For a long time, a burning question among PlayStation fans has been why Bloodborne remains untouched. Well, Shuhei Yoshida, who just exited the company, has offered his theory on the subject.
Speaking to Kinda Funny Games in a recent interview, Yoshida says that the beloved FromSoftware action RPG is "one of the most popular asks on my Twitter/X" and that "people wonder why [Sony hasn't] done anything" with it.
Indeed, people often mention an update to the existing PS4 version, or a remake, or a remaster. Despite fans constantly requesting Sony to revisit Bloodborne, it hasn't yet, and Yoshida has a "personal theory" why.
Stressing that he "left first-party" and so doesn't know the exact situation, he essentially thinks that game director Hidetaka Miyazaki is simply too busy to make it happen.
"Miyazaki-san really really loved Bloodborne, what he created," Yoshida recalls. "So I think he is interested, but he's so successful and he's so busy, so he cannot do it himself, but he doesn't want anyone else to touch it. And the PlayStation team respects his wish. That's my theory."
It certainly does make sense, although Miyazaki has suggested in previous interviews that the ball is more in Sony's court than his.
Hopefully FromSoftware and PlayStation can reunite and agree on a forward plan for the game, because it's very clear that it's something people want.
Why do you think Bloodborne has remained untouched for so long? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 46
Just do a freaking 60fps patch for PS5. That’s all we need.
The more Sony wait, the more demand there will be, so why rush?
If Bluepoint really are only helping Santa Monica with their new IP and not doing their own game then once that's out they might start working on it then.
It wouldn't surprise me, if they are holding out to release it as a new release title to go with the PS6. Akin to what they did with Demon Souls and the PS5. They surely know a new release of Bloodborne would just print money.
@JonnyAces Does the game have mass market appeal though? I know its critically acclaimed and has a rabid fan base but....
@Jrs1 yeah exactly, but then again Elden Ring had big appeal, think similar could work with Bloodbourne but that high fantasy setting really helped Elden Ring. Not sure the moody and dark of Bloodbourne would appeal to as many
This is almost word for word the title of the Eurogamer article on this 😅 not suggesting anything, just thought it amusing.
Yes..Miyazaki has gone on record stating it be up to Sony..When asked several times..So..
It's a lovely interview, Shu staying classy and not giving any really big reveals, but the one that surprised me most was that PS Vita originally had a TV out, like the Switch, which was present on Dev units for testing, but got removed to save cost.
Another interesting one was that some countries refused to sell the PS3 because they felt the Cell was a super-computer and could be repurposed for military uses. It was a beast. Anyone remember Folding@Home which used some of your spare CPU cycles when not using it to try and cure diseases through protein folding and other complex calculations. But it's still going on PC here.
@Jrs1 surely as much as Demon Souls right? It's considered by many to be one of the best games of its genre? I am not sure how much more appeal it could get
@AdamNovice Blue point are 100% working on their own game, not calling you a liar but I've never heard of them helping Santa Monica.
PS6 launch title surely? Sony acquisition of Bluepoint must point towards such...
Get Bluepoint to give BB the DeS remake treatment, 'from the ground up' etc... would be a beautiful creature on PS6 tech, and a real system-seller of a game I think
@JonnyAces @ProfessorNiggle
Fair points, maybe there are folk out there new to From Software with PS5 titles as starting points, so yeah with the right push Bloodborne could be Bloodreborne (tm) 🤣🤣
I played Elden Ring first, loved it, and then played DS3 and Bloodborne and found both inferior in many respects (respawn points were particularly tedious and annoying....felt like 10% of the game was walking back to the place I died. Elden Ring was a huge improvement in this regards). I get the love but agree with some comments above about way less mass appeal outside the enthusiastic fan base.
I literally remember this being one of the first things Miyazaki said about bloodborne. It would be very respectful of them to respect his wishes but apparently he's saying differently now tho so lol
@ECharles One could argue (not to sound elitist) that Elden ring held your hand too much ie spawn points being right outside the boss room. Don't get me wrong I hated some of the run backs in DS3, but thats what made the game in some ways.
@Oram77 It probably wouldn't have bothered me if I played them when released (before ER) but it grew tiresome quickly for me considering how often I was dying at times.
@Oram77 It's interesting reading that now because, when DS3 had just released, a lot of people were saying the same thing about that game compared to older releases, and especially compared to Demon's Souls.
It feels like From Soft's trajectory has been to keep making bosses tougher and faster with more complex movesets but giving us less punishing run backs in return.
I love how everyone goes crazy and makes it seem like Bloodborne has just been left to die. It's literally playable on a PS5 system. Go play it.
@Ainu20 I really like how accessible Elden ring is to new players, like the spawn points (hope they never know the pain of some of the run backs we had to do lol) and summons. My only fear is the games becoming to hand holding. But hey whatever sells the most copies go with that.
@Oram77 I don't see it as hand holding, but as a compromise to limit frustration. Demon's Souls had runbacks that were essentially the entire level, give or take some shortcuts, but its bosses were several orders of magnitude simpler than, say, Sekiro. I wouldn't have enjoyed similar runbacks in that game.
