned it from "why would you waste money on this" to "wow this is incredible." Lots of cool features and it works pretty much plug and play on PC.
Played VR a couple of times and it's not for me. Motion sickness I guess.
When a videogame company doesn't support an accessory or console, it means they didn't believe in it. Just like the psvita. Why even bother releasing it?
The insane pricing and bonkers decision to not make it backwards compatible killed it before it even had a chance.
I love VR stuff, but I never was even tempted by PSVR2. I'm so angry at Sony for not only squandering their opportunity to make a great VR system, but also to basically killing of VR on a console for the foreseeable future.
I think eventually when 8K displays can be sized down small enough to put in a headset we will see a revival, but it will be years away now.
@TerranIV I probably would've got one if it had been backwards compatible, despite already owning a quest. There's a ton of psvr1 games that I enjoy. Admittedly there's a few you can get an update for (for a price.. 😕) but not enough.
I think it was a great system, it has a pretty good library. Too bad they didn't port some PSVR titles. At least they came out with that PC adapter, it works great and that's where I use it the most.
How long can PlayStation keep losing money like this?
I've had mine since launch and still play it every few days. The price was obviously the biggest hurdle, though.
What made me say no to purchasing was lack of games that fully utilized the VR genre, then the huge price tag on top of a already expensive console which the VR headset was trapped on. No PC support. Also, it wasn't possible to play PSVR1 games (not that I had a huge selection anyway).
Played it hard when I first got it but then I let it sit for a while not because of content but just playing regular games. I recently got back into it after purchasing the PC adapter so now I sometimes play GT7 and Alyx on on PC and it's a blast! The PC adapter really gives more life to the headset.
I enjoy using mine, Call of the Mountain was really cool imo, and the metro game. But I also got the PC adapter and use it in Steam where it's a really good headset for PC games as well. Half Life Alex looks amazing.
In the end VR is just a niche gimmick, there people that like it but it's not as mainstream as pc, handheld, or console with tv, most people prefer to sit on a sofa and play games normally rather than strapping helm-like device on their head.
Already try the first psvr, it's fun but after two weeks I'm back playing on tv and never want to play vr again.
@Balosi there are also several excellent PSVR1 games like Pistol Whip that got a free update. So, it's like backwards compatibility, only better
@wiiware what makes it a gimmick exactly? Which games did you try in those two weeks?
@IOI I had the same problem while playing Astrobot, so I tend to choose on rails shooters or games that don't require your character to walk, like Beat Saber, Beat the Beats, Puzzling Places, etc.
Is he sorry enough to give me a refund.
@Cephun I appreciate what your saying. But that adapter was a cop out. I bought the VR2 for my PS5, I don't have a PC. Personally they failed then & they knew it then. If they had brought more PSVR1 games over to it like Astrobot rescue mission, then I would be happier. It was almost DOA!! I certainly won't be wasting my money on VR again. Especially from Sony.
I don’t get the criticism. I bought it two months ago and it’s such a fantastic piece of hardware. Really made me rediscover gaming. Also, there’s loads of fun games to play on it, including games you can keep on playing long after you beat them (Puzzling Places, Pistol Whip, etc.).
Nothing but praise from me.
Absolutely love my PSVR2 and VR in general. Use both this and my Quest 3 all the time. Could do with more 1st party support, but there are loads of great games to play.
I don't use my PSVR2 a lot but I still really like it.
Sad that it's seen as a failure, there's a lot of cool games on it.
It's going to be one hell of a collectable one day, with physical copies or a ps5 with a load of games downloaded. I've thoughoughly enjoyed my time with it. Resident Evil 4 and 8, Moss, red matter and GT7 were worth the £300 I spent alone.
It more like an interesting experience and gaming oddity than anything else, but I'm glad I got one in the end regardless.
Not being wireless and not having Half-Life Alyx on it didn't help.
I like my PSVR2 but play only sporadically. I was hooked on my brother's Meta 2 playing Beat Saber so when it was announced Saber being on PSVR2 too, it was a no-brainer. But then the reality hit.
I think it is the wire and finding the sweet spot that sometimes feel like a chore.
I tried again my brother's Meta over Xmas and was impressed how easy it was just to put on and play.
What i love is that finally we get games for PSVR2 on PS Premium!
For me, it has been a real disappointment. Yes I have the girls but I just do not use it at all. Sometimes setting the room up can take forever looking all around me until it sets. I also think the fact it doesn’t play films in 4k and only HD, and also normal games are capped at 1080p - these were the absolute non negotiables that I didn’t realise when I bought it BUT I’ve got it and pointless selling. May as well get out to play GT7 but then again, I prefer to play on the TV
I’m really happy with PSVR2. RE Village and 4 Remake are outstanding, as is No Man’s Sky. And the more casual titles are really fun. The OLED is stunning and the headset and controller tracking are light years beyond PSVR1. I feel like I have plenty to play on it. It’s just that VR in general can just be kind of awkward and claustrophobic. There’s a part of my brain that just resists effectively being blindfolded in the middle of my living room.
