
Topic: Infinity Nikki and the infinite end game grind

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Couldn't find anything here for Infinity Nikki, guess everyone is on Reddit, so here goes nothing.

Really enjoyed my first 60 hours of IN finishing 94% of the game, but the last requirements are a whole grind game in itself. It's as if you get to the final battle with Sephiroth in FF7 Rebirth and then they tell you, to face Sephiroth you must first win Queens Gambit and then beat Gilgamesh. I've spent 3 days trying to do stuff the game should have been gatekeeping all along. It's just stupid at this point.

I'll spell it all out later, like it or not. Baby steps.

Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me


@rjejr For a few MTX dollars it probably gets you out of the final grind, I suspect. Not worth a few bucks of in game currency to save your mental health on this last 6%? 😅

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


The endgame grind is a little irritating but I don't really mind. The game was free after all. Once you've gone around doing everything you want to do - sidequests, etc - it's basically just checking in once a day to use your vital energy to grind out the experience for the various things. I've already got collection and animal grooming up to the threshold. Shouldn't take too long to get the rest. It's mostly just annoying because there's actually nothing much to do aside from that. So I just check in before work every morning and do that and then I don't play until the next morning. I mean, I guess I could go around collecting the things I'm missing or whatever but there's no quests or cool outfits or anything to go after. Just the daily check ins.




I didn't bother doing the last bit. I'm at 94%, too. I got 36 hours of playtime out of it without paying anything, so I was happy. It's a free-to-play game, so of course they're going to encourage you to want to spend money by making it a grind. Overall though, I think this game is free-to-play done right.

[Edited by Bentleyma]


PSN: Bentleyma-


I'm just at the stage now where I'm grinding for the iridescent eurekas.
I've managed to collect approximately 10 in around 400 rolls (a rough estimate as no stats).
Easily looking at over a year of daily logins to get the required 100 for the trophy.
I really enjoyed my time up until this point but it's now just a chore every day in between other things.


PSN: ankeuk


I usually don't mind the grind in a game I enjoy, and I did enjoy my time with Nikki but enough was enough. This is one 100% I ended up skipping, there are only so many hours in the day and I already put in enough hours. It's a great game, and fun, just very demanding once you do reach that point where you are considering completion. Then like Anke said it becomes a chore.



Loved my time with this, hopefully the updates keep on a regular schedule.
Only need one more trophy, the iridescent eureka one, but I need 98 more so it will take some time haha

Xbox Gamertag: Chrysler2271
PSN: Chrysler_80
Switch Friend Code: SW-5919-0229-7098


@Th3solution You need to beat about 45 people in style fights. No amount of payment is going to let you skip those 45 bouts. I had most of what I needed already, pretty much all of it as I was able to do it all in 3 days, so it wasn't about gatcha or money, it was just about a major part of the game kind of treated like a side quest that really didn't interest me. There are several different ways I can think of to gatekeep the matches to spread them out normally while playing the game but I'm not a dev so not sure they would work.

Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me


@johncalmc I was playing about an hour a day through the first 2 sections of the game, as if it were a cross between Super Mario Sunshine and BotW. Then it opened up and felt like I was playing a real JRPG. My wife even got interested and started watching me play. Then I beat the final boss. Then I had to do all this extra stuff to get the last 6%. I think they added an R1 this past week which would have been nice about 3 days ago. 😂

Game seems to have started the next section today. Read on Instagram there is a second miracle outfit, may be more to do. 🤷‍♂️

Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me


The Silvergale outfit is most recent one.
Makes me wonder how many miracle outfits there are since we're still in Heartcraft Kingdom patch 😶

Would Linlang Empire for 1.2 be too soon for everyone?
Personally I don't mind exploring new regions as the story is quite done for now, can't imagine being stuck in Wishfield for another two banners for event dailies 😴

I believe at some point they will expand Heartcraft again in the future.



Mildly excited for the coming update, but also relieved in some ways.

Little confusing with Infold reward schedule that span 3 version updates within a patch.

Is Linlang among the mountains in the southeast side? (No pun intended 😅)
I remember it wasn't there as seen in the PVs.

Back to before, quite relieved for there's plenty of time to craft from the setbacks of the eureka event.
Have another two new version updates on this week, so can relax from Nikki expeditions 😌

[Edited by Pushsquarian]




10 pink revelations crystals~ ✨


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