@AdamNovice works out well for Nintendo, works out well here I’m sure. At the end of the day Sony has the rights but they also presumably aren’t inclined to do anything without Miyazaki involved in some capacity. Unless Nightreign becomes a game changer (looks fun and I’ll buy it, but nothing earth shattering) Fromsoft is not the golden goose. Miyazaki is.
Last time i check, Bloodborne still looks and play well either on PS4 or PS5.
So i don't get why some people keeps asking for a remaster as if Bloodborne has very bad graphic and frame rate that makes it painful to play. There's nothing in Bloodborne that close to Dark Souls 1-Blighttown on PS3/360.
He ran the Demons Souls project, and Dark Souls. Not long after Dark Souls I knew he was focused on making a new game outside of the two Souls. When DS2 was entrusted to the 'B team' it was more obvious. Miyazaki was doing a new title, a passion project even, and I kept shouting from the treetops that it was happening behind the scenes.
So tl;dr it makes sense that he would be more protective of Bloodborne.
They cant make a sequel becuse they are too busy making games that have a adult in a over size baby suit with a dummy in their mouth while they waddle around falling over because they are only just learning to walk
It's going to be a release game for PS6
Seems like a timing thing to me - eg full DS like remake for PS6 launch, or maybe last couple of years of PS5 in order to build up good feeling in the PS brand prior to PS6.
My gut feeling is this is why we havent had a 60fps patch - I understand the game would require some work to convert to 60fps, but this just gives them an excuse to hold back, as a £70 remake would sell less if there was already a 60fps option.
@themightyant Folding@Home on PS3 was great! I still have the music tracks that would play at different times of day/night. The world news feature thst added was really good time. Those were good times 😌
@Jrs1 Bloodreborne is underrated 😂
The stars haven’t aligned in the right direction yet.
If they were smart, at this point, that's exactly what they should do. Make it a showcase for the PS6 and have it there for the launch window. It's a system seller for a lot of people, and for those who may not be aware of it, a little marketing goes a long way. Demon's Souls is stull one of the best looking games on the PS5.
@Quintumply there were a few other points Shu made in this interview that could make a good article. (around 1hr 40)
e.g. When asked what was the #1 thing he heard critics and fans say that they don't understand he said it was remakes and remasters NOT holding back development on other games as they are usually made by separate teams.
In fact he doubles down and says fans should be happy with them as they are cheaper to make, bring in additional revenue and new fans to franchises which can be funnelled back into making better first party games.
That post could likely see some engagement...
@dskatter This and a 60fps/"next-gen" update for Red Dead 2 is all I need this year. Ofc latter will come with a $70 price tag knowing Take Two.
They haven't done anything with it because it didn't sell that well (in Sony's terms.)
Sure it sold 7 1/2 million copies, which sounds good, but it took 7 years to do it so a lot of sales will have been at discounted prices.
The real question is why they've never bothered to release a patch to run at 60 fps on PS5. Modders have already done it, apparently all it takes is changing the values in a couple of tables and it runs just fine. You can see for yourself on YouTube.
i guess, save the best for the last.
weak response to such an old and exhausting topic. not much else to say about it.
My most wanted sequel, but in my heart I know the series is likely done. Just want an update & PC to preserve its legacy.
@CJD87 blupoint should NOT touch bloodborne UNLESS miyazaki is directing. Sure, dms remake looked incredible, but they ruined alot of aspects that made it special. The music being the worst of them all.
I can understand if Miyazaki doesn't want anyone touching it. Nothing worse than someone remaking your masterpiece and newcomers praising the Remake and calling the original bad.
@NapoleonDynamite B-but its 30 fps.
Just release a patch, to unlock the framerate, and upscale to 4K. Modders have already unlocked the framerate. And the results are available on youtube. That would be enough. No need for a remaster.
@Jrs1 bloodreborne would actually be a great working title haha 😂😂
@CJD87 absolutely, 100% what you said. PS6 launch title. I wasn’t planning on buying a PS5 at launch; then came the Demon’s Souls remake trailer and it was game over, take my money. I would preorder a $800 PS6 in a heartbeat if it launched with a Bluepoint developed Bloodborne remake.
@ear_wig 100% right? Also the assumed PS6 launch date will likely coincide with the rumoured Bloodborne movie… allowing Sony plenty of cross-media synergy (they’ve shown they like to do this, eg TLoU remasters and TV show)
Also these extra years between ‘now’ and launch allow for some extra justification concerning the existence of the remake… not to mention that fans are desperate! (I include myself here)
I’m excited for the quality that Bluepoint will bring to the table, especially with next gen tech
Happy to wait for this tbh, and would rather a full scale remake in a few years va a 60fps patch today
I'd love it if they would just say "No. Its not happening. Move on with your lives already"
The reason is because Bluepoint was too busy making a live service game instead of a Bloodborne remaster.
@dskatter that would diminish the value of a possible remaster though. So might be a reason why it hasnt happened
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