PSVR was cool, and PSVR2 should have built on that. Technically it's excellent, if a tad expensive, and has so much more potential than the first go it boggles my box that Sony seem to be so disinterested in it. Although, now I have it, I wouldn't play GT7 any other way...
Or resident evil any other way, or no man’s sky, etc…
You've got to laugh at that comment, haven't you.
@thefourfoldroot1 Fair points, except No Man's... Jumped on the hype train for its release and it was probably one of the biggest letdowns of my gaming life, so I tend to glare at the box with resentment and pick something (anything?) else...
Most can’t afford it, and even if they can almost nobody wants to spend hundreds on a headset.
It is interesting to me how many of the critics of PSVR2 in this comment section alone finish their comment by stating that they don't use it.
@Shad361 nah. When people want something, they can afford it alright. See how well iphones, the latest Samsungs, etc sell.
@GemDog669 yup. Gotta love internet experts.
I’ll happily accept your apology if you refund me the cost of the headset. Waste of money. Couldn’t be more disappointed with a purchase. Frankly, there should be some sort of specific consumer protection against this type of hardware when companies release, take your money and then do FA with the platform. Should never have even gone into production without there being more support for it across the board. I just can’t understand how it’s failed so badly where other headsets have flourished. Must do better.
@naruball a phone is infinitely more valuable than a limited headset you can’t even take out the house. Phone has internet,camera,you can write,music,Netflix etc
@Shad361 a 600 USD phone can do all that and more. Hell, a 200 USD one is more than fine. Yet millions upon millions buy the latest model for marginally better specs, or to have something to show off. When people want something, they find ways to buy it.
@Gigawatt-Kapow i agree, i think they’re acting like karens when they don’t get their way
also, i’m netural towards it, i like it the thing, but i understand if sony was more hands on, it would be probably on the sales or possibly surpass the psvr1, but i wouldn’t hate sony because of it
I love the PSVR2 but it is painful to wear so I can't get into it as often as the Index or Quest
For me it's OK, I'm enjoying resi 4 and gt7 with the racing rig is a lot of fun but the lack of games is definitely a problem and it's clear sony have disowned it
i rather wait until they come out and say it
@JAMes-BroWWWn Yeah Sony only changed the gaming landscape, had the first console to crack 100 million units, PS2 was the highest-selling console of all time until very recently, PS4 crushed the Xbox One, PS3 - despite being the poorest-selling PlayStation - still outsold the best-selling Xbox, PSP was the only handheld to ever realistically compete with Nintendo's, blah blah blah. But sure, they only hire incompetents.
So what do you work at? Do tell, everyone in this thread is dying to know...
It like Vita, great hardware, not enough excitement, price for many people, software wasn't big IP worthy like Skyrim/Borderlands even if Metro/others are pretty cool, Cosmic Smash is cool to be on there then the ok Dreamcast stick controls.
Sony with Vita/western 3rd parties. Japanese/Indies helped, Sony 'kind of did for Indies but otherwise ignored smaller projects/Japanese or Indie marketing'. PSVR2, Indies/AA interested instead. Different, same ignorance.
GT7 functions best but it's that bad campaign/progression that makes me go, nope. Like GT Sport I'll get it when it's cheap preowned and wiki document the shutdown. Was worth it. Not funding the ideas I don't like in it.
The headset isn't the best improvement it is painful to wear at times it's very awkward, the games feel like PSVR1 levels of still learning, I know PS2 had not right stick use on it as universal for camera and did dodging in God of War 2005/Knack or using items/attacks or first person view or whatever.
But even still some of Horizon/Star Wars/other use cases or even No Man's Sky back tracking it's controls was just stupid. It felt like Red Steel 1 again as if all of Red Steel 2's button/motion balance wasn't a great change & they went eh lets just be stupid again. Red Steel 1 is the kind of oh we want to be like VR but it feels awful. 2 is like lets better use motion/buttons functionality & fun to play, not over use gestures the motion can't handle cough Star Wars to grip gun reload.
Cockpit quote was enough for me to just go, you people are realism/game design incompetent. Did we not have enough PS1-3 ideas of 'game design experimentation' & go eh PSVR2 has to be real, what a bunch of untalented idiots that forget how far you can push game design, not go 'oh first day at the office lets have real life logic translate to the game'. What utter idiots. Newcomers to gaming go oh gaming logic is different then real world logic and the code suits fiction or is too awkwardly scripted and not convincing, not cool as the wonder of possibilities. I get it's VR so tricking the brain but even still, come on.
