@colonelkilgore@PorkChopExpress Indeed. Some valid thoughts there, especially Kojima/MGS. Fans (myself included) venerate Kojima much more extensively than fans of other series do for their creators.
I’ve posted the discussion question over on a more general thread, the Hot Takes thread. I’m curious to read peoples’ thoughts on the matter.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Since I just recently bought it thanks to a recommendation from @colonelkilgore, I figured I might as well make it my next game after I just finished Fallout 3.
Played it for roughly an hour this morning before work and I'm definitely enjoying it so far. Random thought, but for a PS3 game, I think the developer did a pretty good job with the blowing of her clothes and hair while in Wonderland. Looks better than some modern games in that regard.
PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386
@KilloWertz glad you’re enjoying what you’ve played of it so far bud. I thought it only got better too, with the new skills you collect along the way… and how dark it gets by the end.
#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore
I've continued working my way through Bayonetta, which has just been an absolute blast. It's the first hack-and-slash action type of game I've given the time of day and I'm not disappointed. I just love the campy nature of this whole game. The aesthetics, the dialogue, the character designs... they all just complement each other perfectly to create this highly entertaining over-the-top action romp. I've also been getting better at it over time, which has definitely helped lessen the frustration I occasionally felt at the start to make the whole experience all the more enjoyable. Really excited to continue it and get to the end of the ride.
It's a shame it's become a Nintendo exclusive after this first entry, but my roommate has been kind enough to promise to let me use his Switch to continue the series. In fact, my copy of the second game is already awaiting me. Ridiculous how the prices of these Switch games are still so high for a game that's a decade old by now. I bought it second hand, and yet I still had to pay thirty euros for it. Crazy.
@colonelkilgore Thanks. A couple more hours and I'm still highly enjoying it. One unfortunate issue I did run into is the same problem a lot of games like this have. Two different ways to go in an area, one with a Memory and one that ended up having a door closing behind me so I can't get back to get the Memory. It's not something that's a dealbreaker by any means, but it is still annoying that there's no way to get all of the Memory collectibles now because I chose to go one way and end up getting blocked off.
PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386
@KilloWertz yeah that does suck. To this day I still to-and-fro about every fork-in-the-road in a game, trying to out-guess the devs and pick the route that doesn’t progress the main story first.
To put your mind at rest though, I think that there is chapter select available after completion though, so you will be able to go back and mop-up any missed collectibles and the like once you’ve finished the main story.
Having finally finished off the Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Directors Cut plat yesterday, I just went back to FFXIII… to start mopping up the last few trophies on that.
Took on my first Shaolong Gui this evening and… dayum! They took a bit of getting used to and that’s for sure. Think there was around 10 straight deaths at the start there 😅 but managed to get my collective **** together after an hour or so and managed a few victories by the end of my sesh and two of the six Dark Matter drops that I’m needing. Hopefully I’ll get the remaining four over the next few days and then I’ll be on the final stretch.
Topic: What PS3 game(s) are you currently playing?
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