Then again Ubisoft & Skull and Bones/AC Nexus, Prince of Persia Lost Crown and going oh sales & I'm like you do know these are niche right? We aren't in PS2 era anymore. Then again Zombi U & Rayman Legends sales for Wii U... different audiences idiots.
Demos for PSVR1 then nope.
Red Steel 2 VR will never happen.
3rd parties will support it, Sony gave up because why bother trying. Then again like Playlink or others, attempt, move on, barely try.
The tech I think is great but people don't understand the lightbars to inside out tracking other headsets had as well and go 'but why no easy play of old'. Idiots. Understand the tech/trends of VR before going but why?
It's similar with Wii to Wii U, wasn't clear either why the Wii U Gamepad doesn't work with Wii games (I always assumed the IR on the Gamepad sure but at the same time why would the future tech work on old released games it just doesn't need to happen it wasn't designed around it anyway, I don't mind let the original controllers stand out and shine why not) and the digital Wii games weren't just 'magically' converted when on virtual console. Why would they they, aren't intended to be improvements over disk versions they had to operate that same.
It's not like Duck Hunt where that NES game was reworked for the Wiimote, that's different. That's like NES Remix type they had to alter them for a reason.
@__jamiie Sony did the same thing when the Vita was going down hill instead of trying to turn a product around they just go to the more successful console and double down on it. Which i suppose from a profit perspective thats what they have to do. But this is why i never buy anything from Sony outside of the PS home console. They have all in some ways not been supported to a level i view worth my cost of entry. Surprisingly the PS5 is even starting to become a weak investment for me as they have so many cancelled games or games i am not interested in. Been a weird gen to say the least.
is the dream finally over or are people going to continue to delude themselves over vr? it's dead. at least at sony it is. just because there are a handful of interesting vr experiences doesn't mean it is viable or has enough support amongst the gaming industry at large. time to move on. we could see vr rear its ugly head yet again in a decade or two, but it was premature to even attempt this technology in its current form, tech limitations and all. for once, xbox made the right call and didn't even flirt with the idea. well done, phil. dodged a bullet there.
@Porco if that’s the case, why xbox is investing in vr with meta quest, if you say the dream is over?
This is why the xbox fanbase and some youtubers are laughing at you, instead of playing games and enjoying it, you’re practically complaining like karens
@Porco also, if you’re giving a compliment, it sounded doublehanded
before you guys say, i’m being ignorant or don’t understand, i do realize the issues, it’s just that if you don’t like the thing, why you always have to complain everytime something negative happens to PSVR2, you think it’s a failure and sony should be ashamed, i get that, but it gets tiring to see it every single time of negative psvr2 news
one more thing, to be honest, it’s not sony wouldn’t care less your feelings even you basically worship it.
@donv2135 very well said. I don't like the Nintendo switch much, but it's not like I'm gonna waste my time bashing it every time I get.
Mine is in a box, lurking somewhere in my closet. In most ways, it's too big of a downgrade compared to Quest 3. Soft fresnel clarity, tiny sweet spot, glare, god rays, OLED mura, it's kind of uncomfortable, nasty motion 60fps reprojection, bulky, onion ring controllers, tethered, OLED persistence motion blur, heck it's IPD dial doesn't even have numbers, black and white passthrough, and no mixed reality mode.
I'd rather pair a Quest 3 to a RTX 5090. Itching to try the RE Village VR Mod running in 90fps, maxed out 2064x2208 per eye, with the pancake clarity, perfect motion etc of Quest 3.
I love my PSVR2 and for me its the biggest positive in what is probably a disappointing PS5 generation in general. Synapse now being my favourite game on the PS5. Just wish it had all been successful and someone took Synapse and made a AAA Star Wars version using the gameplay from that game. So much wasted potential
for me it's only a gran turismo enhancer
I’m absolutely loving my PSVR2 and don’t get the constant negativity. The haptics alone elevate the experience, making games more immersive than ever. I’m personally not interested in playing PSVR1 games on PSVR2 unless they’ve had meaningful upgrades, like what Beat Saber did. The super-smooth gameplay and advanced features make this headset feel like a next-gen experience.
One game I keep coming back to is Pistol Whip—it’s an absolute blast and provides countless hours of fun. I’ve picked up Call of the Mountain but haven’t had time to dive in yet because there are so many titles to explore. Right now, I’m looking forward to Arken Age—the idea of Dark Souls in VR sounds incredible, and I can’t wait to give it a go. PSVR2 has so much to offer if you give it a chance!
@Lightworker i understand people want more, but that’s why i’m netural to it, i understand sony should be doing more, but i’m not going to be a negative nancy towards the people who do like it, and acting like quest 3 is superior, even though they probably wouldn’t touch it
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